What is biotechnology?
Biotechnology is a broad term for technologies that use knowledge of living things. Traditional biotechnologies include fermentation and plant and animal breeding techniques. “Modern Biotechnology” is a term used to identify newer research-based techniques, such as DNA 'fingerprinting', molecular and cellular biochemistry and genetic modification. Other aspects of biotechnology include:
- vaccines and diagnostic tests for human, animal and plant diseases,
- new drug development,
- preservation of rare strains of animals and plants, and
- biological conversion of waste into energy.
Why is biotechnology important for New Zealand?
The New Zealand economy is biologically based. We have used our biological knowledge to add value to sheep, milk, kiwifruit, pine trees etc. Biotechnological advances now give New Zealand opportunities to build on these strengths and develop new products and techniques. New applications also have the potential open up new fields, using biological processes instead of machinery to enhance the environment and our quality of life. Examples include biological measures to improve water quality, reduce industrial waste, produce new medicines or control pests. Biotechnology is expanding worldwide and New Zealand must keep up with developmentsif it is to maintain a competitive edge.
Who’s involved in biotechnology in New Zealand?
New Zealand’s biotechnology knowledge comes from Universities, Crown
Research Institutes and a few private institutes, including the research arms of businesses such as Fonterra. Biotechnology applications are used in agriculture, horticulture, the food and beverage industries, forestry, health, cosmetics, environmental management, conservation, manufacturing and law enforcement.
Why do we need a biotechnology strategy?
The Royal Commission on Genetic Modification noted that the 21 st century has been dubbed the “Biotech century” and recommended developing a biotechnology strategy for New Zealand to “ensure that New Zealand kept abreast of developments in biotechnology, …. while preserving essential social, cultural and environmental values.” The Growth and Innovation Framework
(GIF) announced by the Government in February this year identified biotechnology as one of three sectors that have the potential to contribute significantly to New Zealand’s economic growth.
How will the strategy affect New Zealand’s ‘clean green’ image?
The strategy will foster the development of responsible, smart applications of biotechnology. There are opportunities to enhance New Zealand’s ‘clean green’
image through applications such as biosecurity and pest control, environment and waste management and the conservation of rare native plants and animals.
How will the biotechnology strategy affect the level of Government funding for biotechnology research?
The strategy will not set funding levels for research. It addresses broader issues such as links between the community and the biotechnology sector, the appropriateness of regulation and opportunities for growing the sector.
Government funding for biotechnology will continue to reflect overall spending priorities. In the past two years it has increased along with total government funding for research.
Who is responsiblefor ensuring the strategy is implemented?
The Ministry of Research, Science and Technology is leading the development of the Biotechnology Strategy. A range of agencies including the Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Health, Industry New Zealand and the
Ministry for the Environment will be responsible for implementing the strategy,
MoRST will continue to have a key role in co-ordinating and monitoring the results.
Why is a discussion paper needed?
The public and people involved in biotechnology deserve the opportunity to express their views on the future development of the sector. The Royal
Commission on Genetic Modification focused on just one aspect of biotechnology. Consultation on the Biotechnology Strategy is taking a much wider view on how best to manage and develop biotechnology for the benefit of
New Zealand.
Who was involved in writing the discussion paper?
The discussion paper was prepared with input from individual and workshop discussions with people from the community and the biotechnology industry. The development of the paper was overseen by officials from the Ministry of Health,
Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of
Justice, Ministry of Economic Development, Industry New Zealand, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Te Puni Kokiri and Treasury.
What will the strategy deliver?
The strategy will identify goals and actions for growth in the biotechnology sector, underpinned by stronger links between the sector and the community and a regulatory system that encourages innovation while robustly safeguarding health and the environment. A strategic approach to the sector's development will increase New Zealand's ability to capitalise on the opportunities offered by advances in biotechnology.
How does the work of the Biotechnology Sector Taskforce relate to the
The Biotechnology Sector Taskforce is looking at practical steps to support growth of the sector. The work of the Taskforce will be integrated into the final strategy.
How is this strategy different from the biotechnology strategies other countries are developing?
The biotechnology strategies of many countries, including Canada, Australia ad
Singapore are strongly focused on growing their biotechnology sectors. They each place different emphasis on the factors needed to achieve growth. New
Zealand wants sustainable growth in the sector. The New Zealand strategy stresses the importance of underpinning growth with strengthened links between the community and the biotechnology sector and an effective regulatory system.
Who should respond to the questions in the discussion paper?
Anyone interested in biotechnology in New Zealand can provide written feedback on the discussion paper online at www.morst.govt.nz or by posting the forms at the back of paper to:
Ministry of Research, Science and Technology,
P O Box 5336,
Copies of the paper can be requested by phoning 0508 400 805.
What will happen to the submissions?
The submissions will be reviewed and analysed by the Biotechnology Policy
Group at MoRST. A summary of the submissions will be available on www.morst.govt.nz and by hard copy on request.