Alphabetic List (From AA Thru ZZ) Listing Created 19 Aug 103, at 20:12 414. Abraham,SS; Wallace,IF; Gravel,JS (1996): Early otitis media and phonological development at age 2 years. Laryngoscope 106, 727-732. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 483. Adderson,E; Spencer,L; Kimball,A; Hindiye,M; Carroll,K; Mottice,S; Korgenski,EK; Byington,C; Christenson,J; Pavia,AT (2000): Invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type a (Hia): an emerging pathogen of the post-vaccine era? Pediatr Res 47, 255A. <Abstract> <<Observed an unusual cluster of invasive disease due to Hia over a...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY] 289. Adelglass,J; Jones,TM; Ruoff,G; Kahn,JB; Wiesinger,BA; Rielly-Gauvin,K; Siu,CO (1998): A multicenter, investigator-blinded, randomized comparison of oral levofloxacin and oral clarithromycin in the treatment of actue bacterial sinusitis. Pharmacotherapy 18, 1255-1263. [METHODOLOGY] 69. Ahlbom,A; Norell,S (1984): Introduction to Modern Epidemiology. Epidemiological Resources, Inc., Chestnut Hill, MA. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 746. Ah-Tye,C; Paradise,JL; Colborn,DK (2001): Otorrhea in young children after tympanostomy=tube placement for persistent middle ear effusion: prevalence, incidence, and duration. Pediatrics 107, 12511258. [OTITIS; TUBES] 84. Alho,OP; Kilkku,O; Oja,H; Koivu,M; Sorri,M (1993): Control of the temporal aspect when considering risk factors for acute otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 119, 444-449. <<2512 children were monitored to age 2 years. Mean number of episo...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 98. Alho,OP; Koivu,M; Sorri,M; Rantakallio,P (1990): Risk factors for recurrent acute otitis media and respiratory infection in infancy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 19, 151-161. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 91. Alho,OP; Koivu,M; Sorri,M; Rantakallio,P (1991): The occurrence of acute otitis media in infants. A lifetable analysis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 21, 7-14. <<The incidence rate for all acute otitis media episodes was 0.93 e...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 2. Alho,OP; Laara,E; Oja,H (1996): How should relative risk estimates for acute otitis media in children aged less than 2 years be perceived? J Clin Epidemiol 49, 9-14. <<2512 N. Finnish children were followed for an average of 22 month...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 111. Alho,OP; Laara,E; Oja,H (1996): Public health impact of various risk factors for acute otitis media in northern Finland. Am J Epidemiol 143, 1149-1156. <<2512 children in Northern Finland were followed for two years. Th...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 108. Aligne,CA; Stoddard,JJ (1997): Tobacco and children. An economic evaluation of the medical effects of parental smoking. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 151, 648-653. <<Estimates more than 24 million office visits for acute otitis med...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; SMOKING] 514. Almawi,WY; Saouda,MS; Stevens,AC; Lipman,ML; Barth,CM; Strom,TB (1996): Partial mediation of glucorticoid antiproliferative effects by lipocortins. J Immunol 157, 5231-5239. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 489. Alper,CM; Dohar,JE; Gulhan,M; Ozunlu,A; Bagger-Sjobak,D; Hebda,PA; Swarts,JD (2000): Treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media with topical tobramycin and dexamethasone. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 126, 165-173. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 96. Alpert,JJ; Kosa,J; Haggerty,RJ (1967): A month of illness and health care among low-income families. Public Health Rep 82, 705-713. [COST; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 348. Alsarraf,R; Jung,CJ; Perkins,J; Crowley,C; Gates,GA (1998): Otitis media health status evaluation: a pilot study for the investigation of cost-effective outcomes of recurrent acute otitis media treatment. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 107, 120-128. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 415. Anderberg,MR (1973): Clusster analysis for applications. Academic Press, New York. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 145. Andrade,MA; Hoberman,A; Glustein,J; Paradise,JL; Wald,ER (1998): Acute otitis media in children with bronchiolitis. Pediatrics 101, 617-619. <<Bacterial AOM is a complication in most children with bronchiolitis.>> [OTITIS; VIRAL] 478. Angelilli,ML; Thomas,RL (2000): An improved statistical method to evaluate inter-rater assessments. Pediatr Res 47, 171A. <Abstract> <<Use of a multi-rater Kappa statistic as a measure of agreement, w...>> [METHODOLOGY] 385. Anggard,A; Malm,L (1984): Orally administered decongestant drugs in disorders of the upper respiratory passages: a survey of clinical results. clin otolaryngol 9, 43-49. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 715. Antonio,SM; Don,D; Doyle,WJ; Alper,CM (2002): Daily home tympanometry to study the pathogenesis of otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 882-885. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY] 303. Appelbaum,PC (1987): World-wide development of antibiotic resistance in pneumococci. Eur J Clin Microbiol 6, 367-377. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 307. Appelman,CL; Claessen,JQ; Touw-Otten,FW; Hordijk,GJ; de Melker,RA (1991): Co-amoxiclav in recurrent acute otitis media: placebo controlled study. BMJ 303, 1450-1452. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 437. Arcia,E; Roberts,JE (1993): Otitis media in early childhood and its association with sustained attention in structured situations. J Dev Behav Pediatr 14, 181-183. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 273. Arola,M; Ruuskanen,O; Ziegler,T; Mertsola,J; Nanto-Salonen,K; Putto-Laurila,A; Viljanen,MK; Halonen,P (1990): Clinical role of respiratory virus infection in acute otitis media. Pediatrics 86, 848-855. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 166. Arola,M; Ziegler,T; Ruuskanen,O (1990): Respiratory virus infection as a cause of prolonged symptoms in acute otitis media. J Pediatr 116, 697-701. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 162. Arola,M; Ziegler,T; Ruuskanen,O; Mertsola,J; Nanto-Salonen,K; Halonen,P (1988): Rhinovirus in acute otitis media. J Pediatr 113, 693-695. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; TREATMENT] 167. Arriaga,MA; Bluestone,CD; Stool,SE (1989): The role of tympanocentesis in the management of infants with sepsis. Laryngoscope 99, 1048-1051. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 536. Asmussen,L; Olson,LM (1999): 'You have to understand it...:'Family experiences with chronic otitis media in children. Amb Child Health 5, 303-312. [BEHAVIOR; HEALTH STATUS; OTITIS] 286. Aspin,MM; Hoberman,A; McCarty,J; McLinn,SE; Aronoff,S; Lang,DJ; Arrieta,A (1995): Comparative study of the safety and efficacy of clarithromycin and amoxicillin-clavulanate in the treatment of acute otitis media in children. J Pediatr 126, 136-141. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 265. Axelsson,I (1993): Overtreatment of otitis media[Letter]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 12, 889-891. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 526. Babe,KS; Serafin,WE (1996): Histamine, bradykinin, and their antagonists. In: Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Ninth ed. (Eds: Hardman,JG; Limbird,LE; Molinoff,PB; Ruddon,RW; Gilman,AG) McGraw-Hill, New York, 585. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 373. Bain,DJ (1983): Can the clinical course of acute otitis media be modified by systemic decongestant or antihistamine teatment? BMJ 287, 654-656. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 580. Bain,J (2001): Treatment of acute otitis media: are children entered into clinical trials representative? Br. J. Gen. Pract. 51, 132-133. [META-ANALYSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 313. Bain,J; Murphy,E; Ross,F (1985): Acute otitis media: clinical course among children who received a short course of high dose antibiotic. BMJ 291, 1243-1246. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 271. Baker,RB (1992): Is ear pulling associated with ear infection? Pediatrics 90, 1006-1007. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 690. Balk,EM; Zucker,DR; Engels,EA; Wong,JB; Williams,JW; Lau,J (2001): Strategies for diagnosing and treating suspected acute bacterial sinusitis. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 16, 701-711. [DIAGNOSIS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 658. Barden,L; Dowell,SF; Schwartz,B; Lackey,C (1998): Current attitudes regarding use of antimicrobial agents: results from physicians' and parents' focus group discussions. Clin Pediatr, 665-671. [INCOMPLETE; ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICA...] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 168. Barnes,PJ (1995): Inhaled glucorticoids for asthma. N Engl J Med 332, 868-875. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 752. Barnett,ED (2002): Antibiotic resistance and choice of antimicrobial agents for acute otitis media. Pediatr Ann 31, 794-799. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 493. Barnett,ED; Cabral,HJ; Klein,JO (2000): Home monitoring of the middle ear system with spectral gradient acoustic reflectometry: distinguishing acute otitis media from upper respiratory infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 360-362. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 296. Barnett,ED; Klein,JO (1995): The problem of resistant bacteria for the management of acute otitis media. Pediatr Clin North Am 42, 509-517. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 490. Barnett,ED; Levatin,JL; Chapman,EH; Floyd,LA; Eisenberg,D; Kaptchuk,OMD; Klein,JO (2000): Challenges of evaluating homeopathic treatment of acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 273-275. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 101. Barron,SP; Lane,HW; Hannan,TE; Struempler,B; Williams,JC (1988): Factors influencing duration of breast feeding among low-income women. J Am Diet Assoc 88, 1557-1561. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; WIC] 363. Barzilai,A; Dekel,B; Dagan,R; Passwell,JH; Leibovitz,E (1999): Cytokine analysis of middle ear effusions during acute otitis media: significant reduction in tumor necrosis factor alpha concentrations correlates with bacterial eradication. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 301-303. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 365. Barzilai,A; Leibovitz,E; Laver,JH; Piglanski,L; Raiz,S; Abboud,MR; Fliss,DM; Leiberman,A; Dagan,R (1999): Dynamics of interleukin-1 production in middle ear fluid during acute otitis media treated with antibiotics. Infection 27, 173-176. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 646. Bauchner,H; Osganian,S; Smith,K; Triant,R (2001): Improving parent knowledge about antibiotics: a video intervention. Pediatrics 108, 845-850. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DECISION MAKING; EDUCATION; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 270. Bauchner,H; Pelton,SI; Klein,JO (1999): Parents, physicians, and antibiotic use. Pediatrics 103, 395401. <<Pediatricians acknowledge prescribing antimicrobial agents when t...>> [GUIDELINES; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 479. Bauchner,H; Shiren,P (2000): Practice variation in oral antibiotic prescriptions for children. Pediatr Res 47, 173A. <Abstract> <<There is wide variation in oral antibiotic prescribing in an HMO....>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DECISION MAKING; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 280. Beach,PS; McCormick,DP (1991): Editorial comment: clinical applications of ear thermometry. Clin Pediatr 30, 3-4. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 1. Beauregard,WG (1971): Positional otitis media. J Pediatr 79, 294-296. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 477. Belongia,EA; Sullivan,B; Chyou,P; Madagame,ET; Reed,K; Schwartz,B (2000): A community intervention trial to decrease unnecessary antibiotic use and reduce colonization with penicillinnonsusceptible streptococcus pneumoniae in chidren. Pediatr Res 47, 142A. <Abstract> <<Educational intervention in 3 rural counties and 2 cities. Interv...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION] 636. Belongia,EA; Sullivan,BJ; Chyou,PH; Madagame,E; Reed,K; Schwartz,B (2001): A community intervention trial to promote judicious antibiotic use and reduce penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage in children. Pediatrics 108, 575-583. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; ...] 475. Berberich,FR; Johnston,K (2000): Antibiotic use and parental home otoscopy. Pediatrics 105, 159160. <<Letter with reply>> [DIAGNOSIS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 394. Berger,G; Hawke,M; Proops,DW; Ranadive,NS; Wong,D (1984): Histamine levels in middle ear effusions. Acta Otolaryngol 98, 385-390. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 350. Berglund,B; Salmivalli,A; Toivanen,P (1966): Isolation of respiratory syncytial virus from middle ear exudates of infants. Acta Otolaryngol 61, 475-487. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 169. Berman,S (1995): Otitis Media in Children. N Engl J Med 332, 1560-1565. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 620. Berman,S (2001): Management of otitis media and functional outcomes related to language, behavior, and attention: it is time to change our approach? Pediatrics 107, 1175-1177. [BEHAVIOR; COMPLICATIONS; LANGUAGE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 446. Berman,S; Bondy,J; Lezotte,D; Stone,B; Byrns,PJ (1999): The influence of having an assigned medicaid primary care physician on utilization of otitis-media related services. Pediatrics 104, 1192-1197. [COST; OTITIS] 407. Berman,S; Grose,K; Nuss,R; Huber-Navin,C; Roark,R; Gabbard,SA; Bagnall,T (1990): Management of chronic middle ear effusion with prednisone combined with trimethoprim-sulfamethozazole. Pediatr Infect Dis J 9, 533-538. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 408. Berman,S; Roark,R (1993): Factors influencing outcome in children treated with antibiotics for actue otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 12, 20-24. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 107. Berman,S; Roark,R; Luckey,D (1994): Theoretical cost effectiveness of management options for children with persisting middle ear effusions. Pediatrics 93, 353-363. <4.1 million births each year in the United States. During the first...> [COST; OTITIS] 712. Bernstein,JM; Faden,HS; Scannapieco,F; Belmont,M; Dryja,D; Wolf,J (2002): Interference of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis by Streptococcus oralis in adenoid organ culture: a possible strategy for the treatment of the otitis-prone child. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111, 696-700. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 384. Bhambani,K; Foulds,DM; Swamy,KN; Eldis,FE; Fischel,JE (1983): Acute otitis media in children: are decongestants or antihistamines necessary? Ann Emerg Med 12, 13-16. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 480. Bien,J; Doyne,E; Kenney,B; Jones,E; Siegel,R; "Muething,S; Brokaw,B; Lichenstein,P; Gupta,K; Asmussen,L; Olson,L (2000): Parental opinions concerning antibiotic use for otitis media. Pediatr Res 47, 175A. <Abstract> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COST; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 506. Bittner,S; Wielckens,K (1988): Glucorticoid-induced lymphoma cell growth inhibition: role of leukotriene B4. Endocrinology 123, 991-1000. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; STEROID] 3. Black,N (1985): The aetiology of glue ear--a case-control study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 9, 121133. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 725. Black,SB; Shinefield,HR; Ling,S; Hansen,J; Fireman,B; Spring,D; Noyes,J; Lewis,E; Ray,P; Lee,J; Hackell (2002): Effectiveness of heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children younger than five years of age for prevention of pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 810-815. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 749. Block,SL (2002): Therapeutic nihilists: lend me your ears, or the witches' cauldron of acute otitis media. Pediatr Ann 31, 784-791. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 762. Block,SL (2003): Acute otitis media: bunnies, disposables, and bacterial original sin! Pediatrics 111, 217-218. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 171. Block,SL; Harrison,CJ; Hedrick,JA; Tyler,RD; Smith,RA; Keegan,E; Chartrand,SA (1995): Penicillinresistant Streptococcus pneumonia in acute otitis media: risk factors, susceptibility patterns and antimicrobial management. Pediatr Infect Dis J 14, 751-759. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 724. Block,SL; Hedrick,J; Harrison,CJ; Tyler,R; Smith,A; Findlay,R; Keegan,E (2002): Pneumococcal serotypes from acute otitis media in rural Kentucky. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 859-865. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 243. Bluestone,CD (1989): Modern management of otitis media [review]. Pediatr Clin North Am 36, 13711387. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 267. Bluestone,CD (1993): Overtreatment of otitis media [letter]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 12, 889-891. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 172. Bluestone,CD (1994): Surgical management of otitis media: current indications and role related to increasing bacterial resistance. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 1058-1063. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 129. Bluestone,CD (1998): Role of surgery for otitis media in the era of resistant bacteria [review]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 1090-1098. <<Review article suggesting tubes are preferred treatment of otitis...>> [OTITIS; TUBES] 569. Bluestone,CD (2001): Efficacy of ofloxacin and other ototopical preparations for chronic suppurative otitis media in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 111-115. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 157. Bluestone,CD; Cantekin,EI (1979): Design factors in the characterization and identification of otitis media and certain related conditions. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 88(5 Pt 2 Suppl 60), 13-28. <<Tympanometry is the best for assessment of OME.>> [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 469. Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Scheetz,MD (1990): Workshop of epidemiology of otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 99 #7 Suppl 149, 1-60. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 723. Bluestone,CD; Gates,GA; Klein,JO; Lim,DJ; Mogi,G; Ogra,PL; Paparella,MM; Paradise,JL; Tos,M (2002): Panel reports: 1. definitions, terminology, and classification of otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111, 8-18. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; REVIEW] 143. Bluestone,CD; Klein,JO (1988): Otitis Media in Infants and Children. 2nd ed. W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 310 pages. [OTITIS] 106. Bluestone,CD; Klein,JO; Paradise,JL; Eichenwald,H; Bess,FH; Downs,MP; Green,M; BerkoGleason,J; Ventry,IM; Gray,SW; McWilliams,BJ; Gates,GA (1983): Workshop of effects of otitis media on the child [review]. Pediatrics 71, 639-652. <<3.9 million children born in 1979 would experience 8.4 million ot...>> [COST; OTITIS] 347. Boken,DJ; Chartrand,SA; Goering,RV; Kruger,R; Harrison,CJ (1995): Colonization with penicillinresistant Streptoccus pneumoniae in a child-care center. Pediatr Infect Dis J 14, 879-884. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 319. Borin,M; McCormick,DP; Schwartz,R; Ryan,K (1997): Middle ear fluid (MEF) levels of cefpodoxime in pediatric patients with acute otitis media (AOM). Abstr Am Soc Clin Pharmacol Ther, . [INCOMPLETE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 590. Boughton,K; Blower,C; Chartrand,C; Dircks,P; Stone,T; Youwe,G; Hagen,B (1998): Impact of research on pediatic pain assessment and outcomes. Ped. Nurs. 24, 31-35. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 449. Braddock,CH; Edwards,KA; Hasenberg,NM; Laidley,TL; Levinson,W (1999): Informed decision making in outpatient practice: time to get back to basics. JAMA 282, 2313-2320. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DECISION MAKING] 460. Bradley,RH; Caldwell,BM (1979): Home observation for measurement of the environment: a revision of the preschool scale. Am J Ment Defic 84, 235-244. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 459. Bradley,RH; Caldwell,BM (1984): The relation of infants' home environments to achievement test performance in first grade: a follow-up study. Chil Dev 55, 803-809. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 662. Braun,BL; Fowles,JB (2000): Characteristics and experiences of parents and adults who want antibiotics for cold symptoms. Arch. Fam. Med. 9, 589-595. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; EDUCAT...] 656. Britten,N; Ukoumunne,O (1997): The influence of patients' hopes of receiving a prescription on doctors' perceptions and the decision to prescribe: a questionnaire survey. BMJ 315, 1506-1510. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTI...] 395. Brodsky,L; Faden,H; Bernstein,J; Stanievich,J; DeCastro,G; Ogra,PL (1991): Arachidonic acid metabolites in middle ear effusions. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 100, 589-592. