Literature for SK1135, Swedish Politics in a Comparative Perspective, spring 2010 Department of Political Science SK1135, Swedish Politics in a Comparative Perspective, 15 Higher education credits Course Literature, spring 2010 Mandatory Literature Books Larsson, Torbjörn & Henry Bäck (2008). Governing and Governance in Sweden. Lund: Studentlitteratur, chapter 2, 4, 7 and 13. Articles Dahlerup, Drude & Lenita Freidenwall (2005). Quotas as a ‘Fast track’ to Equal Representation for Women – Why Scandinavia is no longer the model. International Feminist Journal of Politics, vol. 7/1, p.26-48. Hay, Colin (2006). What’s Globalization Got to Do with It? Economic Enterdependence and the Future of European Welfare States. Government and Opposition, 41(1):1-22. Lindbom, Anders (2001). Dismantling the Social Democratic Welfare Model? Has the Swedish Welfare State Lost Its Defining Characteristic? Scandinavian Political Studies, 24(3):171-193. Ruth, Arne (1984). The Second New Nation: The Mythology of Modern Sweden. Daedalus, vol. 113, p.53-96. Towns, Ann (2002). Paradoxes of (In) Equality. Something is Rotten in the Gender Equal State of Sweden. Cooperation and Conflict, 37(2):157-179. Book Sections Elder, et al (1982). The Scandinavian States: the Consensual Democracies. The Consensual Democracies? Oxford: Martin Robertsson, p.9-28. Hanock, Donald (1998). The context of Swedish Politics. Politics of Western Europe. New Jersey: Chatham, p.433-445. Sainsbury, Diane (1996). Gendering dimensions of welfare states. Gender, equality and welfare states. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, p.33-46. 1 Course Coordinator: Birgitta Niklasson, e-mail:, phone: +46 (0)730 228660 Literature for SK1135, Swedish Politics in a Comparative Perspective, spring 2010 Optional Literature Political Parties Sören Holmberg, “Are Political Parties Necessary?” Electoral Studies 22 (2003), 287299 Merle Black, “The Transformation of the Southern Democratic Party,” The Journal of Politics 66:4 (November 2004), 1001-1017. Marks, G., Hooghe, L., Nelson, M., Edwards, E., 2006. Party competition and European integration in east and west, different structure, same causality. Comparative Political Studies 3 (2), 155-175. David Samuels, “Presidentialized Parties: The Separation of Power and Political Party Organization and Behavior.” Comparative Political Studies May 2002 Michael Coppedge. 1998. “The Dynamic Diversity of Latin American Party Systems.” Party Politics 4(4): 547-568 Lubbers, Marcel, Me´rove Gijsberts, and Peer Scheepers. 2002. ‘‘Extreme RightWing Voting in Western Europe.’’ European Journal of Political Research 41:345–378. Electoral Systems Gerring, John. 2005. “Minor Parties in Plurality Electoral Systems." Party Politics 11.1: 79-107. Boix, Carles. 1999. “Setting the Rules of the Game: The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies.” American Political Science Review 93(3): 609-24 Mozaffar, Shaheen, James Scarritt, and Glen Galaich. 2003. ”Electoral Institutions, Ethnopolitical Cleavages and Party Systems in Africa’s Emerging Democracies.” American Political Science Review 97:379-90 Kunicova and Rose-Ackerman, 2005. Electoral Rules as Constraints on Corruption. British Journal of Political Science 35(4): 573-606 Birch, Sara, 2007. Electoral systems and the manipulation of elections, Comparative Political Studies 40 (12): 1533–1556. Political Systems North, Douglass and Barry Weingast (1989), "Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth Century England", Journal of Economic History, vol.49 no.4, pp.803-832. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson (2003) “The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth”, American Economic Review, vol.95, no.3, pp.546-579 Przeworski, Adam and Fernando Limongi (1997) “Modernization: Theories and Facts”, World Politics, vol.49. no.2, pp.155-183 2 Course Coordinator: Birgitta Niklasson, e-mail:, phone: +46 (0)730 228660 Literature for SK1135, Swedish Politics in a Comparative Perspective, spring 2010 Gerring, John, Philip J. Bond, William T. Barndt, and Carola Moreno. 2005. “Democracy and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective.” World Politics, 57(3): 323–64. Bartels, Larry (2005) “Homer Gets a Tax Cut: Inequality and Public Policy in the American Mind”, Perspectives on Politics, vol.3, no.1, pp.15-31 Charron, Nicholas and Victor Lapuente. Forthcoming. “Does Democracy Produce Quality of Government?” European Journal of Political Research Regional and Central Governments Ron Watts,”Federalism Federal Political Systems, and Federations,” Annual Review of. Polit. Sci. 1998. 1:11737 Joseph Zimmerman, “Congressional Preemption During the George W. Bush Administration,” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 37 (Summer 2007). Daniel J. Elazar. 1997. “ Unitary and Federal Systems”, International Political Science Review, vol. 18, no.3, 327-251 Thomas Fleiner. “Recent Developments of Swiss Federalism”. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 2002 32(2):97-124; 3 Course Coordinator: Birgitta Niklasson, e-mail:, phone: +46 (0)730 228660