PAPER 3 - Lesson Plan for a Speaking Class

Moisés Morales
EDC 383S-Fall 2009
Micro-Teaching II
Lesson Plan: Dos Gardenias
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
PAPER 3 - Lesson Plan for a Speaking Class
Vivian Flanzer, Moisés Morales, Will Slade
a) Class Description: The context for this class is University Texas students who are
English speakers, first semester beginners, towards the end of the semester.
b) Timetable Fit: .
Last class’s lesson was the introduction to the unit "Amor Y Passión". In that class
period, we introduced the future tense in a grammar lesson with an activity in which
students described their future romantic partners.
Next class’s lesson: We will watch a Telenovela as homework.
c) Learning Outcomes: After this lesson, students will:
1. recognize and practice the future tense in Spanish.
2. learn new vocabulary related to love (terms of endearment)
3. pronounce these terms and sing along a song
3. read and respond to a role play agenda written in Spanish.
4. negotiate meaning and improvise within a semi-structured conversation
5. discuss the “Latin lover” stereotype critically
6. listen and comprehend a song in Spanish
d) Activities, procedures, and timing
Activity/ Aids
Vocabulary with pictures in power point.
with whole
8 min
Listening to a
song, filling
blanks on lyric
Song: Dos Gardenias – Listen with blanks for the future 7 min
tense. Use a modified version of Maria Rita’s live
recording performance of the song that takes 1 min 30 secs.
and Vivian
Singing with a
Vivian and Students sing along with the song.
the group
of students
2 min
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
Discussion and
Discussion and transition (Moisés) briefly reviews the
formation of the future tense, restates the content of the
song, the meanings of romantic symbols, issues with the 5 min
“Latin Lover” Stereotype.
Explanation of
Role Play
Group Task: Explain Negotiation Speaking Activity:
with whole
Instructions should include everything: group work, pair 3 min
work, and role-play volunteer in front of class. The
teacher provides role-play agendas to Role A and Role
Group work -preparation for
Role Play
activity with
agenda for roles
A and B.
with two
with each
within their
Divide into 2 groups Role A and Role B. Students are
not writing a plot because they do not know what Role B
is going to say.
3 min
Students prepare what they might say, but they know
there will be surprises.
Role A is giving a gardenia to Role B.
Role B is allergic to gardenias.
Role Play
activity in pairs,
responding to
utilizing some
phrases from the
Role Agenda
Pair work: Negotiating Speaking Activity 2 (10 min)
transitions. (Walking around, listening, taking notes for errors and
Students in successes)
pairs; Will
and Moisés
and takes
notes on
Performance of
one volunteer
group for whole
Ask one volunteer group to perform in front of the
volunteers class.
with each
other; other
watch and
listen Will
5 min
Error Correction
Notes on observations about errors. Not singling out
and/or Will students, but raising awareness about certain errors that
with whole occurred in the role plays.
Wrap Up
Will with
Elicit student description of today’s activities and
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
e) Problems and possibilities
1. Perhaps we are reinforcing the "Latin lover" stereotype? How do we guide this
2. Will students be shy to perform in front of the class?
3. What about if we do not have an even number of men and women in the class to play
Juan and Juanita? Will students mind changing their gender? Or shall we just mix and
match gender roles?
f) Reflections after teaching (individual reflections)
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
Reflection Micro Teaching II
As a whole, the lesson went quite well. The lesson took a natural flow and we each did
our part with ease. I was worried that we might not seem cohesive given that we were
doing it in Spanish, but there did not seem to be a problem with the language. The
students were engaged to the point of singing the song aloud, which I thought showed
commitment to the lesson. They were interested throughout and all participated
I enjoyed doing my part in the sequence of the lesson. I would have liked to spend
more time on the grammar part. I think that the students could have benefitted from
more examples of the future using other verbs, so that during their discussions, they
could have more possibilities of expressing themselves. Likewise, I think that the
instructions were a bit quick, too fast perhaps for them to understand fully what I
wanted them to do. After rephrasing, they were able to follow the instructions and they
performed quite well. This was a relief, as I was a bit nervous about how they would
react to the activity. I thought it might be a bit too difficult for them, but it went well. I
managed to calm down and regain my pace. I do not think that I would change the
lesson per se so much as give better instructions. Probably slow down a bit and make
short simple sentences when speaking and giving instructions.
The lesson reflected my principles as I spoke only Spanish, allowing students to hear
the target language all the time and explicitly taught grammar. We instructed them
about what they would do during the lesson, which set the agenda for the class. It was a
relevant issue as it talked about relationships and the students were college age. Having
the students role-play a potential scenario in their lives helped them relate to each other
better. Taking part in the lesson as a group created a sense of community or solidarity
among the group.
