Biol 1106 Biological Principles II


Course number and title: Principles of Biology II

Submission date: 3/5/08

Submitted by: Steve Roof

Chapter Topics and Expected Outcomes by Date:

 14/21 Jan, Chp 02: The Chemical Basis of Life I o Atoms


 Nomenclature

 Bonding


 Properties of Water o Outcomes

Understand subatomic structure, including how electron density affects an atom's ability to interact with another atom.

 Quantify atomic mass using units such as Daltons and moles.

Compare and contrast interactions known as covalent, polar covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonding.

 Describe the properties of water that make it an ideal solvent for biological reactions.

 Understand the concept of pH and how pH might be buffered to maintain a stable environment inside a living cell

 21/28 Jan, Chp 03: The Chemical Basis of Life II o Organic Chemistry

 Carbon and Organic Molecules



Nucleic Acids


Functional groups o Outcomes

 Explain the properties of carbon that make it the focal point of organic compounds.

 Compare and contrast different types of isomeric compounds.

Appreciate the variety and chemical characteristics of common functional groups of organic compounds.

Describe each biological macromolecule, and how monomers of each class are brought together to form the macromolecules.

 Give examples of several different proteins and the general types of functions they carry out in a cell.

 04 Feb, Chp 04: General Features of Cells o Microscopy o Cell Structure

 Size of things

Prokaryotic, Plant, Animal

 Cell organelles o Outcomes

Describe various microscopic techniques, emphasizing differences in resolution and contrast.

 Compare and contrast basic cell structure between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (plants & animals).

Highlight important structural characteristics and cellular functions of cytoskeletal elements.

 Trace the fates of A) a ribosomal protein, and B) a secreted protein.

 Define the term semiautonomous, and outline the general functions of organelles that fall into this category.

 Describe the factors that relate to cell size

 Calculate the surface to volume ratio

 Describe the cellular cytoskeleton

11Feb, Chp 06: Systems Biology of Cell Organization o Principles of Cell Organization o Endomembrane System

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum o Semiautonomous organelles

 Chloroplasts

 Mitochondria o Outcomes

 Explain why cells cannot be created from reagents in a laboratory.

 Describe the four interacting systems of eukaryotic cells.

 Trace the possible fates of a protein or lipid molecule from its origin to either the nuclear envelope or plasma membrane.

Differentiate between targeting signals found in proteins with various cellular localizations.

 Explain the endosymbiotic theory and how it resulted in semiautonomous organelles.

 18/25 Feb, Chp 05: Membrane Structure and Transport o Membrane Structure

Phospholipid by layer

 Fluid Mosaic Model

 Transmembrane proteins o Transport

 Passive

 Active

Facilitated o Outcomes

 Explain the basic principles of the fluid mosaic model of biomembranes.

Outline the properties of the lipid bilayers and associated proteins that compose biomembranes.

 Describe the factors that influence membrane fluidity.

Compare and contrast the various methods of movement of ions and molecules across a semi-permeable biomembrane.

 Give examples of endocytosis and exocytosis in living cells.

 25 Feb – 03 Mar, Chp 07: Enzymes, Metabolism, and Cellular

Respiration o Chemical Reactions

 Energy

 Enzymes o Overview of Metabolism

 Catabolic reactions

 Anabolic reactions

 Aerobic

Anaerobic o Cellular Respiration

 Glycolysis

Citric Acid Cycle o Outcomes

Define the terms enthalpy, entropy, and free energy, and describe how these concepts affect the fate of chemical reactions.

 Explain the various ways in which enzymes increase the rate of biological reactions.

 Describe the involvement of ATP in a wide variety of cellular processes.

Explain why functions/reactions in the cells are regulated.

 Compare and contrast the various secondary metabolites described in the chapter.

Describe how energy is stored and utilized (ie, kinetic energy and potential energy).

 Describe how enzymes can catalyze reaction and the activation energy needed.

Diagram the activation energy of an equation.

 Describe how temperature affects the rate of the reaction.

