HSEP09XX Asbestos Management Procedure




Asbestos Management Procedure

In this Procedure:

1.0 Asbestos Management Flowchart .................................................................................. 1









Working with Asbestos Flowchart .................................................................................. 2

Objective ......................................................................................................................... 3

Scope ............................................................................................................................... 3

The Identification and Labelling of Asbestos ................................................................. 3

Asbestos Register – Hydro Tasmania Sites ..................................................................... 4

Asbestos Risk Assessment .............................................................................................. 4

Repair & Maintenance of Asbestos ................................................................................ 5

Asbestos Removal and Disposal ..................................................................................... 6

9.1 Asbestos Removal Work........................................................................................ 6

9.1.1 Removal Work by HT Personnel.............................................................. 6

9.1.2 Removal of Asbestos by Licensed Contractor ......................................... 6

9.2 Air Clearance Monitoring ...................................................................................... 7

9.2.1 Exposure Standards ................................................................................. 7

9.2.2 Air Monitoring to Determine Exposure Levels........................................ 7

9.2.3 Medical Surveillance Program ................................................................ 8

9.3 Clean Up and Disposal ........................................................................................... 8

10.0 Standard Work Instructions for Handling Asbestos ....................................................... 8

11.0 Training for Working with Asbestos ............................................................................... 9

12.0 References .................................................................................................................... 10

13.0 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 11

14.0 Revision History ............................................................................................................ 13

Hydro Tasmania Procedure

Title: Asbestos Management Procedure Version: 3

Document Owner: OH&S Management Team

Approver: Mick Cuppari

Date Created: 09 December 2009

Date Approved: October 2011

Date Effective: 2011


Health, Safety & Environment - HSEP0924 – Asbestos management procedure

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Asbestos Management Flowchart




Leased property

Owner to have management plan

No Action required


Hydro owned



Risk Assess for

Asbestos by competent person


Could material contain Asbestos?


Asset Manager to

Action assessment and create/update

Asbestos Register



3 yearly by competent person

Has condition deteriorated?



Review Audits and

Register 6 yearly

- Asset Manager

- Building Manager

- OHS consultant



Asset Manager to

Build Job and budget in FMMS

Has condition deteriorated?


Can high risk items be added to Capex for removal

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Update Register and close out


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Working with Asbestos Flowchart


Working with


Competent person to do


Dispose using




Less than



Competent person to supervise work

Is there a



Conduct Take

5 and follow


Dispose using



Greater than



Licenced removalist


Person to

Review SMP and issue


Dispose using



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The Tasmanian Workplace Health & Safety Regulations 1998, Division 9 sets out the specific legal obligations for the management of Asbestos in workplaces.

The broad legal obligations are to:

Ensure no person is exposed to Asbestos fibres above the national exposure standard;

Undertake a risk assessment of the potential exposure to airborne respirable Asbestos fibres;

Take all reasonably practicable steps to identify the presence of Asbestos containing materials


Inform parties of the location of asbestos and precautions to minimise risk;

Prepare and maintain an Asbestos Register;

Regularly inspect the asbestos and record findings;

Make the register available and inform potentially affected parties;

Fix signs or labels to asbestos where regular maintenance of repair work is likely to be carried out;

Provide information, instruction and training to any person who may be exposed to airborne asbestos fibres; and

Ensure any asbestos removal work is undertaken in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Safe

Removal of Asbestos 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 2002(2005)].

The Tasmanian Workplace Health & Safety Regulations 1998 require hazards to be controlled as far as is reasonably practicable and the control hierarchy to be progressively applied. Hydro Tasmania will apply the control hierarchy to minimise employee, contractor and public risk from exposure to airborne respirable

Asbestos fibres.



This Asbestos procedure applies to all buildings, structures, plant and equipment owned by Hydro

Tasmania. It applies to employees, contractors and sub contractors of Hydro Tasmania, to occupants of

Hydro Tasmania buildings, and to external organisations that may come into contact with or disturb asbestos in Hydro Tasmania premises. This procedure will apply to Hydro Tasmania employees and its subcontractors undertaking work for external clients as a minimum where the Principal does not have existing procedures.

