1 HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY 1.5 PROGRAMME FOR VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 1.5.4 Adolescent Health (As of October 2008) A Focal Point B Implementing Agencies C Target Areas & Beneficiaries DDG/PHS Ministry of Health (D/YEDD / HEB / MCH / NCD / NIHS / Population Division / STD AIDS campaign / PDHS, DPDHS / Health Institutions / MOH & field staff), Ministry of Education / Dept. of Education / NIE, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, NYSC, Ministry of Information & Media, Department of Labour, Women’s bureau, Vocational Training Authority, National Dangerous Drug Control Board, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of justice, Universities, ADIC, FPA, Sarvodaya, FHP & Other related NGO / CBO Primary Target Groups : All school children aged 10-19 years, out of school youth (employed/unemployed), University students, Students of Technical Colleges & Vocational Training Centres, Young armed personnel Secondary Target Groups: Health personnel, Teachers & school administrators, Youth Leaders of National Youth Council Services, Politicians, Policy makers, Administrators, members of Provincial councils, Municipalities & pradeshiya sabha, Community leaders, parents, members of NGOO / CBOO Project Summary: With Sir Lanka entering into the final stage of the demographic transition, there are a significant proportion of adolescents who will have specific health needs and problems. Although the health system as a whole is providing services for the all age groups of the population. Due to the very specific nature of the problems among adolescents, it is argued that the existing health care delivery system is not the most effective and efficient when providing health services for adolescents. However the last decade saw the emergence of adolescent-friendly health services in selected institutions. The utility rates of these services clearly show that there is a concrete need to develop and expand the adolescent-friendly health services in the country. The objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of school youth by developing their knowledge, attitudes and values, skills and behaviours regarding biological, psychological socio-cultural and reproductive dimensions of adolescence 1. Justification: The population in Sri Lanka is 18.5 Million of which approximately 5.2 Million (29%) comprise of young people between the age of 10 - 24 years. Adolescents are generally thought to be healthy, as mortality in adolescence is lower than in any other age group. Contrary to popular opinion not all adolescents are healthy. However the period of adolescence is also a period in which behaviours, such as truancy, unhealthy dietary and physical activity patterns, use of substances such as tobacco and alcohol & drugs, unsafe sexual practices and engaging in violence, are initiated. Though such behaviours cause morbidity and mortality in adulthood their roots can be traced back to the adolescent period. Tobacco use, for example, typically starts before the age of 15 and frequently leads to premature death later in life. HIV infection, which is often contracted in late adolescence, leads to AIDS in later years. The major cause of death in young people are road traffic accidents, injuries, suicide, violence, pregnancy related complications & HIV/AIDS that are either preventable or treatable. Unwanted pregnancies and abortions, STD & HIV / AIDS, smoking, alcohol & drug abuse, suicide, violence, accidents & injuries, nutritional problems, sexual abuse & school dropouts encountered among the adolescents and youth pose a significant challenge to the well being of this group. In Sri Lanka there are multiple donors willing to support adolescent health. However for the optimisation of resource allocation and utilization, it is important to have a policy documentation specifying national priority and which provides a frame work for resource allocation, collaboration & cooperation of all key funding & implementing stakeholders. The policy will also help to enhance the image & credibility of the agencies involved in adolescent health activities. The existence of explicit policy provides vision, coordination, strategy & sustainability for improve programming. Amidst some services for adolescents which are being provided in an ad-hoc manner by both government & non government sectors it is appropriate to establish a Comprehensive National Programme in collaboration with all relevant government & non government organizations to improve the well being and health of the adolescent. 2. Important Assumptions/Risks/Conditions: Becomes a priority concern of the Ministry of Health Political support and support of policy makers gained Adequate. Human resources. Funds & other resources allocated at Central Provincial District & Divisional levels Improved collaboration of all sectors for implementation & monitoring Committed trained staff positive attitudes of Health personnel at all levels for serving unmarried youth especially on improvement of Reproductive Health (RH) education, Health authorities, and NGOs continue to demonstrate their commitment to improve ADH less resistance from the community for serving unmarried youth by the Primary Health Care Workers especially on improvement of Reproductive Health (RH) 3. Project Objective: Objective To improve quality of life of school & out of school youth by developing their knowledge attitudes values, skills & behaviours regarding biological, psychological, socio cultural, & reproductive dimensions of adolescence. Indicators Means of Verification Rate of suicides among youth Rate of youth indulged in substance abuse Rate of teenage pregnancies Rate of sexual abuse among youth Rates of STD / HIV AIDS among youth. Incidence of violence among school & out of school youth Number of youth obtaining counselling services. Registrar General records Records and returns Periodical survey. Police reports Records in counselling centres A reduction in the violence, accidents, smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide, sexual abuse, teenage pregnancies, abortions, mental health problems, STD HIV AIDS, School dropouts will be seen with improvement of adolescent & youth health. 