 Explain enzyme recycling and compare and contrast induced fit model and lock and key model.

 Describe and give examples of enzyme inhibition and competition, positive and negative feedback, and allosteric regulators.

 03/17 Mar, Chp 08: Photosynthesis o Overview of Photosynthesis

 Photo part

 Synthesis part o Variations in Photosynthesis


 C



 Outcomes

 C



CAM plants o Label and describe the function of photosynthetic plant structures

(ie, leaf, chloroplasts, stomata). o Describe and balance the general equation for photosynthesis. o Describe the inputs and outputs of the Calvin Cycle and light reactions in photosynthesis. o Describe the physics of light and how it relates to photosynthesis

(ie, wavelength). o Interpret an absorbance spectrum and relate it to photosynthesis. o Compare, contrast, and give the roles of chlorophyll and accessory pigments in plants. o Contrast cyclical and non-cyclical electron flow in light reactions.

o Compare and contrast C3, C4, and CAM photosynthetic pathways and discuss why these are important evolutionarily.

24 Mar, Chp 11: Nucleic Acid Structure and DNA Replication o Identification of Genetic Material o Nucleic Acid Structure

 Nucleotides


 Double Helix o DNA Replication


 Direction o Outcomes

Describe the experiments that demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material.

 Outline Gene Theory.

 Discuss why DNA is the Genetic Material of cells. Outline the

History of research to find what material controlled heredity.

 Know the structure of DNA (prokaryotic and eukaryotic).

 Discuss DNA replication.

Outline DNA proof reading and repair.

 31 Mar – 07 Apr, Chp 12: Gene Expression at the Molecular Level o Gene Theory

 DNA to Proteins

Transcription o mRNA

Translation o tRNA

 Amino Acids

 Ribosomes o Outcomes

Discuss Gene Theory and its steps (transcription and translation).

 Given a DNA sequence predict the polypeptide sequence.

Compare the structure and function of DNA and RNA.

 Understand the importance of mutation in gene theory.

 Define the importance of reverse transcriptase.

 List the sequence of events during transcription of a gene.

 Compare and contrast start and stop signals for transcription and translation, and note relevant differences between bacteria and eukaryotes.

Trace the fate of a eukaryotic mRNA molecule from initial transcription through its translation.

 Outline the structure of a ribosome, describing the functional regions and how they contribute to the process of translation.

 07/14 Apr, Chp 13: Gene Regulation o Gene Regulation

 In Bacteria

 In Eukaryotes o Regulation of RNA processing o Outcomes

 Identify several different reasons why a cell would regulate its gene expression.

 Account for the elements of positive and negative control in expression of the lac operon in E. coli.

 Outline the features involved in efficient expression of eukaryotic structural genes.

 Describe how transcription factors can be activated by signaling molecules, and the ways in which they can interact with DNA.

 Explain how gene expression can be regulated beyond the level of transcription.

 14/21 Apr, Chp 14: Mutation, DNA Repair, and Cancer o DNA Mutations

 Silent


 Nonsense

 Frameshift o Repair o Cancer

 Outcomes o Define mutation and describe why cells have so many systems devoted to avoiding or correcting mutations. o Predict the phenotypic outcomes of the various types of point mutations if left uncorrected. o Identify various methods cells utilize to repair mutations in their genomes. o Outline the path of a cancer from initial occurrence through benign growth, malignancy, and finally the death of the individual. o Compare and contrast oncogenes and tumor-supressor genes.

 28 Apr, Chp 20: Gene Technology o Gene Cloning

 Society o Genomics and Proteomics

 Human genome project o Biotechnology

Transgenic organisms o Outcomes

 Outline the steps in gene cloning, including predicted outcomes from successful versus unsuccessful steps.

 Compare and contrast the construction of genomic and cDNA libraries.

 Describe the steps involved in in vitro DNA synthesis techniques illustrated in the chapter (PCR, dideoxy sequencing).

 List several examples of how molecular genetics has influenced biotechnology.

 Explain how DNA profiling is used in identification and relationship testing.