The procedure applies to all work during which an employee or contractor may be exposed to asbestos, the ongoing maintenance and control of asbestos as well as work undertaken to repair or remove asbestos.


The Identification and Labelling of Asbestos

Asbestos Registers have been prepared for all existing Hydro Tasmania assets and work sites containing asbestos including the type, locations and risk of all asbestos.

Where new assets are acquired or projects identify the risk of Asbestos, a survey shall be undertaken by competent personnel. The surveys shall include an assessment of the Asbestos condition, disturbance potential and risk rating.

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Asbestos Register – Hydro Tasmania Sites

Hydro Tasmania’s Asbestos Register enables the business to show that it:


Undertakes regular Asbestos condition inspections, as determined by a risk assessment but no greater than: o 3 years by a competent person; o 6 yearly by asset/building manager, OHS Consultant


Effectively programs work activities for maintenance, repair or replacement of components and equipment containing asbestos;


Prioritise and program removal of damaged asbestos; and


Be in a position to advise employees and contractors of the presence of asbestos prior to maintenance, construction or demolition works commencing.

Controlled copies of the asbestos registers are to be available on the Hydro Tasmania intranet.

Asbestos Registers will be made available to all parties who could potentially be exposed to, disturb or come into contact with asbestos.

The Asbestos Registers shall contain the following information:

The date the inspection / identification was made and details of the competent person(s) who carried out the inspection / identification;

Type of asbestos-containing material (sheeting, insulation etc);

The location of the material or description of the plant/equipment;

The quantity / percentage of Asbestos present;

The asbestos condition;

Asbestos disturbance potential;

A risk assessment of the asbestos;

Details of any air monitoring conducted;

Recommended actions; and

Any maintenance or service work on asbestos, including details of the competent companies or personnel involved, the date and scope of the work undertaken, Asbestos removal control plans,

Workplace Standards Tasmania (WST) notification and copies of any clearance certificates.

Following the re-inspection, removal or maintenance activity of asbestos, the site Asbestos Register shall be updated with links to any associated documents (as above).


Asbestos Risk Assessment

Risk assessments will be undertaken by competent personnel on all buildings and plant suspected of containing asbestos and will take into consideration:

Age of building or plant;

Old or existing reports;


The type of asbestos;

The nature of the asbestos;

The asbestos condition (Friable or Non-Friable);

The asbestos disturbance potential; and

Personnel exposure.

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Where there is uncertainty about suspected asbestos containing material it will be validated by an industrial hygienist.

If asbestos is confirmed, control monitoring will be considered based on risk to ensure that exposure to airborne asbestos fibres is maintained below the Control Level of 0.1 fibres/ per mL and a risk assessment completed to determine if the asbestos will need to be removed.

Asbestos that is identified and is to remain in place, shall be added to the Hydro Tasmania Asbestos

Register and have an ongoing management plan in place to monitor its condition as per this procedure.

Non-Friable Asbestos

Over 97% of the products in Australia were non-friable material in which the Asbestos fibres were bonded by cement, vinyl, resin or other similar material.

If accidentally damaged or broken these asbestos products may release a few fibres initially but will not continue to do so…

Friable Asbestos

The hazardous friable asbestos is material which can be crumbled, pulverised, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. This may also include previously non-friable material which becomes broken or damaged by mechanical force.

As a general rule - If the Asbestos containing material can be easily disturbed and become air borne - by the effect of a breeze or simply creating a breeze by walking past it - it is in a friable state.

As Asbestos products were very versatile they could be easily moulded, shaped, cut drilled or painted.

There is no conclusive on-site testing for the presence of asbestos. Asbestos products can only conclusively be determined through laboratory testing following sampling.

As a general rule, if you think the material is asbestos - treat it as if it is asbestos until proven through laboratory testing.


Repair & Maintenance of Asbestos

All tasks involving the disturbance of asbestos shall only be conducted after an appropriate risk assessment and control procedure has been identified and implemented.

A competent person shall be available to supervise work during all activities involving asbestos.

Whenever maintenance or service work is carried out on asbestos the following shall be recorded in maintenance management system or project documentation and linked back to the Asbestos register if applicable.

