Minutes of the Roosevelt Public Library Board of Trustees Budget And Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, August 05, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:47 p.m. by Trustee Dr. Bola Majekodunmi, and a quorum was declared. Present: Francis S. Abel, Trustee Wilton Robinson, Trustee Dr. Bola Majekodunmi, Trustee Emarinsie Funderburke-Ivey, Trustee Rev. Dr. Jerome D. Taylor, Trustee Hashabah Abdul-Hakim, Clerk/Treasurer to the Board (Excused) Gary Hertzan, Board Accountant Gerard Terry, Esq., Board Counsel Guests: Michael Arnold Ann Hickson Robert Sumerville Roberts Bridges Ava Jackson E. Reginald Pope Henrico Wilhelmina Funderburke Gwen Andrews Wendy Thomas Carl Hawkins B. T. Landers Ujima A.H. Jaime Natalie Connely MINUTES The minutes of the July 9, 2014 regular board meeting were presented for acceptance by the Board’s Counsel, Mr. Gerard Terry in the absence of the Clerk and tabled: Moved by : Seconded by : Carried : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey 4-Yes 1-Absent Minutes of a special meeting held on July 22, 2014 were presented by Trustee Dr. Majekodunmi. At this meeting it was decided to re-elect the Board’s President and Vice President. The Board’s President is now Trustee Dr. Bola Majekodunmi and the Vice President is now Trustee Emarinsie Funderburke-Ivey. TREASURER’S REPORT The Treasurer’s Report for June 30, 2014 was re-presented for acceptance. Treasurer’s Report for month ending June 30, 2014: City National General Account City National MM Operating Account City National Payroll Account Petty Cash Total 49,214.12 2,021,770.12 37,774.12 480.01 2,109,238.37 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,109,238.37 There were no further comments on the Treasurer’s Report for June 30, 2014, and therefore Trustee Dr. Majekodunmi announced report was accepted for filing. Treasurer’s Report for the month ending July 31, 2014: City National General Account City National MM Operating Account City National Payroll Account Petty Cash Total 13,215.56 1,401,795.50 12,455.10 330.44 1,427,796.60 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,427,796.60 Treasurer’s Report for July 31, 2014 were tabled as there were questions concerning voided checks and would be re-presented at the September meeting. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS Warrants for the month ending June 30, 2014: General NOW Account (City National Account), check numbers 12393 thru 12453 in the amount of $ 101,009.15; Payroll Account (City National Payroll Account), (AccuData) – check numbers 130012 thru 130045 for a total of $13,727.43; Direct Deposits – Voucher numbers 4057V thru 4082V, for a total of $22,631.78; Impounded Taxes (2 pay periods) – for a total of $12,090.25. ALL FOR A TOTAL OF $48,449.56. TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 2014 $149,458.61. TRANSFER TOTALS: (TO General and Payroll A/C’s) - $145,000.00 from GENERAL MM OPERATING A/C. Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 2 TRANSFERS General Operating Money Market Account Transfers to: Payroll Account $ 45,000.00 General NOW Account 100,000.00 Total Transfers $145,000.00 INTEREST Total Interest for June, 2014: N/A Total Interest for May, 2014: MM Operating A/C $ 801.50 General NOW A/C $ 6.66 Total Interest $ 808.16 Trustee Dr. Majekodunmi announced that the Warrants Report for the month of June, 2014 remained tabled. Warrants for the month ending July 31, 2014: General NOW Account (City National Account), check numbers 12454 thru 12536 in the amount of $ 493,522.35; Payroll Account (City National Payroll Account), (AccuData) – check numbers 130046 thru 130110 for a total of $28,126.47; Direct Deposits – Voucher numbers 4083V thru 4116V, for a total of $30,394.58; Impounded Taxes (3 pay periods) – for a total of $20,285.92. ALL FOR A TOTAL OF $78,806.97. TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 2014 $572,329.32. TRANSFER TOTALS: (TO General and Payroll A/C’s) - $510,000.00 from GENERAL MM OPERATING A/C. TRANSFERS General Operating Money Market Account Transfers to: Payroll Account $ 55,000.00 General NOW Account 455,000.00 Total Transfers $510,000.00 INTEREST Total Interest for July, 2014: Total Interest for June, 2014: MM Operating A/C General NOW A/C Total Interest N/A $ $ $ 766.99 8.39 775.38 Motion to table the Warrants for the month of July, 2014: Moved by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Seconded by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 3 ACCOUNTANT’S REPORT Mr. Gary Hertzan, CPA, presented the accountant’s report for the seven months ending July 30, 2014.For the seven months, Total Cash in Bank and Cash on Hand, $1,427,466.60; Prepaid expenses and insurance, $42,057.93; Total Assets of $1,469,854.53; Accounts Payable and Accrued expenses, $62,805.37; leaving a Fund Balance of $1,407,049.16. For the month of July