Year 9 Heroes Formal Writing Assignment You are to write a formal letter to Mr Rennie explaining to him why your hero (from your research assignment) should be invited to speak to the school at assembly next term. REMEMBER to follow the structure that we have looked at. What type of formal writing will this be? Why do you think your hero should be invited to speak? You will need to brainstorm to have 3 or 4 strong reasons around which you can write your body paragraphs (using SEX). This is how you will be marked: Working towards Level 4 Not Achieved Ideas Achieved at Level 4 Achieved Working towards Level 5 Merit Ideas lack development and Some ideas are begun to be Basic ideas are expressed contain little (if any) supporting detail or explanations. expressed and a simple attempt is made to explain them using relevant supporting detail(s). and have begun to be developed with supporting details. Achieved at Level 5 and beyond Excellence Ideas are developed Structure No attempt made to paragraph. Obvious attempt made at Effective paragraphing that Clear introduction and paragraphing, not entirely successful. Style follows an accepted format, i.e. SEX(Y) or similar. May make use of topic and linking sentences to begin and end paragraph. Lacks formality. Use of slang Some sense of formality but Uses some sophisticated and abbreviations interrupts writing. Writing lacks detail and/or evidence. Writing does not make sense. Mechanics Spelling and grammatical errors make writing difficult to understand. lapses with consistency. vocabulary. are basic but clear. beginnings and lengths. Some spelling and grammatical errors but writing makes sense. evidence are detailed and specific. Successfully uses some language features such as emotive lang, rhetorical questions, imperatives and repetition…etc… Some minor lapses in spelling and grammar that does not interrupt the ideas. conclusion that state point of view are evident. Ideas are logically linked and clearly organised from most to least important. Clear use of topic sentences. Uses sophisticated Sentences and punctuation Points/ideas and supporting Use a variety of sentence persuasively and with imagination. Logical and precise ideas are supported by well-chosen examples. Main ideas may be linked back to the question. vocabulary that is convincing and persuasive. Sentences are constructed with ‘persuasion’ in mind. Writing is confident with a wide range of writing conventions, e.g. emotive lang, rhetorical questions, imperatives and repetition…etc… Spelling and grammar is accurate with few errors.