APES Summer Assignments 2010-2011

AP Environmental Science/UConn Option
Ms. O’Neill
(Summer email: tfix44@yahoo.com)
Dr. Unfried
(Summer email: ken.unfried@sbcglobal.net)
Ridgefield High School
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Summer Assignments
Welcome to AP Environmental Science/UConn Option. This course is an AP course.
You will take the AP Exam. It is also a University of Connecticut course. You have the
option to get UConn credit by paying the registration fee and successfully completing the
With the above description, it should be no surprise that this is a college-level course that
will cover a lot of material and have much work. Your first assignments will introduce
you to the subject and are to be completed over the summer. The assignments are due on
the first day of school.
Writing Assignments
Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, 1962, ISBN 0-395-68329-7.
This book was instrumental in launching the environmental movement and led to the
creation of governmental agencies and regulations. It was, and still is, controversial.
The science quoted in the book was debated at the time and continues to be debated
today. In addition to the book you are to read the attached articles related to DDT
You are to read this book, keeping in mind when it was written, and write a three
page paper considering the questions, “Is Rachel Carson’s description of the world
accurate? And was it accurate when she wrote the book?” Be sure to consider the
question, “Should DDT be used to control Malaria?” Why did the book have such a
strong impact on the public?
In your essay, consider addressing the following:
a) Identify and describe the environmental and ecosystem impacts of using
pesticides such as DDT.
b) Identify and describe the human health impacts, good and bad, associated with
pesticide use.
c) Identify and describe the economic advantages and/or disadvantages of using
d) Research and describe alternatives to intensive pesticide use.
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World, by Bjorn
Lomborg, 2001, ISBN 0-521-01068-3.
This book takes a hard look at the environmental problems that we face using a
statistically rigorous scientific approach.
You are to read this book. Choose one chapter (3-24) and write one three page paper
with your assessment of the chapter’s environmental challenge. Support your position
with scientific data and a description of the environmental concepts. You do not
necessarily need to agree with Mr. Lomborg.
In your essay, consider addressing the following:
a) Describe scientific concepts and environmental impacts associated with the
environmental issue you have chosen to read about.
b) Identify and describe human activities that may be exacerbating this
environmental issue.
c) Are there human health impacts associated with the environmental topic you
have read about? If so, describe them.
d) Are there economic advantages and/or disadvantages associated with the
environmental topic? If so, describe them.
Read at least one of the books listed below or another book of your choosing with
teacher approval. Write a three page paper describing the book’s environmental
theme. As with the previous two assignments, describe the scientific concepts
associated with the book, and if relevant, describe the human health impacts and
economic advantages or disadvantages associated with the environmental topic.
A Sand County Almanac, by Aldo Leopold, 1986, ISBN 0-345-34505-3
Beautiful Swimmers: Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay, by William
Warner, 1994, ISBN 0-316-92335-4
Bugs in the System: Insects and Their Impact on Human Affairs, by May R.
Berenbaum, 1996, ISBN 0-201-40824-4
Cadillac Desert, by Marc Reisner, 1993, ISBN 0-140-17824-4
Children of The Sun: A History of Humanity’s Unappeasable Appetite for Energy,
by Alfred W. Crosby, 2006, ISBN 0-393-05935-9
Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World, by Mark Kurlansky, 1997,
ISBN 0-8027-1326-2
Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming, by Bjorn
Lomborg, 2007 ISBN 0-307-26692-3
Crab Wars, by William Sargent, 2006, ISBN 1584655313
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan, 2007, ISBN 0-143-03858-3
Deep Ecology - Living as if Nature Mattered, by Bill Devall and George Sessions,
2001, ISBN 0-879-05247-3
Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy, by Gwyneth Cravens,
2007, ISBN 0-307-38587-6
The Secret Life of Lobsters, by Trevor Corson, 2005, ISBN 0-060-55559-9
Striper Wars, by Dick Russell, 2006, ISBN 1-597-26090-8
The Trout Pool Paradox: The American Lives of Three Rivers, by George Black,
2004, 0-618-31080-0
Village of the Dammed: A Fight for Open Space and the Flooding of a Connecticut
Town, by James Lomuscio, 2005, ISBN 1-584-6547-7
Calculation Practice
The AP Exam will contain problems that require calculations. You are not,
however, permitted to use a calculator on the exam. You will find attached a
number of problems including some very much like what you will encounter in May.
You are to work these problems, showing all of your work. On the AP Exam you
often get points for the proper set-up. Do not use a calculator. Review long
division and dimensional analysis as needed.
Environmental Science in the News
Environmental science is continually in the news. For this assignment you are to find an
article/program/web site about a current environmental science topic, summarize the article and
consider its relevance.
Along with your summary, submit a copy of the article and citation.
Be prepared to discuss your news in class and consider the following questions:
What environmental science topics are related to the news item?
Is the science being presented accurately?
Is the news based on new data?
How was it obtained?
Is the data reliable?
Is it consistent with other data available?
Does the presentation of the news advocate a position?
What questions would you like to have answered on the topic?