Appendix 8 Completed following an Intervention meeting chaired by QAU. To be returned to QAU within 3 days Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council Department of Children and Family Services Huyton Municipal Building Archway Road Huyton Knowsley, Merseyside L36 9UX Tel: 0151 443 3232 Fax: 0151 443 4782 RISK ASSESSMENT Child Name: Date of Birth: Is this risk assessment being completed alongside a single assessment? What is the status of the child(ren) e.g. contact, referral, Child In Need, CPP, CLA? What documents have been used as part of this assessment? What tools or research has been used or referenced as part of this risk assessment? Why am I doing this risk assessment? - nature of the risk identified triggering the stand alone document being initiated, e.g. allegation or offence, pre birth due to removal of previous children, sex offender living in the household, missing episodes, substance use, challenging behaviour. - historical risks identified - any additional risks identified as part of information gathering or by those contributing to the assessment - circumstances impacting on the risks, environmental issues, physical issues, special needs, - distinguish between risks to family, risk to individual child 1 and carers - be specific What do I know? - basic details relating to the child, parent, carer, extended family (DOB, name, check spelling, current and previous address, relationships, significant others) - family tree - historical information / chronology - multi agency contributions agency historical information and current involvement. - Professional views on impact of risk to child / family/carers, through direct observation or involvement or specialist professional view - Other agencies assessment / risk assessments - child and family contributions, wishes and feelings - social worker observations - understanding of subject matter - research available to inform the assessment with regard to risks or circumstances identified What is working well? - protective factors - strengths - parental capacity 2 - acceptance of risks - willingness to change - resilience factors What is not working well? - current risks - historical risks - are there any patterns identified - causative factors – alcohol, mental health - parental capacity - external factors drugs, What is the impact on the child? - identification of child’s needs - are there any needs which are unmet - where is the child in terms of development? - does the child have any special needs? - actual observations of impact - potential impact if circumstances do / do not change What needs to happen? - goals or targets for the future - specific issues to change - where do we want to be in 3 month’s time? / 6 month’s time - how far off achieving these goals are we? - frequency of reviews Analysis - summary of information - link to assessment being undertaken - risk of not achieving change - are there any services being offered at this time? 3 - does the risk assessment indicate that services are required now, which are not being offered? - recommendation What level of risk is there at this time? - grading of risk: low, medium or high - evidence / reasons for grading Risk Action Plan – including any Immediate actions with person responsible and time scales. - goal / targets identified - individuals identified to be part of the action plan - timescales identified to achieve change Has the risk assessment identified possible staff safety issues? Risk Assessment Completed by: Date Completed: Team Manager Comments: Date: Head of Service Comments: Date: Names of all those contributing to the assessment and date risk assessment distributed to them. Child’s Plan to be updated by (date): Forum to review Risk Action Plan CIN, CPP, CLA: Date of Review: 4