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 676. Broides,A; Leibovitz,E; Dagan,R; Press,J; Raiz,S; Kafka,M; Leiberman,A; Yermiahu,T (2002): Cytology of middle ear fluid during acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 57-60. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 253. Brook,I; Gober,AE (1996): Prophylaxis with amoxicillin or sulfisoxazole for otitis media: effect on the recovery of penicillin-resistant bacteria froom children. Clin Infect Dis 22, 143-145. <<Number of beta-lactamase producing bacteria and penicillin resist...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION] 413. Brook,I; Yocum,P (1999): Bacterial interference in the adenoids of otitis media-prone children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 835-837. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION] 173. Browning,GG (1990): Childhood otalgia: acute otitis media. 1. Antibiotics not necessary in most cases. BMJ 300, 1005-1006. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 125. Brownlee,RC; DeLoache,WR; Cowan,CC; Jackson,HP (1969): Otitis media in children. Incidence, treatment, and prognosis in pediatric practice. J Pediatr 75, 636-642. <<Lists peak incidence of OM in 772 children>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 705. Bulloch,B; Tenenbein,M (2002): Validation of 2 pain scales for use in the pediatric emergency department. Pediatrics 110, 611-612. [DECISION MAKING; DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 175. Burke,P (1992): Otitis media - antibiotics or not?[review][15 refs]. Practitioner 236, 432-439. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 174. Burke,P; Bain,J; Robinson,D; Dunleavey,J (1991): Acute red ear in children: controlled trial of nonantibiotic treatment in general practice. BMJ 303, 558-562. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 114. Byrns,PJ; Bondy,J; Glazner,JE; Berman,S (1997): Utilization of services for otitis media by children enrolled in Medicaid. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 151, 407-413. <<Children under age 13 made 0.5 visits per child per year for otit...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; TUBES] 507. Calderwood,SK; Bornstein,B; Farnum,EK; Stevenson,MA (1989): Heat shock stimulates the release of arachidonic acid and the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotriene B4 in mammalian cells. J Cell Physiol 141, 325-333. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 417. Caldwell,BM; Bradley,RH (1984): HOME observation for measurement of the environment. University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 4. Campbell,N; Hugo,R; Uys,I; Hanekom,J; Millard,S (1995): Early recurrent otitis media, language and central auditory processing in children. S Afr J Commun Disord 42, 73-84. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 246. Canafax,DM; Giebink,GS (1991): Clinical and pharmacokinetic basis for the antimicrobial treatment of acute otitis media [review][77 refs]. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 24, 859-875. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 283. Canafax,DM; Yuan,Z; Chonmaitree,T; Deka,K; Russlie,HQ; Giebink,GS (1998): Amoxicillin middle ear fluid penetration and pharmacokinetics in children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 149-156. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VIRAL] 156. Cantekin,EI; Bluestone,CD; Fria,TJ; Stool,SE; Beery,QC; Sabo,DL (1980): Identification of otitis media with effusion in children. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89(3 pt 2), 190-195. <<Tympanometry was more accurate thatn otoscopy or middle ear muscl...>> [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 387. Cantekin,EI; Mandel,EM; Bluestone,CD; Rockette,HE; Paradise,JL; Stool,SE; Rogers,KD (1983): Lack of effect of a decongestant-antihistamine combination for otitis media with effusion ("secretory" otitis media) in children. Results of a double-blind, randomized trial. N Engl J Med 308, 297-301. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 241. Cantekin,EI; McGuire,TW; Griffith,TL (1991): Antimicrobial therapy for otitis media with effusion ('secretory' otitis media'). JAMA 266, 3309-3317. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 492. Capra,AM; Lieu,TA; Black,SB; Shinefield,HR; Martin,KE; Klein,JO (2000): Costs of otitis media in a managed care population. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 354-355. [COST; OTITIS] 176. Carlin,SA; Marchant,CD; Shurin,PA; Johnson,CE; Murdell-Panek,D; Barenkamp,SJ (1987): Early recurrences of otitis media: Reinfection or relapse? J Pediatr 110, 20-25. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 94. Carpenter,ES (1980): Children's Health Care and the Changing Role of Women. Med Care 18, 12081218. [COST; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 418. Carrow,E (1974): Carrow Elicted Language Inventory. DLM Teaching Resources, McAlllen,TX. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 420. Carrow-Woolfolk,E (1981): Carrow Auditory-Visual Abilities Test. DLM Teaching, McAllen,TX. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 419. Carrow-Woolfolk,E (1985): TACL-R Examiner's Manual. DLM Teaching Resources, McAllen,TX. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 461. Carrow-Woolfolk,Elizabeth (1999): Carrow Elicited language Inventory. Riverside Publishing Company, Chicago, Il. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 654. Cars,O; Molstad,S; Melander,A (2001): Variation in antibiotic use in the European Union. Lancet 357, 1851-1853. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 593. Casper,RF; Powell,AM (1986): Premenstrual syndrome: documentation by a linear analog scale compared with two descriptive scales. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 155, 862-867. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 85. Casselbrant,ML (1989): Epidemiology of otitis media in infants and preschool children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 8(1 Suppl), S10-11. <<OTITIS>> [EPIDEMIOLOGY; PREVENTION] 150. Casselbrant,ML; Kaleida,PH; Rockette,HE; Paradise,JL; Bluestone,CD; Kurs-Lasky,M; Nozza,RJ; Wald,ER (1992): Efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis and of tympanostomy tube insertion for prevention of recurrent acute otitis media: results of a randomized clinical trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J 11, 278-286. <<The study favored the amoxicillin group as compared with the plac...>> [OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; TUBES] 447. Casselbrant,ML; Mandel,EM; Fall,PA; Rockette,HE; Kurs-Lasky,M; Bluestone,CD; Ferrell,RE (1999): The heritability of otitis media: a twin and triplet study. JAMA 282, 2125-2130. [GENETICS; OTITIS] 356. Cates,C (1999): An evidence based approach to reducing antibiotic use in children with acute otitis media: controlled before and after study. BMJ 318, 715-716. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 670. Caye-Thomasen,P; Hermansson,A; Tos,M; Prellner (2000): Middle ear secretory capacity after acute otitis media caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, non-typeable or type B Haemophilus influenzae. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 543, 54-55. [ANATOMY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 298. Center for Disease control and Prevention (U.S.); National Center for Infectious Diseases (U.S.) (1994): Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats. U.S.Dept of Health and Human Services: Public Health Service, Atlanta, Ga. 46 pages. <<This report was prepared and produced by the National Center for ...>> [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 635. Chan,LS; Takata,GS; Shekelle,P; Morton,SC; Mason,W; Marcy,SM (2001): Evidence assessment of management of acute otitis media: II. Research gaps and priorities for future research. Pediatrics 108, 248254. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; REVIEW; TREATMENT] 5. Chandra,RK (1979): Prospective studies of the effect of breast feeding on incidence of infection and allergy. Acta Paediatr Scand 68, 691-694. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 177. Chang,MJ; Rodriguez,WJ; Mohla,C (1982): Chlamydia trichomatis in otitis media in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1, 95-97. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 311. Chaput de Saintonge,DM; Levine,DF; Savage,IT; Burgess,GW; Sharp,J; Mayhew,SR; Sadler,MG; Moody,R; Griffiths,R; Griffiths,S; Meadows,G (1982): Trial of three-day and ten-day courses of amoxycillin in otitis media. BMJ 284, 1078-1081. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 421. Charlton,A (1994): Children and passive smoking: a review. J Fam Pract 38, 267-277. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; SMOKING] 178. Chilton,LA; Skipper,BE (1979): Antihistamines and alpha-adrenergic agents in treatment of otitis media. South Med J 72, 953-955. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 551. Chkonmaitree,T; Heikkinen,T (2000): Viruses and acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 10051006. [OTITIS; VIRUS] 473. Chonmaiatree,T; Hendrickson,KJ (2000): Detection of respiratory viruses in the middle ear fluids of children with acute otitis media by multiplex reverse transcription: polymerase chain reaction assay. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 258-260. [DIAGNOSIS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; VIRAL] 180. Chonmaitree,T (1990): Viral Otitis Media [review][26 refs]. Pediatr Ann 19, 524-525. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 501. Chonmaitree,T (2000): Viral and bacterial interaction in acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, S24-S30. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 274. Chonmaitree,T; Garafalo,R; Patel,J; Uchida,T; Owen,M; Howie,V (1993): Viruses enhance leukotriene B4 (LTB4) production in acute otitis media. Clin Infect Dis 17, 559. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 327. Chonmaitree,T; Heikkinen,T (1997): Role of viruses in middle-ear disease [review][93 refs]. Ann N Y Acad Sci 830, 143-157. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 317. Chonmaitree,T; Hendrickson,K (1999): Detection of respiratory viruses in the middle ear fluids of children with acute otitis media by multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay. Seventh Int Symp Otitis Media, . [INCOMPLETE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; VIRAL] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 179. Chonmaitree,T; Howie,VM; Truant,AL (1986): Presence of respiratory viruses in middle ear fluids and nasal wash specimens from children with acute otitis media. Pediatrics 77, 698-702. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 181. Chonmaitree,T; Owen,MJ; Howie,VM (1990): Respiratory viruses interfere with bacteriologic response to antibiotic in children with acute otitis media. J Infect Dis 162, 546-549. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 182. Chonmaitree,T; Owen,MJ; Patel,JA; Hedgpeth,D; Horlick,D; Howie,VM (1992): Effect of viral respiratory tract infection on outcome of acute otitis media. J Pediatr 120, 856-862. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 499. Chonmaitree,T; Patel,JA; Garofalo,R; Uchida,T; Sim,T; Owen,MJ; Howie,VM (1996): Role of leukotriene B4 and interleukin-8 in acute bacterial and viral otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 105, 968974. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 344. Chonmaitree,T; Patel,JA; Lett-Brown,MA; Uchida,T; Garafalo,R; Owen,MJ; Howie,VM (1994): Virus and bacteria enhance histamine production in middle ear fluids of children with acute otiits media. J Infect Dis 169, 1265-1270. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 500. Chonmaitree,T; Patel,JA; Lett-Brown,MA; Uchida,T; Garofalo,R; Owen,M; Howie,VM (1994): Virus and bacteria enhance histamine production in middle ear fluids of children with acute otitis media. J Infect Dis 169, 1265-1270. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRUS] 345. Chonmaitree,T; Patel,JA; Sim,T; Garofalo,R; Uchida,T; Howie,VM; Owen,MJ (1996): Role of leukotriene B4 and interleukin-8 in acute bacterial and viral otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 105, 968974. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 318. Chonmaitreee,T; Saeed,K; McCormick,DP; Uchida,T; Heikkinen,T; Baldwin,C (1999): Adjuvant therapy with antihistamine does not reduce histamine concentrations in the meddle ear fluids of children with acute otitis media. Seventh Int Symp Otitis Media, . [INCOMPLETE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 576. Christakis,DA; Zimmerman,FJ; Wright,JA; Garrison,MM; Rivara,FP; Davis,RL (2001): A arandomized controlled trial of point-of-care evidence to improve antibiotic prescribing practices for otitis media in children. Pediatrics 107, e15. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 400. Chung,MH; Griffith,SR; Park,KH; Lim,DJ; DeMaria,TF (1993): Cytological and histological changes in the middle ear after inoculation of influenza A virus. Acta Otolaryngol 113, 81-87. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 245. Claessen,JQ; Appelman,CL; Touw-Otten,FW; de Melker,RA; Hordijk,GJ (1992): A review of clinical trials regarding treatment of acute otitis media [review][67 refs]. clin otolaryngol 17, 251-257. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 357. Clarke,RW (1999): Reducing antibiotic use in children with acute otitis media. Acute otitis media in children is important [Letter]. BMJ 319, 124. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 6. Clements,DA; Langdon,L; Bland,C; Walter,E (1995): Influenza A vaccine decreases the incidence of otitis media in 6- to 30-month-old children in day care. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 149, 1113-1117. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 742. Clyde,WA Jr; Denny,FW (1967): Mycoplasma infections in childhood. Pediatrics 40, 669. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 758. Cocconi,G (2002): Independent clinical trials: a commentary. Tumori 88, 85-88. [COST; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 661. Cockburn,J (1997): Prescribing behaviour in clinical practice: patients' expectations and doctors' perceptions of patients' expectations--a questionnaire study. BMJ 315, 520-523. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 335. Coffey,JD (1966): Otitis media in the practice of pediatrics.Bacteriological and clinical observations. Pediatrics 38, 25-32. [DIAGNOSIS; MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 297. Cohen,ML (1992): Epidemiology of drug resistance: implications for a post antimicrobial era [review][51 refs]. Science 257, 1050-1055. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 256. Cohen,R; Bingen,E; Varon,E; de La Rocque,F; Brahimi,N; Levy,C; Boucherat,M; Langue,J; Geslin,P (1997): Change in nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae resulting from antibiotic therapy for acute otitis media in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16, 555-560. <<Treatment with vantin or augmentin. Risk for a child carrying pen...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 239. Cohen,R; Levy,C; Boucherat,M; Langue,J; de La Rocque,R (1998): A multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial of 5 versus 10 days of antibiotic therapy for acute otitis media in young children. J Pediatr 133, 634-639. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 7. Collet,JP; Ducruet,T; Floret,D; Cogan-Collet,J; Honneger,D; Boissel,JP (1991): Daycare attendance and risk of first infectious disease. Eur J Pediatr 150, 214-216. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 8. Collet,JP; Larson,CP; Boivin,JF; Suissa,S; Pless,IB (1995): Parental smoking and risk of otitis media in pre-school children. Can J Public Health 86, 269-273. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 401. Collins,MP; Bakhshi,K; Wareham,CA; Church,MK (1984): Histamine and secretory otitis media. Clin Sci 67, 557-560. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 583. Commisso,R; Romero-Orellano,F; Montanaro,PB; Romero-Moroni,F; Romero-Diaz,E (2000): Acute otitis media: bacteriology and bacterial resistance in 205 pediatric patients. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000, 23-31. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 183. Cone,RW; Chonmaitree,T; Huang,MLW; Howie,VM; Owen,MJ (1993): Human herpesvirus 6 variant B in acute otitis media. Clin Infect Dis 17, 558. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 743. Couch,RB; Cate,TR; Chanock,RM (1964): Infection with artificially propagated Eaton agent. JAMA 187, 442. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 508. Coyle,PK (1999): Clucorticoids in central nervous system bacterial infection. Arch Neurol 56, 796-801. [STEROID; TREATMENT] 463. Coyte,PC; Asche,CV; Elden,LM (1999): The economic cost of otitis media in Canada. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 49, 27-36. [COST; OTITIS] 131. Coyte,PC; Asche,CV; Ho,E; Brassard,T; Friedberg,J (1998): Comparative cost analysis of myringotomy with insertion of ventilation tubes in Ontario and British Columbia. J Otolaryngol 27, 69-75. [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 596. Coyte,PC; Croxford,R; McIsaac,W; Feldman,W; Friedberg,J (2001): The role of adjuvant adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy in the outcome of the insertion of tympanostomy tubes. N Engl J Med 344, 1188-1195. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; TUBES] 509. Crocker,IC; Zhou,CY; Bewtra,AK; Kreutner,W; Townley,RG (1997): Glucorticosteroids inhibit leukotriene production. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 78, 497-505. [MEDIATORS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 118. Croteau,N; Hai,V; Pless,IB; Infante-Rivard,C (1990): Trends in medical visits and surgery for otitis media among children. Am J Dis Child 144, 535-538. <<Rates for myringotomy with placement of ventilation tubes with or...>> [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 304. Culpepper,L; Froom,J (1997): Routine antimicrobial treatment of acute otitis media: Is it necessary? JAMA 278, 1643-1645. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 9. Cunningham,AS (1984): Otitis and breast-feeding [Letter]. J Pediatr 105, 854-855. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 184. Cunningham,AS (1994): Antibiotics for otitis media: Resistant, not routine. Contemp Pediatr 11, 17-30. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 688. Curns,AT; Holman,RC; Shay,DK; Cheek,JE; Kaufman,SF; Singleton,RJ; Anderson,LJ (2002): Outpatient and hospital visits associated with otitis media among American Indian and Alaska native children younger than 5 years. Pediatrics 109, e41. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS] 476. Curry (2000): Costs of otitis media? Pediatrics 105, 156. <<Letter with reply>> [COST; INCIDENCE; OTITIS] 255. Dabernat,H; Geslin,P; Megraud,F; Begue,P; Boulesteix,J; Dubreuil,C; de La Roque,F; Trinh,A; Scheimberg,A (1998): Effects of cefixime or co-amoxiclav treatment on nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Heamophilus influenzae in children with acute otitis media. J Antimicrob Chemother 41, 253-258. <<At enrollment 52.5% of the children carried pneumococci and 38.8%...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 494. Dagan,R (2000): Clinicial significance of resistant organisms in otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 378-382. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 137. Dagan,R; Abramson,O; Greenberg,D; Lang,R; Goshen,S; Yagupsky,P; Leiberman,A; Fliss,DM (1997): Bacteriologic response to oral cephalosporins: are extablished susceptibility breakpoints appropriate in the case of acute otitis media? J Infect Dis 176, 1253-1259. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 638. Dagan,R; Hoberman,A; Johnson,C; Leibovitz,EL; Arguedas,A; Rose,FV; Wynne,BR; Jacobs,MR (2001): Bacteriologic and clinical efficacy of high dose amoxicillin/clavulanate in children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, No. 9, 829-837. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 603. Dagan,R; Leibovitz,E; Cheletz,G; Leiberman,A; Porat,N (2001): Antibiotic treatment in acute otitis media promotes superinfection with resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae carried before initiation of treatment. J Infect Dis 183, 880-886. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 140. Dagan,R; Leibovitz,E; Greenberg,D; Yagupsky,P; Fliss,DM; Leiberman,A (1998): Early eradication of pathogens from middle ear fluid during antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media is associated with improved clinical outcome. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 776-782. [OTITIS] 142. Dagan,R; Leibovitz,E; Greenberg,D; Yagupsky,P; Fliss,DM; Leiberman,A (1998): Dynamics of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal colonization during the first days of antibiotic treatment in pediatric patients. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 880-885. <<Rapid selection of resistant organisms during antibiotic treatmen...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 731. Dagan,R; McCracken,GH (2002): Flaws in design and conduct of clinical trials in acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 894-902. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 141. Dagan,R; Pridan,H (1982): Relationship of breast feeding versus bottle feeding with emergency room visits and hospitalization for infectious diseases. Eur J Pediatr 139, 192-194. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS] 484. Dagan,R; Sikuler-Cohen,M; Givon-Lavi,N; Janco,J; Chang,I; Siber,GR; Fraser,D (2000): A 9-valent pneumococcal CRM Vaccine (PncCRM9) has a major impact on morbidity and antibioitc (AB) use in day care centers (DCCs). Pediatr Res 47, 260A. <Abstract> [DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION...] 644. Dagan,R; Sikuler-Cohen,M; Samir,O; Janco,J; Givon-Lavi,N (2001): Effect of a conjugate pneumococcal vaccine on the occurrence of respiratory infections and antibiotic use in day-care center attendees. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 959-967. [ANTIBIOTICS; COST; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VA...] 139. Dagan,R; Yagupsky,P; Goldbart,A; Wasas,A; Klugman,K (1994): Increasing prevalence of penicillinresistant pneumococcal infections in children in southern Israel: implications for future immunization policies. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 782-786. <<With time, there was an increase in serogroup 23, which was more ...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 10. Daly,K; Giebink,GS; Le,CT; Lindgren,B; Batalden,PB; Anderson,RS; Russ,JN (1988): Determining risk for chronic otitis media with effusion. Pediatr Infect Dis J 7, 471-475. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 553. Daly,KA; Brown,JE; Lindgren,BR; Meland,MH; Le,CT; Giebink,GS (1999): Epidemiology of otitis media onset by six months of age. Pediatrics 103, 1158-1166. [DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 487. Damoiseaux,RA; van Balen,FA; Hoes,AW; Verheij,TJ; de Melker,RA (2000): Primary care based randomised, double blind trial of amoxicillin versus placebo for acute otitis media in children aged under 2 years. BMJ 320, 350-354. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 672. Damoiseaux,RAMJ; Sanders,LAM; van Balen,FAM; Rijkers,GT (2000): Sibling history of recurrent acute otitis media correlates with low IgG2 anti-pneumococcal polysaccharide antibody levels. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 176-177. [GENETICS; OTITIS] 263. de Ferranti,SD; Ioannidis,JP; Lau,J; Anninger,WV; Barza,M (1998): Are amoxycillin and folate inhibitors as effective as other antibiotics for acute sinusitis? A meta-analysis. BMJ 317, 632-637. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 330. Deka,K; Howie,VM; Owen,MJ; Patel,JA; Chonmaitree,T (1996): Patient characteristics and prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in acute otitis media (AOM). In: Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) BC Decker, Inc, Hamilton, Ontario, 315-317. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 159. Del Mar,C; Glasziou,P; Hayem,M (1997): Are antibiotics indicated as initial treatment for children with acute otitis media? A meta-analysis. BMJ 314, 1526-1529. <<Early use of antibiotics provides only modest benefit for acute o...>> [META-ANALYSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 397. Dennis,RG; Whitmire,RN; Jackson,RT (1976): Action of inflammatory mediators on middle ear mucosa.A method for measuring permeability and swelling. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 102, 420-424. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 188. Derkay,CS; Bluestone,CD; Thompson,AE; Kardatske,D (1989): Otitis media in the pediatric intensive care unit: A prospective study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 100, 292-299. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 754. DeRosa,J; Grundfast,KM (2002): Surgical management of otitis media. Pediatr Ann 31, 814-820. [OTITIS; TREATMENT; TUBES] 691. Desai,SN; Kellner,JD; Drummand,D (2002): Population-based, age-specific myringotomy with tympanostomy tube insertion rates in Calgary, Canada. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 348-350. [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; TUBES] 613. Devereaux,PJ; Manns,BJ; Ghali,WA; Quan,H; Lacchetti,C; Montori,VM; Bhandari,M; Buyatt,GH (2001): Physician interpretations and textbook definitions of blinding terminology in randomized controlled trials. JAMA 285, 2000-2003. [BLINDING; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 11. Dewey,KG; Heinig,J; Nommsen-Rivers,LA (1995): Differences in morbidity between breast-fed and formula-fed infants. J Pediatr 126, 696-702. <<87 children were monitored during the first two years of life. Mo...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 721. Dhooge,IJ; van Kempen,MJP; Sanders,LAM; Rijkers,GT (2002): Deficient IgA and IgG2 antipneumococcal antibody levels and response to vaccination in otitis prone children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 64, 133-141. [GENETICS; OTITIS; VACCINE] 189. Diamant,M; Diamant,B (1974): Abuse and timing of use of antibiotics in acute otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 100, 226-232. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 504. Diven,WF; Alperl,CM; Evans,RW; Burckart,GJ; Jaffe,R; Zeevi,A; Doyle,WJ (1996): Expression of acute otitis media after receptor blockades of platelet activating factor, thromboxane and leukotrienes in the chinchilla. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) BC Decker, Inc, Hamilton, Canada, 447-450. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 578. Djulbegovic,B (2001): Scientific and ethical issues in equivalence trials. JAMA 285, 1206-1208. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 284. Dowell,SF; Butler,JC; Giebink,GS; Jacobs,MR; Jernigan,D; Musher,DM; Rakowsky,A; Schwartz,B (1999): Acute otitis media: management and surveillance in an era of pneumococcal resistance--a report from the Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Therapeutic Working Group. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 1-9. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 259. Dowell,SF; Marcy,SM; Phillips,WR; Gerber,MA; Schwartz,B (1998): Principles of judicious use of antimicrobial agents for pediatric upper repsiratory tract infections. Pediatrics 101, 163-165. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 190. Doyle,WJ; Skoner,DP; Hayden,F; Buchman,CA; Steroky,JT; Fireman,P (1994): Nasal and otologic effects of experimental influenza A virus infection. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 103, 59-69. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 80. Duncan,B; Ey,J; Holberg,CJ; Wright,AL; Martinez,FD; Taussig,LM (1993): Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 4 months protects against otitis media. Pediatrics 91, 867-872. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 154. Eavey,RD; Stool,SE; Peckham,GJ; Mitchell,LR (1976): How to examine the ear of the neonate. "Careful monitoring can recognize problems early.". Clin Pediatr 15, 338-341. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 612. Egger,M; Juni,P; Bartlett,C (2001): Value of flow diagrams in reports of randomized controlled trials. JAMA 285, 1996-1999. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 448. Ehrlich,GD; Post,JC (1999): Susceptibility to otitis media: strong evidence that genetics plays a role. JAMA 282, 2167-2169. [GENETICS; OTITIS] 491. Eldan,M; Leibovitz,E; Piglansky,L; Raiz,S; Press,J; Yagupsky,P; Leiberman,A; Dagan,R (2000): Predictive value of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal cultures for the assessment of nonresponsive acute otitis media in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2000, 298-303. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 453. Engel,J; Anteunis,L; Volovics,A; Hendriks,J; Marres,E (1999): Risk factors of otitis media with effusion during infancy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 48, 239-249. [BREASTFEEDING; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 582. Eskola,J; Kilpi,T; Palmu,A; Jokinen,J; Haapakoski,J; Herva,E; Takala,A; Kayhty,H; Karma,P; Khoberger,R; Siber,G; Makela,PH (2001): Efficacy of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against acute otitis media. N Engl J Med 344, 403-409. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 12. Etzel,RA; Pattishall,EN; Haley,NJ; Fletcher,RH; Henderson,FW (1992): Passive smoking and middle ear effusion among children in day care. Pediatrics 90, 228-232. <<132 children were followed in day care for three years. Children ...>> [COST; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 645. Fabio,JL; Castaneda,E; Agudelo,CI; De La Hoz,F; Hortal,M; Camou,T; Echaniz-Aviles,G; Barajas,MNC; Heitmann,I; Hormazabal,JC; Brandileone,MCC; Viera,VSD; Regueira,M; Ruvinski,R; Corso,A; Lovgren,M; Talbot,JA; De Quadros,C (2001): Evolution of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes and penicillin susceptibility in Latin America, Sireva-Vigia Group, 1993-1999. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 959-967. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 727. Faden,H (2001): The microbiologic and immunologic basis for recurrent otitis media in children. Eur J Pediatr 160, 407-413. [IMMUNITY; OTITIS] 472. Faden,H; Doern,G; Wolf,J; Blocker,M (1994): Antimicrobial susceptibility of nasopharyngeal isolates of potential pathogens recovered from infants before antibiotic therapy: implications for the management of otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 609-612. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 706. Faden,h; Heimeri,M; Varma,C; Goodman,G; Winkelstein,P (2002): Urinary excretion of pneumococcal cell wall polysaccharide in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 791-792. [DIAGNOSIS; EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 191. Faden,H; Stanievich,J; Brodsky,L; Bernstein,J; Ogra,PL (1990): Changes in nasopharyngeal flora during otitis media in childhood. Pediatr Infect Dis J 9, 623-626. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 231. Feagans,L; Sanyal,M; Henderson,F; Collier,A; Appelbaum,M (1987): Relationship of middle ear disease in early childhood to later narrative and attention skills. J Pediatr Psychol 12, 581-594. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 359. Feldman,HM; Dollaghan,CA; Campbell,TF; Colborn,DK; Kurs-Lasky,M; Janosky,JE; Paradise,JL (1999): Parent-reported language and communication skills at one and two years of age in relation to otitis media in the first two years of life. Pediatrics 104, e52. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 533. Ferekidis,E; Vlachou,S; Douniadakis,D; Apostolopoulos,N; Adamopoulos,G (1999): Multiple-frequency tympanometry in children with acute otitis media. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 121, 797-801. [OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY] 766. Finitzo,T; Friel-Patti,S; Chinn,K; Brown,O (1992): Tympanometry and otoscopy prior to myringotomy: issues in diagnosis of otitis media. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 24, 101-110. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY] 626. Finkelstein,JA; Davis,RA; Dowell,SF; Metlay,JP; Soumerai,SB; Rifas-Shiman,SL; Higham,M; Miller,Z; Miroshnik,I; Pedan,A; Platt,R (2001): Reducing antibiotic use in children: a randomized trial in 12 practices. Pediatrics 108, 1-7. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT] 248. Finney,JW; Friman,PC; Rapoff,MA; Christophersen,ER (1985): Improving compliance with antibiotic regimens for otitis media. Randomized clinical trial in a pediatric practice. Am J Dis Child 139, 89-95. [ANTIBIOTICS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 760. Fireman,B; Black,SB; Shinefield,HR; Lee,J; Lewis,E; Ray,P (2003): Impact of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 22, 10-16. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VACCINE] 372. Fireman,P (1990): The role of antihistamines in otitis [review][15 refs]. J Allergy Clin Immunol 86, 638641. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 358. Fischer,D; Stewart,AL; Bloch,DA; Lorig,K; Laurent,D; Holman,H (1999): Capturing the patient's view of change as a clinical outcome measure. JAMA 282, 1157-1162. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY] 262. Fisher,ES; Welch,HG (1999): Avoiding the unintended consequences of growth in medical care: how might more be worse? JAMA 281, 446-453. [COST; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 74. Fisher,J; Stremler,J (1991): Training Moms to Help Moms: WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training Manual. Texas Department of Health and Austin/Travis County Program and La Leche League of Texas, Austin, TX. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 64. Fleming,DW; Cochi,SL; Hightower,AW; Broome,CV (1987): Childhood upper respiratory tract infections: to what degree is incidence affected by day-care attendance? Pediatrics 79, 55-60. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 708. Flynn,CA; Griffin,G; Tudiver,F (2001): Decongestants and antihistamines for acute otitis media in children. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2001, CD001727. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 692. Flynn,CA; Griffin,G; Tudover,F (2002): Decongestants and antihistamines for acute otitis media in children. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 1, CD001727. [INCOMPLETE; ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 668. Fogle-Hansson,M; White,P; Harmansson,A; Prellner,K (2001): Short-term penicillin-V prophylaxis did not prevent acute otitis media in infants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 59, 119-123. [OTITIS; PROPHYLAXIS; TREATMENT] 192. Fortnum,HM (1992): Hearing impairment after bacterial meningitis: A review [56 refs]. Arch Dis Child 67, 1128-1133. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 14. Fosarelli,PD; DeAngelis,C; Winkelstein,J; Mellits,ED (1985): Infectious illnesses in the first two years of life. Pediatr Infect Dis J 4, 153-159. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 398. Frady,RP; Parker,WA; Jackson,RT (1977): Studies in permeability of the middle ear mucosa. The feasibility of blocking inflammatory mediators. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 103, 47-51. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 510. Freeland,HS; Pipkorn,U; Schleimer,RP; Bascom,R; Lichtenstein,LM; Naclerio,RM; Peters,SP (1989): Leukotriene B4 as a mediator of early and late reactions to antigen in humans: the effect of systemic glucocorticoid treatment in vivo. J Allergy Clin Immunol 83, 634-642. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; STEROID] 682. Frei,H; Thurneysen,A (2001): homeopathy in acute otitis media in children: treatment effect or spontaneous resolution. Br. Homeopath. J. 90, 180-182. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 113. Friedman,EH; Regan,CM; St. Leger,AS (1989): Analysis of secular trends in surgery for glue ear in the North Western Region (1975-1984). Community Med 11, 41-48. <<Rate of placement of surgery for glue ear increased from 45/10,00...>> [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 15. Froom,J; Culpepper,L (1991): Otitis media in day-care children. A report from the International Primary Care Network. J Fam Pract 32, 289-294. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 316. Froom,J; Culpepper,L; Bridges-Webb,C; Bowers,P; Stroobant,A; Lion,J; Rosser,W; Grava-Gubins,I; Grob,P; Yodfat,Y (1993): Effect of patient characteristics and disease manifestations on the outcome of acute otitis media at two months. Fam Med 2, 841-846. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 694. Froom,J; Culpepper,L; Green,LA; de Melker,RA; Grob,P; Heeren,T; van Balen,F (2001): A crossnational study of acute otitis media: risk factors, severity and treatment at initial visit. Report from the International Primary Care Network (IPCN) and the Ambulatory Sentinel Practice Network (ASPN). J. Am. Board Fam. Pract. 14, 406-417. [BREASTFEEDING; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT; TUBES] 314. Froom,J; Culpepper,L; Grob,P; Bartelds,A; Bowers,P; Bridges-Webb,C; Grava-Gubins,I; Green,L; Lion,J; Somaini,B; West,R; Yedfat,Y (1990): Diagnosis and antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media: report from International Primary Care Network. BMJ 300, 582-586. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 346. Fujita,K; Murono,K; Yoshikawa,M; Murai,T (1994): Decline of erythromycin resistance of group A streptococci in Japan. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 1075-1078. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY] 525. Gaboury,JP; Johnson,B; Niu,X-F; Kubes,P (1985): Mechanisms underlying acute mast cell-induced leukocyte rolling and adhesion in vivo. J Immunol 154, 804-813. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 598. Garbutt,JM; Gellman,EF; Littenberg,B (1999): The development and validation of an instrument to asess acute sinus disease in children. Quality of Life Research 8, 225-233. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 599. Garbutt,JM; Goldstein,M; Gellman,E; Shannon,W; Littenberg,B (2001): A randomized, placebocontrolled trial of antimicrobial treatment for children with clinically diagnosed acute sinusitis. Pediatrics 107, 619-625. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 332. Garofalo,R; Enander,I; Nilssons,M; Howie,VM; Owen,MJ; Chonmaitree,T (1996): Mast cell degranulation in the middle ear of children with acute otitis media. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 191-193. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 567. Gates,G (2001): Safety of ofloxacin otic and other ototopical treatments in animal models and in humans. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 104-107. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 257. Gehanno,P; N'Guyen,L; Derriennic,M; Pichon,F; Goehrs,JM; Berche,P (1998): Pathogens isolated during treatment failures in otitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 885-890. <<Most pathogens cultured are S. pneumoniae (39%), penicillin resis...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 631. Gehanno,P; Panajotopoulos,A; Barry,B; Nguyen,L; Levy,D; Bingen,E; Berche,P (2001): Microbiology of otitis media in the Paris, France, area from 1987 to 1997. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 570-573. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 388. Gendrel,D; Raymond,J; Coste,J; Moulin,F; Lorrot,M; Guerin,S; Ravilly,S; Lefevre,H; Royer,C; Lacombe,C; Palmer,P; Bohuon,C (1999): Comparison of procalcitonin with C-reactive protein, interleukin 6 and interferon-alpha for differentiation of bacterial vs. viral infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 875-881. [DIAGNOSIS; MEDIATORS; OTITIS; PROCALCITONIN] 252. Geslin,P; Buu-Hoi,A; Fremaux,A; Acar,JF (1992): Antibicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae: an epidemiological survey in France, 1970-1990. Clin Infect Dis 15, 95-98. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS; RESISTANCE] 733. Ghaffar,F (2002): Effect of large doses of amoxicillin/clavulanate or azithromycin on nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, nonpneumococcal alpha-hemolytic streptococci, and staphylococcus aureus in children with acute otitis media. Clin Infect Dis 34, 1301-1309. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 454. Ghaffar,F; Friedland,IR; Katz,K; Muniz,LS; Smith,JL; Davis,P; Reynolds,J; McCraken,GH (1999): Increased carriage of resistant non-pneumococcal alpha-hemolytic streptococci after antibiotic therapy. J Pediatr 135, 618-623. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 604. Ghaffar,FA; Wordemann,M; McCracken,GH (2001): Acute mastoiditis in children: a seventeen-year experience in Dallas, Texas. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 376-380. [COMPLICATIONS; EPIDEMIOLOGY; MASTOIDITIS; OTITIS] 693. Giebink,GS; Bakaletz,LO; Barenkamp,SJ; Eskola,J; Green,B; Gu,XX; Harada,T; Heikkinen,T; Karma,P; Klein,JO; Kurono,Y; Mogi,G; Murphy,TF; Ogra,P; Patel,J; Suzuki,M; Yamanaka,N (2002): Recent advances in otitis media. 7. Vaccine. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 111, 82-94. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION; VACCINE; VIRUS] 193. Giebink,GS; Canafax,DM; Kempthorne,J (1991): Antimicrobial treatment of acute otitis media [review][35 refs]. J Pediatr 119, 495-500. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 339. Gladstone,HB; Jackler,RK; Varav,K (1995): Tympanic membrane wound healing. An overview. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 5, 913-919. [ANATOMY; MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS] 416. Gleason,Jean Berko (Ed.) (1985): Studying language development. C.E. Merrill Pub. Co., Columbus,OH. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 295. Gold,HS; Moellering,RC Jr (1996): Antimicrobial-drug resistance. N Engl J Med 335, 1445-1453. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 570. Goldblatt,EL (2001): Efficacy of ofloxacin and other otic preparations for acute otitis media in patients with tympanostomy tubes. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 116-119. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 380. Goldie,P; Jung,TT; Hellstrom,S (1993): Arachidonic acid metabolites in experimental otitis media and effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 102, 954-960. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 422. Goldman,R; Fristoe,M (1986): Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation. American Guidance Service, Circle Pines, MN. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 442. Golova,N; Alario,AJ; Vivier,PM; Rodriguez,M; High,PC (1999): Literacy promotion for Hispanic families in a primary care setting: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 103, 993-997. [LANGUAGE; LITERACY; OTITIS] 680. Golz,A; Netzer,A; Goldenberg,D; Westerman,ST; Westerman,LM; Joachims,HZ (2001): The association between iron-deficiency anemia and recurrent acute otitis media. Am J Otolaryngol 22, 391-394. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 322. Gonzales,R; Steiner,JF; Lum,A; Barrett,PH Jr (1999): Decreaseing antibiotic use in ambulatory practice: impact of a multidimensional intervention on the treatment of uncomplicated acute bronchitis in adults. JAMA 281, 1512-1519. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 341. Gonzalez-Vallejo,C; Sorum,PC; Stewart,TR; Chessare,JB; Mumpower,JL (1998): Physicians' diagnostic judgments and treatment decisions for acute otitis media in children. Med Decis Making 18, 149162. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 665. Goore,Z; Mangione-Smith,R; Elliott,MN; McDonald,L; Kravitz,RL (2001): How much explanation is enough? A study of parent requests for information and physician responses. Amb. Ped. 1, 326-332. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 423. Gottfried,AW (1984): Home Environment and Early Cognitive Development: Longitudinal Research. Academic Press, Orlando, Florida. 383 pages. [INCOMPLETE; LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 615. Gotzsche,PC (1989): Methodology and overt and hidden bias in reports of 196 double-blind trials of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in rheumatoid arthritis. Controlled Clin. Trials 10, 31-56. [BLINDING; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 606. Gotzsche,PC (1996): Blinding during data analysis and writing of manuscripts. Controlled Clin. Trials 17, 285-293. [BLINDING; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 458. Gravel,JS; Wallace,IF (1992): Listening and language at 4 years of age: effects of early otitis media. J Speech Hear Res 35, 588-595. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 163. Gravel JS and Wallace IF. Listening and language at 4 years of age (1992): Effects of early otitis media. J Speech Hear Res 35, 588-595. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 250. Gray,BM; Turner,ME; Dillon,HC Jr (1982): Epidemiologic studies of Streptococcus Pneumoniae in infants: the effects of season and age on pneumococcal acquisition and carriage in the first 24 months of life. Am J Epidemiol 116, 692-703. <<Peak acquision in the winter. Carriage rate increases to nine mon...>> [EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 577. Green,LA; Culpepper,L; De Melker,RA (2000): Tympanometry interpretation by primary care physicians. J Fam Pract 49, 932-936. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT; TYMPANOMETRY] 406. Groneck,P; Reuss,D; Gotze-Speer,B; Speer,CP (1993): Effects of dexamethasone on chemotactic activity and inflammatory mediators in tracheobronchial aspirates of preterm infants at risk for chronic lung disease. J Pediatr 122, 938-944. [MEDIATORS; STEROID] 351. Gronroos,JA; Vihma,L; Salmivalli,A; Berglund,B (1968): Coexisting viral (respiratory syncytial) and bacterial (pneumococcus) otitis media in children. Acta Otolaryngol 65, 505-517. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VIRAL] 121. Grundfast,KM (1994): Management of otitis media and the new Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Guideline. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 120, 797-798. [OTITIS; TUBES] 627. Guevara,J; Lozano,P; Wickizer,T; Mell,L; Gephart,H (2001): Utilization and cost of health care services for chldren with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics 108, 71-78. [COST; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 481. Gupta,KY; Asmussen,L; Olson,LM; Siegel,R; Bien,J (2000): The ear infection survey (EIS): is it responsive to change in health over time? Pediatr Res 47, 194A. <Abstract> [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 555. Haddad,J Jr; Saiman,L; Chin,NX; Della-Latta,P (1999): Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcus in acute otitis media in New York City. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 121, 27-30. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 671. Hagen,MD; Garber,AM; Goldie,SJ; Lafata,JE; Mandelblatt,J; Meltzer,D; Neumann,P; Siegel,JE; Sox,HC; Tsevat,J (2001): Does cost-effectiveness analysis make a difference? Lessons from pap smears. Med Decis Making 21, 307-323. [COST; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 737. Hahn,HB; Riggs,MW; Hutchinson,LR (1998): Myringitis Bullosa. Clin Pediatr 37, 265-267. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 703. Haiman,T; Leibovitz,E; Piglansky,L; Press,J; Yagupsky,P; Leiberman,A; Dagan,R (2002): Dynamics of pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage in children with nonresponsive acute otitis media treated with two regimens of intramuscular ceftriaxone. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 642-647. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 748. Halsa,NB; Griffin,MR; Zhu,Y; Edwards,K (2002): Decreased number of antibiotic prescriptions in office-based settings from 1993 to 1999 in children less than five years of age. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 10231028. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 306. Halsted,C; Lepow,ML; Balassanian,N; Emmerich,J; Wolinsky,E (1968): Otitis media: Clinical observations, microbiology, and evaluation of therapy. Am J Dis Child 115, 542-551. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 379. Hamaguchi,Y; Juhn,SK; Sakakura,Y (1988): Antiinflammatory effects of a corticosteroid and protease inhibitor agents on antigen-induced otitis media in chinchillas. Am J Otolaryngol 9, 142-148. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 498. Hamaguchi,Y; Juhn,SK; Sakakura,Y (1988): Anti-inflammatory effects of a corticosteroid and protease inhibitor agents on antigen induced otitis media in chinchillas. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Klein,JO; Nelson,JD; DeMaria,TF; Bakaletz,LO) BC Decker,Inc, Philadelphia, 359-361. 649. Hamm,RM; Hicks,RJ; Bemben,DA (1996): Antibiotics and respiratory infections: are patients more satisfied when expectations are met? J Fam Pract 43, 56-62. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; DECISION MAKING; EDUCATION; O...] 194. Hammerschlag,MR; Hammerschlag,PE; Alexander,ER (1980): The role of Chlamydia trachomatis in middle ear effusions in children. Pediatrics 66, 615-617. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 540. Hannley,MT; Denneny,JC 3rd; Holzer,SS (2000): Use of ototopical antibiotics in treating 3 common ear diseases. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 122, 934-940. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 299. Harrison,CJ; Marks,MI; Welch,DF (1985): Microbiology of recently treated acute otitis media compared with previously untreated acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 4, 641-646. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 17. Harsten,G; Prellner,K; Heldrup,J; Kalm,O; Kornfalt,R (1989): Recurrent acute otitis media. Acta Otolaryngol 107, 111-119. <<113 children were followed in first three years of life. Children...>> [COST; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 195. Harsten,G; Prellner,K; Heldrup,J; Kalm,O; Kornfalt,R (1989): Treatment failure in acute otitis media. A clinical study of children during their first three years of life. Acta Otolaryngol 108, 253-258. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 681. Hartman,M; Rovers,MM; Ingels,K; Zielhuis,GA; Severens,JL; van der Wilt,GJ (2001): Economic evaluation of ventilation tubes in otitis media with effusion. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 127, 14711476. [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 196. Hayden,GF (1981): Acute suppurative otitis media in children. Diversity of clinical diagnostic criteria. Clin Pediatr 20, 99-104. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 511. Hebda,PA; Alper,CM; Doyle,WJ; Burckart,GJ; Diven,WF; Zeevi,A (1998): Upregulation of messenger RNA for inflammatory cytokines in middle ear mucosa in a rat model of acute otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 107, 501-507. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 424. Hedrick,DL; Prather,EM; Tobin,AR (1984): Sequenced Inventory of Communication DevelopmentRevised. University of Washington Press, Seattle,WA. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 329. Heikkinen,T; Ghaffar,F; Okorodudu,AO; Chonmaitree,T (1998): Serum interleukin-6 in bacterial and nonbacterial acute otitis media. Pediatrics 102, 296-299. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 197. Heikkinen,T; Ruuskanen,O (1995): Signs and symptoms predicting acute otitis media. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 149, 26-29. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 65. Heikkinen,T; Ruuskanen,O; Waris,M; Ziegler,T; Arola,M; Halonen,P (1991): Influenza vaccination in the prevention of acute otitis media in children. Am J Dis Child 145, 445-448. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 557. Heikkinen,T; Saeed,KA; McCormick,DP; Baldwin,C; Reisner,BS; Chonmaitree,T (2000): A singel intramuscular dose of ceftriaxone changes nasopharyngeal bacterial flora in children with acute otitis media. Acta Paediatr Scand 89, 1316-1321. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 328. Heikkinen,T; Shenoy,M; Goldblum,RM; Chonmaitree,T (1999): Quantification of cytokines and inflammatory mediators in samples of nasopharyngeal secretions with unkown dilution. Pediatr Res 45, 230234. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 258. Heikkinen,T; Thint,M; Chonmaitree,T (1999): Prevalence of various respiratory viruses in the middle ear during acute otitis media. N Engl J Med 340, 260-264. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 338. Hemlin,C; Hassler,E; Hultcrantz,M; Papatziamos,G; Krakau,I (1998): Aspects of diagnosis of acute otitis media. Fam Pract 15, 133-137. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 126. Henderson,FW; Collier,AM; Sanyal,MA; Watkins,JM; Fairclough,DL; Clyde,WA Jr; Denny,FW (1982): A longitudinal study of respiratory viruses and bacteria in the etiology of acute otitis media with effusion. N Engl J Med 306, 1377-1383. [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 399. Henderson,FW; Collier,AM; Sanyal,MA; Watkins,JM; Fairclough,DL; Clyde,WA Jr; Denny,FW (1982): A longitudinal study of respiratory viruses and bacteria in the etiology of acute otitis media with effusion. N Engl J Med 306, 1377-1383. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; VIRAL] 726. Hendley,JO (2002): Otitis media. N Engl J Med 347, 1169-1174. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; REVIEW; TREATMENT] 312. Hendrickse,WA; Kusmiesz,H; Shelton,S; Nelson,JD (1988): Five vs ten days of therapy for acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 7, 14-23. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 287. Henry,D; Ruoff,GE; Rhudy,J; Puopolo,A; Drehobl,M; Schoenberger,J; Giguere,G; Collins,JJ (1995): Effectiveness of short-course therapy (5 days) with cefuroxime axetil in treatment of secondary bacterial infections of acute bronchitis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 39, 2528-2534. [METHODOLOGY] 198. Hicks,T; Fowler,K; Richardson,M; Dahle,A; Adams,L; Pass,R (1993): Congenital cytomegalovirus infection and neonatal auditory screening. J Pediatr 123, 779-782. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 443. High,P; Hopmann,M; LaGasse,L; Linn,H (1998): Evaluation of a clinic-based program to promote book sharing and bedtime routines among low-income urban families with young chidlren. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 152, 459-465. [LANGUAGE; LITERACY; OTITIS] 444. High,P; Hopmann,M; LaGasse,L; Sege,R; Moran,J; Guiterrez,C; Becker,S (1999): Child centered literacy orientation: a form of social capital? Pediatrics 103, e55. [LANGAUGE; LITERACY; OTITIS] 288. Higuera,F; Hidalgo,H; Feris,J; Giguere,G; Collins,JJ (1996): Comparison of oral cefuroxime axetil and oral amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of community acquired pneumonia. J Antimicrob Chemother 37, 555-564. [METHODOLOGY] 102. Hill,P (1987): Effects of education on breastfeeding success. Matern Child Nurs J 16, 145-156. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 497. Hill,SR; Mitchell,AS; Henry,DA (2000): Problems with the interpretation of pharmacoeconomic analyses: a review of submission to the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. JAMA 283, 2116-2121. [COST; METHODOLOGY] 503. Himi,T; Suzuki,T; Kodama,H; Takezama,H; Kataura,A (1992): Immunologic characteristics of cytokines in otitis media with effusion. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 101 (Suppl 157), 21-25. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 666. Himmel,W; Lippert-Urbanke,E; Kochen,MM (1997): Are patients more satisfied when they receive a prescription? The effect of patient expectations in general practice. Scand J Prim Health Care 15, 118-122. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 19. Hinton,AE (1989): Surgery for otitis media with effusion in children and its relationship to parental smoking. J Laryngol Otol 103, 559-561. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 18. Hinton,AE; Buckley,G (1988): Parental smoking and middle ear effusions in children. J Laryngol Otol 102, 992-996. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 326. Hirschmann,JV (1998): Methods for decreasing antibiotic use in otitis media. Lancet 352, 672. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 147. Hoberman,A; Paradise,JL; Block,S; Burch,DJ; Jacobs,MR; Balanescu,MI (1996): Efficacy of amoxicillin/clavulinate for acute otitis media: relation to Streptococcus pneumoniae susceptibility. Pediatr Infect Dis J 15, 955-962. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 146. Hoberman,A; Paradise,JL; Wald,ER (1997): Tympanocentesis technique revisited. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16(2 Suppl), S25-S26. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 425. Hollingshead,AB (1975): Four-Factor Index of Social Status. Unpublished manuscript available through the Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 609. Hollis,S; Campbell,Fiona (1999): What is meant by intention to treat analysis? Survey of published randomised controlled trials. BMJ 319, 670-674. [INTENTION TO TREAT; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 464. Homoe,P; Christensen,RB; Bretiau,P (1999): Actue otitis media and sociomedical risk factors among unselected children in Greenland. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 49, 37-52. [BREASTFEEDING; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 651. Hornberger,J; Thorn,D; MaCurdy,T (1997): Effects of a self-administered previsit questionnaire to enhance awareness of patients' concerns in primary care. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 12, 597-606. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS] 393. Hotomi,M; Samukawa,T; Yamanaka,N (1994): Interleukin-8 in otitis media with effusion. Acta Otolaryngol 114, 406-409. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 711. Hotomi,M; Yamanaka,N; Faden,H; Shimada,J; Suzumoto,M; Sakai,A; Saito,T; Kuki,K (2002): Nasopharyngeal carriage of drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in children with acute otitis media evaluated by polymerase chain reaction-based genotypong of penicillin-binding proteins. Acta Otolaryngol 122, 72-77. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 20. Howie,PW; Forsyth,JS; Ogston,SA; Clark,A; Florey,CD (1990): Protective effect of breast feeding against infection. BMJ 300, 11-16. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 93. Howie,V; Schwartz,R (1983): Acute otitis media. One year in general pediatric practice. Am J Dis Child 137, 155-158. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 199. Howie,VM (1975): Natural history of otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 84, 67-72. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 200. Howie,VM (1980): Developmental sequelae of chronic otitis media: A review. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1, 34-38. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 240. Howie,VM; Dillard,R; Lawrence,B (1985): In vivo sensitivity test in otitis media: efficacy of antibiotics. Pediatrics 75, 8-13. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 336. Howie,VM; Ploussard,JH (1969): The "in vivo sensitivity test"--bacteriology of middle ear exudate, during antimicrobial therapy in otitis media. Pediatrics 44, 940-944. [MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 308. Howie,VM; Ploussard,JH (1972): Efficacy of fixed combination antibiotics versus separate components in otitis media. Effectiveness of erythromycin estolate, triple sulfonamide, ampicillin, erythromycin estolate-triple sulfonamide, and placebo in 280 patients with acute otitis media under 2 and one-half years of age. Clin Pediatr 11, 205-214. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 333. Howie,VM; Ploussard,JH; Lester,RL Jr (1970): Otitis media: a clinical and bacterial correlation. Pediatrics 45, 29-35. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 97. Howie,VM; Ploussard,JH; Sloyer,J (1975): The "Otitis-Prone" Condition. Am J Dis Child 129, 676-678. <<Charts were reviewed for 327 children followed in the first year ...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 337. Hsu,GS; Levine,SC; Giebink,GS (1998): Management of otitis media using Agency for Health Policy and Research guidelines. The Agency fo Health Care Policy and Research. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 118, 437-443. [GUIDELINES; LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 238. Huitfeldt,B (1986): Statistical aspects of clinical trials of antibiotics in acute infections. Rev Infect Dis 8 Suppl 3, S350-357. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 486. Hultcrantz,M; Erichsen,S; Rylander,R; Stierna,P; Bagger-Sjoback,D (2000): Labeling of the glucorticoid receptor and Na,K-ATPase in a rat otitis media model. Am J Otol 21, 36-41. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 587. Hunter,M; McDowell,L; Hennessy,R; Cassey,J (2000): An evaluation of the faces pain scale with young children. J. Pain Symptom Manage 20, 122-129. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 452. Hurst,DS; Amin,K; Seveus,L; Venge,P (1999): Evidence of mast cell activity in the middle ears of children with otitis media with effusion. Laryngoscope 109, 471-477. [ANTIHISTAMINE; MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 377. Hurwitz,B; Acheson,HW; Steel,AM; Carney,TA (1984): Response to paper on "Can the clinical course of acute otitis media be modified by systemic decongestant or antihistamine treatment"? BMJ 288, 977-979. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 367. Ilicali,OC; Keles,N; Deger,K; Savas,I (1999): Relationship of passive cigarette smoking to otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 125, 758-762. [OTITIS; SMOKING] 86. Ingvarsson,L; Lundgren,K; Stenstrom,C (1990): Occurrence of acute otitis media in children: cohort studies in an urban population. In: Workshop on Epidemiology of Otitis Media. (Eds: Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,ML; Scheetz,MD) Annals Publishing Company, St. Louis, MO, 17-18. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 641. Ioannidis,JP; Lau,J (2001): Technical report: evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of acute uncomplicated sinusitis in children: a systematic overview. Pediatrics 108, 757-758. <Yes> [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; SINUSITIS; TREATMENT] 264. Isaacson,G (1996): The natural history of a treated episode of acute otitis media. Pediatrics, 968-971. [INCOMPLETE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 505. Ispirescu,SD; Jung,TTK; Kim,T; Jung,DH; Weeks,D (1996): Effect of inhibitors of leukotrienes and platelet-activating factor on immune-mediated otitis media with effusion. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Canada, 555-557. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 81. Iversen,M; Birch,L; Lundqvist,GR; Elbrond,O (1985): Middle ear effusion in children and the indoor environment: an epidemiological study. Arch Environ Health 40, 74-79. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 133. Izatt,SD (1997): Breastfeeding counseling by health care providers. J Hum Lact 13, 109-113. [BREASTFEEDING] 660. Jackson,JL; Kroenke,K; Chamberlin,J (1999): Effects of physicain awareness of symptom-related expectations and mental disorders. A controlled trial. Arch. Fam. Med. 8, 135-142. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 546. Jackson,JM; Mourino,AP (1999): Pacifier use and otitis media in infants twelve months of age or younger. Pediatr Dent 21, 255-260. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; PROPHYLAXIS] 575. Jacobs,J; Springer,DA; Crothers,D (2001): Homeopathic treatment of acute otitis media in children: a preliminary randomized placebo-controlled trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 177-183. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 136. Jacobs,MR; Dagan,R; Appelbaum,PC; Burch,DJ (1998): Prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens in middle ear fluid: multinational study of 917 children with acute otitis media. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 42, 589-595. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 549. Jacobs,RF (2000): Judicious use of antibiotics for common pediatric respiratory infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 938-943. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; GUIDELINES; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 607. Jadad,AR; Moore,A; Carroll,D; Jenkinson,C; Reynolds,JM; Gavaghan,DJ; McQuay,HJ (1996): Assessing the quality of reports of randomized clinical trials: is blinding necessary? Controlled Clin. Trials 17, 1-12. [BLINDING; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 456. Jensen,KJ; Senterfit,LB; Scully,WE; Conway,TJ; West,RF; Drummy,WW (1967): Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children. An epidemiologic appraisal in families treated with oxytetracycline. Am J Epidemiol 86, 419-432. