
The Basics
There are three major types of bridges:
The beam bridge
The arch bridge
The suspension bridge
The biggest difference between the three is the distances they can cross in a single span. A
span is the distance between two bridge supports, whether they are columns, towers or the
wall of a canyon. A modern beam bridge, for instance, is likely to span a distance of up to
200 feet (60 meters), while a modern arch can safely span up to 800 or 1,000 feet (240 to
300 m). A suspension bridge, the pinnacle of bridge technology, is capable of spanning up to
7,000 feet (2,100 m).
What allows an arch bridge to span greater distances than a beam bridge, or a suspension
bridge to span a distance seven times that of an arch bridge? The answer lies in how each
bridge type deals with two important forces called compression and tension:
Compression is a force that acts to compress or shorten the thing it is acting on.
Tension is a force that acts to expand or lengthen the thing it is acting on.
A simple, everyday example of compression and tension is a spring. When we press down,
or push the two ends of the spring together, we compress it. The force of compression
shortens the spring. When we pull up, or pull apart the two ends, we create tension in the
spring. The force of tension lengthens the spring.
Compression and tension are present in all bridges, and it's the job of the bridge design to
handle these forces without buckling or snapping. Buckling is what happens when the force
of compression overcomes an object's ability to handle compression, and snapping is what
happens when the force of tension overcomes an object's ability to handle tension. The best
way to deal with these forces is to either dissipate them or transfer them. To dissipate force
is to spread it out over a greater area, so that no one spot has to bear the brunt of the
concentrated force. To transfer force is to move it from an area of weakness to an area of
strength, an area designed to handle the force. An arch bridge is a good example of
dissipation, while a suspension bridge is a good example of transference.
The Beam Bridge
A beam bridge is basically a rigid horizontal structure that is resting on two piers, one at each
end. The weight of the bridge and any traffic on it is directly supported by the piers. The
weight is traveling directly downward.
The force of compression manifests itself on the top side of the beam bridge's deck (or
roadway). This causes the upper portion of the deck to shorten.
The result of the compression on the upper portion of the deck causes tension in the lower
portion of the deck. This tension causes the lower portion of the beam to lengthen.
Take a two-by-four and place it on top of two empty milk crates -- you've just created a crude
beam bridge. Now place a 50-pound weight in the middle of it. Notice how the two-by-four
bends. The top side is under compression and the bottom side is under tension. If you keep
adding weight, eventually the two-by-four will break. Actually, the top side will buckle and the
bottom side will snap.
Many beam bridges that you find on highway overpasses use concrete or steel beams to
handle the load. The size of the beam, and in particular the height of the beam, controls the
distance that the beam can span. By increasing the height of the beam, the beam has more
material to dissipate the tension. To create very tall beams, bridge designers add supporting
lattice work, or a truss, to the bridge's beam. This support truss adds rigidity to the existing
beam, greatly increasing its ability to dissipate the compression and tension. Once the beam
begins to compress, the force is dissipated through the truss.
Despite the ingenious addition of a truss, the beam bridge is still limited in the distance it can
span. As the distance increases, the size of the truss must also increase, until it reaches a
point where the bridge's own weight is so large that the truss cannot support it.
Types of Beam Bridges
Beam bridges come in dozens of different styles. The design, location and composition of the
truss is what determines the type. In the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, beam-bridge
construction in the United States was developing rapidly. Designers were coming up with
many different truss designs and compositions. Wooden bridges were being replaced by alliron or wood-and-iron combinations. The different truss patterns also made great strides
during this period. One of the most popular early designs was the Howe truss, a design
patented by William Howe in 1840.
His innovation came not in the pattern of his truss, which was similar to the already existing
Kingpost pattern, but in the use of vertical iron supports in addition to diagonal wooden
supports. Many beam bridges today still use the Howe pattern in their truss.
Truss Strength
A single beam spanning any distance experiences compression and tension. The very top of
the beam experiences the most compression, and the very bottom of the beam experiences
the most tension. The middle of the beam experiences very little compression or tension.
If the beam were designed so that there was more material on the top and bottom, and less
in the middle, it would be better able to handle the forces of compression and tension. (For
this reason, I-beams are more rigid than simple rectangular beams.)
