Fall, 2004 Korean Language and Culture In-Seon Kim, Ph.D. Tel.: 02-949-8245/017-219-3079 E-mail: inseonkim@chollian.net Office Hours: by Appointment Course Description The purpose of this course is to examine central topics of Korean language. First, this course provides brief introduction to the politico-cultural history of Korea and general survey of Korean culture and society. This course will then proceed to cover main topics and central issues of Korean language such as Han-geul(Korean Alphabet) Invention, Exclusive Use of Han-geul, Romanization of Korean, Honofific usage of Korean and Linguistic Ties between Korea , China and Japan, etc.. Reading List 1.The Korean National Commission for UNESCO ed., The Korean Language, The Si-sayong-o-sa Publishers, Inc., 1983. 2.Young-Key Kim-Renaud ed., The Korean Alphabet : Its History and Sructure, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1997. 3.Young-Ick Lew, "A Brief Politico-Cultural History of Korea," Korean Art Tradition, Korea Foundation, 1994, pp.7-52. 4.John H. Koo & Andrew C. Nahm, ed., An Introduction to Korean Culture, Hollym, 1997. 5.Donald Stone Macdonald ed., The Koreans; Contemporary Politics and Society, Westview Press, 1996, 6. Korea Journals, Korean National Commission for UNESCO. 7. Other selected readings. Grading Your grade for the class will be determined by your performance on two exams. And class attendance will be taken into consideration in determining the final grade. 1. Class Attendance 2. Mid-term Exam. 3. Final Exam. 20% 40% 40% Course Schedule and Relevant Readings <Week 1> Introduction and Overview <Week 2> Politico-Cultural History of Korea 1.Young Ick Lew, "A Brief Politico-Cultural History of Korea." 2.John H. Koo & Andrew C. Nahm, ed., An Introduction to Korean Culture. <Week 3> Korean Culture and Society Donald Stone Macdonald <Week 4-15> ed., “Korean Sociey and Culture,” The Koreans, pp.67-113. Korean Language and Han-geul I. A Cultural Perspective on the Korean Language Suh Cheong-soo, “A Cultural Perspective on the Korean Language ,” Korea Journal Vol 36:3, 1996. Autumn II. Han-geul 1. Robert Ramsey, “The Korean Alphabet,” Young-key Kim-Renaud ed.., King Sejong the Great: The Light of Fifteenth Century Korea, International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 1991. 2. The Ki-moon Lee, “The Inventor of the Korean Alphabet,” The Korean Alphabet : Its History and Structure, pp. 11-30. 3. Gari Ledyard, “The International Lingustic Background of the Correct Sounds for the Instruction of the People,” ibid., pp. 31-88. 4. The Korean National Commission for UNESCO ed., “Chu Si-gyeong and Modernization of Hangeul, ” The Korean Language, PP. 103-108. III. Exclusive Use and Propagation of Han-geul Movement 1. Michael E. Robinson, "Ch’oe Hyeon-bae and Korean Nationalism : Language, Culture, and National Development," Occasional Papers on Korea No.3, June 1975, pp.19-33. 2.In-Seon Kim, "Gabogyoungjang(1894-1896) jeonhu Gaehwapaui Han-geul Sayong"(Han-geul Use by Reformers before and after Gabo Reform Movement, Jusigyeong Hakbo, 1991 12, pp. 3-32. 3.In-Seon Kim, "Gaehwagi Rhee Syngmanui Han-geul Undong Yeon-gu"(A Study on Rhee Syngman's Han-geul Movement in the Enlightenment Period), Ph.D. dissertation, Yonsei Univ., 1999. IV. Considerations of the New Romanization System for the Korean Language. 1. Editor’s Note, “On the New Romanization System of Korean”, Korea Journal Vol. 41:1, Spring 2001. 2. National Academy of the Korean Language, “The Government’s New System of Romanization for the Korean Language,” ibid. 3. Peter Mauro Schroepfer, “The Practical Politics of Romanization,” ibid. 4. Lee Sang-oak, “The Present State of Korean System in Y2K,” ibid. 5. Underwood, Horace G., “On the Ministry’s Romanization System. Korea Journal Vol 12:5, pp. 26-28. 6. Rutt, Richard, “About the Romanization of Korean, ibid., Vol. 12:5, pp. 2025. 7.Compiled by Song Ki-joong, Glossary of Korean Culture, Jimmundang, 2001. V. The Alphabet of Three Countries: Korea, China and Japan 1. Yi Ki-moon, “Linguistic Ties between Korea and Japan.” Korea Journal Vol. 19:2, pp 48-52. 2. Marshall R. Phil.,Jr., “The Alphabet of East Asia, The Korean Language, pp. 109-120. 3. Kim Hyong-gyu, “Chinese Characters and the Korean Language,” ibid., pp. 121-127. VI. Specific Aspects of Honorifications 1. Ihm Ho-bin et al., “Honorifics and Humilfics,” Korean Grammar for International Learners, Yonsei University Press, 2001, pp. 199-212. 2. Park Byung-soo, “Deconstruction of Speech Levels, Korea Journal Vol. 32:3, Autumn 1992. VII. The Use of Personal Pronouns 1. The Term of Address “You” in South Korea Today, Korea Jounal Vol 32:1, pp.27-42. 2. Nam-kil Kim, “The Use of Personal Pronouns and Terms for Self-reference and Address in Korean,” 말 제 10집, 연세대학교 한국어학당, 1985, 12, pp. 95. VIII. Westerners on Korean Language Marshall R. Phil., Jr., Westerners on Korean, Korean Language, pp. 55-70. <Week 16> Final Exam.