Short Story or Memoir Assignment & Rubric Tasks: Name: ________________ A. Write an original short story (in a genre) or a memoir. B. Don’t just start writing: brainstorm, plan, play before you start. Great starters are plot graphs, character sketches (in words or visuals), setting descriptions, thematic ideas, etc. Use the starter ideas and organization tools from either the short story or memoir folders. Please talk to the teacher to bounce ideas, or if you get stuck, etc. C. Length: as long as it takes; however 1000 – 2500 words (3-6 pages) is a manageable length. D. Hand in all rough work, planning notes, drafts, etc. E. You should have two editors for your piece. Push the editor for useful and in depth comments – both positive and critical. There are marks for the editing. F. Be sure to be a useful editor for someone else, especially if you were unable to edit on the previous assignment. G. After you have written your final draft, please write a reflection of 250 - 400 words that covers both of the following prompts. Identify and explain any specific creative choices you made throughout the writing process. Address aspects of the prose skills. Explain how your own beliefs or values or experiences are revealed in your final draft. Strand B1. Exploring Ideas, Forms, & Styles Storyline / theme Command of structure and genre Use of prose skills aspects: description, characterization, dialogue, (stream of consciousness, satire if applicable) Insufficient Storyline / theme are weak Lacking important elements; logic issues Lacking useful application of prose skills B2. Drafting & Revising Word choices are vague, bland, incorrect Style (syntax and word choice) Narrative voice impedes story Narrative voice Writing process work is very thin, inconsistent with finished product, not submitted. Writing process (planning, process, drafts, editing, revision) B3. Editing, Proofreading Sp., Gr., Dialogue punctuation No evidence of editing; errors impede meaning or detract from piece Level 1 Level 3 Level 4 Storyline / theme shows some originality, complexity Storyline / theme shows originality, complexity Storyline / theme is original, complex, subtle Uses some of the elements of the genre & structure with limited effectiveness Uses most of the elements of the genre & structure fairly well; some unevenness Uses all the elements of the genre & structure Effectively innovates with genre & structure Poor or limited use of prose skills Aspects of some prose skills used; uneven in places Solid application of aspects of the prose skills in writing Nuanced use of prose skills greatly enhances writing Word choices need more variety and vitality Word choice shows some variety and vitality Narrative voice detracts from mood &/or fails to add to the story in a useful way Narrative voice adds some depth, may be intrusive sometimes Word choice shows considerable variety and vitality Narrative voice furthers plot/character development Word choice shows a high degree of variety and vitality Narrative voice adds depth and nuance to story Applies the writing process with limited effectiveness Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with limited accuracy and effectiveness B4. Collaborative Writing – on peer editing sheet Refl. paragraph present, C1. Metacogition Not submitted; but surface quality; feels rushed / Creative choices & feels rushed; poorly does not match prose skills addresses creative content of piece choices and personal Personal beliefs, beliefs, values, values, experiences experiences Comments: Level 2 Storyline / theme shows limited originality Applies the writing process with skill for a desired effect Applies the writing process with some effectiveness Applies the writing process effectively Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with some accuracy and effectiveness Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with considerable accuracy and effectiveness Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness Reflection paragraph is present but uneven in depth, and unevenly addresses creative choices and personal beliefs, values, experiences Reflection paragraph is clear and addresses creative choices and personal beliefs, values, experiences Reflection paragraph is thorough and sophisticated, addressing creative choices and personal beliefs, values, experiences