BRIGITA ZEPA Curriculum Vitae (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology) Brigita Zepa Language skills: English, Russian Education: 09.1977-1980. Doctoral program University of Latvia 06. 1973. University of Latvia. Faculty of History and Philosophy, diploma ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND SCIENTIFIC DEGREES: 04. 2004. 03. 1999. 09. 1994. 12. 1992. Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia Associated Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia Docent in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia Doctor of Sociology: Council of Doctorate, Latvia Academy of Science, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology 03. 1985. Candidate of Science of Philosophy: USSR Academy of Science, Institute of Sociology Training courses attended in universities or research institutions of Latvia or foreign countries: University of Illinois in Chicago 1994. (scholarship of MakArtura Foundation ) University of Gothenburg (Sweden) 1994. (scholarship of Nordic Council) University of Oslo 1998. (scholarship of Nordic Council) Central European University, Summer school, Budapest 2000. University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill, Fulbright scholarship 2007. ACADEMIC POSITIONS 02. 2004. currently – Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia 03. 1999. /02. 2004. Associated Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia 09. 1994. / 03. 1999. Docent in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia 09. 1990./ 09. 1994. Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, University of Latvia 10.1982./ 09. 1990. Chief. Technical education management laboratory. Riga Polytechnic Institute 09.1973./ 10. 1982. Junior assistant. Sociological research group. Riga Polytechnic Institute At the same time I have worked/ I am working: 01. 2000/ currently Director of Baltic Institute of Social Sciences 1 02.1991/ 01. 2000. Director of Department of Academic Research, Market and Social Research group Baltic Data House 09.1990/09.1991. Chief. Department of Public Opinion research. Information Centre of Latvia AWARDS: Tālivaldis Vilciņš Award of the Latvian Council of Sciences (2002) II SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICATIONS (last 6 years) Projects and programmes financed by Latvian Council of Sciences (LCS) and other government institutions (chief, member) Latvian Council of Sciences 1) Influence of the Costs of Eduction Over the Drop-out and Poor Results of the Pupils from Lowincome Families in Primary Schools (2007) 2) Leaving the teaching profession: problems and solutions 2008. Ministry of Education and Sciences: 1) Analysis of results of centralized examination during last three years, preparedness to unified examination in Latvian language in 2012. 2009. 2) Lifelong Education: accessibility and possibilities to study in Latvia 2006. 3) Integration of Society and entrepreneurship. 2004 Ministry of Culture 1) The Study on Attendance Motivation and Demand of the Spectators of the Professional Theatres in the Regions of Latvia (2008) 2) Access to Culture in the Regions (1998) 3) Labor Market Study on the Graduates from the State's Educational Institutions with Cultural Specialization (2007) Ministry of Justice Establishing a system of the Integration of Third-country Nationals 2009. Ministry of Velfare 1) The Facets of Gender Equality in the Labor Market. 2006-2007 ESF 2) Wages and the Factors of Influence. 2005-2006 ESF Society Integartion Foundation . Latvia. 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) National Holidays and Their Celebration for the Unity of Society (2007-2008) Drop out in elementary education: problems and perspectives 2006-2007. Integration Practice and Perspectives (2005-2006) Low Educated Minority Youth Integration in Labor Market (2005-2006) Ethnic Tolerance and Integration of Society in Latvia (2004) Integration of Minority Youth in the Society of Latvia in the Context of the Education Reform (2004) U.S. Embasy Riga, Latvia, resaerch grant 1) Ethnopolitical Tension in Latvia: Looking for the Conflict Solution (2005) Project Manager of International Projects: 1) Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (INCLUD-ED) 20062011. (in collaboration with University of Barselona) EU 6th Framework Programm. 