Cultural Project with Content Study in Culture SEDC 32200/ 322FW/ 72200/722FW (A) The assessment tool or description of the assignment Rationale: Two components of teaching are 1) knowing the content and 2) communicating the content. Therefore, the goal of the cultural project is to prepare candidates in these areas by having them complete a content study in culture (knowing the content) (ACTFL 2) and a unit plan with 10 lesson plans (communicating the content). Task: The content study in culture requires candidates to write a report in the target language (ACTFL 1) that 1) Reports the candidates’ research about a topic that shows the target culture as a system in which cultural perspectives are reflected through practice and products (ACTFL 2a); and 2) Reports the candidates’ interpretation and synthesis of ideas and critical issues from literary and other cultural text that represent the historical and contemporary works of major authors (ACTFL 2c). Topic: Candidates’ topic must be related to the unit theme/ lessons developed for the cultural project. Content Study of Culture Paper Format: Candidates’ report must be at least 3 full pages, double-spaced, 12 font style, and well organized and structured, and written in the standard form of the target language. Candidate should use MLA style. (ACTFL 1a, 1b) The Content Study will be developed into a unit plan with ten lessons. (b) The scoring guide for the assessment Elements Cultural Knowledge (ACTFL 2a) Approaches Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Candidates cite examples of cultural practices, products, perspectives, but the examples reflect a cultural knowledge base that is still developing. Candidates cite key cultural perspectives and provide support through description of products and practices. Knowledge of literary and cultural texts (ACTFL 2b) Candidates are aware of major literary texts and have read excerpts, abridgments, or reviews of those works and authors. Writing in Target Language (ACTFL 1a, 1b) Paper is written with some grammatical and syntactical errors in the target language, but candidates demonstrate an understanding of the content area as shown by the structure, organization, and style of the paper. Candidates interpret literary texts that represent defining works in the target cultures. They identify themes, authors, historical style, and text types in a variety of media that the cultures deem important in understanding the traditions of the cultures. Structure and organization developed reasonably well. Content is clear with fine control of the target language. Less than 5 grammatical/syntactical errors with less than 5 punctuation and/or capitalization errors. Acceptable conclusion. Candidates provide sophisticated examples and viewpoints that present the target culture as a system in which cultural perspectives are reflected through practices and products Candidates interpret and synthesize ideas and critical issues from literary and other cultural texts that represent the historical and contemporary works of a wide range of writers in a wide range of forms and media. They interpret from multiple viewpoints and approaches. Structure and organization of paper is very well developed. Candidates demonstrate a very strong command of the target language as seen by the lack of grammatical, syntactical, morphological, and lexical errors. Wellrounded conclusion.