Get excited! You are going to be able to create a scrapbook about the wonderful
mystery book that you are reading. Read below to find out the exact instructions.
Please remember to be creative, & really get into the mind of your characters. I have
included boxes next to each of the requirements so that you can check them off after
completion. Everything in your project needs to be either typed (14 font) or neatly
written in cursive using blue or black ink.
Parts of Your Scrapbook
Your 10 page scrapbook should include the following elements:
Cover Page:
Book Title (underlined) 
Your Name

Author’s Name 
The Due Date

Ms Riches’ Sixth Grade Class 
Inside Cover
 Cut out the name of your main character using letters from magazines.
 Using pictures cut out from a magazine create a collage showing your story
in pictures.
 Glue the cut out letters spelling the name on the collage somewhere that it is
easy to read.
Dairy Entries (3)
Your three diary entries will reflect the thoughts of your main character at three
important times. These three diary entries will reflect the beginning, middle & the
end of the story. You want to give a summary of these events in the dairy entry,
but still make it sound like a diary entry. Put these entries on three separate
 Dairy Entry 1
 Dairy Entry 2
 Dairy Entry 3
Letters (2)
Your character will write two letters. These letters can go to any of the other
characters that you choose. If your main character is solving a mystery on
vacation, you might want to have it write their letter to someone back home. The
first letter will describe one of the other characters using good descriptive words.
The second letter will describe the setting of wherever your character is living, or
wherever the mystery is taking place. Put the letters on two separate pages.
 Letter 1
 Letter 2
Picture page (3 pictures)
You can draw your photograph or you can create them using pictures you have
cut out of magazines, You will need to put labels underneath the pictures to make
it clear to the viewer what the picture is, and why you included it. Do not write “I
include this because…” Instead, show, using descriptive words, what the picture
is showing the reader.
 Picture 1
 Picture 2
 Picture 3
 Picture 1 Labeled
Picture 2 labeled
 Picture 3 labeled
Significant items (3)
Decide on three significant items, possible clues that helped your main character
solve the mystery. If the main character isn’t the one who solved the mystery that
is okay, just choose three items that helped anyone solve the mystery. You can
recreate these clues in a creative way you choose. You can put these on one page,
or on more than one page. You must also include a label describing each item’s
 Item 1
 Item 2
 Item 3
On the page you will make an assertion as to whether or not your main character
is credible or non-credible with at least 5 supporting details from your book to
support your assertion. Include the page number and paragraph number for each
supporting detail.
You may include any other pages that you create if you think they will make your
project more interesting.
You scrapbook should be made using colored paper for the background, and all
of the items & paper should be glued onto the pages. Be careful using the glue
because if you use too much it will seep out of the edges and could ruin your page.
Finally, bind your scrapbook. You can punch holes in it and tie it with ribbon,
etc. or you can go to Kinko or Staples and have it bound. Do not just staple it.
This project is due on ________________________.
I understand that my mystery scrapbook is due on
__________. I understand that I may not turn it in
The book I have chosen for my project & has been
approved by Ms Riches is ____________________ .
Student’s signature
Parent’s signature