2) “European Values survey”, since 1990 (survey waves in 1990, 1999, 2008) in collaboration with University of Tilburg) 3) “Poltical Attitudes of Masses and Elite”, since 1997 (projects in 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007), in collaboration with University of Oslo. 4) YiES "Youth and Inter Ethnic Schools - Actions Against Inter Ethnic Violence among Pupils at School. In collaboration with: Gesellschaft fur prospektive Entwicklungen e.V. "ZOOM" (Germany), Fundació Servei Gironí de Pedagogia Social (Spane), Centro Ricerche Affari Sociali "CRAS" (Italy). 2006 -2007 5) Women in Science and High Technology. EU 6th Framework Programm. 20052006 6) Research projects and informational documents within the framework of a project "Open Labour Market for Women" EQUAL 2004 – 2006 7) The Aspect of Culture in the Social Inclusion of Minorities. 2005-2006. Project leader European Centre for Minority Issues (Vācija, Flensburga). Publications in issues under review 1) Actuaciones de exito en el aprendizaje de lenguas: aproximaciones desde la investigacion. (Spāņu val.) Latviski: Veiksmīga pieredze valodu apguvē: pētījumā balstītas pieejas. In coll. With Maria Padros Cuxart. Journal: Educacion y Pedagogia.Universidad de Antioquia. Vol. 22, Nr. 56, 2010. P.91-101. 2) Regime change, historical memory and ethnic identity. In: Proceedings of international conference "Baltic States, Europe –Ethnopolitics of Memories and Histories" held in Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka, Japan) (2008) 3 3) Integration Policy in Latvia: Theory and Practice. In: Socio-economic and Institutional Environment: Harmonisation in the EU Countries of Baltic Sea Rim. Proceeding of the Institute of European Studies. International University Audentes. No 4. p. 106-139 (2008) 4) Latvia: contry Report. In: Women in Sciences and High Technology in The Baltic States. Problemas and Solutions. FP6 BASNET Project results. Vilnius, 2007. P.103160 5) Demokrātijas diskursi mūsdienu Latvijā. (Democratic discourse in contemporary Latvia ) Journal: Akadēmiskā Dzīve. 45. numurs (2008) 6) Ethnopolitical Tension in Latvia. In collaboration with I.Šūpule. In: Latvia-Russina Realations: Domestic and International Dimensions. Ed by N. Muiznieks. 7) Etniskā apdraudētība kā dzīves kvalitātes aspekts. ( Ethnic danger as saspect of quality of life. In collaboration with I.Šūpule. Dzīves kvalitātes Latvijā. SAK. Zinātne, 2006. 355-373 lpp. Etnicitātes konstruēšana: politiķi un masu mēdiji kā nozīmīgākie aģenti (Constructing Ethnicity: Politicians and the Mass Media as Key Agents. In collaboration with I.Šūpule. LU raksti. 701. Socioloģija. 2006. 109-120. lpp. 8) The Changing Discourses of Minority Identities: Latvia. Changing and Overlapping Identities: Latvia Facing EU. Riga, FSS. 2005. Pp. 71-86 9) Education Reform in Latvia: Towards Integrated or Conflicting Society. In: A collection on the History and Today’s Situation of Russian-Speaking Population in Estonia and Latvia. Ed. By N. Hashimoto, K. Obata, S. Mizobata, H. Komori. Hirosima University, 2005. 10) Language Policy and Ethnic Conflict in Quebec and Latvia (2005) In collaboration with C.Smid and A. Snipe. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 2004, VOL.45, PP.231-252 11) Tolerance and Future, In: Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. Edited by Žanete Ozoliņa. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, (2005) p. 173-184. 12) Latvian Russians: Identity, Citizenship, Language. (2004) . In collaboration with O. Pisarenko. In Russian-speaking Immigrant Population in Finland. Ed. by P. SinisaloKatajisto. Studia Slavica Finlandensia, Helsinki. P. 79-107 Books: 1. Integration: Practice and Perspectives. In collaboration with I.Šūpule (2011) LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 270 pp. (ISBN 978-3-84432332-0). Chapters in books: 1) Education for Social Integration in: How Integrated is Latvian Society? An Audit of Achievements, Failures and Challenges. Ed. Nils Muižnieks, University of Latvia, 2010 pp. 189-223 2) The Case of Latvia. In collaboration with A.Kucs. In: International Obligations and national Debates: Minorities around the Baltic Sea. The Aland Islands Peace Institute. 2006. P. 301-347 4 3) Language Policy and Ethnic Conflict in Quebec and Latvia (2005) In collaboration with C.Smid and A. Snipe. In: Ethnicity, Ethnic Conflicts, Peace Processes: Comparative Perspectives. Ed. By E.A.Tiryakian. de Sitter Publications, Canada. 