ic minutes6-11

IC Meeting
June 11, 2008
09:00 a.m.
Board Room
Minutes Summary
Present: Jack Bautsch, Kim Chapman, Patricia Cheadle, Chris Chinn, Bob
Fineman, Tom Griffith, Pete Lortz, Steve Miller, Marci Myer, Mary Ellen O’Keeffe,
Katherine Riley, Sharon Simes, Jan Stephenson, Edith Wollin
Approval of IC minutes
The IC minutes for May 28, 2008 were approved. The minutes will be posted in
the Public Folders under Office of Instruction and sent to everyone at NSCC via
Bob Fineman, Betty Williams, Roy Flores, and Therese Quig attended the
NCORE conference and gave a report at the DAC meeting on June 5. Bob
reported to IC his experiences at NCORE and highly recommended that we send
a team to NCORE next year, which will be in San Diego.
Mary Ellen reported that she attended the recent DAC subcommittee meeting led
by Betty Williams. The subcommittee is planning diversity workshops for next
year. Additional members are needed for the subcommittee.
DAC allocated funds from their budget to advertise our opened full time faculty
positions this past spring in various diversity websites and publications. The
advertisements have increased our applicants of people of color applying for the
faculty positions. It was noted that the percentage of people of color applicants
differs in the different positions that we have advertised. Patricia Cheadle said
that the accounting faculty position will be re-advertised due to an insufficient
pool of qualified applicants.
There was discussion on ways to market our programs and especially to reach
those who are looking to improve their economic status.
Gen Ed Institute
Mary Ellen O’Keeffe reported on the AAC&U Gen Ed Institute that was held in
late May. Mary Ellen distributed a summary report from the NSCC team who
attended the institute and a handout from AAC&U on The Essential Learning
Outcomes. There will be an all faculty meeting on September 17 (after
convocation) for discussion on gen ed outcomes, assessment and academic
planning. There will be discussion on president’s day, which is September 18, on
gen ed outcomes and what would the focus for the prioritization be of gen ed
outcomes for the upcoming academic year.
New committees which were added this past year at NSCC include sustainability
committee, gen ed taskforce, emergency evacuation committee, capital projects
steering committee, and key management committee. There was discussion that
there was a need to look at the committees that we have and to find the
connection that we have with the committees.
There was discussion about emergency evacuation procedures. As noted, we
have an emergency evacuation committee, and Pete Lortz and Bob Fineman are
evacuation wardens. There is also an Incidence Command System Planning
Team on campus. There are plans for an all campus emergency drill on the 11th
day of fall quarter. More information will be forthcoming. It was noted that
everyone on campus needed to know the evacuation plans for NSCC.
Ed fund
IC will invite staff from the Ed Fund to a quarterly meeting. The Ed Fund will
receive the same information that the rest of the campus receives on a regular
Program viability
Program viability was discussed at the February 13, 2008 IC meeting. IC had
discussed that some programs that may be part of program viability include
women’s studies, international studies, drama, electronics, medical assisting,
science, geography, nanotechnology, material science and watch technology.
There was discussion that the prof tech programs which are presently in the
technology building will also be assessed. Program viability will be discussed at
the next IC meeting to include establishing a timeline and actions for a two-year
process instead of the present one-year process that we have now. IC will
discuss the suggested programs for program viability and shorten the list at the
next meeting. We will ask Jerry Woodard to a future IC meeting to discuss the
research website and the reports which are in the website. The research website
is http://webshare.northseattle.edu/research/
IC retreat
The IC retreat will be July 30 at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture. Agenda
items for the retreat can be sent to Chris Chinn.
There are funds available from the Perkins budget for graduates who qualify to
pay for their cap and gown rental. The worker retraining office will send out an
email with an announcement.
As of today, our enrollment for summer quarter is approximately 90 FTEs ahead
of the same time last year.
IC leadership plan
The most current IC leadership plan was distributed. The deans will update it.
Sharing time
Student evaluations
There was discussion that the unit administrators will review the student
evaluations first for part time faculty and the evaluations that full time faculty
designate as the once a year evaluations that the unit administrators can review
before the unit administrator sends to the faculty member.
Food stamp act
Jan Stephenson said that there will be more students coming to NSCC under the
Food Stamp Act this coming year due to an increase in funding.
With some faculty retiring in his division, Pete Lortz said that the retiring faculty
are giving him pictures and documents which can go to the library archives.
Continuing education
Katherine Riley and Hendrika Benjamins are retiring from Continuing Education
in July 2008. Two program coordinators, Renee Yohe and Mia Stephenson,
have been hired in Continuing Education. We plan on advertising for a director
of continuing education position soon.
Career Link
We will no longer have the Career Link program as of the end of spring quarter.
A new lab technician, Al Burns, has been hired to replace John McDaniel and will
begin on Monday, June 16.
Prof tech
We are working on possible programs between NSCC and organizations noted
Goodrich-Negotiating doing Zenger-Miller, computer applications and master mechanic
Hospital Employee Education and Training-Partnering with Northwest Hospital and
Service Employees International Union to provide incumbent NAC’s at Northwest with
education and training that will allow them to progress on the healthcare career path to
lab assistants, PN’s and RN’s
City of Seattle/King County-Computer applications and supervisory development training
Swedish Medical Center-IT for Healthcare and supervisory development training
Planned Parenthood of Western Washington-Medical Assistant training
Lennox-HVAC training
June 13
June 15
July 30
Symphonic Band Concert
IC planning retreat
Annual Experience, Education, and Professional Development Reports for
Academic Year 2007-08 are due to the unit administrator by June 30, 2008.
Future IC agenda
There will be a discussion on lecture lab hours mix (by Pete Lortz) at the next IC
The meeting adjourned at 11: 35 am.