D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 40 Display System 4.1) Introduction If keyboards are the predominant means of interface to human input, then visual displays are the universal means of human output. Display may be grouped into three broad categories: 1. Single Light(s). 2. Single character(s). 3. Intelligent Alphanumeric. Single light displays include incandescent and, more likely, LED indicators that are treated as single binary points to be switched OFF or ON by the program, or, as in digital IC kits used in laboratories. Single character displays include numeric and alphanumeric arrays. These may be as simple as the seven segment numeric display up to intelligent dot-matrix display that accepts an 8-bit ASCII code to corresponding alphanumeric pattern. Intelligent Alphanumeric displays are equipped with a built in Microcontroller that has been optimized for the application. The individual light and the intelligent single character displays are easy to use. A port presents a bit or a character and strobes the device. The intelligent alphanumeric terminals are normally serial devices, which receives data and decides what to be displayed. There are many examples for alphanumeric terminals, any real time display system may be considered as intelligent alphanumeric terminals. The display unit designed here is designed to function as intelligent alphanumeric display. It consists of 8-rows and number of columns that can be decided as per the requirement. Considering cost, design complexity and other aspects, the display was SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 41 decided to be modules of 8-rows and 32-columns. Many such boards can be connected serially to form a N-column display where N is a multiple of 32. The display unit can be divided into three units. 1. Column Driver 2. Row Driver 3. LED Matrix For simplicity of system integration the column driver and LED matrix were combined together. The units are explained in detail in the following pages. The basic building unit is as shown below. Fig 4.1: Basic Cell for Display The LED glows when both the transistors are on. One transistor is connected to row data, and the other is connected to the column data. Many such small units put together forms the complete display unit. 4.2) COLUMN DRIVER & LED MATRIX. The circuit diagram of column driver with the LED matrix is as shown in the figure 4.2. SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 42 Fig 4.2: Circuit diagram for Column driver with LED matrix SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 43 The LED matrix is arranged in 8 rows & 32 columns. In the LED matrix, all row cathodes are shorted and given to row data input connector and all the anodes of each column are shorted and given to the decoder. Therefore each row data is given to all the columns and only one column is enabled at a time by suitably decoding. Since the LED requires large current, transistors are used to drive the LEDs. The transistors and LEDs are analog devices, from basic facts of electronics we know that a buffer is required between analog and digital interface for impedance matching. To avail this requirement the decoder chosen was 74LS156. The 74LS156 is used as a 3 to 8 line decoder. Each 74156 drives 32 columns .All the select lines for 74156 are made common. This results in enabling of every alternate 8th column. To enable only one column at a time two more address lines are used to select only one 74156 at a particular instant. These two lines are connected to a 74138 decoder, which is used as a 2 - 4 line decoder. Another line is used to select the 74138 which results in the selection of the board, this feature is necessary when connecting many such boards, with the design of present board a maximum of 3 boards can be connected, that is a maximum of 96 columns. It was decided that each character be of 8 columns. The maximum number of characters that can be displayed are 12. Since 74156 is an active low device the transistors are chosen to be PNP. The transistors used here are SK100. For a visible display of port A data rate has to be chosen suitably. PA7 -- PA6 -- PA5 CE (74138) PA4 B1 (74138) PA3 A1 (74138) PA2 C (74156) PA1 B (74156) PA0 A (74156) Table 4.1: The Decoding of the address of column is as shown below Port A data 20H 21H : : : 3D 3E 3F Column Enabled 1 2 : : : 30 31 32 Table 4.2: Address of columns Let us consider each decoder separately. SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 44 74LS156 These TTL circuits feature dual 1-line-to-4-line demultiplexers with individual strobes and common binary-address inputs in a single 16-pin package. When both sections are enabled by the strobes, the common address inputs sequentially select and route associated input data to the appropriate output of each section. The individual strobes permit activating or inhibiting each of the 4-bit sections as desired. Data applied to input C1 is inverted at its outputs and data applied at C2 is true through its outputs. The inverter following the C1 data input permits use as a 3-to-8-line decoder, or 1-to-8line demultiplexer, without external gating. Input clamping diodes are provided on these circuits to minimize transmission-line effects and simplify system design. Features and Applications: Dual 2-to-4-line decoder Dual 1-to-4-line demultiplexer 3-to-8-line decoder 1-to-8-line demultiplexer Fig 4.3: Logic diagram & Function table of 74LS156 SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 45 74LS138 These Schottky-clamped circuits are designed to be used in high-performance memory-decoding or data-routing applications, requiring very short propagation delay times. In high-performance memory systems these decoders can be used to minimize the effects of system decoding. When used with high-speed memories, the delay times of these decoders are usually less than the typical access time of the memory. This means that the effective system delay introduced by the decoder is negligible. The 74LS138 decodes one-of-eight lines, based upon the conditions at the three binary select inputs and the three enable inputs. Two active-low and one active-high enable inputs reduce the need for external gates or inverters when expanding. A 24-line decoder can be implemented with no external inverters, and a 32-line decoder requires only one inverter. An enable input can be used as a data input for demultiplexing applications. The decoders/demultiplexers feature fully buffered inputs, presenting only one normalized load to its driving circuit. All inputs are clamped with high-performance Schottky diodes to suppress line-ringing and simplify system design. Designed specifically for high speed Memory decoders Data transmission systems 74LS138 as 3-to-8-line decoders incorporates 3 enable inputs to simplify cascading and/or data reception Fig 4.4: Function table & logic diagram of 74138 SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000 D Diissppllaayy SSyysstteem m 46 4.3) Row driver The circuit diagram of the row driver is as shown in fig 4.5: Fig 4.5 Row Driver A row driver is necessary to drive all the row LEDs. To drive the row LEDs each row is connected to a transistor. As protection for the port providing the row data and for impedance matching the port lines are passed through a buffer. The buffer used here is a non inverting buffer that is 7407. 4.4) Summary This chapter provides the detailed functioning of the display system. The software section gives in detail about how the actual display on the display unit SIR M.V.I.T., DEPARTMENT OF E&C 1999-2000