A truss system takes this concept one step further. Think of one side of a truss bridge as a
single beam. The center of the beam is made up of the diagonal members of the truss, while
the top and bottom of the truss represent the top and bottom of the beam. Looking at a truss
in this way, we can see that the top and bottom of the beam contain more material than its
center (corrugated cardboard is very stiff for this reason).
In addition to the above-mentioned effect of a truss system, there is another reason why a
truss is more rigid than a single beam: A truss has the ability to dissipate a load through the
truss work. The design of a truss, which is usually a variant of a triangle, creates both a very
rigid structure and one that transfers the load from a single point to a considerably wider
The Arch Bridge
An arch bridge is a semicircular structure with abutments on each end. The design of the
arch, the semicircle, naturally diverts the weight from the bridge deck to the abutments.
Arch bridges are always under compression. The force of compression is pushed outward
along the curve of the arch toward the abutments.
The tension in an arch is negligible. The natural curve of the arch and its ability to dissipate
the force outward greatly reduces the effects of tension on the underside of the arch. The
greater the degree of curvature (the larger the semicircle of the arch), however, the greater
the effects of tension on the underside.
As we just mentioned, the shape of the arch itself is all that is needed to effectively dissipate
the weight from the center of the deck to the abutments. As with the beam bridge, the limits
of size will eventually overtake the natural strength of the arch.
Types of Arch Bridges
Arch types are few -- after all, an arch is an arch is an arch.
The only real subcategories come in the form of cosmetic
design. There are, for example, Roman, Baroque and
Renaissance arches, all of which are architecturally different
but structurally the same.
Arches are fascinating in that they are a truly natural form of
bridge. It is the shape of the structure that gives it its
strength. An arch bridge doesn't need additional supports or
cables. In fact, an arch made of stone doesn't even need
mortar. Ancient Romans built arch bridges (and aqueducts)
that are still standing, and structurally sound, today. These
bridges and aqueducts are real testaments to the natural
effectiveness of an arch as a bridge structure.
The Suspension Bridge
A suspension bridge is one where cables (or ropes or chains) are strung across the river (or
whatever the obstacle happens to be) and the deck is suspended from these cables. Modern
suspension bridges have two tall towers through which the cables are strung. Thus, the
towers are supporting the majority of the roadway's weight.
The force of compression pushes down on the suspension bridge's deck, but because it is a
suspended roadway, the cables transfer the compression to the towers, which dissipate the
compression directly into the earth where they are firmly entrenched.
The supporting cables, running between the two anchorages, are the lucky recipients of the
tension forces. The cables are literally stretched from the weight of the bridge and its traffic
as they run from anchorage to anchorage. The anchorages are also under tension, but since
they, like the towers, are held firmly to the earth, the tension they experience is dissipated.
Almost all suspension bridges have, in addition to the cables, a supporting truss system
beneath the bridge deck (a deck truss). This helps to stiffen the deck and reduce the
tendency of the roadway to sway and ripple.
A classic suspension bridge in New York City
Types of Suspension Bridges
Suspension bridges come in two different designs: the suspension bridge, recognized by
the elongated 'M' shape, and the less-common cable-stayed design, which has more of an
'A' shape. The cable-stayed bridge does not require two towers and four anchorages as does
the suspension bridge. Instead, the cables are run from the roadway up to a single tower
where they are secured.
Forces on a cable-stayed bridge
A cable-stayed bridge near Savannah, Georgia, USA
The tower in a cable-stayed bridge, like its counterpart in a suspension bridge, is responsible
for absorbing and dealing with the compression forces. In both bridges, the cables are under
Bridge Building
Review Questions
NAME: _______________________________________________________
1. What are the three ma
jor types of bridges?
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
2. What is a span?
3. Create a diagram to show a “SPAN”.
4. What are two forces that act upon a bridge?
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
5. Create a diagram to show a “TRUSS”
Indicate where “COMPRESSION” and “TENSION” are typically located on
the truss.
6. In a suspension bridge:
what force acts upon the cables? _________________
what force acts upon the towers? _________________
7. Make a sketch of a “SUSPENSION BRIDGE”. Indicate where the acting
forces “TENSION” and “COMPRESSION” are present on the structure. /5
8. Make a sketch of a CABLE STAYED bridge. Indicate where the acting forces
“TENSION” and “COMPRESSION” are present on the structure.
9. Suspension bridges have a tendency to sway. How is the bridge deck
stiffened to prevent this sway?
