HSP3M Unethical Experiments (from http://listverse.com/2008/09/07/top-10-unethical-psychological-experiments/) What better way to learn what to do that to read about what not to do … Using the Unethical Experiment attached, please complete the following prompts and questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)a)Describe the research as (see notes) Positivism Or Interpretivism Quantitative Or Qualitative Deductive Or Inductive 1) b) Write a rationale as to why you have chosen to describe the research this way: 2) Use your textbook's index (starting at page 386) to read up on Ethics, and research. a) What is Ethical Research? b) What makes the “Unethical Experiment” you've read about unethical? 3) Now … on the back of this paper, redesign this experiment to make it [more] ethical. REMEMBER, you'll need to find out the same information, just in a different way. Include these few standard parts of social science research: purpose, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, method, ethical concerns.