the library received revenues of $2,574.16; Salaries for the month were $75,221.45; Computer expenditures of $4,792.00; Books, Data bases, library materials $22,570.33; Operating expenses, Note payment of $249,202.00 and Interest payment of $155,744.33, Total Operating Expenses of $423,482.32; Contractual Expenses of $15,379.84; Employees Benefits of $10,118.90. Total Expenditures for the month were $551,564.84 and there was a deficit for the month of $548,990.68. Budget as compared to the seven months activity of the Library; Real property taxes we have received 50% of the tax levy. For the seven months we are at 50% of the budget. The payroll line is at 50% of the budget; Capital expenditures at 89% of the budget; the books are at 32%. Total library materials (databases, periodicals, videos) is at 49.85%; Office expense is at 78% of the budget (which is high because the note payment is part of this line); Contractual expenses 57% of budget; Employee benefits is 30% of budget. For the seven months ending July 31, 2014 there is a deficit of $28,965.36. Construction fund there is $220.541.61 and for the month of July, 2014 we made $83.06 in interest on the bank account. Trustee Dr. Majekodunmi announced that the Accountant’s Report was accepted for filing. COUNSEL’S REPORT Mr. Gerard Terry, Counsel stated to the Board that his report in its entirety would be in executive session. Mr. Hertzan explained to the Board of Trustee that our bank – City National Bank of New Jersey is leaving the community. We are now required to find another bank, we will have to go to what is referred to as a State Bank (National Bank of Long Island is the suggested state bank) because the municipal banks will not take on small municipal accounts any more due to restrictions placed on them by the government. Mr. Hertzan has looked into the matter and will get all the paperwork necessary and make sure the Board has the paperwork before the next Board meeting. Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 4 The following resolution regarding procedures for payment of claims was presented by Board Counsel. Resolution BE IT RESOLVED, that any bill, invoice, purchase order, claim or the like presented to the Roosevelt Public Library (the “Library”) for payment shall first be presented to the Director and Library Accountant for review; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that following said review, the item shall be transmitted to the Board of Trustees, with or without a written recommendation as to approval and/or payment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Trustee shall individually review and audit any such bill, invoice, purchase order or claim so transmitted and, if such Trustee approves the payment thereof, shall so indicate by initialing the voucher therefor; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon any such voucher bearing the initials of three or more Trustees, the related Bill, invoice, purchase order or claim shall be deemed approved and, thereafter, a check shall be promptly prepared, signed and released for payment thereof; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the regular and recurring obligations of the Library, stated as follows, may be paid in advance of said review and audit, upon the approval of the Library Accountant: AT&T CABLEVISION CARR BUSINESS SYSTEMS (lease) CIT (lease) CSEA EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DE LAGE LANDEN (lease) HAMILTON CONTAINER CO LLC KEYSPAN/NATIONAL GRID PSEG-LI VERZION ;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this Resolution shall take effect June 3, 2014, nunc pro tunc. Motion to accept the Resolution as read by the Board’s Accountant: Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 5 Resolution regarding the employment of seasonal (summer) pages was read by the Board’s Counsel. Resolution WHEREAS, by Resolution approved June 3, 2014, the Board of Trustees has previously authorized the employment of seasonal (summer) pages for 2014; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the appended list shall constitute the final and complete record of those individuals authorized to be employed in such position of seasonal (summer) page for 2014; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion to approved the Resolution as read by Board’s Counsel: Moved by : Trustee Jerome Taylor Seconded by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent Trustee Robinson was recognized and presented correspondence dated August 5, 2014 from Steven Lester, Esq. to the Board. Resolution regarding the Nassau County Civil Service Commission was read by the Board’s Counsel. Resolution BE IT Resolved, that the President of the Board of Trustees or, in his absence or inability to act, the Vice-President of the Board of Trustees, be and hereby is designed as the authorized signatory and legal