Prevention, Assessment and Intervention of Communication Disorders

CSD 639: Prevention, Assessment and Intervention of Communication Disorders
In Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Course Syllabus – Fall 2011
1. Prerequisites: Formal acceptance into the CSD M.A. program in Communication Sciences and Disorders
or permission of instructor.
2. For Whom Planned: Speech-language pathology students in the MA program.
3. Instructor Information:
Ginger Hinton,, 256-1498
4. Catalog Description: Communication development and disorders (speech, language and hearing) in late
adolescents and young adults.
5. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
a. Describe normal communication function in late adolescents and young adults;
b. Discuss preventative measures related to communication disorders in late adolescents and young adults
(speech, language and hearing);
c. Describe appropriate assessment procedures for evaluation of traumatic brain injury, voice, fluency and
literacy in late adolescents and young adults;
d. Demonstrate appropriate intervention techniques for communication disorders in late adolescents and
young adults;
e. Integrate cultural and psychosocial information into appropriate assessment and treatment strategies.
6. Teaching Strategies: Multiple strategies incorporating direct instruction, collaborative learning groups, peer
teaching, group discussion, student guided problem solving sessions.
7. Evaluation Methods
All specific grading guidelines and other course documents will be published on Blackboard and discussed in
Students are expected to check Blackboard and email on a regular basis to ensure that they are fully aware
of all assignments, announcements and other class related information. Failure to do so may limit the ability
to complete assignments and receive full credit for class participation.
a. Class participation (25%): Students will actively participate in all group projects as well as online and
classroom discussions. (all SLOs)
b. Some weekly short assignments (20%): Short assignments, such as locating specific references or
completing brief question sets, will be assigned throughout the course. Some may be completed
during class time, while others will require work outside of class. All information must be evidenced
based. Discussion of these assignments will take place in class and written summaries will be turned
in to the instructor for grading. (All SLOs)
Case Studies (25%): Students will complete a written and oral discussion of a case study of a late
adolescent or young adult, based on information provided by the instructor. The presentation must
include a 1-page handout with pertinent references. The written document generated from the case
study will include: description of appropriate assessment tools, development of a treatment plan that
incorporates long term and short term goals, discussion of related services that are needed and a
statement of long-term outcomes. All treatment goals must be derived from published research.
Appropriate cultural considerations must be included in all phases of the document and
presentations. (SLOs c,d,e)
d. Prevention project (10%): Students will develop a plan for a community-based program that focuses
on prevention on communication disorders in late adolescents and early adulthood. The plan can
take any form (e.g. web page, brochure, or oral presentation to a target group). The plan will be
presented in class and summarized in written form to be turned in to the instructor ( SLO # a,b.e)
e. Quizzes (10%): Short quizzes will be given in the week following a lecture. They will encompass only
material presented the previous week.
Resource file (10%): Throughout the course, students will develop and maintain a resource file
notebook that contains lecture notes, handouts, graded assignments, lists of resources pertaining to
older adults, and other items agreed upon by the students and the instructors.
8. Grading Scale: Final grades will be based on the percentage of points that a student earns relative to the
total number of points possible. The grading scale for assigning letter grades is:
below 70%
9. Recommended Texts:
a. Lezak, M, et al (2004). Neuropsychological Assessment, 4th edition. Oxford, England: Oxford Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-511121-7
b. Andrews, M.L. (1999), Manual of Voice Therapy: Pediatrics through Geriatrics. 2nd edition. San
Diego: Singular Publishing. ISBN# 1-56593-998-0
c. Ylvisaker, M., Feeney, T.J. (1998). Collaborative Brain Injury Intervention: Positive Everyday
Routines. San Diego: Singular Publishing ISBN# 1-56593-733-3
d. Parenté, R., Herrmann, D. (2002). Retraining Cognition: Techniques and Applications. 2nd edition.
PRO-ED: Austin, TX. ISBN# 9-780890-799055.
e. Mason, D.J. (2004). The Mild Traumatic Brian Injury Workbook. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger
Publications. ISBN# 1-57224-361-9
10. Course Calendar/Outline: See attached
11. Assignments
a. All written assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the day they are due.
No written assignments will be accepted after the due date.
b. Quizzes will start at the beginning of the class period for which they are scheduled. Students will have
the entire class period in which to complete the exam. If a student is late for class, they will not be given
additional time to complete the exam.
12. Extra Credit: No extra credit will be given in this course.
13. Grade Disagreements: If a student disagrees with any assigned grade, she/he must discuss it with the
instructor within 24 hours of receiving the grade.
14. Class Attendance: Class attendance is the student’s responsibility. However, no assignments will be accepted
after the due date unless the instructor has approved an excused absence.
15. Suggested Academic Workload Guidelines:
In general, students should plan to devote between 2–3 hours outside of class for each hour in class. .
16. Academic Honor Code: All students are expected to adhere to the Academic Honor Policy as published in the
UNCG Student Handbook. Failure to do so will result in lowering of the course grade or expulsion from the class.
The policy is available at:
17. Learning Differences and/or Disabilities: For students with documented physical or learning differences
and/or disabilities, appropriate arrangements will be made for completion of all class and assessment
experiences. However, documentation of these differences and/or disabilities must be made available to the
instructor prior to the first assessment experience. If For additional information, contact the UNCG Office of
Disability Services, 336-334-5540 or
17. Cell phones, laptops, and texting devices:
a. At the beginning of every class, ALL cell phones, texting devices, and any other type of handheld device that
allows you to send/receive messages will be turned off and placed inside your book bag (i.e., out of sight).
b. You may use your laptop during class. Given the complex nature and volume of material we will cover this
semester, you are encouraged to use your laptop to take notes during class time. Use of a laptop for nonacademic purposes such as sending/receiving email or visiting social networking websites (i.e., Facebook,
Twitter, etc) is strongly discouraged because it will interfere with your ability to do well in this course.
c. Anyone who uses a cell phone, texting device, laptop, or any type of handheld device that allows you to
send/receive messages during an exam or quiz will receive a grade of F for that particular assessment.
18. Disruptive behavior in the classroom and disruptive conduct:
Instructors may withdraw students from a course for behavior that is deemed by the instructors to be
disruptive to the class. The grade assigned will be "W" if the behavior occurs before the deadline for dropping
a course without academic penalty, and instructors have the option of giving a "W" or "WF" if the behavior
occurs after the deadline. The complete policy on "Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom" is included on the
Policies for Students Web Page. The website address is: