Foreign Currency Converter Program

Converting To a Foreign Currency
Computer Programming Assignment
Congratulations, you have been awarded a large sum of money from a local civic
organization that will allow you to travel to several different regions of the world that
include, 1) Japan, 2) Canada 3) Mexico 4) Great Britain 5) Iraq 6) China 7) Saudi Arabia
8) Russia 9) Egypt and 10) Brazil. For several days you have devised your journey but
one question has entered your mind, all of these countries have different types of
currency. You have decided that the easiest way to determine the correct currency
conversion is to develop a Visual Basic Program that coverts US Currency into the
foreign currency of selected countries.
The first step within your program is to determine the actual trading rate for the different
currency’s listed below in comparison to the US dollar. To aid you in your monetary
adventure please use the site that is included below, please record the exchange rate on a
separate sheet of paper to use in your program design.
 Japanese Yen
 Mexican Peso
 Canadian Dollar
 British Pound
 Iraqi Dinar
 Chinese Yuan
 Saudi Arabian Riyal
 Russian Rouble
 Egyptian Pound
 Brazilian Real
Use the site Currency Rates and scroll down the left side until you see the Currency
Converter then click on the hyperlink. When you click on this link you will be taken to a
web page that will contain chart two drop down menus. You are to leave the top drop
down menu just as it currently (US Dollar) is, but change the drop down menu on the
right to the currency you wish to convert. For example if you use Japanese Yen and
covert 1 US dollar into yen you will see that on the next page after hitting covert the
exchange rate was 120.76;so that equals into one US dollar is equal to 120.76 Yen.
The mathematical calculation to covert a US dollar amount to a foreign currency is:
US Dollar amount * Exchange rate for the selected county
After recording your exchange rates you will next need to develop your user interface in
Visual Basic. The design is up to you but remember the user will enter a US dollar
amount, select a country and then calculations should be performed that will display the
foreign exchange currency amount on the screen. Remember to use the mathematical
calculation from above to aid you in getting the correct values.
After developing and putting the code in for your program you need to run the program to
make sure that it is working correctly.
Next if your program is performing the calculations correctly you need to add the
following enhancements, 1) A clear button that will allow the user to erase the values that
have been entered and calculated, 2) A flag needs to be used within the program for each
country. For example when you select the Japan command button or word art my
conversion, currency conversion and the Japanese flag should appear on my screen. You
will need to repeat the process below for all of the countries including the USA.
To get images into your program follow these steps.
1) Go to
2) Click on the images tab above the search text box
3) Type in the name of the country enter a space and type flag for example, Japan
4) Insert and image box into your program and then paste your picture.**Please site
the web page sources that you use within your program at the bottom of the
5) After you select the image it should appear on the screen, you will need to set the
Visible property for the image to False so that it can be turned on only when the
county is selected.
6) To use an image within your code here is an example, inside one of your
command buttons for your countries where you have conversion math on a
separate line you may enter
Image1.visible = true (this section of code makes the flag appear on the
screen where you placed the image when it was inserted)
If you want to hide the flag and this code would probably go inside the clear button
you would enter
Image1.visible = false (This section of code makes the flag disappear from the
**Remember the name image1 will change from image to image(image2, image3,
etc..), refer to the name property if you are unsure what your image is called from
within the program.
The last step in your program is to ensure that the countries name and the currency
name appear on the form when a conversion is calculated. An example has been
provided below for a conversion between 10 US dollars and Japanese Yen. Notice
that the countries name appears above textbox, the currency name appears to the right
of the text box and the converted amount appears in the textbox.
Good luck with this program. Please remember the key components, the program
will be used to convert US currency to one of the ten foreign currencies and will
display that countries flag and currency name when the conversion is complete. A
clear button will remove the flag’s, county names, currency names and the conversion
numbers from the screen.
Scoring Guide: 100 points: _____/25 US dollars converts into foreign currency
_____/25 Names, currency and flag appear when selected ______/25 Organization
_____/25 Sources cited, Clear Button and Created By.