representative of the Roosevelt Public Library to the Nassau County Civil Service Commission, for the purposes of payroll certification and all other civil service matters, for the remainder of calendar year 2014; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all prior authority granted by the Board of Trustees in respect to authorized signatories to the Nassau County Civil Service Commission be and hereby is revoked; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion to approve the Resolution as read by the Board’s Counsel: Moved by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Seconded by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Carried : 3-Yes 1-Opposed (Tr. Robinson) 1-Absent Resolution regarding a personnel matter was read by the Board’s Counsel. Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 6 Resolution WHEREAS, the Roosevelt Public Library has previously authorized and posted an internal promotional opportunity for the position of Librarian II; and WHEREAS, two Library employees having the title of Librarian I applied for said promotional opportunity; and WHEREAS, one of said employees was interviewed for said promotional opportunity and one of said employees declined to be so interviewed; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ms. Stacey Smith-Brown be and hereby is promoted to the position of Librarian II, subject in all respects to final approval by the Nassau County Civil Service Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said promotion be and hereby is made pursuant to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement currently in force between the Library and CSEA, and the compensation of said Ms. Stacey Smith-Brown shall be as set forth in said collective bargaining agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion to approve the Resolution as read by the Board’s Counsel. Moved by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Seconded by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent Programs “The Crochet Connection” – December 4, 11, 18, 2014 – no cost to the Library. “Driver Safety Course” – October 11, 2014 – no cost to the Library. “Urban Zumba” – Wednesday, October to December, 2014 - $1,000 cost to the Library. “Computer Classes for Adults” – October 16, 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20, 2014 - $1,00 cost to the Library. “New Reverse Mortgages” – October 21, 2014 – no cost to Library. “Inspirational Yoga” – Mondays, October to December, 2014 - $1,000 cost to Library (**note-minimum five committed participants for eight sessions in order for course to be held). Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 7 Motion to approve the above six (6) listed programs presented to Board. Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent “Book Presentation – Detour Before Midnight” – September 13, 2014 – no cost to the Library (**note – permission granted to author to sell books). Motion to approve the “Book Presentation” at no cost to the library. Moved by : Trustee Wilton Robinson Seconded by : Trustee Jerome Taylor Carried : 4-Yes 1-Absent PUBLIC EXPESSION Members of the public addressed the Board with their comments and questions. Trustee Robinson left the meeting at 9:05 pm. Upon a motion, the Board recessed into executive session at 9:29 pm. Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 3-Yes 2-Absent The Board reconvened in public session at 10:37 am. Program – “Hispanic Month Celebration” – budget NTE $2,000. Motion to approve: Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 3-Yes 2-Absent Motion was made for the purpose of engaging an outside moving company or the like (bonded and insured) for the implementation of internal space/office reallocations plans. Budget not to exceed $2,000. Moved by : E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 3-Yes 2-Absent Motion was made for the purpose of engaging an outside electrical contractor (licensed, bonded and insured) for implementation of internal space/office reallocation plans. Budget not to exceed $2,000. Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Jerome Taylor Carried : 3-Yes 2-Absent Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Page 8 Motion was made to change the date of the next regular Board Meeting from September 2, 2014 to September 9, 2014 (due to proximity to Labor Day holiday). Moved by : Trustee E. Funderburke-Ivey Seconded by : Trustee Dr. Jerome Taylor Carried : 3-Yes 2-Absent There being no further business, Trustee Dr. Majekodunmi closed the meeting at 10:51 pm. (Note: This report was prepared with the help of Mr. Gerard Terry, who acted as Secretary pro tem due to my absence for illness at the August 5, 2014 meeting.) Tuesday, August 5, 2014 _________________________ Date Approved Page 9 __________________________ Respectfully Submitted Hashabah Abdul-Hakim Clerk-to-the Board