Mystery Short Story Rubric



Short Story Rubric

Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________

Title: ______________________________________________________________________




Theme or controlling idea;

Elements of the story type;

Annotation of prose skills

Remember to hand in an annotated copy of your short story.

Level One

Incorporates a theme or controlling idea that shows limited thought;

Incorporates few elements of the story type;

Fewer than three skills annotated, or mistakes

Level Two

Incorporates a theme or controlling idea that shows some thought;

Incorporates some elements of the story type;

Two - three skills partially annotated

Level Three

Incorporates a theme or a controlling idea that shows considerable thought;

Incorporates most elements of the story type;

Three skills reasonably annotated

Level Four

Incorporates a wellthought-out theme or controlling idea;

Masterfully incorporates elements of the story type;

All three skills carefully annotated, with nearly all aspects present


Originality in storyline; Mood and Dialogue;


Storyline shows limited originality;

Mood and dialogue do not add to the story;

Characterization is contradictory and weak

Storyline shows some originality;

Mood and dialogue create a limited effect;

Characterization is contradictory or moderately developed

Storyline shows considerable originality;

Mood and dialogue create a desired impact;

Strong characterization

Storyline is highly original;

Mood and dialogue create a highly desired impact; Subtle characterization, shown indirectly


Style (syntax and word choice)

Narrative voice

Sp., Gr., Dialogue punctuation


Command of story structure and type;

Writing process;

Prose skills aspects

Word choices need more variety and vitality;

Narrative voice detracts from mood &/or fails to add to the story in a useful way.

Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with limited accuracy and effectiveness

Uses some of the elements of the story type and structure with limited success;

Applies the writing process with limited effectiveness;

Poor use of prose skills

Word choice shows some variety and vitality;

Narrative voice adds some depth, may be intrusive sometimes.

Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with some accuracy and effectiveness

Uses most of the elements of the story type and structure fairly well;

Applies the writing process with some effectiveness;

Aspects of some prose skills used.

Word choice shows considerable variety and vitality;

Narrative voice is furthers plot/character development;

Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with considerable accuracy and effectiveness

Uses all the elements of the story type and structure;

Applies the writing process effectively;

Applies aspects of the prose skills in writing.

Word choice shows a high degree of variety and vitality;

Narrative voice adds depth and nuance to story; Applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness

Effectively innovates with the elements and structure;

Applies the writing process with skill for a desired effect;

Nuanced use of prose skills greatly enhances writing