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
Team Teaching
Working with Vivian and Will was fun. I think that we intuitively worked together and
meshed well. Our combined experience allowed us to work together successfully. I
think it helped that to a certain extent we share an interest in teaching, in caring for our
students, and overall good intentions towards helping them learn as much as we can and
any way we can. We fed off each well, because we had the same goals in our heads,
even though we may have not expressed them explicitly. There was an over arching
trust in one another, which speaks volumes when working as a team. I would not
hesitate to work with them again in the future. I would have liked to get together at
least one more time just for practice and making sure that things ran as smoothly as
possible when we did do our lesson. Apart from this, I felt a bit under pressure thinking
that Vivian needed to do her part, as she needed to leave, so we let her start. I would
have wanted to do the schema activation, to practice what was perhaps lacking in my
previous incursion into microteaching in our class. They were both instrumental in their
collaboration. Vivian helped by suggesting the activity that I did, and Will by helping
carry it out and working on the video to ensure that it was the right length. I did the
grammar correction on handouts and slides. I think we all enjoyed our collaboration
and felt confident that we had a strong lesson and presentation.
Most everybody agreed that I spoke to quickly in some instances, in particular, when I
gave the instructions for the activity, but otherwise I had been clear. They felt that the
transition had gone well and the lesson had flowed well. They thought the lesson was
very good and the interest was high. Clearly, I need to slow down my pace when
teaching Spanish. Still most, I think, did not notice that it was my first time teaching
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
Tú eres Juan. Tienes una novia (girlfriend), Juanita. La quieres mucho. En verdad,
quieres casarte con ella (marry her). Tú no tienes mucho dinero, pero tienes mucho
amor para dar. Tienes también una casita (a small house) con un gran jardín de
gardenias que eran de tu querido abuelo. Hoy, al atardecer, encontrarás a Juanita.
Llevarás dos gardenias para ella y le dirás que la quieres mucho, que la adoras y que ella
es tu vida! Le dirás también que quieres casarte con ella. Dirás que no tienes mucho
dinero, pero que tienes una linda casita con un gran jardín de gardenias, herencia
(inheritance) de tu abuelo querido. Dirás a Juanita que juntos vivirán para toda la vida
en un jardín de gardenias.
(Prepare what you are going to say to Juanita. Do not write down a script, just jot down
some ideas.)
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
Tú eres Juanita. Tienes un novio (boyfriend), Juan. Lo quieres mucho. Juan no tiene
mucho dinero, pero tiene un gran corazón y mucho amor por ti. Tú quieres vivir toda la
vida con Juan. Hoy, al atardecer, te reunirás con Juan. Le dirás que lo quieres mucho,
que le adoras y que él es tu vida. Dirás también que quieres vivir con él toda la vida.
Pero Juan deberá saber algo MUY importante sobre ti (he needs to know something very
important about you): tú eres MUY alérgica a las gardenias. Es muy serio. Si estás cerca
(near) de gardenias puedes morir inmediatamente. Tendrás que ir al hospital, una
emergencia. ¡Las gardenias pueden terminar con tu vida!
(Prepare what you are going to say to Juan. Don’t write down a script, just jot down
some ideas.)
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
(Isolina Carillo)
Dos gardenias para ti,
Con ellas quiero decir
Te quiero,
Te adoro,
Mi vida.
Ponles toda tu atención
Porque son tu corazón
Y el mío.
Dos gardenias para ti
Que __________ todo el calor
De un beso.
De esos besos que te di
Y que jamás ______________
En el calor de otro querer.
A tu lado ____________
Y te ________________
Como cuando estás conmigo.
Y hasta _________ que te ____________
Te quiero.
Pero si un atardecer
Las gardenias de mi amor
Se mueren
Es porque han adivinado
Que tu amor se ha terminado
Porque existe otro querer.
Moisés Morales
Micro-Teaching II
(Isolina Carillo)
Dos gardenias para ti,
Con ellas quiero decir
Te quiero,
Te adoro,
Mi vida.
Ponles toda tu atención
Porque son tu corazón
Y el mío.
Dos gardenias para ti
Que tendrán todo el calor
De un beso.
De esos besos que te di
Y que jamás encontrarás
En el calor de otro querer.
A tu lado vivirán
Y te hablarán
Como cuando estás conmigo.
Y hasta creerás que te dirán
Te quiero.
Pero si un atardecer
Las gardenias de mi amor
Se mueren
Es porque han adivinado
Que tu amor se ha terminado
Porque existe otro querer.