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Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Advanced Husbandry) (Level 4 )
Qualification type
Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies > Agriculture >
Animal Husbandry
Qualification developer
Primary Industry Training Organisation (Primary ITO)
Next review
December 2018
Approval date
November 2014
Strategic purpose statement
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the pork industry
with individuals who have advanced technical knowledge in pig
husbandry, and able to improve production outcomes and
complement external pork industry expertise.
Employees will benefit by having specific husbandry skills that
will improve and enhance production targets and enable them
to work in a key management role anywhere in a pork
production unit.
The community will benefit by having employees trained in
advanced husbandry competencies that ensure the most
efficient, independent, sustainable and home-grown pork
production for New Zealand.
Graduates will be working in a self-managed capacity with
some responsibility for the performance of others in their
Graduate profile
Graduate of the qualification will be able to:
Outcome Statement
Develop and implement production plans that maximise
feed, health and breeding outcomes.
Identify and resolve production issues.
Education pathway
This qualification can build on the New Zealand Certificate in
Pork Production (Level 3) with an optional strand in
Reproduction [Ref: 2525], and may pathway to the New
Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Section Management)
(Level 4) [Ref: 2524]. This qualification can lead to the New
Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Production
Management (Level 5) with strands in Livestock Production
and Crop Production [Ref: 2211].
Employment pathway
Holders of this certificate will be able to work as pork husbandry
Qualification Reference 2526
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2014
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specialists, to improve production in several sections across the
pork production unit.
Graduates can pathway to either section managers or into
roles as agribusiness production managers in a pork
production unit.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification may be awarded by the Primary ITO as the
qualification developer and the industry training organisation
arranging training leading to the qualification under section 5
of the Industry Training Act and Apprenticeships Act 1992.
This qualification may also be awarded by an education
organisation which has, under section 249 of the Education
Act 1989, a programme approved by the New Zealand
Qualifications Authority (NZQA) or which has been
accredited, under section 250, to provide an approved
The formal document certifying the award of this qualification
will display the NZQF logo and may also include the name
and/or logo of the awarding education organisation.
Requirements for assuring
All TEOs either arranging training or delivering programmes
that lead to the award of the qualification are required to
participate in a consistency process scheduled by NZQA.
New requirements for assuring consistency of graduate
outcomes are being developed. Please refer to the
Guidelines for approval of New Zealand qualifications for
listing on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
available at
The purpose of the managing consistency event is to:
 review evidence associated with achievement of
qualification outcomes at the level of the qualification.
 identify issues or opportunities associated with outcome
The review process may include:
comparison of similar evidence across education
consultation with graduates and employers (including
consideration of internal quality assurance processes
and external reviews.
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
Qualification Reference 2526
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2014
Education organisations must have policies and procedures
in place for managing credit transfer, and assessing
recognition of prior learning and recognition of current
competency. These policies and procedures, and
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information about associated fees, must be available to the
candidate prior to enrolment.
To facilitate credit transfer, education organisations must
clearly demonstrate the equivalency or comparability
between each of the outcomes in the graduate profile, and
the assessment components of their programmes.
Minimum standard of achievement
and standards for grade
The minimum standard of achievement required for award of
the qualification will be the achievement of all graduate
outcomes in the graduate profile through successful
completion of an NZQA approved programme.
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory body
or legislative requirements)
There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory
body, or legislative requirements for this qualification.
Qualification conditions
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
Conditions for programme
Other conditions
Compliance with workplace health and safety requirements and
animal welfare standards applies across all outcomes.
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
or Optional
Programmes should include the following:
Develop and implement production
plans that maximise feed, health
and breeding outcomes.
Credit 35
Qualification Reference 2526
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2014
nutritional requirements of pigs
feed requirements for different classes
of stock
feed composition and nutrient input
effect of disease on pig herd
disease management
reproductive performance and anatomy
pig genetics and improvement
culling, wastage and reproduction
pork unit capacity determination
key performance indicators and
production targets across the unit.
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Identify and resolve production
Programmes should include the following:
Credit 15
analysis of performance data to identify
improvement options.
working with industry experts on
production issues.
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification replaces the National Certificate in Pork Production
(Husbandry) (Level 4) [Ref: 1563].
Learners currently enrolled in programmes leading to the replaced qualification may either complete or
transfer their results to this replacement qualification.
The last date for entry into programmes leading to the replaced qualification is 31 December 2017. The
last date for award of the replaced qualification is 31 December 2018.
It is the intention of Primary ITO that no existing trainee should be disadvantaged by these transition
arrangements. Any person who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to the Primary ITO,
PO Box 10383, The Terrace, Wellington, 6143. Email
Qualification Reference 2526
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2014
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