4. Project Output/Product: Project output is aimed at health promotion as well as reduction of RH problems, alcohol & drug abuse, violence among school & out of school youth etc. through provision of safe & supportive environment, improving provision of information & skills & improving health services including counselling. Outputs Indicators Means of Verification A national policy and strategy on adolescents and youth developed The accessibility of youth and adolescents enhanced to Youth/Adolescent friendly health services The providers made skilled and competent to provide adolescent/youth friendly health services Youth and Adolescents are made knowledgeable on issues of their interest and the availability of services. Number of youth/adolescents gaining access to services Records and returns Number of providers who are competent of providing services to youth and adolescents Percentage of youth/adolescents who feel that they are knowledgeable in issues of their interest Records and returns Workshop reports Surveys 5. Availability of documents Availability of the policy on national policy and and the strategy documents national strategy in place Related Projects: Project No. SRL CAH 001 Project Title Improving life competencies of school & out of school adolescent & youth SRL CAH 001 UNICEF 6. Development of National Strategy on Adolescent & Youth Health Development of National Policy for Adolescent & Youth Health Relevant Agencies to be Coordinated: Director YEDD / HEB / FHB / NIHS / Population Division / STD AIDS campaign Provincial Health Directors, DPDHS Medical Officers of Health & field staff Health Institutions Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, NYSC Related NGO’s, Ministry of Education / NIE Department of Education Department of Labour Women’s Bureau Ministry of Justice Ministry of Media & Information Vocational Training Authority NDDCB Donor agencies – WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS, JICA, ILO, World Bank 7. Monitoring & Evaluation: 1. Who? DGHS, DG/Educational of departments & NGO’s, on adolescent health 2. When? Services, through DG/NIE, National Other relevant heads Steering committee Quarterly 3. What actions to be taken based on results of monitoring & evaluation? Improve planning and provision of services based on the identified gaps Improved resource allocation 8. Activities: The following activities will be, either school based, community based, work place based, home based, hospital & clinic based or out reach. Activities 1 2 3 4 Formulate a national policy & national strategy on adolescents, youth and legislation of policy Expected Results National policy & National strategy on adolescent health in place Identify and recruit human resource Human resources needed at all levels for plan developed improvement of adolescent & youth health Identify & supply of other Other resources resources needed at all levels for identified improvement of adolescent & youth health Carryout advocacy programmes for Continued Politicians, Policy makers, political and other Process Indicators Identify the working group Develop the TOR Identify the working group Develop the TOR Develop the HR plan Identify the working group Develop the TOR Identify the needs Develop advocacy material stakeholder support for ADH programmes Develop the programmes 5 Administrators, officials of educational sector, Community leaders, Parents, Members of NGOO and Media personnel Conduct research pertaining to problems among youth Knowledge gaps identified 6 Establish channels of coordination between different sectors Continued inter-sectoral participation & collaborative efforts regarding implementation of youth activities IEC material mad available Identify research priorities Identify researchers Identify the working group Develop the TOR 7 8 9 10 Produce IEC material on health promotion, prevention of adolescent health problems & counselling for adolescent health problems for different target groups Establish youth friendly health services including information provision, health screening, care, rehabilitation & counselling services. Clinics (PHC, Institutional), Out reach services, Hot line, Centres caring for victims of sexual abuse/rape, Rehabilitation centres for victims of drug abuse Conduct awareness programmes to educate Health personnel, Teachers, NGO personnel, Youth leaders, Peers, Health volunteers, Community leaders, Media personnel Conduct training in relation to AF health services 11 Develop a life skills improvement programme 12 Establish a Management Information System for adolescent & youth health & a continuous flow of monitoring and evaluation. Identify target groups Identify IEC materials Design IEC materials Youth friendly services established Design the health service package Develop proposals All stakeholders made aware of the services Develop awareness material Develop the programmes All service providers are made competent Identify training needs Develop training materials Plan the training programme Identify training needs Develop training materials Plan the training programme Life skills adopted for health promotion & prevention of adolescent & youth problems MIS established Identify the information need Design the MIS Pilot test