4) Citizenship, Official Language, Bilingual Education in Latvia: Public Policy in the Last 10 Years. In: Baltic States. Looking at small Societies on Europe’s Margin. University Press Fribourg Switzerland. 2003. p.83-99. 5) Trust in New Democratic Institutions. In "Political Representation and Participation in Transitional Democracies: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania" Ed. E.Loftsson, Y.Choe. Sodersten University , Stockholm, 2003. p. 90-100. Monograph, ed. 1) Ed. In coll. With I. Šūpule. Establishing a system of the Integration of Third-country Nationals 2009. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Rīga, pp. (2009.) 1-215. 2) We.Celebration. State. National Holidays and Their Celebration for the Unity of Society, Baltic Institute of Social Sciences, Rīga. (2008). 3) Ed. In coll. With T.Tisenkopfs. Scientific Papers Univeristy of Latvia. 714. Sociology. 2007, pp. 1-85 4) Ed. In coll. With T.Tisenkopfu. Scientific Papers Univeristy of Latvia 701. Sociology. 2006, pp. 1-154 5) Drop out in elementary education: problems and perspectives. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Pp. 1-113, 2007. 6) Ethnopolitical Tension in Latvia: Looking for the Conflict Solution. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Rīga, (2005). pp.1-72. 7) Integration of Minority Youth in the Society of Latvia in the Context of the Education Reform Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Rīga, (2004). lpp. 1-112. 8) Integration Practice and Perspectives. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Riga, (2006) pp. 1-250. 9) Integration of Society and entrepreneurship. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Riga,(2004.) pp. 1-79. 10) Ethnic Tolerance and Integration of Society in Latvia. Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. Riga. Pp. 1-84. Popular Science Publications 1) Ethnopolitics in Latvia (2005). In : „Этническая ситуация и конфликты в государствах СНГ и Балтии. Ежегодный доклад 2005” / Под ред. В.Тишкова и Е. Филипповой – М.: УОП ИЭА РАН, 2006 2) In collaboration with Šūpule, I., Krastiņa, L. (2005) Vai Latvijā etnisks konflikts ir neizbēgams? 3) Publicēts portālā 2005. gada 12. aprīlī 5 4) In collaboration with Kļave E., (2003) Mazākumtautību skolu skolēnu attieksme pret bilingvālo izglītību (Attitudes of Minority Schools Pupils Toward Bilingual Education // LVAVP informatīvais biļetens "Tagad" Nr. 3, 14. - 16. lpp. 5) In collaboration with Kļave E., (2003) Mazākumtautību skolēnu vecāku viedokļi par bilingvālo izglītību (Attitudes of Parents of Minority Pupils Toward Bilingual Education) // LVAVP informatīvais biļetens "Tagad" Nr. 4, 13. - 14. lpp. 6) In collaboration with Kļave, E, Šūpule I. (2004) Dual-Stream Schools – Assessment of an Example of Bilingual Education. In: Education Reforms in Latvia: Underpinning Integration and prosperity. Annual Report on Education 2003/2004. Riga 2004. Participation in international confrences (place, time, title or paper) 1) Migration policy in Latvia. Annual seminar „Early conflict warning”. Moscow (Institute of Ethnology) 2011. November 15-21. 2) Development of democratic values in Latvia. Second workshop after the 2008 Wave. GESIS, Tilburg, 2011. November, 23-25. 3) National report. Values change in Latvia. First workshop after the 2008 Wave. GESIS, Cologne, 2010. January, 11-14. 4) The construction of National Identity Through the Celebration of National Holidays. Baltic Readings. 2009, September, 24. 5) Kolektīvā atmiņa un identitātes konstruēšana. (Collective Memory and construction of Identity) LU SZF conference, 11. Septembris 6) "Baltic States, Europe –Ethnopolitics of Memories and Histories" held in Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka, Japan) (2008) Ref. ” Regime change, historical memory and ethnic identity. 7) “Ethnopolitics in Baltic States” held by Tokio University (2008). Integration Policy in Latvia: Acquisition and Failures. 8) Which strategy is more successful to create a unified education system (society)? Inclusion Unaffordable? The Uncertain Fate of Integration Policies and the Demonisation of Minorities and Migrants in Central and Eastern Europe. Providus, SZF 2009. November, 16. 9) Minority Policies in Transition Experiences and trends around the Baltic Sea. Experience of Ethopolitics around the Baltic Sea. November 16th, 2007 Uppsala 10) „Socio-Lingvistic tension in Latvia.”