The name of the competent person(s) who performed the work

The date the work was undertaken;

The scope of the work undertaken;

The job hazard analysis (JHA) for the work or standard work instruction (SWI) applied; and

Any clearance and disposal certificates.

During all engineering, maintenance and construction projects with the potential to disturb asbestos, the risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres shall be assessed by a competent person and included in the safety & environmental management plan (SEMP) and control strategies implemented.

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The potential for asbestos disturbance will be considered during the preparation stage of all maintenance, demolition and refurbishment work. Where it is identified that there is a risk of exposure, work activities and / or projects shall include asbestos notification and control procedures as a component of the permit to work, SEMP and/or Project Plan.


Asbestos Removal and Disposal


Asbestos Removal Work

Removal is not always the best action. The decision to remove Asbestos Containing Material (ACM ) should be made on the basis of a risk assessment. The Code of Practice for the Management and Control of

Asbestos in Workplaces [NOHSC:2018 (2005)] provides guidance on when the removal of Asbestos

Containing Material is required or recommended.


Removal Work by Hydro Tasmania Personnel

Removal of asbestos can be carried out by Hydro Tasmania personnel only if:

The person has undertaken competency training or the job is being supervised by a person who has undertaken competency training

The asbestos to be removed is bonded non-friable material of less than 10 square metres (<10m2). in total;

Removal of asbestos samples for analysis or other testing

Work is carried out in accordance with a Standard Work Instruction or approved procedure.


Removal of Asbestos by Licensed Contractor

A licensed asbestos removalist will be engaged to undertake any removal of asbestos over 10 square metres (>10m2), or any other work that the competent person believes should be undertaken by a licensed removalist. The friability of the asbestos will dictate the type of removal required. Asbestos removal will not commence unless written acknowledgement of the Asbestos Removal Start Work Notification (AR1) and Asbestos Removal Control Plan (AR2) has been received by Workplace Standards Tasmania. Whenever a licensed Asbestos removalist is engaged to undertake work on asbestos, a JHA shall be completed and approved by the Manager responsible for organising the work and in conjunction with a Safety, Quality and

Environment advisor. For all asbestos work a Hydro Tasmania “Waste Management Disposal/ recycling form” (EF1604) shall be completed and kept with the project documentation as well as sending a copy to a

Hydro Tasmania Environmental Advisor for Sustainability reporting. This form can be found in the Hydro

Tasmania Environmental and Sustainability Management System (ESMS).

A competent person (usually the Licensed Contractor or Industrial Hygienist), shall conduct a visual clearance inspection of the asbestos work area prior to the removal of the access restrictions. A Visual

Clearance Certificate (AR4) must be issued by this a competent person prior to the re-occupation of the area for normal use. Note: This should be done independently of the licensed asbestos removalist and, although this can be arranged by the removalist, this person should be employed directly by Hydro

Tasmania to avoid any conflict of interest in assessing the cleanliness of the site

For all asbestos removal projects appropriate project documentation must be retained and recorded with the project and maintenance files along with a reference to these files being updated in the Hydro

Tasmania Asbestos Register against the asset or area. A link to this register can be found in Hydrosafe!

Information and forms regarding asbestos removal requirements and licensing for asbestos removalists can be found on the Workplace Standards Tasmania web site along with Start Work Notification (AR1), Visual

Clearance Certificate (AR4) and Asbestos Removal Control Plan (AR2) and associated documentation and links to the national code of practice. www.wst.tas.gov.au/safety_comply/asbestos

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Air Clearance Monitoring

Workplace airborne respirable fibre monitoring will be conducted where the Asbestos Removal Control

Plan requires air clearance monitoring to be conducted. All air monitoring shall be conducted by an independent competent person in accordance with the Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for

Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres [NOHSC: 3003 (2005)].

Where air clearance monitoring is required the independent competent person must issue an Air Clearance

Certificate. Air Clearance Certificate(s) must be issued and received prior to the removal of barriers, signs and the re-occupation of the area.


