Minutes - Peralta Colleges

Memorandum of Record
2:00 PM TO 4:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 2:20 p.m.
Review status of the implementation of the District-wide Strategic Planning
The development of Short Term and Institutional Objectives to
complement the currently defined Long Term Institutional
Objectives. (Thuy Nguyen)
The most recent Strategic Planning (SP) newsletter was distributed. DVC was criticized
by the accreditation board because their strategic plan is not being used well. The
Strategic Plan must “drive” resource allocation. A resource allocation model was
presented and accepted at a prior meeting, which is tied into the heart of our college and
District plans. Trustee Withrow asks that we proactively discuss this issue with the
accreditation team. Our budget and planning are also integrated into the plan. Financial
Aid issues will be volunteered, and this is discussed in the SP newsletter. The committee
discussed the strategic planning process and the integration of the College Educational
plans. The Board needs to explain the role of the District vis-à-vis the role of the colleges,
and integration is the goal. A draft of frequently asked questions will be presented at the
retreat. A SP website has been launched. Board committee charters, agendas, and
minutes are posted on the website, and Board policy bulletins were also requested for the
retreat, going back a few years. Accreditation is all about presenting evidence.
Committees should not do the work of management nor micro-manage, and the Board
can’t direct managers below the Chancellor, nor get involved with hiring matter details.
Perhaps some of our committees could be merged or not meet as frequently in the future.
A draft agenda for the accreditation leadership retreat was presented. Standard IV will be
a Board member discussion at the retreat. The Board wants to know from the
accreditation team what we can do to improve Peralta, based on the facts.
Discuss issues related to the high cost of text books, including the status of a
pilot project action plan. Discuss status of the consortium for OER as a
source for textbooks and progress achieved to date at The Peralta Colleges.
Discuss the level of service provided by the bookstores at each of the colleges
and assess how they can be improved. (Dr. Wise Allen & Dr. Joe Bielanski)
It would be ideal to be able to secure the same edition textbook for a course overtime, but
the bookstore won’t assure this. Math wants to use the same book, for example, but they
can’t guarantee it for the Fall at the bookstore. We need to negotiate with the bookstore
on these issues. There were complaints that we are not receiving good customer service
from them. Follett representative had spoken to the Board student services committee
stating a willingness to work out faculty wishes. There is no further information about
the open educational resources from DeAnza, where website books are posted on a public
domain. Perhaps the Board could fund someone to help to start the development of this
project. DAS is asked to review this idea to approve instructor written grants and to
market the idea to faculty, and Trustee Withrow can attend such a meeting. The
Foundation may be able to provide some support in this area, as well. Peralta Press with
a reader could be used for textbooks, or a workbook. A proposal will go to the
Foundation Board meeting on March 24th. Amazon.com Kindle was discussed, and the
thought of how wonderful it would be for students to use one to download their
textbooks. http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Amazons-Wireless-ReadingDevice/dp/B000FI73MA
Review status of the ear mark and grant initiatives and potential participation
in the Federal Stimulus Program. (Alton Jelks and Jeannette Dong)
There are three federal ear mark programs: microscopy, police and fire, and the Green
program at Laney. The Green program ear mark will build a lab. We have a $20M
request for a facility with the police and fire from the stimulus program. A Press release
on the stimulus package was read, listing funding in the areas of airport security, port,
transit, rail security, VA/medical facility, homeless prevention activities, ASTI, public
safety, PELL grant, job training, and childcare development. A meeting will occur with
Barbara Lee to discuss opportunities for Peralta.
The matrix distributed at the last Board meeting is still current. An update was given on
the current programs. Grant making for BCC is needed, for science and art transfer
programs. Presentations have gone forward to private foundations. We have to ensure
our outcomes, and that there are open communications with the Deans. We conduct a
closing presentation to the funders and a budget report when the grant ends. Jeanette is
meeting with public utilities. She could use an assistant, if the Board wants to develop
her position. CIBER has a system that may be used in the future for grant support
software. Compliance issues related to the grants could also be included in the software.
Positions have to be written into the grant to help to pay for overhead, which is standard
operations in most grants. We may need a Board policy on this issue. If there are things
that our lobbyists can do to assist, please inform the Board. Trios come from the
Department of Education. Our lobbyist knows what we’re doing in this area, as well.
A discussion occurred on WIB funding, training, and partnering. Trustee Withrow would
like for us to be more of a leader in workforce development grants, and would like ideas
presented of what the Board could do to help in this area for our service area. Packaging
for partnerships has to be better advertised to employers for contract education.
Discuss the International Program strategies and initiatives for penetrating
South America and review current literature that is being used for marketing
purposes. (Jacob Ng)
167 potential students were denied visas. An update was given on the program.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Roxanne Epstein
Assistant to the Chancellor