MATH 080 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA – Spring 2009 TTh 10:30–1:00 PM Sec. 6308022 PREREQUISITE: Math 060 (C or better) or equivalent skills (as measured by a satisfactory score on the Math Level 2 exam and Math 060 equivalent). INSTRUCTOR: Joseph Yorba OFFICE: Rm U82 OFFICE HOURS: MTWH (10:00 – 10:30 AM) MW (1:00 – 1:30 PM) PHONE: (714) 628-4948 MW (4:00 – 4:30 PM) TH (7:00 – 7:30 AM) TEXTBOOK: Intermediate Algebra, Sullivan & Struve, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Math 080 is a survey of topics in algebra: linear equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, systems of equations, polynomials and factoring, rational expressions/equations/functions, radicals and complex numbers, quadratic equations/ functions/inequalities, exponential and logarithmic functions, and circles. LECTURES: Lectures (5 hours per week) will be given on sections of the text according to the attached schedule. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned at the end of each class meeting, and will be due the day of the exam. We will discuss homework problems at the beginning of class (up to 30 min. max). Compare your answers with those in the back of the book or the solutions manual. Be prepared to ask questions on any problems that you do not understand. The homework will be collected on exam day, and selected problems will be graded. Homework will constitute 10% of your total grade. Homework is to be done on 8 ½” by 11” paper. Your name, and the text section and page are to be written on the first page. Problems are to be numbered and written down in consecutive order on the paper with all work neatly shown. No work no credit. The answer to each problem is to be clearly indicated. Late homework (the day following the exam only) will be accepted. TESTS: There will be 4 tests given on the assigned dates (the instructor may change these dates if necessary), see the attached schedule. There will be no make up tests, except under extreme circumstances (hospitalization or family death). Let me know in advance if you will miss a test. The tests will make up 70% of the total grade. FINAL EXAM: A comprehensive final will be given during the final class meeting; it is worth 20% of your total grade. There are two parts to the final: multiple choice and free response. ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Students are expected to be prompt and attend the entire class. If you are late, please do not disrupt the class when you enter the classroom, and be sure to notify me before leaving that day. You are responsible for any announcements that you miss. I suggest you find a partner in the class to contact if you have to miss class. If you decide to drop the class it is your responsibility to turn in a drop card to the Admissions Office. Students with excessive absences (9 or more hours) will be dropped by the instructor. CALCULATORS: A scientific calculator is recommended. You can purchase one at the bookstore or local office supply stores in the area. MESSAGES: Telephone me at (714) 628-4948. Please leave a message and how I can contact you, or e-mail me at GRADES: Homework Tests Final 10% 70% 20% 100% - 90% 89% - 80% 79% - 70% 69% - 60% 59% - 0% A B C D F ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students that cheat, attempt to cheat, or willingly give information during a test will receive a grade of zero for the test. Any student who has previously received a grade of zero for cheating on a test will receive a grade of “F” in the course for a second offense. HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS CLASS: It is suggested that you read the sections in advance (see attached schedule). This will familiarize you with new terms and concepts prior to my lecture. Give yourself plenty of time outside of class (a minimum of 10 hours per week) to review your notes, read the text, work homework problems, and study. If possible, find at least one other person in the class with whom you can study. Never get behind! Keep a positive attitude! ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABILITIES: Students with verifiable disabilities who want to request academic accommodations are responsible for notifying their instructor and Disabled Students Programs and Service (DSPS) as early as possible in the semester. To arrange accommodations, contact DSPS by phone at (714) 628-4860, or (714) 639-9742 (TTY), or stop by the DSPS Center in E-107. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: As a result of completing Mathematics 080, the student will be able to: 1. Read, define and apply algebraic vocabulary and symbols. 2. Evaluate function expressions. 3. Perform algebraic operations on rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic expressions. 4. Solve equations involving quadratic, rational, absolute value, radical, exponential and logarithmic expressions. 5. Graph linear equations and inequalities and find the equation given appropriate information. 6. Set up and solve word problems. MATH STUDY HALL (MaSH) REGISTRATION: The MaSH is a service provided by SCC that gives students a chance to supplement the learning done in the classroom. There will always be a math faculty member, instructional aides, and student workers on duty to assist you. There are also computers where students can access mathematical software, or do work for their online math class. MaSH is located in rooms U-78, 79, and 80 (enter through U-80). The hours of operation for Spring 2009 are Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. To use the MaSH, you must register for Math 083L. This is a 0.2 unit class that will cost $4 (resident) for the entire semester. You can register for the MaSH when you register for classes or just go to admissions on the ground floor of the E building. Once registered, you can enter and exit the MaSH at any time during hours of operation. When you enter you will slide your student ID card or type in your student ID number at the MaSH sign in computer (no SSN). When you leave you will sign out the same way. Signing out is very important, as you may lose the hours you put in if you do not sign in and/or out appropriately. Math 083L is a credit/no credit class. To receive credit for the class you must complete 9 hours during the semester. We track this information through the sign in computer, so it is very important to sign in/out every time you use the MaSH. If you have any questions please contact Darlene Ornelas at 628-4958.