. Annual seminar „Early conflict warning”. Moscow (Institute of Ethnology) - Jeruzaleme, 20.-25. marts, 2009. 11) National Minorities in Latvia in the context of social changes. Annual seminar „Early conflict warning”. Moscow (Institute of Ethnology) 2007.g. December, 10-15. 12) The construction of nationalism. Baltic Readings. 2006. October, 21. 13) Integration of society in Latvia: praxis and perspective. Annual seminar „Early conflict warning”. Moscow (Institute of Ethnology) – Sochy, 2006. September 2025. 6 Participation in other conferences: 1) „Imigrācijas politika Latvijā: vai esam atvērti ārvalstnieku integrācijai?” (Immigration Policy in Latvia: how open we are towards immigrants?) LU 68. konference . 2010.gada 5. februāris 2) Kolektīvā atmiņa un nacionālās identitātes konstruēšana. (Collective Memory and construction of National Identity) LU 67. Konference, 13. Februāris. 3) Longitudinālie un salīdzinošie pētījumi Latvijā. 1982 – 2008. (Longitudinal and comparative research in Latvia. 1982 – 2008. LU 67. konference . 2010.gada 9. februāris 4) Integrācijas mērīšana un socioloģija: Latvijas piemērs. (Measurement of Integration and sociology) Kopā ar Kļavi. E. LU 67. konference . 2008.gada 6.februāris 5) Ceļā uz toleranci un sapratni. (Towards tolerance and Understanding) Vienādu iespēju visiem gads – sapratnes, tolerances un cieņas veidošanai Latvijā.Rīga, Integrācijas lietu sekretariāts. 2007.gada 12.jūnijs 6) Pamatizglītības apguve: skolēnu atbiršana. Problēmas un risinājumi. (Drop out in elementary education: problems and perspectives) LU, Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas fakultātes konference. 2007.gada 29. novembris 7) Latviešu valoda: apguve, prasmes un lietošana. (Latvian. Learning. Abilities. Usage) LVAVA conference. 2008.g. 25. Aprīlis. 8) Krievu valodas mediji: citas realitātes konstruēšana. (Media in Russian: the Construction of Another Reality) PBLA konference, Rīgā, 2007. gada 8.septembrī III EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES (LAST 6 YEARS) Master Theses Conducted (12) Bachelor Thesis and Qualification Works Conducted (29) Conducted and Elaborated study courses: 1. Public opinion research methods, Undergraduate program in Sociology (32 h., 2.c.p. ) 2. Data analysis methods in sociology , MA program in Sociology (32 h. 2 c.p.) 3. Mass Media research methods MA program in Mass communication (64 h., 4. c.p.) 4. Political sociology, Undergraduate program in Sociology (64 h., 4. c.p.) 5. Public Policy analysis, Undergraduate program in Sociology (32 h. 2 c.p.) 6. Public Policy analysis and evaluation MA program in Sociology (64 h. 4 c.p.) 7. Dicourse analysis (32 h. 2 c.p.) MA program in Sociology (32 h. 2 c.p.) 8. Sociological Research in Latvia MA program in Sociology (32 h. 2 c.p.) 7 9. Strategy, methodology and methods in Sociology. . Doctoral program in Sociology ( 64 h. 4 c.p.) Activities in the councils of study programs Department of Sociology, FSS. Member of the Council of Doctoral studies Department of Sociology, FSS. Chief of the Council of MA studies Department of Sociology, FSS. Member of the Council of Bachelor studies Lecturing in Foreign Universities Comparison of Etnopolitic in Latvia and Estonia. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2007. gada 4. aprīlis IV ORGANIZATINAL ACTIVITIES (LAST 6 YEARS) Member/chief of Latvian/ International scientific or academic commissions: 1) Member of the Council of Doctorate of Sociology, Political Science and Science of Communication; 2) Member of committee of European Values study. Leader or Founder of the University, Faculty, Institute, Group of Professors or other: 1) University of Latvia. Faculty of Social Sciences. Member of the professors’ group. 2) Baltic Data House (market and social research centre). One of the founders. 1991. 3) Baltic Institute of Social Sciences (one of the founders) 2000., director. Membership of local, international scientific, academic organizations 1. Member of the Board, Association of Latvia Sociologists. Official consultant of the state, local government, manufacturing organizations, member of scientific, academic group of experts. 1. Member of group of experts of Society Integration Foundation 2. Expert of Latvian Science Council 3. Expert of Estonian Science Council 8 Signature Data 9