Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Animal Ethics Committee PROJECT TEAM VARIATION FORM Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Policy and Projects Group C/- AEC Executive Officer GPO Box 44 Hobart, Tasmania 7001 Email: Web: Important Information: Any additions to your project team from what is currently approved must be approved by the AEC prior to implementation, using this form. This form may also be used to nominate replacement Chief Investigators. The request will be considered by the AEC in the same way as any other submission and you will be notified of the AEC’s decision in writing. If your request is approved, you will also receive an Amendment Certificate. Please write your responses to each question in the boxes provided – these will expand as you type. A response is required for each question. Write "not applicable" if necessary. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. FOR VALIDATION OF AEC APPROVAL, A CURRENT APPROVAL AND/OR AMENDMENT CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE SOUGHT. Section A: ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS AEC Project Number Project Title Chief investigator (include name, position and organisation) Contact details ( email and postal address) Phone (include business and mobile) Approval Period of Project (please refer to your approval certificate e.g. 2 May 2013- 30 June 2013) A1. Confidentiality Do you consent to this application and any supporting information being circulated by email to the AEC? Note: all AEC records are kept confidential, subject to relevant legislative requirements governing the release of information. YES / NO Section B: INVESTIGATOR CHANGES B1. Investigator Details The table below can be used to add new Associate Investigators (please copy and paste the table below for each new Associate Investigator), change the Chief Investigator or nominate an Alternative Chief Investigator. Title and Name: Position and Organisation: Version 2.1 15 February 2016 Qualifications (include veterinary registration details, if applicable): Contact Details (must include address, phone and email): Experience with nominated procedures: Experience with nominated species: If inexperienced with either procedure(s) or species, how will required experience be gained: Who will provide training and/or supervision: Level of responsibility within the project team: Date AEC Training Program last attended: REASON AND JUSTIFICATION: B2. Investigator Experience Describe/explain the minimum qualifications, experience and/or level of proficiency required to undertake the proposed procedures without causing unjustified harm to animals. B3. New Chief Investigator or Alternative Chief Investigator* If you have nominated a replacement Chief Investigator or Alternative Chief Investigator, please describe their previous experience and roles in working on AEC projects. *Note: From 1 January 2012, it is an AEC requirement that all new Chief and Alternative Chief Investigators have attended an AEC Training Program prior to nomination. Please see the AEC Policy Statement for Investigator Training (2011) for further information. The Alternative Chief Investigator person will assume the responsibilities of the Chief Investigator during any period of absence of the Chief Investigator and must be associated with the institution nominated in Section A. The AEC must still be notified of periods of absence. Version 2.1 15 February 2016 Section C: DECLARATIONS MANAGER I confirm that the additional personnel are available to ensure the welfare of the animals over the remainder of the project. I am satisfied that all nominated personnel are familiar with and will comply with all relevant Commonwealth legislation, the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Act 1993 and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition (2013). I shall ensure, as far as I am able, that the principles of the Code will be complied with throughout the remainder of the investigation. Name:......................................................................................................................................................................... Email: ......................................................................................................................................................................... Position in organisation: ........................................................................................................................................... Signature: ................................................................................................................................................................... Date:........................................................................................................................................................................... CURRENT CHIEF INVESTIGATOR I accept responsibility for the ethical conduct of the proposed investigation, according to the principles contained in the Code. I acknowledge that the care and use of animals for scientific or educational purposes is the ultimate responsibility of the Chief Investigator, but that this work may be delegated to suitably trained and qualified Associate Investigators that are approved by the AEC to work on this investigation. I undertake to advise the AEC of any further amendments to my project from what is currently approved prior to those amendments being implemented. Name of current Chief Investigator: .................................................................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................................................................................................. Date: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... NEW (or ALTERNATIVE) CHIEF INVESTIGATOR I confirm that I have the appropriate qualifications and experience to perform the procedures described in this application and will ensure the procedures are conducted in accordance with any conditions of AEC approval. I am familiar and will comply with all relevant Commonwealth legislation, State legislation including the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Act 1993 and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition (2013). I accept responsibility for the ethical conduct of the proposed investigation, according to the principles contained in the Code. I acknowledge that the care and use of animals for scientific or educational purposes is the ultimate responsibility of the Chief Investigator, but that this work may be delegated to suitably trained and qualified Associate Investigators that are approved by the AEC to work on this investigation. I undertake not to use any animals or carry out any procedures which have not been approved by the AEC. I undertake to advise the AEC of any further amendments to my project from what is currently approved prior to those amendments being implemented. I undertake to comply with all relevant AEC policies and requirements, including the reporting of any adverse incidents. Version 2.1 15 February 2016 Name of new Chief/Alternative Investigator: ..................................................................................................................... Email: ......................................................................................................................................................................... Signature: .............................................................................................................................................................................. Date: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ASSOCIATE INVESTIGATORS I confirm that I have the appropriate qualifications and experience to perform the procedures described in this application and will ensure the procedures are conducted in accordance with any conditions of AEC approval. I am familiar and will comply with all relevant Commonwealth legislation, the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Act 1993 and the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition (2013) and all relevant AEC policies and requirements. I accept responsibility, as an Associate Investigator, for the ethical conduct of the proposed investigation, according to the principles outlined in the Code. I acknowledge that the care and maintenance of animals for scientific or educational purposes is the ultimate responsibility of the Chief Investigator, but that the approved procedures may be delegated to suitably trained and qualified associate investigators that are approved by the AEC to work on this investigation. I undertake not to use any animals or carry out any procedures which have not been approved by the AEC. I undertake to advise the AEC of any further amendments to my project from what is currently approved prior to those amendments being implemented. I undertake to comply with all relevant AEC policies and requirements, including the reporting of any adverse incidents. Name of Associate Investigator: ....................................................................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................................... Date:................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of Associate Investigator: ....................................................................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................................... Date:................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of Associate Investigator: ....................................................................................................................................... Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................................... Date:................................................................................................................................................................................... Please add additional investigators as required Version 2.1 15 February 2016