
Information Systems Department
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore Maryland 21250
IS 428 0101 Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Fall 2008
Dr. Vandana Janeja
ITE 468
e-mail : please put IS_428 in subject line
Course Delivery Site
Instructor website:
Office Hours: MW 11-12 or set up a time by email (Preferred)
Meeting Times:
Section 0101 M/W 1:00pm- 2:15pm
Textbook: Berry, Michael J. A. & Gordon Linoff (2004). Data Mining Techniques for Marketing,
Sales and Customer Relationship Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0-471-47064-3
For additional information about the textbook, please visit the website:
Course Description: With the proliferation of data repositories in enterprises and organizations and the
acceleration of computing power, there is an increasing demand for making sense of the archived data.
Data mining has emerged as one of the most powerful techniques to achieve the above goal. This course
aims to provide students with a broad background on data mining concepts and techniques, exposure to
data mining tools, application of data mining techniques to improve marketing, sales, and customer
relationship management. It covers data mining methodology and algorithms, including association rule
learning, decision trees, artificial neural networks, clustering, and link analysis. Given the close connection
of data mining to realworld application and its potential in improving the performance of business
operations, data mining techniques will be discussed in various business and organizational contexts. This
course can contribute to the Decision Making Support certificate for IS BS.
Objectives: Through this course and upon its completion, students are expected to demonstrate the
following competencies:
1. Explaining how data mining is changing the way businesses understand their consumers and make
2. Understanding the roles of data mining in discovering knowledge about consumers to enhance
business decision-making.
3. Understanding data mining algorithms underlying business intelligence.
4. Preparing data for analysis and interpreting the results of data mining.
5. Applying data mining techniques to improve customer relationship in modern businesses and
Instructional Methods: Discussion, Lectures and Demonstrations, blackboard surveys
Attendance and Participation: Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all
students. In the case of absence due to emergency (illness, death in the family, accident),
religious holiday, or participation in official College functions, it is the student's
responsibility to confer with the instructor about the absence and missed course work.
Class Preparation:
All of the reading and homework assignments should be completed
before the class in which the material is to be discussed.
Course Requirements:
Regular Punctual Attendance
Class Assignments & Homework
Programming Projects
IS instructors are expected to have exams and evaluations consisting of a mix of class work, test,
homework and projects, which result in a reasonable distribution of grades. Please be aware that
the students will be tested on both theory and practical aspects of Data Mining for this course.
The break up for this class is as follows:
Class Participation: 10 points
Assignment 1 : 10 Points
Assignment 2 : 10 Points
Midterm (In class – closed book): 20 points
Class Project and Presentation(Individual): 30
Final Exam: 20 points
With respect to final letter grades, the University's Undergraduate Catalogue
states that, "A, indicates superior achievement; B, good performance; C, adequate
performance; D, minimal performance; F, failure" There is specifically no mention of any
numerical scores associated with these letter grades. Final letter grades in this course
conform to the University's officially published definitions of the respective letter grades.
In accordance with the published University grading policy, it is important to understand
that final letter grades reflect academic achievement and not effort. While mistakes in the
arithmetic computation of grades and grade recording errors will always be corrected, it
is important to understand that in all other situations final letter grades are not negotiable
and challenges to final letter grades are not entertained. For this course it is anticipated
that “A” grades may be in the 90-99 range, “B” grades may be from 80-89 and “C”
grades range from 70-79. Each student starts at zero points which is an “F”, any other
grade must be earned. There will be no extra credit assignments available.
Due Dates: All assignments / Projects are to be handed in by the due date. If an
assignment is not in on time it may possibly be accepted the following class with an
accompanying reduction of 50% of the earned grade. Due to some scheduling issues
some late assignments may not be accepted at all with a result in a total loss of points. If a
class is cancelled due to inclement weather the assignment may be submitted online on
blackboard or via email.
Make-up Policy:
Exams: No make-up exams except through arrangement with the
instructor prior to the exam date: and then for reasons deemed valid enough to warrant the
making of a new, and potentially harder, test.
Course Project: Students are required to complete an individual course project during the
semester. The course project is an opportunity for students to investigate the application of data
mining techniques to a real-world problem that interests them. There are two types of projects: 1)
hands-on development and 2) case study. Each student will choose a topic for class project and
write a paper on it. Each student will regularly meet with the professor during Project meetings
slot to discuss the initial ideas and gradual development of the entire project. Project Presentation
will be for about 30 minutes using power point slides. In this presentation you can discuss the
problem area, the methodology, implementation or results for the project and lessons learned.
Academic Integrity: By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of
an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work and
behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabricating, plagiarism, and
helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty and they are wrong.
Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to,
suspension or dismissal. Full policies on academic integrity should be available in the UMBC
Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, or the UMBC Directory.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated in this class. You may not copy other students’
work or copy programs from the Internet. You will receive an F for any assignment found to be copied for
the first time and any subsequent violations will result in immediate failure of the course. Any form of
cheating will be reported and will stay on student’s record for the rest of their term at UMBC with
possible note on their transcripts.