Exposure Standards

Adopted National Exposure Standards For Atmospheric Contaminants In The Occupational Environment

[NOHSC: 1003 (1995)]] has set the following exposure standards which state the maximum airborne asbestos fibre levels that workers can be exposed to:

Types of Asbestos

Crocidolite (blue asbestos)

Amosite (brown asbestos)

Chrysotile (white asbestos)

Other forms

Any mixtures of these or where the composition is unknown

TWA (Time-weighted Average

Values) fibres per mL of air






The exposure standards represent airborne concentrations which, according to current knowledge, should neither impair the health of nor cause undue discomfort to nearly all workers. However it should be noted that the exposure standards do not represent `no-effect' levels which guarantee protection to every worker. The above TWA exposure standards apply to long-term exposure to a substance over an eight-hour day, for a five-day working week.


Air Monitoring to Determine Exposure Levels

Asbestos monitoring must be done by a qualified occupational hygienist and follow the procedures under the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Dust (NOHSC 1988). Testing for the number of asbestos fibres in a sample must be done by a laboratory accredited by the National Association of

Testing Authorities (NATA) for asbestos counting.

There are two types of sampling: Occupational Sampling and Environmental Sampling.


Occupational sampling

A sample of air is collected from the worker's breathing zone and the numbers of fibres in a set volume of air are counted under a microscope to determine exposure levels. The results are compared against the current occupational exposure standard for airborne asbestos fibres


Environmental sampling

Air sampling is done to assess the effectiveness of controls within the working area and outside the operations. These samples from the area measure background levels of asbestos and should be taken extensively during asbestos removal operations. An adequate number of samples must be

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Where it is found that workers have been exposed above the TWA of asbestos >0.1per mL, medical surveillance for the employees is required.


Medical Surveillance Program

Where it is determined that an employee is exposed to airborne respirable Asbestos fibres, Hydro Tasmania may be required to implement a health surveillance program. Health surveillance will only be provided where the exposure assessment indicates that it is warranted.

Asbestos is listed in the Workplace Health & Safety Regulations 1998 Schedule 4, which provides guidance on specific hazardous substances that may require health surveillance.

Where health surveillance is conducted records will be kept for 72 years from date-of-birth and 30 years from the time the health surveillance, which ever is longer.


Clean Up and Disposal

Asbestos must be removed from site and Hydro Tasmania will ensure that clean-up is properly completed and that there is no contamination of asbestos left at a site.

Asbestos must be disposed of in a manner that satisfies the requirements detailed in the Environmental

Management Pollution and Control Act 1994 (Controlled Waste Regulations).

Disposal can only be done after approval is given to dispose of asbestos at an approved site and or the disposal activity is contracted to an approved licensed waste disposal contractor.

Asbestos waste can be disposed at local council waste facilities if licensed. (Contact your local Council for information on approved dump sites in your area). As this is classed the same as all Hydro Tasmania waste it must be recorded for sustainability purposes. A Hydro Tasmania “Waste Management Disposal/ recycling form” (EF1604) must be filled out and kept with project documentation and a copy forwarded to an environmental advisor for record keeping. This form can be located in the Hydro Tasmania Environmental and Sustainability Management System (ESMS).


Standard Work Instructions and Checklists for Handling


Appropriate Standard Work Instructions and Checklists including the use of personal protective equipment must be implemented wherever there is the potential to disturb asbestos.

Standard Work Instructions and Checklists complemented with Job Hazard Analyses (JHA) will be developed for all routine tasks involving work on asbestos. Instructions shall include disposal procedures.

Checklists at Hydro Tasmania are available for:

Asbestos- Gasket and packing removal “CL-11-01”

Asbestos- Sheeting removal less than 10 square metres. “CL-11-02”

Asbestos- Drilling into bonded material; “CL-11-03”

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Training for Working with Asbestos

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Training will be delivered to employees and contractors who may be exposed to asbestos on Hydro

Tasmania work sites.

Hydro Tasmania has two Training levels for employees and contractors undertaking work with Asbestos less than 10m2 or that is exempt depending on the type of work eg: drilling of panel, gasket removal and removal of small non friable material.


Supervised low risk work for employees (i.e. bonded Asbestos containing material – not friable asbestos).

Employee training course shall include the following points:

What is asbestos

Types of asbestos

Uses of asbestos in Australia & in Hydro locations

What are exposure risk factors

Asbestos related disease

Exposure standards, control levels & control measures to prevent exposure

Overview of the regulatory requirements – registers, labels, removal

Managing risk during low risk work – principles, PPE, safe operating procedures

Review of safe work procedures

Final questions

Plus an assessment

This format equips authorised staff to conduct low risk work including small scale removal, maintenance and inspections (updating the Register, etc).