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 765. Johansen,ECJ; Lildholdt,T; Damsbo,N; Eriksen,EW (2003): Tympanometry for diagnosis and treatment of otitis media in general practice. Fam Pract 17, 317-321. [OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY] 260. Johanson,WG Jr; Blackstock,R; Pierce,AK; Sanford,JP (1970): The role of bacterial antagonism in pneumococcal colonization of the human pharynx. J Lab Clin Med 75, 946-952. <<Other streptococci living in the flora inhibit the growth of pneu...>> [PNEUMOCOCCUS] 728. Johnson,CE; Belman,S (2001): The role of antibacterial therapy of acute otitis media inpromoting drug resistance. Paediatr. Drugs 3, 639-647. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 291. Johnson,DL; Swank,PR; Baldwin,CD; McCormick,DP (1999): Adult smoking in the home environment and children's IQ. Psychol Rep 84, 149-154. [LANGUAGE; SMOKING] 426. Johnson,DL; Swank,PR; Baldwin,CD; Owen,MJ; Howie,VM (1996): Breast feeding and children's intelligence. Psychol Rep 79, 1179-1185. [BREASTFEEDING; LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 439. Johnson,DL; Swank,PR; Owen,MJ; Baldwin,CD; Howie,VM; McCormick,DP (2000): The effects of otitis media with effusion on child cognitive development at three, five and seven years of age. J Pediatr Psychol 25, 5-13. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 392. Johnson,MD; Fitzgerald,JE; Leonard,G; Burleson,JA; Kreutzer,DL (1994): Cytokines in experimental otitis media with effusion. Laryngoscope 104, 191-196. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 679. Joki-Erkkila,VP; Puhakka,H; Hurme,M (2002): Cytokine gene polymorphism in recurrent acute otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128, 17-20. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 633. Joki-Erkkila,VP; Pukander,J (2001): Right choice of antibiotic can decrease risk of recurrence. BMJ 322, 1543. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 602. Joki-Erkkila,VP; Pukander,J; Laipala,P (2000): Alteration of clinical picture and treatment of pediatric acute otitis media over the pst two decades. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 55, 197-201. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT; TUBES] 502. Juhn,SK; Garvis,WJ; Lees,CJ; Le,CT; Kim,CS (1994): Determining otitis media severity from middle ear fluid analysis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 103 (suppl 163), 43-45. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 364. Juhn,SK; Tolan,CT; Garvis,WJ; Cross,DS; Giebink,GS (1992): The levels of IL-1 beta in human middle ear effusions. Acta Otolaryngol 493, 37-42. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 485. Jung,HH; Kim,MW; Lee,JH; Kim,YT; Kim,NH; Chang,BA; Choi,JO; Kim,HH (1999): Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in otitis media. Acta Otolaryngol 119, 801-808. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 360. Jung,TT (1988): Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and other arachidonic acid metabolites in the pathogenesis of otitis media. Laryngoscope 98, 980-993. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 512. Jung,TT; Juhn,SK (1985): Prostaglandins and other arachidonic acid metabolites in the middle ear fluids. Auris Nasus Larynx 12 Suppl 1, S148-150. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 513. Jung,TT; Park,YM; Schlund,D; Weeks,D; Miller,S; Wong,O; Juhn,SK (1990): Effect of prostalandin, leukotriene, and arachidonic acid on experimental otitis media with effusion in chinchillas. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 148, 28-32. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 321. Juniper,EF; Guyatt,GH; Willan,A; Griffith,LE (1994): Determining a minimal important change in a disease-specific Quality of Life Questionnaire. J Clin Epidemiol 47, 81-87. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 148. Kaleida,PH; Casselbrant,ML; Rockette,HE; Paradise,JL; Bluestone,CD; Blatter,MM; Reisinger,KS; Wald,ER; Supance,JS (1991): Amoxicillin or myringotomy or both for acute otitis media: results of a randomized clinical trial. Pediatrics 87, 466-474. <<Children with acute otits media should routinely be treated with ...>> [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 233. Kaleida,PH; Hoberman,A; Smith,CG (1992): Videotaped otoendoscopic examinations in clinical education and research. Pediatr Res 31, 123A. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 232. Kaleida,PH; Stool,SE (1992): Assessment of otoscopists' accuracy regarding middle ear effusion. Otoscopic validation. Am J Dis Child 146, 433-435. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 149. Kalieda,PH; Nativio,DG; Chao,HP; Cowden,SN (1993): Prevalence of bacterial respiratory pathogens in the nasopharynx in breast-fed versus formula-fed infants. J Clin Microbiol 31, 2674-2678. <<In the first two months of life, exclusive breastfeeding did not ...>> [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS] 21. Kallail,KJ; Rainbolt,HR; Bruntzel,MD (1987): Passive smoking and middle ear problems in Kansas public school children. J Commun Disord 20, 187-196. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 201. Kamme,C; Lundgren,K; Mardh,PA (1971): The aetiology of acute otitis media in children. Occurrence of bacteria, L forms of bacteria and mycoplasma in the middle ear exudate. Relationship between bacterial findings in the middle ear exudate, nasopharynx and throat. Scand J Infect Dis 3, 217-223. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 600. Kaplan,SL; Mason,EO; Barson,WJ; Tan,TQ; Schutze,GE; Bradley,JS; Givner,LB; Kim,KS; Yogev,R; Wald,ER (2001): Outcome of invasive infections outside the central nervous system caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates nonsusceptible to ceftriaxone in children treated with beta-lactam antibiotics. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 392-396. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 736. Karelitz,S (1937): Myringitis bullosa haemorrhagica. Am J Dis Child 53, 510-516. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 234. Karma,PH; Penttila,MA; Sipila,MM; Kataja,MJ (1989): Otoscopic diagnosis of middle ear effusion in acute and non-acute otitis media. I. The value of different otoscopic findings. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 17, 37-49. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 628. Kay,DJ; Nelson,M; Rosenfeld,RM (2001): Meta-analysis of tympanostomy tube sequellae. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 124, 374-380. [OTITIS; TUBES] 675. Kemper,AR; Krysan,DJ (2002): Reevaluating the efficacy of naturopathic ear drops. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 156, 88-89. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; OTITIS] 685. Kemper,KJ (2002): Otitis media: when parents don't want antibiotics or tubes. Contemp Pediatr 19, 47-58. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DECISION MAKING; EDUC...] 697. Kemper,KJ (2002): APA policy on clinical and environmental factors contributing to antibioitc-resistant bacteria. Amb. Ped. 2, 230-233. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 22. Kero,P; Piekkala,P (1987): Factors affecting the occurrence of acute otitis media during the first year of life. Acta Paediatr Scand 76, 618-623. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 315. Kilpi,T; Anttila,M; Kallio,MJ; Peltola,H (1991): Severity of childhood bacterial meningitis and duration of illness before diagnosis. Lancet 338, 406-409. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 629. Kilpi,T; Herva,E; Kaijalainen,T; Syrjanen,R; Takala,AK (2001): Bacteriology of acute otitis media in a cohort of Finnish children followed for the first two years of life. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 654-662. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 545. Kindig,JS; Richards,HC (2000): Otitis media: precursor of delayed reading. J Pediatr Psychol 25, 1518. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 515. Kirchner,T; Argentieri,DC; Barbone,AG; Singer,M; Steber,M; Ansell,J; Beers,SA; Wachter,MP; Wu,W; Malloy,E; Stewart,A; Ritchie,DM (1997): Evaluation of the antiinflammatory activity of a dual cyclooxygenase-2 selective/5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, RWJ 63556, in a canine model of inflammation. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282, 1094-1101. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 66. Kistin,N; Abramson,R; Dublin,P (1994): Effect of peer counselors on breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity and duration among low-income urban women. J Hum Lact 10, 11-15. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 23. Kitchens,GG (1995): Relationship of environmental tobacco smoke to otitis media in young children[review] [85 refs]. Laryngoscope 105(5 Pt 2 Su 69), 1-13. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 382. Kjellman,M (1975): Treatment of children with perennial rhinitis with brompheniramine and phenylpropanolaminehydrochloride (lunerin mite). Acta Allergol 30, 48-57. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 202. Klein,BS; Dollete,FR; Yolken,RH (1982): The role of respiratory syncytial virus and other viral pathogens in acute otitis media. J Pediatr 101, 16-20. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 132. Klein,JO (1994): Otitis media [review] [27 refs]. Clin Infect Dis 19, 823-833. [OTITIS; REVIEW] 281. Klein,JO (1998): Current recommendations on the therapy of otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 1058-1059. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 495. Klein,JO (2000): Management of otitis media: 2000 and beyond. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 383-387. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; VACCINE] 565. Klein,JO (2001): Historical perspective on the use of otic antimicrobial agents. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 98-101. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 566. Klein,JO (2001): In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity of topical ofloxacin and other ototopical agents. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 102-103. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 753. Klein,JO (2002): Changes in management of otitis media: 2003 and beyond. Pediatr Ann 31, 824-829. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT; VACCINE] 616. Klein,JO; Chonmaitree,T; Loosmore,S; Marchant,CD; Ruuskanen,O; Shinefield,HR (2001): Otitis media: a preventable disease? Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by teh Marcel Merieux Foundation, Veyrier-du-Lac, France, February 13 to 16, 2000. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 473-481. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 451. Klein,JO; Teele,DW (1976): Isolation of viruses and mycoplasmas from middle ear effusions: a review. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 85(2 Supp 25 Pt2), 140-144. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS; VIRAL] 88. Klein,JO; Teele,DW; Rosner,B; Allen,C; Bratton,L; Fisch,G; Stringham,P; Starobin,S; Tarlin,L (1990): Epidemiology of otitis media in Boston children observed from birth to 7 years of age. In: Workshop on Epidemiology of Otitis Media. (Eds: Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,ML; Scheetz,MD) Annals Publishing Company, St. Louis, MO, 27-29. <<Mean number of acute otitis media episodes was highest during the...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 386. Klein,SW; Olson,AL; Perrin,J; Cunningham,D; Hengerer,A; Hoekelman,RA; Roghmann,KJ (1980): Prevention and treatment of serous otitis media with an oral antihistamine. A double-blind study in pediatric practice. Clin Pediatr 19, 342-347. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 134. Kleinman,LC; Kosecoff,J; Dubois,RW; Brook,RH (1994): The medical appropriateness of tympanostomy tubes proposed for children younger than 16 years in the United States. JAMA 271, 12501255. [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 249. Klugman,KP; Koornhof,HJ; Kuhnle,V (1986): Clinical and nasopharyngeal isolates of unusual multiply resistant pneumococci. Am J Dis Child 140, 1186-1190. <<7.9% of children in Johannesburg had multiply resistant organisms...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 579. Koch,A; Melbye,M; Sorensen,P; Homoe,P; Madsen,HO; Molbak,K; Hansen,CH; Andersen,LH; Hahn,GW; Garred,P (2001): Acute respiratory tract infections and mannose-binding lectin insufficiency during early childhood. JAMA 285, 1316-1321. [GENETICS; MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 466. Kogan,MD; Overpeck,MD; Hoffman,HJ; Casselbrant,ML (2000): Factors associated with tympanostomy tube insertion among preschool-aged children in the United States. Am J Public Health 90, 245-250. [DAY CARE; OTITIS; TUBES] 355. Kontiokari,T; Koivunen,P; Niemela,M; Pokka,T; Uhari,M (1998): Symptoms of acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 676-679. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 653. Korsch,BM; Gozzi,EK; Francis,V (1968): Gaps in doctor-patient communication. 1. Doctor-patient interaction and patient satisfaction. Pediatrics 42, 855-871. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 293. Koshland,DE Jr (1992): The microbial wars [editorial;comment]. Science 257, 1021. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 704. Kotikoski,MJ; Palmu,AAI; Nokso-Koivisto,J; Kleemola,M (2002): Evaluation of the role of respiratory viruses in acute myringitis in children less than two years of age. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 636-641. [OTITIS; VIRUS] 203. Kraemer,HC (1981): Evaluating Medical Tests. Newbury Park: Sage:1992. Lampe R.M., Weir M.R., McLeod H.L., Artalejo L. 3d. A clinical trial of antihistamine, decongestant, or placebo in antibiotic-treated acute otitis media followed with pneumatic otoscopy and impedance tympanometry. Mil Med 146, 259-261. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 462. Kraemer,Helena Chmura (1992): Evaluating medical tests: objective and quantitative guidelines. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA. 295 pages. <<Diagnosis, methodology, evaluation, statistical methods, Bayes Th...>> 42. Kraemer,MJ; Richardson,MA; Weiss,NS; Furukawa,CT; Shapiro,GG; Pierson,WE; Bierman,CW (1983): Risk factors for persistent middle-ear effusions. Otitis media, catarrh, cigarette smoke exposure, and atopy. JAMA 249, 1022-1025. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 663. Kravitz (2001): Measuring patients' expectations and requests. Ann. Intern. Med. 134, 881-888. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SA...] 650. Kravitz,RL; Callahan,EJ; Azari,R; Antonius,D; Lewis,CE (1997): Assessing patients' expectations in ambulatory medical practice. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 12, 67-72. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS] 659. Kravitz,RL; Callahan,EJ; Paterniti,D; Antonius,D; Dunham,M; Lewis,CE (1996): Prevalence and sources of patients' unmet expectations for care. Ann. Intern. Med. 125, 730-737. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS; SATISFACTION] 648. Kravitz,RL; Cope,DW; Bhrany,V; Leake,B (1994): Internal medicine patients' expectations for care during office visits. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 9, 75-81. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS] 588. Kuttner,L; Lepage,T (1989): Face scales for the assessment of pediatric pain: a criticial review. Canad. J. Behav. Sci. 21, 198-209. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 409. Lambert,PR (1986): Oral steroid therapy for chronic middle ear effusion: A double-blind crossover study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 95, 193-199. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 764. Lampe,RM; Weir,MR; McLeod,H; Aspinall,K; Artalejo,L (1981): Tympanometry in acute otitis media. Am J Dis Child 135, 233-235. [OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY] 376. Lampe,RM; Weir,MR; McLeod,HL; Artalejo,L 3d (1981): A clinical trial of antihistamine, decongestant, or placebo in antibiotic-treated acute otitis media followed with pneumatic otoscopy and impediance tympanometry. Mil Med 146, 259-261. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 427. Lampe,RM; Weir,MR; Spier,J; Rhodes,MF (1985): Acoustic reflectometry in the detection of middle ear effusion. Pediatrics 76, 75-78. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 292. Lanphear,BP; Byrd,RS; Auinger,P; Hall,CB (1997): Increasing prevalence of recurrent otitis media among children in the United States. Pediatrics 99, E1. [DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS] 516. Laue,L; Kawai,S; Brandon,DD; Brightwell,D; Barnes,K; Knazek,RA; Loriaux,DL; Chrousos,GP (1988): Receptor-mediated effects of glucorticoids on inflammation: enhancement of the inflammatory response with a glucorticoid antagonist. J Steroid Biochem 29, 591-598. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 309. Laxdal,OE; Merida,J; Jones,RH (1970): Treatment of acute otitis media: a controlled study of 142 children. Can Med Assoc J 102, 263-268. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 279. Le,CT; Daly,KA; Margolis,RH; Lindgren,BR; Giebink,GS (1992): A clinical profie of otiits media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 118, 1225-1228. [DIAGNOSIS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 72. Le,CT; Lindgren,BR (1990): Statistical methods for determining risk factors of chronic otitis media with effusion. Stat Med 9, 1495-1500. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 323. Le,CT; Lindgren,BR; Daly,KA; Gebink,GS (1994): Treatment evaluation in otitis media research. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 120, 507-509. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 254. Leach,AJ; Shelby-James,TM; Mayo,M; Gratten,M; Laming,AC; Currie,BJ; Mathews,JD (1997): A prospective study of the impact of community-based azithromycin treatment of trachoma on carriage and resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Clin Infect Dis 24, 356-362. <<Single dose of azithromycin was given to children with trachoma. ...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 404. Lebel,MH; Freij,BJ; Syrogiannopoulos,GA; Chrane,DF; Hoyt,MJ; Stewart,SM; Kennard,BD; Olsen,KD; McCracken,GH Jr (1988): Dexamethasone therapy for bacterial meningitis. N Engl J Med 319, 964-971. [STEROID; TREATMENT] 614. Lee,YJ; Ellenberg,JH; Hirtz,DG; Nelson,KB (1991): Analysis of clinical trials by treatment actually received: is it really an option? Stat Med 10, 1595-1605. [INTENTION TO TREAT; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 488. Leibovitz,E; Dagan,R; Laver,JH; Piglansky,L; Raiz,S; Abboud,MR; Fliss,DM; Leiberman,A; Barzilai,A (2000): Interleukin 8 in middle ear fluid during acute otitis media: correlation with aetiology and bacterial eradication. Arch Dis Child 82, 165-168. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 524. Leibovitz,E; Dagan,R; Laver,JH; Piglansky,L; Raiz,S; Abboud,MR; Fliss,DM; Leiberman,A; Barzilai,A (2000): Interleukin 8 in middle ear fluid during acute otitis media: correlation with aetiology and bacterial eradication. Arch Dis Child 82, 165-168. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 767. Leibovitz,E; Greenberg,D; Piglansky,l; Raiz,S; Porat,N; Press,J; Leiberman,A; Dagan,R (2003): Recurrent acute otitis media occurring within one month from completion of antibiotic therapy: relationship to the original pathogen. Pediatr Infect Dis J 22, 209-215. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 556. Leibovitz,E; Piglansky,L; Raiz,S; Press,J; Leiberman,A; Dagan,R (2000): Bacteriologic and clinical efficacy of one day vs. three day intramuscular ceftriaxone for treatment of nonresponsive acute otitis media in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 1040-1045. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 138. Leibovitz,E; Raiz,S; Piglansky,L; Greenberg,D; Yagupsky,P; Fliss,DM; Lieberman,A; Dagan,R (1998): Resistance pattern of middle ear fluid isolates in acute otitis media recently treated with antibiotics. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 463-469. <<Pneumococcus more common in patients recently treated with antibi...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 285. Lesher,JL Jr; Davis,LS; Gourdin,FW; English,D; Thompson,WO (1998): Telemedicine evaluation of cutaneous diseases: a blinded comparative study. J Am Acad Dermatol 38, 27-31. [METHODOLOGY] 624. Lewis,CC; Pantell,RH; Kieckhefer,GM (1989): Assessment of children's health status: field test of new approaches. Med Care 27, S54-S56. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 278. Liang,MH; Fossel,AH; Larson,MG (1997): Comparisons of five health status instruments for orthopedic evaluation. Med Care 118, 632-642. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 755. Lichstein,PR; Turner,RC; O'Brien,K (1992): Impact of pharmaceutical company representatives on internal medicine residency programs. A survey of residency program directors. Arch. Intern. Med. 152, 1009-1013. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 701. Little,P; Gould,C; Moore,M; Warner,G; Dunleavey,J; Williamson,I (2002): Predictors of poor outcome and benefits from antibiotics in children with acute otitis media: pragmatic randomised trial. BMJ 325, 22. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; ...] 581. Little,P; Gould,C; Williamson,I; Moore,M; Warner,G; Dunleavey,J (2001): Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of two prescribing strategies for childhood acute otitis media. BMJ 322, 336-342. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 517. Liu,SM; Way,T; Rodriguez,M; Steidl,SM (2000): Effects of intravitreal corticosteroids in the treatment of Bacillus cereus endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 118, 803-806. [STEROID; TREATMENT] 25. Locklin,MP (1995): Telling the world: low income women and their breastfeeding experiences. J Hum Lact 11, 285-291. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 26. Long,DG; Funk-Archuleta,MA; Gieger,CJ; Mozar,AJ; Heins,JN (1995): Peer counselor program increases breastfeeding rates in Utah Native American WIC population. J Hum Lact 11, 279-284. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 27. Lous,J (1993): Silent reading and secretory otitis media in school children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 25, 25-38. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 554. Lubianca Neto; Burns,AG; Lu,L; Momback,R; Saffer,M (1999): Passive smoking and nonrecurrent acute otitis media in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 121, 805-808. [OTITIS; SMOKING] 467. Lubianca Neto,JF; Burns,AG; Lu,L; Mombach,R; Saffer,M (1999): Passive smoking and nonrecurrent acute otitis media in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 121, 805-808. [OTITIS; SMOKING] 657. Macfarlane,J; Holmes,W; Macfarlane,R; Britten,N (1997): Influence of patients' expectations on antibiotic management of acute lower respiratory tract illness in general practice: questionnaire study. BMJ 515, 1211-1214. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; EDUCAT...] 155. Magit,AE; Stool,SE (1993): Clinical guideline development for otitis media: a report on methodology. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 109(3 Pt 1), 478-481. <<The process of developing a meaningful guideline for managing oti...>> [GUIDELINES; OTITIS] 667. Magnusdottir,AB; Hermansson,A; Melhus,A (2000): Experimental study of the virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae with reduced susceptibility to penicillin. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 55, 1-9. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 369. Malm,L; Tjernstrom,O (1998): Drug-induced changes in eustachian tube function [review] [26 refs]. Ear Nose Throat J 77, 778-782. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 718. Manarey,CRA; Westerberg,BD; Marion,SA (2002): Clinical decision analysis in the treatment of acute otitis media in a child over 2 years of age. J Otolaryngol 31, 23-30. [DECISION MAKING; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 751. Mandel,EM; Casselbrant,ML; Rockette,HE; Fireman,P; Kurs-Lasky,M; Bluestone,CD (2002): Systemic steroid for chronic otitis media with effusion in children. Pediatrics 110, 1071-1080. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 242. Mandel,EM; Rockette,HE; Bluestone,CD; Paradise,JL; Nozza,RJ (1987): Efficacy of amoxicillin with and without decongestant-antihistamine for otitis media with effusion in children. N Engl J Med 316, 432437. [ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 652. Mangione-Smith,R; McGlynn,EA; Elliott,MN; Krogstad,P; Brook,RH (1999): The relationship between perceived parental expectations and pediatrician antimicrobial prescribing behavior. Pediatrics 103, 711717. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; EDUCAT...] 655. Mangione-Smith,R; McGlynn,EA; Elliott,MN; McDonald,L; Franz,CE; Kravitz,RL (2001): Parent expectations for antibiotics, physician-parent communication, and satisfaction. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 155, 800-806. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; EDUCAT...] 739. Marais,J; Dale,BAB (1997): Bullous myringitis: a review. clin otolaryngol 22, 497-499. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 732. Marchant,CD (2002): Acute otitis media, antibiotics, children and clinical trial design. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 891-893. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 428. Marchant,CD; McMillan,PM; Shurin,PA; Johnson,CE; Turczyk,VA; Feinstein,JC; Panek,DM (1986): Objective diagnosis of otitis media in early infancy by tympanometry and ipsilateral acoustic reflex thresholds. J Pediatr 109, 590-595. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 83. Marchant,CD; Shurin,PA; Turczyk,VA; Wasikowski,DE; Tutihasi,MA; Kinney,SE (1984): Course and outcome of otitis media in early infancy: a prospective study. J Pediatr 104, 826-831. [INCIDENCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 717. Marchisio,P; Cavagna,R; Maspes,B; Gironi,S; Esposito,S; Lambertini,L; Massimini,A; Herzog,C; Principi,N (2002): Efficacy of intranasal virosomal influenza vaccine in the prevention of recurrent acute otitis media in children. Clin Infect Dis 35, 168-174. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 768. Marchisio,P; Claut,L; Rognoni,A; Esposito,S; Passali,D; Bellussi,L; Drago,l; Pozzi,G; Mannelli,S; Shito,G; Principi,N (2003): Differences in nasopharyngeal bacterial flora in children with nonsevere recurrent acute otitis media and chronic otitis media with effusion: implications for management. Pediatr Infect Dis J 22, 262-268. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 204. Margolis,RH; Hunter,LL; Giebink,GS (1994): Tympanometric evaluation of middle ear function in children with otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 163, 34-38. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 647. Marple,RL; Kroenke,K; Lucey,CR; Wilder,J; Lucas,CA (1997): Concerns and expectations in patients presenting with physical complaints. Arch. Intern. Med. 157, 1482-1488. [COMMUNICATION; EDUCATION; OTITIS] 673. Martin,BC (2000): Emergency medicine versus primary care: a case study of three prevalent, costly, and non-emergent diagnoses at a community teaching hospital. J. Health Care Financ 27, 51-65. [COST; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 67. Marx,J; Osguthorpe,JD; Parsons,G (1995): Day care and the incidence of otitis media in young children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 112, 695-699. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 28. Maw,AR; Parker,AJ; Lance,GN; Dilkes,MG (1992): The effect of parental smoking on outcome after treatment for glue ear in children. clin otolaryngol 17, 411-414. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 531. Maw,R; Wilks,J; Harvey,I; Peters,TJ; Golding,J (1999): Early surgery compared with watchful waiting for glue ear and effect on language development in preschool children:a randomized trial. Lancet 353, 960963. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; TREATMENT; TUBES] 716. McCaig,LF; Besser,RE; Hughes,JM (2002): Trends in antimicrobial prescribing rates for children and adolescents. JAMA 287, 3096-3102. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DIAGNOSIS; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION;...] 205. McCaig,LF; Hughes,JM (1995): Trends in antimicrobial drug prescribing among office-based physicians in the United States. JAMA 273, 214-219. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 684. McCormick,DP (2002): Definition and diagnostic criteria for acute otitis media. Pediatrics 102, 717718. <<letter>> [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 29. McCormick,DP; Baldwin,C; Owen,M; Howie,V; Aker,J; Johnson,D; Swank,P (1997): Association of middle ear effusion with language development at ages 3 and 5 years--Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, May 2-6, 1997, Washington. Amb Child Health 3, 155. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 734. McCormick,DP; Friedman,N; Chonmaitree,T; Saeed,K; Baldwin,CD; Klimisch,T (2002): Acute otitis media, Part 1: standardizing otoscope assessment of the tympanic membrane. J Investig Med 50, 144A. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 735. McCormick,DP; Friedman,N; Chonmaitree,T; Saeed,K; Baldwin,CD; Klimisch,T (2002): Acute otitis media, Part 2: relation between appearance of the tympanic membrane and parent perception of illness. J Investig Med 50, 144A. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 320. McCormick,DP; John,SD; Swischuk,LE; Uchida,T (1996): A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of decongestant-antihistamine for the treatment of sinusitis in children. Clin Pediatr 35, 457-460. [DIAGNOSIS; TREATMENT] 474. McCormick,DP; Lim-Melia,E; Saeed,K; Baldwin,CD; Chonmaitree,T (2000): Otitis media: can clinical findings predict bacterial or viral etiology. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 256-258. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VIRAL] 277. McCormick,DP; Uchida,T (1999): Tobacco smoke, day care, middle-ear surgery, and costs in young children. J Investig Med 47, 129A. [COST; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; SMOKING; TUBES] 206. McGowan,JE; Chesney,PJ; Crossley,KB; LaForce,FM (1991): Guidelines for the use of systemic glucocorticoids in the management of selected infections.Working Group on Steroid Use, Antimicrobial Agents Committee, Infectious diseases society of America. J Infect Dis 165, 1-13. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; STEROID] 664. Mehr,DR; Binder,EF; Kruse,RL; Zweig,SC; Madsen,R; Popejoy,L; D'Agostino,RB (2001): Predicting mortality in nursing home residents with lower respiratory tract infection. JAMA 286, 2427-2436. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 642. Meissner,HC (2001): Uncertainty in the management of viral lower respiratory tract disease. Pediatrics 108, 1000-1004. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; OTITIS; VIRAL] 310. Meistrup-Larsen,KI; Sorensen,H; Johnsen,NJ; Thomsen,J; Mygind,N; Sederberg-Olsen,J (1983): Two versus seven days penicillin treatment for acute otitis media. Acta Otolaryngol 96, 99-104. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 558. Melander,E; Ekdahl,K; Jonsson,G; Molstad,S (2000): Frequency of penicillin-resistant pneumococci in children is correlated to community utilization of antibiotics. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 1172-1177. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 538. Melhus,A; Ryan,AF (2000): Expression of cytokine genes during pneumococcal and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae acute otitis media in the rat. Infect Immun 68, 4024-4031. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 744. Merrifield,DO; Miller,GS (1966): The etiology and clinical course of bullous myringitis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 84, 487. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 30. Michaels,M (1993): Breastfeeding promotion in the Utah WIC program. J Hum Lact 9, 206-207. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 619. Minter,KR; Roberts,JE; Hooper,SR; Burchinal,MR; Zeisel,SA (2001): Early childhood otitis media in relation to children's attention-related behavior in the first six years of life. Pediatrics 107, 1037-1042. [BEHAVIOR; COMPLICATIONS; LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 530. Mody,M; Schwartz,RG; Gravel,JS; Ruben,RJ (1999): Speech perception and verbal memory in children with and without histories of otitis media. J Speech Lang Hear Res 42, 1069-1079. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 674. Mogyoros,M (2001): Challenges of managed care organizations in treating respiratory tract infections in an age of antibiotic resistance. Am. J. Manag. Care 7, S163-S169. [COST; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 611. Moher,D; Jones,A; Lepage,L (2001): Use of the CONSORT statement and quality of reports of randomized trials. JAMA 285, 1992-1995. [CONSORT; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 610. Moher,D; Schulz,KF; Altman,D (2001): The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. JAMA 285, 1987-1991. [CONSORT; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 103. Montgomery,DL; Splett,PL (1997): Economic benefit of breast-feeding infants enrolled in WIC. J Am Diet Assoc 97, 379-385. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION; WIC] 375. Moran,DM; Mutchie,KD; Higbee,MD; Paul,LD (1982): The use of an antihistamine-decongestant in conjunction with an anti-infecive drug in the treatment of acute otitis media. J Pediatr 101, 132-136. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 334. Mortimer,EA; Watterson,RL (1956): A bacteriologic investigation of otitis media in infancy. Pediatrics 17, 359-367. [DIAGNOSIS; MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 251. Musher,DM (1992): Infections caused by Streptoccus pneumoniae: clinical spectrum, pathogenesis, immunity, and treatment [review] [23 refs]. Clin Infect Dis 14, 801-809. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 115. Myer,CM 3rd; France,A (1997): Ventilation tube placement in a managed care population. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 123, 226-228. <<In a large managed care organization, the rate of ventilation tub...>> [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 275. Mygind,N; Meistrup-Larsen,KI; Thomsen,J; Thomsen,VF; Josefsson,K; Sorensen,H (1981): Penicillin in acute otitis media: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. clin otolaryngol 6, 5-13. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 594. Myles,PS; Troedel,S; Boquest,M; Reeves,M (1999): The pain visual analog scale: is it linear or nonlinear? Anesth. Analg. 89, 1517-1520. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 32. Narayanan,I; Singh,S; Mathur,R; Jain,BK (1989): Ear infection and infant feeding practices. Ind J Pediatr 56, 399-402. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 747. Nash,DR; Harman,J; Wald,ER; Kelleher,KJ (2002): Antibiotic prescribing by primary care physicians for children with upper respiratory tract infections. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 156, 1114-1119. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 696. Netzer,GA; Goldenberg,D; Westerman,ST; Westerman,LM; Joachims,HZ (2001): The association between iron-deficiency anemia and recurrent acute otitis media. Am J Otolaryngol 22, 391-394. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 294. Neu,HC (1992): The crisis in antibiotic resistance [review] [64 refs]. Science 257, 1064-1073. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS] 541. Niemela,M; Pihakari,O; Pokka,T; Uhari,M; Uhari,M (2000): Pacifier as a risk factor for acute otitis media: a randomized, controlled trial of parental counseling. Pediatrics 106, 483-488. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 207. Niemela,M; Uhari,M; Jounio-Ervasti,K; Luotonen,J; Alho,OP; Viermiaa,E (1994): Lack of specific symptomatology in children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 765-768. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 31. Niemela,M; Uhari,M; Mottonen,M (1995): A pacifier increases the risk of recurrent acute otitis media in children in day care centers. Pediatrics 96, 884-888. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 759. Nilsson,P; Laurell,MH (2001): Carriage of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae by children in day-care centers during an intervention program in Malmo, Sweden. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 1144-1149. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DAY CARE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 123. Nittrouer,S (1996): The relation between speech perception and phonemic awareness: evidence from low-SES children and children with chronic OM. J Speech Hear Res 39, 1059-1070. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 518. Nonomura,N; Giebink,GS; Juhn,SK; Harada,T; Aeppli,D (1991): Pathophysiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae otitis media: kinetics of the middle ear biochemical and cytologic host responses. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 100, 236-243. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 639. Ochoa,C; Inglada,L; Eiros,JM; Solis,G; Vallano,A; Guerra,L; The Spanish Study Group on Antibiotic Treatments (2001): Appropriateness of antibiotic prescriptions in community-acquired acute pediatric respiratory infections in Spanish emergency rooms. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, No. 8, 751-758. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 630. O'Connor,S; Rifkin,D; Yang,YH; Wang,JF; Levine,OS; Dowell,S (2001): Physician control of pediatric antimicrobial use in Beijing, China, and its rural environs. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 679-684. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 390. Olson,LC; Jackson,MA (1999): Only the pneumococcus... Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 849-850. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 605. Olson,LC; Jackson,MA; Bratcher,D (2001): Treatment of otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 468-469. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 686. Ortiz,E; Quach,CH; Lenart,LA (2001): The pneumonia severity index: assessing its potential as a triage tool. Fed. Pract., 11-25. [INCOMPLETE; DECISION MAKING; HEALTH STATUS; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 122. The Otitis Media Guideline Panel (1994): Clinical Practice Guideline, Otitis Media with Effusion in Young Children. Vol. AHCPR publication number. 94-0622. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD. [COST; OTITIS; TUBES] 440. Owen,MJ; Baldwin,CD; Luttman,D; Howie,VM (1991): Universality of otitis media with effusion detected by tympanometry on frequent home visits in Galveston, Texas. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Klein,JO; Nelson,JD; Ogra,PL) D.C.Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 17-20. [INCOMPLETE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 34. Owen,MJ; Baldwin,CD; Swank,PR; Pannu,AK; Johnson,DL; Howie,VM (1993): Relation of infant feeding practices, cigarette smoke exposure, and group child care to the onset and duration of otitis media with effusion in the first two years of life. J Pediatr 123, 702-711. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 73. Owen,MJ; Johnson,DL; Swank,PR; Baldwin,CD; Aker,J; Howie,VM (1996): Duration of otitis media with effusion from birth to 3 years of age related to language and cognititive scores at 5 years. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) D.C.Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 329-331. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 128. Owen,MJ; Norcross-Nechay,K; Howie,VM (1993): Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in young chidlren before and after tympanostomy tube placement. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 25, 105-117. [OTITIS; TUBES] 429. Owens,RE Jr (1986): Communication, Language, and Speech. In: Human Communication Disorders: An Introduction. Second ed. (Eds: Shames,GH; Wiig,EH) Charles E Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus, 27-64. [INCOMPLETE; LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 430. Paden,EP; Novak,M; Beiter,AL (1987): Predictors of phonologic inadequacy in young children prone to otitis media. J Speech Hear Disord 52, 232-242. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 623. Pal,DK (1996): Quality of life assessment in children: a review of conceptual and methodological issues in multidimensional health status measures. J. Epidemiol. Community Health 50, 391-396. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; QUALITY OF LIFE] 632. Palmu,AAI; Kotokoski,MJ; Kaijalainen,TH; Puhakka,HJ (2001): Bacterial etiology of acute myringitis in children less than two years of age. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 607-611. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 537. Pan,Q; Ornstein,S; Gross,AJ; Hueston,WJ; Jenkins,RG; Mainous,AG; Silverstein,MD (2000): Antibiotics and return visits for respiratory illness: a comparison of pooled versus hierarchical statistical methods. Am J Med Sci 319, 360-365. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; HEALTH STATUS; INCIDENCE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 208. Paradise,JL (1987): On classifying otitis media as suppurative or nonsuppurative, with a suggested clinical schema. J Pediatr 111(6 Pt 1), 948-951. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 209. Paradise,JL (1995): Managing Otitis Media: A time for change. Pediatrics 96, 712-715. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; TREATMENT] 441. Paradise,JL; Dollaghan,CA; Campbell,TF; Feldman,HM; Bernard,BS; Colborn,DK; Rockette,HE; Janosky,JE; Pitcairn,DL; Lurs-Lasky,M; Smith,CG (1999): Language, speech sound production, and cognition in 3-year old children in relation to otitis media in their first three years of life. Pediatr Res 45, 129A. <yes> [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 35. Paradise,JL; Elster,BA (1984): Evidence that breast milk protects against otitis media with effusion (OME) in infants with cleft palate. Pediatr Res 18, 283A. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 482. Paradise,JL; Feldman,HM; Campbell,TF; Dollaghan,CA; Colborn,DK; Bernard,BS; Rockette,HE; Janosky,JE; Kurs-Lasky,M; Pitcairn,DL; Sabo,DL; Smith,CG (2000): Early vs late tube placement for persistent middle-ear effusion (MEE) in the first 3 years of life: effects on language, speech sound production, and cognition at age 3 years. Pediatr Res 47, 216A. <Abstract> <<Results suggest that early tube placement did not benefit develop...>> [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; TUBES] 595. Paradise,JL; Feldman,HM; Campbell,TF; Dollaghan,CA; Colborn,DK; Bernard,BS; Rockette,HE; Janosky,JE; Pitcairn,DL; Sabo,DL; Kurs-Lasky,M; Smith,CG (2001): Effect of early or delayed insertion of tympanostomy tubes for persistent otitis media on developmental outcomes at the age of three years. N Engl J Med 344, 1179-1187. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; TUBES] 450. Paradise,JL; Feldman,HM; Colborn,DK; Campbell,TF; Dollaghan,CA; Rockette,HE; Janosky,JE; KursLasky,M; Bernard,BS; Smith,CG (1999): Parental stress and parent-rated child behavior in relation to otitis media in the first three years of life. Pediatrics 104, 1264-1273. [BEHAVIOR; OTITIS] 76. Paradise,JL; Rockette,HE; Colborn,DK; Bernard,BS; Smith,CG; Kurs-Lasky,M; Janosky,JE (1997): Otitis media in 2253 Pittsburgh-area infants: prevalence and risk factors during the first two years of life. Pediatrics 99, 318-333. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 331. Patel,JA; Sim,T; Owen,MJ; Howie,VM; Chonmaitree,T (1996): Influence of viral infection in middle ear chemokine response in acute otitis media. In: Recent Advances in Otitis Media. (Eds: Lim,DJ; Bluestone,CD; Casselbrant,M; Klein,JO; Ogra,PL) BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 178-179. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; VIRAL] 562. Patrick,DL; Chiang,YP (2000): Measurement of health outcomes in treatment effectiveness efvaluations. Med Care 38, II-14 - I-25. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 340. Pelton,S (1998): Otoscopy for the diagnosis of otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17, 540-543. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 700. Pelton,SI (2002): Acute otitis media in an era of increasing antimicrobial resistance and universal administration of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 599-604. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT; VACCINE] 389. Pelton,SI; Klein,JO (1999): The promise of immunoprophylaxis for prevention of acute otitis media [review] [92 refs]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 926-935. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 597. Perrin,JM (2001): Should we operate on children with fluid in the middle ear? N Engl J Med 344, 1241-1242. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; TUBES] 564. Perry,BP; Rubinstein,JT (2000): Meningitis due to acute otitis media and arachnoid granulations. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 109, 877-879. [COMPLICATIONS; OTITIS] 36. Persico,M; Podochin,L; Fradis,M; Golan,D; Wellisch,G (1983): Recurrent middle-ear infections in infants, the protective role of maternal breast feeding. Ear Nose Throat J 62, 297-304. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 410. Persico,M; Podoshin,L; Fradis,M (1978): Otitis media with effusion: a steroid and antibiotic therapeutic trial before surgery. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 87, 191-196. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 707. Perz,JF; Craig,AS; Coffey,CS; Jorgensen,DM; Mitchel,E; Hall,S; Schaffner,W; Griffin,MR (2002): Changes in antibiotic prescribing for children after a community-wide campaign. JAMA 287, 3103-3109. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 37. Peters,SA; Grievink,EH; van Bon,WH; Schilder,AG (1994): The effects of early bilateral otitis media with effusion on educational attainment: a prospective cohort study. J Learn Disabil 27, 111-121. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 41. Peters,SA; Grievink,EH; van Bon,WH; van den Bercken,JH; Schilder,AG (1997): The contribution of risk factors to the effect of early otitis media with effusion on later language, reading and spelling. Devel Med Child Neurol 39, 31-39. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 585. Pichicero,M (2000): Short courses of antibiotic in acute otitis media and sinusitis infections. J. Int. Med. Res. 2000, Suppl 1: 25A-36A. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 532. Pichichero,ME (2000): Acute otitis media: Part I. Improving diagnostic accuracy. Am Fam Physician 61, 2051-2056. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 547. Pichichero,ME (2000): Recurrent and persistent otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 911-916. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 548. Pichichero,ME (2000): Short course antibiotic therapy for respiratory infections: a review of the evidence. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 929-937. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; GUIDELINES; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 750. Pichichero,ME (2002): Diagnostic accuracy, tympanocentesis training performance, and antibiotic selection by pediatric residents in managment of otitis media. Pediatrics 110, 1064-1070. [DIAGNOSIS; EDUCATION; OTITIS; TRAINING; TREATMENT] 563. Pichichero,ME; Reiner,SA; Brook,I; Gooch,WM; Yamauchi,T; Jenkins,SG; Sher,L (2000): Controversies in the medical management of persistent and recurrent acute otitis media. Recommendations of a clinical advisory committee. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 183, Suppliment, 1-12. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 527. Piper,PJ (1984): Formation and actions of leukotrienes. Physiol Rev 64, 744-761. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 411. Podoshin,L; Fradis,M; Ben-David,Y; Faraggi,D (1990): The efficacy of oral steroids in the treatment of persistent otitis media with effusion. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 116, 1404-1406. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 261. Pong,A; Harrison,CJ (1998): A practical approach to drug-resistant streptoccus pneumoniae. Contemp Pediatr 15, 154-165. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 130. Postma,DS; Poole,MD; Wu,SM; Tober,R (1997): The impact of day care on ventilation tube insertion. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 41, 253-262. <<association between day care and tubes.>> [DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; TUBES] 117. Pukander,J (1982): Acute otitis media among rural children in Finland. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 4, 325-332. <<Prevention of recurrent acute otitis media was associated with br...>> [BREASTFEEDING; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 43. Pukander,J; Luotonen,J; Timonen,M; Karma,P (1985): Risk factors affecting the occurrence of acute otitis media among 2-3-year-old urban children. Acta Otolaryngol 100, 260-265. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 210. Radetsky,MS; Istre,GR; Johansen,TL; Parmelee,SW; Lauer,BA; Wiesenthal,AM; Glode,MP (1981): Multiply resistant pneumococcus causing meningitis: its epidemiology within a day-care centre. Lancet 2, 771-773. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 465. Ramilo,O (1999): Role of respiratory viruses in acute otitis media: implications for management. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 1125-1129. [OTITIS; VIRAL] 211. Ramsey,PG; Carline,JD; Inui,TS; Larson,EB; Logerfo,JP; Norcini,JJ; Wenrich,MD (1991): Changes over time in the knowledge base of practicing internists [published erratum appears in JAMA 1991;266:3131]. JAMA 266, 1103-1107. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 383. Randall,JE; Hendley,JO (1979): A decongestant-antihistamine mixture in the prevention of otiits media in children with colds. Pediatrics 63, 483-485. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 45. Rasmussen,F (1993): Protracted secretory otitis media. The impact of familial factors and day-care center attendance. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 26, 29-37. [DAY CARE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 110. Rasmussen,F (1993): Protracted secretory otitis media. The impact of familial factors and day-care center attendance. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 26, 29-37. <<1306 Swedish children were followed from birth to 7 years of age....>> [COST; DAY CARE; OTITIS; TUBES] 44. Rasmussen,F; Sundelin,C (1990): Use of medical care and antibiotics among preschool children in different day care settings. Acta Paediatr Scand 79, 838-846. [DAY CARE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 79. Rassin,DK; Richardson,CJ; Baranowski,T; Nader,P; Guenther,N; Bee,DE; Brown,JP (1984): Incidence of breast-feeding in a low socioeconomic group of mothers in the United States: ethnic patterns. Pediatrics 73, 132-137. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 529. Raty,Riitta; Kleemola,Marjaana (2000): Detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae by polymerase chain reaction in middle ear fluids from infants with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 666-667. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 46. Reed,BD; Lutz,LJ (1988): Household smoking exposure--association with middle ear effusions. Fam Med 20, 426-430. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 212. Reichler,MR; Allphin,AA; Breiman,RF; Schreiber,JR; Arnold,JE; McDougal,LK; Facklam,RR; Boxerbaum,B; May,D; Walton,RO; Jacobs,MR (1992): The spread of multiply resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae at a day care center in Ohio. J Infect Dis 166, 1346-1353. <<Carriage of resistant pneumococci was associated with use of prop...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DAY CARE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; SHOWCASE] 164. Reichman,J; Healey,WC (1983): Learning disabilities and conductive hearing loss involving otitis media [review] [44 refs]. J Learn Disabil 16, 272-278. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 99. Reifsnider,E; Eckhart,D (1997): Prenatal breastfeeding education: its effect on breastfeeding among WIC participants. J Hum Lact 13, 121-125. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION; WIC] 601. Rennie,D (2001): CONSORT revised--improving the reporting of randomized trials. JAMA 285, 20062007. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 496. Rennie,D; Luft,HS (2000): Pharmacoeconomic analyses: making them transparent, making them credible. JAMA 283, 2158-2160. [COST; METHODOLOGY] 713. Richards,M; Giannoni,C (2002): Quality-of-life outcomes after surgical intervention for otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128, 776-782. [COMPLICATIONS; OTITIS; QUALITY OF LIFE; TREATMENT; TUBES] 740. Rifkind,D; Chanock,R; Kravetz,H; et al. (1962): Ear involvement (myringitis) and primary atypical pneumonia following inoculation of volunteers with Eaton Agent. Am Rev Respir Dis 85, 479. [INCOMPLETE; MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 457. Rifkind,D; Chanock,R; Kravetz,H; Johnson,K; Knight,V (1962): Ear involvement (myringitis) and primary atypical pneumonia following inoculation of volunteers with eaton agent. Am Rev Respir Dis 85, 479-489. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 109. Riordan,JM (1997): The cost of not breastfeeding: a commentary [review] [30 refs]. J Hum Lact 13, 93-97. <<Additional cost of otitis media due to not breastfeeding is $660,...>> [BREASTFEEDING; COST; OTITIS; WIC] 519. Ripley-Petzoldt,ML; Giebink,GS; Juhn,SK; Aeppli,D; Tomasz,A; Tuomanen,E (1988): The contribution of pneumococcal cell wall to the pathogenesis of experimental otitis media. J Infect Dis 157, 245-255. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 354. Roark,R; Berman,S (1997): Continuous twice daily or once daily amoxicillin prophylaxis compared with palcebo for children with recurrent acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16, 376-381. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PROPHYLAXIS] 213. Roberts,DB (1980): The etiology of bullous myringitis and the role of mycoplasmas in ear disease. A review. Pediatrics 65, 761-766. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 39. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Campbell,F (1994): Otitis media in early childhood and patterns of intellectual development and later academic performance. J Pediatr Psychol 19, 347-367. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 40. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Clarke-Klein,SM (1995): Otitis media in early childhood and cognitive, academic, and behavior outcomes at 12 years of age. J Pediatr Psychol 20, 645-660. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 38. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Collier,AM; Ramey,CT; Koch,MA; Henderson,FW (1989): Otitis media in early childhood and cognitive, academic, and classroom performance of the school-aged child. Pediatrics 83, 477-485. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 438. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Davis,BP; Collier,AM (1991): Otitis media in early childhood and later language [review] [44 refs]. J Speech Hear Res 34, 1158-1168. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 550. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Jackson,SC; Hooper,SR; Roush,J; Mundy,M; Neebe,EC; Zeisel,SA (2000): Otitis media in early childhood in relation to preschool language and school readiness skills in black children. Pediatrics 106, 725-735. [BEHAVIOR; LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 214. Roberts,JE; Burchinal,MR; Koch,MA; Footo,MM; Henderson,FW (1988): Otitis media in early childhood and its relationship to later phonological development. J Speech Hear Disord 53, 416-424. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 124. Roberts,K (1997): A preliminary account of the effect of otitis media on 15-month-olds' categorization and some implications for early language learning. J Speech Lang Hear Res 40, 508-518. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 349. Roddey,OF Jr; Earle,R Jr; Haggerty,R (1966): Myringotomy in acute otitis media. A controlled study. JAMA 197, 849-853. [DIAGNOSIS; MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 325. Rodriguez,WJ; Schwartz,RH (1998): S. pneumoniae causes acute otitis media with significantly higher fever and more redness of tympanic membranes than H. influenzae or M. catarrhalis. Abstr Ambul Pediatr Assoc, 124A. [INCOMPLETE] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 391. Rodriguez,WJ; Schwartz,RH (1999): Streptococcus pneumoniae causes otitis media with higher fever and more redness of tympanic membranes than Haemophilus influnzae or Moraxella catarrhalis. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 942-944. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 584. Roos,K; Hakansson,EG; Holm,S (2001): Effect of recolonisation with "interfering" alpha streptococci on recurrence of acute and secretory otitis media in children: randomised placebo conrolled trial. BMJ 2001, 210-212. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT] 757. Rosenberg,JE (2002): Exceptional returns on investments in medical research. Med. J. Aust. 177, 368-371. [COST; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 617. Rosenblut,Andres; Santolaya,ME; Gonzalez,P; Corbalan,V; Avendano,LF; Martinez,MA; Hormazabal,JC (2001): Bacterial and viral etiology of acute otitis media in Chilean children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 501-507. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; VIRUS] 266. Rosenfeld,RM (1995): What to expect from medical treatment of otitis media [review] [27 refs]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 14, 731-738. [META-ANALYSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 269. Rosenfeld,RM (1996): An evidenced-based approach to treating otitis media [review] [86 refs]. Pediatr Clin North Am 43, 1165-1181. [GUIDELINES; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 618. Rosenfeld,RM (2001): Observation option toolkit for acute otitis media. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 58, 1-8. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 720. Rosenfeld,RM (2002): Diagnostic certainty for acute otitis media. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 64, 8995. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TR...] 683. Rosenfeld,RM; Casselbrant,ML; Hannley,MT (2001): Implications of the AHRQ evidence report on acute otitis media. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 125, 440-448. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DECISION MAKING; GUIDELINES; META-ANALYSIS; ...] 268. Rosenfeld,RM; Goldsmith,AJ; Tetlus,L; Balzano,A (1997): Quality of life for children with otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 123, 1049-1054. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 412. Rosenfeld,RM; Mandel,EM; Bluestone,CD (1991): Systemic steroids for otitis media with effusion in children. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 117, 984-989. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 160. Rosenfeld,RM; Vertrees,JE; Carr,J; Cipolle,RJ; Uden,DL; Giebink,GS; Canafax,DM (1994): Clinical efficacy of antimicrobial drugs for acute otitis media: metaanalysis of 5400 children from thirty-three randomized trials. J Pediatr 124, 355-367. <<Spontaneous rate of complete clinical resolution, exclusive of mi...>> [META-ANALYSIS; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 722. Rovers,M; Haggard,M; Gannon,M; Koeppen-Schomerus,G; Plomin,R (2002): Heritability of symptom domains in otitis media: a longitudinal study of 1,373 twin pairs. Am J Epidemiol 155, 958-964. [GENETICS; OTITIS] 542. Rovers,MM; Straatman,H; Ingels,K; van der Wilt,G; Zielhuis,GA (2000): The effect of ventilation tubes on language development in infants with otitis media with effusion: a randomized trial. Pediatrics 106, 593594. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; TUBES] 48. Rowe-Jones,JM; Brockbank,MJ (1992): Parental smoking and persistent otitis media with effusion in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 24, 19-24. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 568. Ruben,RJ (2001): Efficacy of oflaoxacin and other otic preparations for otitis externa. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 108-110. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 215. Rubenstein,MM; McBean,JB; Hedgecock,LD; Stickler,GB (1965): The treatment of acute otitis media in children. Am J Dis Child 109, 308-313. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; TREATMENT] 49. Rubin,DH; Leventhal,JM; Krasilnikoff,PA; Kuo,HS; Jekel,JF; Weile,B; Levee,A; Kurzon,M; Berget,A (1990): Relationship between infant feeding and infectious illness--a prospective study of infants during the first year of life. Pediatrics 85, 464-471. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 608. Ruiz-Canela,M; Martinez-Gonzalez,MA; Irala-Estevez,Jokin (2000): Intention to treat analysis is related to methodological quality. BMJ 320, 1007. [INTENTION TO TREAT; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 368. Ruohola,A; Heikkinen,T; Jero,J; Puhakka,T; Juven,T; Narkio-Makela,M; Saxen,H; Ruuskanen,O (1999): Oral prednisolone is an effective adjuvant therapy for acute otitis media with discharge through tympanostomy tubes. J Pediatr 134, 459-463. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 216. Ruuskanen,O; Arola,M; Heikkinen,T; Ziegler,T (1991): Viruses in acute otitis media: increasing evidence for clinical significance [review] [24 refs]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 10, 425-427. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; VIRAL] 78. Ryan,AS (1997): The resurgence of breastfeeding in the United States. Pediatrics 99, e12. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 50. Saarinen,UM (1982): Prolonged breast feeding as prophylaxis for recurrent otitis media. Acta Paediatr Scand 71, 567-571. <<143 children were followed over the first twelve months of age. C...>> [BREASTFEEDING; COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 552. Sabella,C (2000): Management of otorrhea in infants and children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 19, 1007-1008. [OTITIS EXTERNA; TREATMENT] 290. Saeed,K; McCormick,DP; Lim-Melia,E; Baldwin,C; Chonmaitree,T (1999): Acute otitis media, can clinical findings predict bacterial or viral etiology? Abstracts of the Ambulatory Pediatric Assocation, 81. [INCOMPLETE; DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; VIRAL] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 276. Saeed,KA; Heikkinen,T; McCormick,DP; Baldwin,C; Chonmaitree,T (1998): A single intramuscular dose of ceftriaxone changes nasopharyngeal bacterial flora in chidren with acute otitis media (AOM). Pediatr Res 43, 118A. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 361. Saenz-Llorens,X (1994): Pathogenesis of acute otitis media [review] [35 refs]. Pediatr Infect Dis J 13, 1035-1038. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 643. Samore,HG; Magill,MK; Alder,SC; Severina,E; Morrison-de Boer,L; Lyon,JL; Carroll,K; Leary,J; Stone,MB; Bradford,D; Reading,J; Tomasz,A; Sande,MA (2001): High rates of multiple resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae from healthy children living in isolated rural communities: association with cephalosporin use and intrafamilial transmission. Pediatrics 108, 856-865. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; INCIDENCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCU...] 217. Sarkkinen,H; Ruuskanen,O; Meurman,O; Puhakka,H; Virolainen,E; Eskola,J (1985): Identification of respiratory virus antigens in middle ear fluids of children with acute otitis media. J Infect Dis 151, 444-448. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; VIRAL] 218. Sarkkinen,HK; Meurman,O; Salmi,TT; Puhakka,H; Virolainen,E (1983): Demonstration of viral antigens in middle ear secretions of children with acute otitis media. Acta Paediatr Scand 72, 137-138. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; VIRAL] 520. Sato,K; Kawana,M; Nonomura,N; Nakano,Y (1999): Course of IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha in the middle ear fluid of the guinea pig otitis media model induced by nonviable Haemophilus influenzae. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 108, 559-563. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 396. Sato,K; Liebeler,CL; Quartey,MK; Le,CT; Giebink,GS (1999): Middle ear fluid cytokine and inflammatory cell kinetics in the chinchilla otitis media model. Infect Immun 67, 1943-1946. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 100. Saunders,SE; Carroll,J (1988): Post-partum breast feeding support: impact on duration. J Am Diet Assoc 88, 213-215. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; WIC] 75. Scariati,PD; Grummer-Strawn,LM; Fein,SB (1997): A longitudinal analysis of infant morbidity and the extent of breastfeeding in the United States. Pediatrics 99, e5. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 104. Scariati,PD; Grummer-Strawn,LM; Fein,SB (1997): A longitudinal analysis of infant morbidity and the extent of breastfeeding in the United States. Pediatrics 99, e5. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 51. Schaefer,O (1971): Otitis media and bottle-feeding--an epidemiological study of infant feeding habits and incidence of recurrent and chronic middle ear disease in Canadian Eskimos. Can J Public Health 62, 478-489. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 521. Schleimer,RP; Freeland,HS; Peters,SP; Brown,KE; Derse,CP (1989): An assessment of the effects of glucocorticoids on degranulation, chemotaxis, binding to vascular endothelium and formation of leukotriene B4 by purified human neutrophils. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 250, 598-605. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; STEROID] 219. Schnore,SK; Sangster,JF; Gerace,TM; Bass,MJ (1986): Are antihistamines-decongestants of value in the treatment of acute otitis media in children? J Fam Pract 22, 39-43. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 431. Schwartz,DM; Schwartz,RH (1986): Validity of acoustic reflectometry in detecting middle ear effusion. Pediatrics 79, 739-742. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 53. Schwartz,JB; Popkin,BM; Tognetti,J; Zohoori,N (1995): Does WIC participation improve breast-feeding practices. Am J Public Health 85, 729-731. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 220. Schwartz,RH (1980): The pneumatic otoscope, a new instrument for examination of the tympanic Membrane. E. Siegle 1984. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2, 261-263. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 235. Schwartz,RH (1981): Bacteriology of otitis media: A review [review] [61 refs]. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 89 (3 Pt1), 444-450. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; SHOWCASE] 221. Schwartz,RH (1983): Pneumatic otoscopy: Getting the most out of ear exam. J Resp Dis 4, 82-92. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 378. Schwartz,RH; Puglese,J; Schwartz,DM (1980): Use of a short course of prednisone for middle ear effusion. A double blind crossover study. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89 (3 Pt 2), 296-300. [OTITIS; STEROID; TREATMENT] 272. Schwartz,RH; Rodriguez,WJ; Brook,I; Grundfast,KM (1981): The febrile response in acute otitis media. JAMA 245, 2057-2058. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 222. Schwartz,RH; Rodriguez,WJ; Grundfast,KM (1984): Duration of middle ear effusion after acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 3, 204-207. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 153. Schwartz,RH; Stool,SE; Rodriguez,WJ; Grundfast,KM (1981): Acute otitis media: toward a more precise definition. Clin Pediatr 20, 549-554. <<A poorly mobile, bulging, yellow, opacified tympanic membrane was...>> [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 52. Sciacca,JP; Phipps,BL; Dube,DA; Ratliff,MI (1995): Influences on breast-feeding by low-income women--an incentive-based, partner-supported educational program. J Am Diet Assoc 95, 323-328. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 678. Scott,JG; Cohen,D; DiCicco-Bloom,B; Orzano,AJ; Jaen,CR; Crabtree,BF (2001): Antibiotic use in actute respiratory infections and the ways patients pressure physicians for a prescription. J Fam Pract 50, 853-858. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; EDUCATION; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 572. Seikel,K; Shelton,S; McCracken,GH Jr (1997): Middle ear fluid concentrations of amoxicillin after large dosages in children with acute otiis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16, 710-711. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 223. Seppala,H; Klaukka,T; Lehtonen,R; Nenonen,R; Huovinen,P (1995): Outpatient use of erythromycin: link to increased erythromycin resistance in Group A streptococci. Clin Infect Dis 21, 1378-1385. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; SHOWCASE; TREATMENT] 224. Shapiro,AM; Bluestone,CD (1995): Otitis media reassessed. Up-to-date answers to some basic questions [review] [20 refs]. Postgrad Med 97, 73-76, 79-82. [OTITIS; REVIEW; SHOWCASE] 761. Shapiro,ED (2003): Case Control Studies. Pediatr Infect Dis J 22, 85-86. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 470. Shappart,SM (1992): Office visits for otitis media: United States, 1975-1990. Advance data from vital and health statistics; no. 214. National Center for Health Statistics, Washington, D.C. [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 710. Shimada,J; Yamanaka,N; Hotomi,M; Suzumoto,M (2002): Household transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae among siblings with acute otitis media. J Clin Microbiol 40, 1851-1853. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 445. Shinefield,HR; Black,S; Ray,P; Chang,IH; Lewis,N; Fireman,B; Hackell,J; Paradiso,PR; Siber,G; Kohberger,R; Madore,DV; Malinowski,FJ; Kimura,A; Le,C; Landaw,I; Aguilar,J; Hansen,J (1999): Safety and immunogenicity of heptavalent pneumococcal CRM 197 conjugate vaccine in infants and toddlers. Pediatr Infect Dis J 18, 757-763. [OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; PREVENTION; VACCINE] 709. Siegel,GJ; Chandra,RK (2002): Laser office ventilation of ears with insertion of tubes. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 127, 60-66. [OTITIS; TREATMENT; TUBES] 745. Siegel,Sidney (1956): Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. McGraw-Hill, New York. 730. Silfverdal,SA; Bodin,L; Ulanova,M; Hahn-Soric,M; Hanson,LA; Olcen,P (2002): Long term enhancement of the IgG2 antibody response to Haemophilus influenzae type b by breast-feeding. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 816-821. [BREASTFEEDING; IMMUNITY; OTITIS] 236. Silva,PA; Kirkland,C; Simpson,A; Stewart,IA; Williams,SM (1982): Some developmental and behavioral problems associated with bilateral otitis media with effusion. J Learn Disabil 15, 417-421. [BEHAVIOR; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 374. Simons,FE; Simons,KJ (1983): H1 receptor antagonists: clnical pharmacology and use in allergic disease [review] [59 refs]. Pediatr Clin North Am 30, 899-914. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS; REVIEW] 54. Sipila,M; Karma,P; Pukander,J; Timonen,M; Kataja,M (1988): The Bayesian approach to the evaluation of risk factors in acute and recurrent acute otitis media. Acta Otolaryngol 106, 94-101. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 116. Sipila,M; Pukander,J; Karma,P (1987): Incidence of acute otitis media up to the age of 1.5 years in urban infants. Acta Otolaryngol 104, 138-145. <<Followed a prospective cohort of 1642 infants up to the age of 1....>> [COST; INCIDENCE; OTITIS] 402. Skoner,DP; Stillwagon,PK; Casselbrandt,ML; Tanner,EP; Doyle,WJ; Fireman,P (1988): Inflammatory mediators in chronic otitis media with effusion. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 114, 1131-1133. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 366. Skull,SA; Morris,PS; Yonovitz,A; Attewell,RG; Krause,V; Leach,AJ; Anand,A; Scott,J; Reid,S; Roberts,LA (1999): Middle ear effusion: rate and risk factors in Australian children attending day care. Epidemiol Infect 123, 57-64. [DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS] 522. Smith,DM; Jung,TT; Juhn,SK; Berlinger,HT; Gerrard,JM (1979): Prostaglandins in experimental otitis media. Arch Otorhinolaryngol 225, 207-209. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 455. Sobeslavsky,O; Syrucek,L; Bruckova,M; Abrahamovic,M (1965): The etiological role of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in otitis media in children. Pediatrics 35, 652-657. [MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] 741. Sobeslavsky,O; Syrucek,L; Bruckova,M; et al. (1965): The etiological role of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in otitis media in children. Pediatrics 35, 652. [INCOMPLETE; MYCOPLASMA; OTITIS] ^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^^^^INCOMPLETE^^^ 689. Soininen,Anu; Lahdenkari,M; Kilpi,T; Makela,PH; Kayhty,H (2002): Antibody response to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides in children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 186-192. [IMMUNITY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 535. Sorrell,MJ; Tribble,J; Reinisch,L; Werkhaven,JA; Ossoff,RH (1994): Bacteria identification of otitis media with fluorescence spectroscopy. Lasers Surg Med 14, 155-163. [DIAGNOSIS; FLUORESCENCE; OTITIS] 112. Sorri,M; Alho,OP; Oja,H (1996): Dynamic mulitvariate modelling: day care and consultation rate for acute otitis media. 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Stahlberg,MR; Ruuskanen,O; Virolainen,E (1986): Risk factors for recurrent otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 5, 30-32. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 687. Steinbach,WJ; Sectish,TC (2002): Pediatric resident training in the diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media. Pediatrics 109, 404-408. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS; TRAINING] 699. Steinbach,WJ; Sectish,TC; Benjamin,DK; Chang,KW; Messner,AH (2002): Pediatric residents' clinical diagnostic accuracy of otitis media. Pediatrics 109, 993-998. [DIAGNOSIS; EDUCATION; OTITIS] 56. Stenstrom,R; Bernard,PA; Ben-Simhon,H (1993): Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke as a risk factor for recurrent acute otitis media in children under the age of five years. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 27, 127-136. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; SMOKING] 305. Stephenson,J (1996): Icelandic researchers are showing the way to bring down rates of antibioticresistant bacteria [news]. JAMA 275, 175. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 622. Stewart,MG; Friedman,EM; Sulek,M; dejong,A; Hulka,GF; Bautista,MH; Anderson,SE (2001): Validation of an outcomes instrument for tonsil and adenoid disease. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 127, 29-33. [METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 403. Stickler,GB; Rubenstein,MM; McBean,JB; Hedgecock,LD; Hugstad,JA; Griffing,T (1967): Treatment of acute otitis media in chidlren. Am J Dis Child 114, 123-130. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 528. Stillwagon,PK; Doyle,WJ; Fireman,J (1987): Effect of an antihistamine/decongestant on nasal and eustacian tube function following intranasal pollen challenge. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 58, 442-446. [ANTIHISTAMINE; OTITIS] 729. Stivers,T (2002): Participating in decisions about treatment: overt parent pressure for antibiotic medication in pediatric encounters. Social Sci. Med. 54, 1111-1130. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; COMMUNICATION; DECISI...] 589. St-Laurent-Gagnon,T; Bernard-Bonnin,AC; Villeneuve,E (1999): Pain evaluation in preschool children and by their parents. Acta Paediatr Scand 88, 422-427. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 144. Stool,SE; Anticaglia,J (1973): Electric otoscopy--a basic skill. Notes on the essentials of otoscopic examination and on the evaluation of otoscopes. Clin Pediatr 12, 420-426. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 353. Storgaard,M; Larsen,k; Biegvad,S; Nodgaard,H; Ovesen,T; Andersen,PL; Obel,N (1997): Interleukin-8 and chemotactic activity of middle ear effusions. J Infect Dis 175, 474-477. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 68. Strangert,K (1977): Otitis media in young children in different types of day-care. Scand J Infect Dis 9, 119-123. [DAY CARE; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 640. Subcommittee on Management of Sinusitis and Committee on Quality Improvement (2001): Clinical practice guidelines: management of sinusitis. Pediatrics 108, No. 3, 798-808. [OTITIS; SINUSITIS; TREATMENT] 300. Sugita,R; Kawamura,S; Ichikawa,G; Fujimaki,Y; Deguchi,K (1983): Bacteriology of acute otitis media in Japan and chemotherapy, with reference to Hemophilus influenzae. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 6, 135144. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; TREATMENT] 468. Sutton,DV; Derkay,CS; Darrow,DH; Stasnick,B (2000): Resistant bacteria in middle ear fluid at the time of tympanotomy tube surgery. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 109, 24-29. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TUBES] 225. Suzuki,K; Bakaletz,LO (1994): Synergistic effect of adenovirus type 1 and nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae in a chinchilla model of experimental otitis media. Infect Immun 62, 1710-1718. [OTITIS; SHOWCASE; VIRAL] 559. Syrogiannopoulos,GA; Grivea,IN; Davies,TA; Katopodis,GD; Appelbaum,PC; Beratis,NG (2000): Antimicrobial use and colonization with erythromycin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in Greece during the first 2 years of life. Clin Infect Dis 31, 887-893. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DAY CARE; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS...] 57. Tainio,VM; Savilahti,E; Salmenpera,L; Arjomaa,P; Siimes,MA; Perheentupa,J (1988): Risk factors for infantile recurrent otitis media--atopy but not type of feeding. Pediatr Res 23, 509-512. [BREASTFEEDING; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 634. Takata,GS; Chan,LS; Shekelle,P; Morton,SC; Mason,W; Marcy,SM (2001): Evidence assessment of management of acute otitis media: I the role of antibiotics in treatment of uncomplicated acute otitis media. Pediatrics 108, 239-247. [GUIDELINES; META-ANALYSIS; OTITIS; REVIEW; TREATMENT] 677. Tapiainen,T; Luotonen,L; Kontiokari,T; Renko,M; Uhari,M (2002): Xylitol administered only during respiratory infections failed to prevent acute otitis media. Pediatrics 109, e19. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION; XYLITOL] 714. Tapianinen,T; Renko,M; Kontiokari,T; Uhari,M (2002): Xylitol concentrations in the saliva of children after chewing xylitol gum or consuming a xylitol mixture. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 21, 53-55. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PREVENTION; XYLITOL] 82. Teele,DW (1991): Strategies to control recurrent acute otitis media in infants and children [review] [24 refs]. Pediatr Ann 20, 609-610, 612-614, 616. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; REVIEW] 544. Teele,DW (2000): Acute otitis media: antimicrobial therapy in an era of resistant bacteria and sceptical meta-analyticians. NZ Med J 113, 284-286. [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 227. Teele,DW; Klein,JO; Chase,C; Menyuk,P; Rosner,BA (1990): Otitis media in infancy and intellectual ability, school achievement, speech, and language at age 7 years. Greater Boston Otitis Media Study Group. J Infect Dis 162, 685-694. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 226. Teele,DW; Klein,JO; Rosner,B (1989): Epidemiology of otitis media during the first seven years of life in children in greater Boston: a prospective cohort study. J Infect Dis 160, 83-94. [EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; SHOWCASE] 92. Teele,DW; Klein,JO; Rosner,B; Bratton,L; Fisch,GR; Mathieu,OR; Porter,PJ; Starobin,SG; Tarlin,LD; Younes,RP; The Greater Boston Study Group (1983): Middle ear disease and the practice of pediatrics. JAMA 249, 1026-1029. <<Enrolled and followed 2570 children from birth. In the first year...>> [COST; EPIDEMIOLOGY; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 127. Teele,DW; Klein,JO; Rosner,BA; The Greater Boston Otitis Media Study Group (1984): Otitis media with effusion during the first three years of life and development of speech and language. Pediatrics 74, 282287. [LANGUAGE; OTITIS] 228. Tejani,NR; Chonmaitree,T; Rassin,DK; Howie,VM; Owen,MJ; Goldman,AS (1995): Use of C-reactive protein in differentiation between acute bacterial and viral otitis media. Pediatrics 95, 664-669. [DIAGNOSIS; MEDIATORS; OTITIS; SHOWCASE; VIRAL] 371. Theoharides,TC; Manolidis,SS; Vliagoftis,H; Manolidis,LS (1994): Treatment of secretory otitis media with local instillation of hydroxyzine. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 103, 95-101. 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Townsend,GC; Scheld,WM (1993): Adjunctive therapy for bacterial meningitis: rationale for use, current status, and prospects for the future. Clin Infect Dis 17, S537-549. [STEROID; TREATMENT] 301. Trujillo,H; Callejas,R; Mejia,GI; Castrillon,L (1989): Bacteriology of middle ear fluid specimens obtained by tympanocentesis from 111 Columbian children with acute otitis media. Pediatr Infect Dis J 8, 361-363. [MYRINGOTOMY; OTITIS; PNEUMOCOCCUS; TREATMENT] 523. Tsang,KW; Ho,PL; Lam,WK; Ip,MS; Chan,KN; Ho,CS; Ooi,CC; Yuen,KY (1998): Inhaled fluticasone reduces sputum inflammatory indices in severe bronchiectasis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 158, 723-727. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS; STEROID] 560. Tsevat,J (2000): What do utilities measure? Med Care 38, II-160 - II-164. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 61. Tully,SB; Bar-Haim,Y; Bradley,RL (1995): Abnormal tympanography after supine bottle feeding. J Pediatr 126, S105-111. [OTITIS; PREVENTION] 702. Turner,D; Leibovitz,E; Aran,A; Piglansky,L; Raiz,S; Lieberman,A; Dagan,R (2002): Acute otitis media in infants younger than two months of age: microbiology, clincial presentation and therapeutic approach. Pediatr Infect Dis J 21, 669-674. [OTITIS; TREATMENT] 105. Tuttle,CR; Dewey,KG (1996): Potential cost savings for Medi-Cal, AFDC, food stamps, and WIC programs associated with increasing breast-feeding among low-income Hmong women in California. J Am Diet Assoc 96, 885-890. [BREASTFEEDING; COST; OTITIS; PREVENTION] 324. United States. Public Health Service (1992): Healthy People 2000 National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives: Full Report with Commentary. DHH Publication No. (PHS) 91-50212 ed. Jones and Bartlett, Boston. 692 pages. 95. University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. (1983): A potpourri of new data gathered from interviews with husbands and wives. In: Five Thousand American Families:Patterns of Economic. Vol. 6. 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Werkhaven,JA; Reinisch,L; Sorrell,BS; Tribble,J; Ossoff,RH (1994): Noninvasive optical diagnosis of bacteria causing otitis media. Laryngoscope 104, 264-268. [DIAGNOSIS; FLUORESCENCE; OTITIS] 352. Werkhaven,JA; Reinisch,L; Sorrell,M; Tribble,J; Ossoff,RH (1994): Noninvasive optical diagnosis of bacteria causing otitis media. Laryngoscope 104(3 Pt 1), 264-268. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 637. Wheeler,JG; Fair,M; Simpson,PM; Rowlands,LA; Aitken,ME; Jacobs,RF (2001): Impact of a waiting room videotape message on parent attitudes toward pediatric antibiotic use. Pediatrics 108, 591-596. [ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT; ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; ANTIBIOTICS; OTITIS; ...] 574. Whitley,RJ; Hayden,RG; Reisinger,KS; Young,N; Dutkowski,R; Ipe,D; Mills,RG; Ward,P (2001): Oral oseltamivir treatment of influenza in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20, 127-133. [OTITIS; PREVENTION; TREATMENT; VIRAL] 669. Willson,DF; Horn,SD; Smout,R; Gassaway,J; Torres,A (2000): Severity assessment in children hospitalized with bronghiolitis using the pediatric component of the Comprehensive Severity Index. Pediatr. Crit. Care Med. 1, 127-132. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 698. Winther,B; Hayden,FG; Arruda,E; Dutkowski,R; Ward,P; Hendley,JO (2002): Viral respiratory infection in schoolchildren: effects on middle ear pressure. Pediatrics 109, 826-832. [OTITIS; TYMPANOMETRY; VIRUS] 586. Wong,DL; Baker,CM (1988): Pain in children: comparison of assessment scales. Ped. Nurs. 14, 9-17. [DIAGNOSIS; HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 738. Woo,JKS; van Hassalt,A; Gluckman,PGC (1992): Myringitis bullosa haemorrhagica: clinical course influenced by tympanosclerosis. J Laryngol Otol 106, 162-163. [DIAGNOSIS; OTITIS] 561. Wu,AW (2000): Quality-of-life assessment in clinical research: application in diverse populations. Med Care 38, II-130 - II-135. [HEALTH STATUS; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 135. Yagupsky,P; Porat,N; Fraser,D; Prajgrod,F; Merires,M; McGee,L; Klugman,KP; Dagan,R (1998): Acquision, carriage, and transmission of pneumococci with decreased antibiotic susceptibility in young children attending a day care facility in southern Israel. J Infect Dis 177, 1003-1012. <<14% of strains were multi-drug-resistant. Strains 23F and 6B were...>> [ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE; DAY CARE; PNEUMOCOCCUS] 362. Yellon,RF; Leonard,G; Marucha,P; Sidman,J; Carpenter,R; Burelson,J; Carlson,J; Kreutzer,D (1992): Demonstration of interleukin 6 in middle ear effusions. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 118, 745-748. [MEDIATORS; OTITIS] 436. Zachary,RA (1991): Shipley Institute of Living Scale. WPS, Western Psychological Services, Los Angeles,CA. 92 pages. [LANGUAGE; METHODOLOGY; OTITIS] 161. Zeisel,SA; Roberts,JE; Neebe,EC; Riggins,R Jr; Henderson,FW (1999): A longitudinal study of otitis media with effusion among 2- to 5-year-old African-American Children in child care. 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