Tentative Course Schedule *
(Schedule subject to change)
Dates (approximate)
Week 1 (Aug 27)
Sept 1
Week 2 (Sept 3)
Week 3 (Sept 8&10)
Material Covered
Intro to Course and Syllabus
Data Mining Cycle
Data Mining Methods and
Using Familiar tools, Data
Week 4 (Sept 15& 17)
Using Familiar tools, Data
Week 5 (Sept 22 & 24)
Decision Trees, WEKA
Work Due **
2, 3
3, 4
5, 17,
Class slides
5, 17,
Class slides
Week 6 (Sept 29 &
Oct 1)
Associations and Correlations
Week 7 (Oct 6 & 8)
Associations and Correlations
Assignment 1
Handed (9/15)
Assignment 1 due
First Project
Meeting with
Project Meetings
Week 8 (Oct 13 & 15)
Nearest Neighbor Approaches
Week 9 (Oct 20 & 22)
Week 10 (Oct 27 &
Oct 29)
Catch up and Midterm
Week 11 (Nov 3 & 5)
Week 12 (Nov 10 &
Week 13 (Nov 17 &
Week 14 (Nov 24 &
Link Analysis
Assignment 2
(One page) Project
Proposal Due
Midterm (10/22)
Analysis and
design of the
project due (10/29)
Assignment 2 Due
Project meetings
Link Analysis and Artificial
Neural Network
Spatial Data Mining
10, 7
Project meetings
Class slides
Project meetings
Week 15 (Dec 1)
Week 15 (Dec 3)
Putting Data Mining to Work
Project Presentation
Project Presentation
Week 15 (Dec 8)
Final Exam
Project meetings
Final Project due
* All dates/tasks listed in this schedule are subject to change. An announcement in class or on Blackboard
will be given prior to each change if applicable.
** All due time, if not specified otherwise, is 1PM on the due dates (will be collected at the beginning of
the class) or via Blackboard submission as specified in the requirements of the assignment/projects
Online surveys: A survey will be posted on blackboard every Wednesday. The survey will ask for
feedback on what was taught in the class and students can anonymously post questions about the material.
This survey will be used to review material which students did not understand or want to repeat in class.
Inclement Weather: Any paper (hardcopy) assignment or test due on a class date that has been
canceled due to inclement weather will be due the next class meeting. If it is an email/online submission the
work should be submitted on the day it is due regardless of the class cancellation or inclement weather.
Useful Resources
Some important overview papers ( Linked from KDNuggets) )
From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PDF), Usama Fayyad, Gregory
Piatetsky-Shapiro, and Padhraic Smyth, AI Magazine 17(3): Fall 1996, 37-54
How to Choose a Data Mining Suite, by Robert Nisbet, DM Review, March 2004.
Data Mining Tools: Which One is Best For CRM?, by Robert Nisbet, DM Review, January 2006.
A Survey of Data Mining software Tools, by Michael Goebel and Le Gruenwald, SIGKDD
Explorations, June 1999. Volume 1, Issue 1
John F. Elder IV and Dean W. Abbott, A Comparison of Leading Data Mining Tools, tutorial
presented at KDD-98, New York, New York, August 28, 1998.
Crossing the Chasm: From Academic Machine Learning to Commercial Data Mining, Ronny
Kohavi, invited talk at ICML-98, July 1998 See also software for data mining
Data Mining seminal papers:
 R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, A. Swami. "Mining association rules between sets of items in a large
database." Proc. ACM SIGMOD Intl. Conference on Management of Data, pp. 207--216, 1993.
13, > 900 citations
 Edwin M. Knorr and Raymond T. Ng. Algorithms for mining distance-based outliers in large
datasets. In Proceedings of 24rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB
1998), pages 392--403. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1998, > 60 citations (For presentation you can focus on
one of the algorithms only in the paper)
 T. Zhang, R. Ramakrishnan, and M. Livny. BIRCH: An efficient data clustering method for very
large databases. In ACM SIGMOD Conference, 1996, > 200 citations
 Agrawal, R., Gehrke, J., Gunopulos, D., and Raghavan, P. 1998. Automatic subspace clustering of
high dimensional data for data mining applications. In Proceedings of the 1998 ACM SIGMOD
international Conference on Management of Data (Seattle, Washington, United States, June 01 04, 1998), > 475 citations
 Jaideep Srivastava, Robert Cooley, Mukund Deshpande, and Pang-Ning Tan, "Web usage mining:
Discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data," SIGKDD Explorations, vol. 1, no.
2, pp. 1--12, Jan 2000, > 85 citations
 R. T. Ng and J. Han. Efficient and Effective Clustering Method for Spatial Data Mining. In
Proceeding of the 20th VLDB Conference, pages 144--155, 1994,, > 240 citations