Training for Supervisors and Managers: This is a high level training course on the management of asbestos. Persons who oversee or manage facilities that have asbestos containing material should have this qualification. All persons undertaking asbestos work for Hydro Tasmania shall be supervised by a person with this qualification.


The Supervisor Manager training course shall include the following points:

Identify primary legislative requirements and sources of information

Identify the requirements for the management of asbestos in your workplace

Select the appropriate management and control options for asbestos in your workplace

Select and supervise removal contractors

Course Contents

Legislative overview

Relevance of [NOHSC: 2018 (2005)] to Tasmanian Legislation

Health aspects of exposure to Asbestos, health surveillance and monitoring requirements

Owner & Management responsibilities

Development of an asbestos management plan

Identification of asbestos in the workplace

Control measures for asbestos containing materials

Control measures for asbestos containing materials

Maintenance and access and isolation requirements

Asbestos Register requirements

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Regular inspection and condition assessment

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The Tasmanian Workplace Health & Safety Regulations 1998.

Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 2002(2005)].

Code of Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in Workplaces [NOHSC: 2018(2005)].

Environmental Management Pollution and Control Act 1994 (Controlled Waste Regulations)

Controlled Waste Transport Regulations (EMPCA)

Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres [NOHSC: 3003


Worksafe Victoria – Worksafe Asbestos Bulletin No2 – Limited removal of fixed or installed asbestos permitted without a licence

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Competent Person

Non-Friable Asbestos

Friable Asbestos

Asbestos –likely sources

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Means a person possessing adequate qualifications, such as suitable training and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill, for the safe performance of the specific work. (Attending an approved Asbestos identification and removal course is considered by the Director the minimum training requirement to carry out the visual inspections). Additional knowledge, experience and skills would be required by the competent person performing air monitoring (e.g. occupational hygienist).

Over 97% of the products in Australia were non-friable material in which the

Asbestos fibres were bonded by cement, vinyl, resin or other similar material.

If accidentally damaged or broken these asbestos products may release a few fibres initially but will not continue to do so.

The hazardous friable asbestos is material which can be crumbled, pulverised, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. This may also include previously non-friable material which becomes broken or damaged by mechanical force.

As a general rule - If the Asbestos containing material can be easily disturbed and become air borne - by the effect of a breeze or simply creating a breeze by walking past it - it is in a friable state.


External cladding (corrugated sheet, galbestos, hardieplank)

Internal cladding (flat sheet, can look like hardieflex, villaboard, versilux fibre cement sheets)

Floor tiles (vinyl)

Floor Compressed Sheeting (Hardiepanel compressed sheeting)

Ceiling panels

Control room panels and noise insulated panels

Electrical cabinets (zelemite sheet)

Cable trays (flat sheet)

Busbar duct panels (flat sheet)

Fuse linings (woven tape)


External & internal cladding

Floor tiles

Spares e.g. gaskets, arc shields


 Fuse switches (arc shield)

 Resistor banks

 Brakes

 Drum controllers (millboard)

 Internal walls or panels


 Pipe flange gaskets

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 Insulated pipework (possibly oil, water, air)

Machine – mechanical

Piping flange gaskets

Bearing cooler flanges

Bearing /bearing housing (e.g. shell type turbine bearings)

Pump gland packing

Brake pads

Insulated pipework containing hot material (possibly oil, water, air)

Machine – electrical

Field switch (arc shield)

Heater mounting blocks (fibre cement)

Circuit breakers (arc shield)

CFS units (arc shields and rope seals)

Alternator winding cover gaskets

Wrapping/ Tape on old Alternator coils & end windings

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Revision History

Revision 3

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Reason for


Detailed Revision Description Reviewer


Critical Procedure

Review Update

New Format

Review Update

Original document created

Legislation, training and checklist/ safe work instructions.

Mick Cuppari

Charles Woolen

Bruce Hill

3 Review update Section 9.1.1 Removal of use of gloved bags by employees

Bruce Hill

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