Minutes: 4/1/09

WEDNESDAY April 1st 2009
Meeting Notes
Present: Trustees Withrow, Gulassa, Nguyen, Wise Allen, Joseph Bielanski, Jacob Ng,
and Sean Brooks.
Review status of the implementation of the Campus-wide Strategic Planning
The development of Short Term Measureable Objectives, with
associated MCS, MIS and timelines, to complement the currently
defined Long Term Institutional Objectives. (Thuy Nguyen)
A handout was distributed about the accreditation visits. General Counsel Nguyen will
be vacating her role as Strategic Planning manager at the end of April. The accreditation
team commendations and recommendations were reviewed. There was a comment that
the colleges tried to do too much and had too many committees, and a suggestion that
they streamline things and make things easier. Some concern was expressed about how
to reach proficiency levels in SLOs by 2012. A board resolution as a priority for SLOs
was suggested. Dr. Allen is confident that we can reach those timelines. Trustee
Withrow suggested that the commendation with an update on the progress-to-date be
included at the beginning of the resolution. Taskstream software should help faculty with
SLO goals. Peralta is also considered a model statewide. DWEMPC will discuss some
of these issues, with the implementation of the district’s resource allocation model.
Transferring of classified employees could be addressed in the future, as well. Some
schools pay a small stipend for faculty to attend a training class, such as with the Passport
system. The process of faculty evaluations have changed for this term, and the process is
proceeding as it is streamlined and negotiated. A common theme to help to connect the
District and college plans is the communication challenge. College Presidents,
DWEMPC, and academic senate are all responsible to report back and aide in the
communication process. How do we reach dialogue? A accreditation document for
factual review should arrive on or around April 15th. Thuy was highly commended for a
job very well done! The procedure and process of the Maas suggestions was generally
reviewed. The IT resource master plan also still needs to be addressed in the future,
which should be driven by the education plan, which will go to DWEMPC and added
input and feedback will be received. The staffing, maintenance, and budget constraints
for the buildings might be a future issue, which also needs to be addressed. We also need
to keep abreast on future developments on programs if we’re thinking of pursuing a field
in the future. This should all be part of program-based budgeting. The committee is very
impressed on how far we have come in four years. The challenge is to institutionalize the
Discuss the International Program strategies and initiatives for penetrating
South America and recruitment of out-of-state students.
An update was given by Associate Vice Chancellor Ng reporting on his trip to Argentina
and Chile. A handout was distributed. An intensive English program is needed for these
students, and they are highly motivated students. A possible Title 1 project was
discussed as a future language program center for students arriving from overseas. An
online, distance education program was described for students from Korea.
Discuss Workforce Development Issues.
Dr. Allen feels that we’re getting the traditional dollars needed to cover tech prep areas.
There will be some forthcoming stimulus funds, as well. We need to get the standard
indirect cost from these programs. The innovation funds could help with some future
grant programs. Faculty need to work with Jeanette Dong on all of their college grants.
Grants need to fit in with our goals and Ed Master plans. A check-list would be helpful
for future grants, (Ex. who proposed grant, restrictions on funds, DAS check-off, etc.)
The impact on staffing after the grant is over, or during the project, is also an issue.
Discuss a strategic plan for Contract/Customized Education.
Thuy will help to revise this document, first developed in 1998.
Respectfully submitted,
Roxanne Epstein