10. What is the difference between a DECK TRUSS and a THROUGH
Try to keep design simple, using multiples of triangles. An
inverted triangle is more stable than a triangle with the apex on top.
Hot glue tends to cook and melt the ends of the spaghetti, so
use just enough to hold pieces together.
The bearing points are the points where the bridge is supported
at the ends by the edge of the gorge. This area should be flat and
smooth. If the bearing point is not flat, the bridge may twist and
Spaghetti may be stranded together like a cable or rope.
Spaghetti is brittle and is quite strong in axial tension but very
weak in compression. The hint here is to make the compression
members as short as practical, by adding internal web members.
Try to make the spaghetti connections strong but flexible. If the
connections are too rigid, when the bridge starts to deflect, the
joints will twist and rotate and put added bending force into the
spaghetti. Spaghetti is not very strong in bending! In fact, if the
ends of the spaghetti are cooked and weakened at the joints, then
the bending forces from the joint twisting will break the spaghetti
very quickly.
Some people have tried boiling the spaghetti for 25 minutes and
then slowly drying it while drawing the spaghetti to a longer and
more slender dimension. The result is a spaghetti member that is
very flexible, light in weight yet quite strong in tension. It is said
this process makes for a good tension member but a terrible
compression member!
Tips During Loading
Select a maximum of two people from your group to add the
load. Try to predetermine the approximate load your bridge will
carry. The ratio of maximum load divided by bridge weight is
important. The record holding bridge from Camosun College’s Civil
Engineering Technology program held almost 90 times its own
weight! This bridge used hollow tubes constructed of spaghetti for
the compression members. The following tables show the current
records for each division:
Record Load
Up to and including grade
Grades 11 and 12
Technology students
Apply the load gently, in suitable increments that are not too
big, yet not too small either – it’s nerve wracking! Use the heaviest
weight increments first.
Try not to unload then reload, this causes joints that have
rotated to re-adjust and often the bridge fails sooner than expected.
Keep hand and feet out of the way of falling bridge and weights.
Some bridges collapse slowly, while others disintegrate without
much warning (but high drama).
Maximum group size is two people. Only one entry per group.
The entire bridge must be constructed solely of pasta (see
number 3 below), hot melt glue and the official U-Bolt and Platform
(see number 8 below).
Any solid, round, commercial pasta (e.g. spaghetti, spaghettini
or vermicelli) may be used as long as its initial diameter is not
greater than 3 mm and not less than 1 mm. Noodles can be made
of wheat or rice pasta.
Only hot melt glue (any grade is acceptable) shall be used as a
spaghetti bonding material. Other types of bonding materials such
as epoxy are not permitted.
Bridges must span a gorge measured from vertical contact to
vertical contact. The horizontal surface of the gorge on each side is
used for support. The vertical edge of the gorge may not be used
(no thrust support from side banks permitted). All bridges have to
be able to support their own weight when spanning the gorge.
Gorge width:
Grades 10-12: 750 millimetres
The vertical depth of your bridge may not exceed 500 mm. This
dimension does not include the official U-Bolt apparatus described in
number 8 below.
The bridge may not be heavier than the maximum weight listed
below, including the Official U-Bolt and Platform. This maximum
weight does not include any additional wires or cables installed to
transmit the load to the Official U-bolt. Where the additional wires
or cables cannot be removed, they will be included in the official
weight of the bridge.
Maximum Weight:
Technology students and Open competition: 500 grams
The “Official U-Bolt and Platform” must be built into your bridge.
The Official U-Bolt and Platform must not be modified in any way.
They are used to attach the massive loads to your construction. You
must allow for the load carrying attachment to be hung, directly or
indirectly, from the U-Bolt. The official U-Bolt is centrally located on
a 7 mm x 50 mm x 100 mm wood platform. The platform shall be
located at the mid-span of your bridge at, or above , the horizontal
surface of the gorge.
Strength Competition – Each bridge will be loaded by a person from
the group that built the bridge. The weight may be applied in
increments as decided by the builder group. A minimum 10 second
waiting period is required between load applications. The final Official
Load is the last load that the bridge withstood for a period of 10
seconds prior to destruction. Timing is provided by the Official
Timekeeper. The winner is the legal bridge with the highest Official
Load divided by the bridge weight.
NAME: _____________________________________________________
When this booklet has been finished and checked by your teacher, begin a
full size (full scale, 1:1) drawing of your spaghetti bridge.