Center Avenue Elementary School Parent Handbook 2013—2014 Includes the following Butler Area School District attachments: Elementary Discipline Handbook School Board Policy #815: Acceptable Use of Computer Networks School Board Policy #815.1: Computers/Computer Software/Other Digital Technology 102 Lincoln Avenue, Butler, PA 16001 Phone: 724-214-3960 FAX: 724-287-0263 Center Avenue ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Barbara Frantz, Principal August, 2013 Dear Center Avenue Families: Welcome to a new year at Center Avenue Elementary School! The enclosed Parent Handbook and Elementary Discipline Handbook will give you practical and useful information about our school. We recommend that you keep this book available for reference during the school year. It is our expectation that you will reinforce the student code of conduct contained in the Discipline Handbook. If you have not used the School District’s online emergency data update system this year, you will need to complete the two enclosed forms: one to acknowledge that you have received the Parent Handbook, and the other to provide updated phone numbers for the District’s “Alert Now” emergency message system. Please send the forms back to school with your child by Friday, September 6. Teaching young children is an awesome responsibility, and we need your help every step of the way! You know your children best, and your communication with your children’s teachers is essential. I encourage you to keep in touch with us at school, and to share any concerns – big or small - that you may have. Sincerely, Barbara Frantz Mrs. Barbara Frantz Principal 102 Lincoln Avenue • Butler, PA 16001 Phone: 724-214-3960 • Fax: 724-287-0263 email: Butler Area School District: An Equal Opportunity Educational Institution CENTER AVENUE SCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK A. Board of School Directors 5 B. School Procedures Arrival of Students Attendance Bicycles Bus Regulations Cafeteria Dismissal Elementary Guidance Program Emergency Drills Emergency Data Sheets English as a Second Language Program Field Trips Group Testing Health Services Homebound Instruction Homework Instructional Materials & Textbooks Internet Use Policy Lost & Found Modified Kindergarten Schedule Non-Discrimination Policy Parent Organization Parent’s Right to Review Teacher Qualifications Parties Personal Belongings of Students Pets Playground Report Cards School Closing Information School Hours School Delay Schedule School Security Student Photographs Student Support Team 6 6 6 6 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 20 20 C. Supplement: “Just for Center Avenue” Breakfast Lunch Schedule 21 21 Getting Students To & From School Safely: Crossing Guards Arrival of Students For Parents Who Bring Students to/from School Dismissal 21 21 22 22 Title I Parent Involvement 23 D. Emergency Response Procedures 24 ATTACHMENTS: BASD Elementary Discipline Handbook BASD School Board Policy #815: Acceptable Use of Computer Networks/Digital Technology/Internet and Internet Safety BASD School Board Policy #815.1: Computers, Computer Software/Other Digital Technology BUTLER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS President.................................................Donald Pringle (term expires 12/15) Vice-President......................................... Helen Abramowitz (term expires 12/13) Director...................................……………...Carmen Bianco (term expires 12/15) Director....................................................Karen Callihan (term expires 12/15) Director.................................................. .John Conrad (term expires 12/13) Director................................................... William Halle (term expires 12/15) Director....................................................James Keffalas (term expires 12/15) Director....................................................Paula Opalka (term expires 12/13) Director....................................................Linda Patten (term expires 12/13) NON-VOTING MEMBERS Secretary of the Board............................Catherine Rodgers Solicitor.............................................…..Dillon, McCandless, King, Coulter & Graham Correspondence for members of the Board of School Directors may be forwarded to the Educational Services Center, 110 Campus Lane, Butler, PA 16001 ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS Students should arrive no earlier than 8:45 AM. All students must enter the building through the main entrance(s). Students in grades 4-6 must pass through the metal detector every day before entering the building. Students in kindergarten through 3rd grade are screened periodically. After entering the building, students should proceed directly to their homerooms or the location of a scheduled activity. Staff members will supervise the arrival of students between 8:45 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. (the time at which school starts). ATTENDANCE Since studies have shown that absences have a direct relationship to student achievement, regular and punctual attendance at all school sessions is expected of our students. Parents are urged to understand the important role they play in this situation and to foster good attendance habits in their children. Attendance policies have been updated recently. For example, students may not miss more than 15 days in a semester or 20 days in a school year without prompting administrative action. A written excuse must be provided for each absence from school, within 5 days of the absence. For additional information, please refer to the attached Elementary Discipline Handbook. If a child is to be picked up during the school day, parents are asked to send a note to school stating when and why the child is to be excused. Parents must report to the office to pick up their children. Students must be signed out at the office. Students not in their classroom by 9:15 a.m. are considered tardy. They must report to the office and sign in, giving their reason for being late. Students with repeated unexcused tardies shall be subject to disciplinary action. BICYCLES Students are not permitted to ride bikes to school. BUS REGULATIONS Student Behavior: Students who ride a bus to school are expected to follow the bus driver’s directions, obey all safety rules, and treat others with courtesy while riding the school bus. Students who misbehave and violate safety regulations may lose the privilege of riding the school bus. If this occurs, parents are legally responsible for transportation to and from school even if it causes major inconvenience. Parents should stress to their children that they expect proper behavior on the bus. The attached Elementary Discipline Handbook details school bus procedures. Permanent Bus Changes: Any requests to change a student’s bus or bus stop must be for a full five (5) days a week and have the approval of the Supervisor of Transportation. Forms are available in the office for this purpose. Please allow two weeks for your request to be processed by the Transportation Office. Temporary Bus Passes: Temporary student bus passes can be issued from the school office when a written request is received from the parent. The following information must be included on the bus pass request: The The The The The The The full name and room number of the child needing the pass; date that the pass is needed for; reason for the pass; number of the bus that student will ride; location of the bus stop; phone number where the parent can be reached that day; parent’s signature. Following the above procedure should ensure that your child arrives safely. Bus Safety Patrols: When students are transported to school by bus, a bus patrol program is used to assist the driver with bus safety. Bus Safety Patrols, in most cases, are fifth and sixth grade students who have been recommended by their classroom teachers and bus drivers. The patrols assist in the loading and unloading of each student, assist the driver in emergency situations, and identify and report to the driver possible problems, discipline or otherwise. Patrols are stationed in the front, middle, and back of each bus. Each school that utilizes a bus patrol program also has a bus patrol supervisor who coordinates the program and works with the patrols on a regular basis. CAFETERIA Student Behavior: 1. Each student must sit at his/her assigned table and is responsible for keeping his or her table clean and properly disposing of trash. 2. Students are expected to get all needed condiments before sitting down. 3. Once seated, students must stay in their seats, except for purchasing snacks. 4. No food throwing or trading. 5. Unless a child is ill or has a note from a parent, each child is expected to eat lunch, either one carried from home or purchased in school. 6. Students should talk quietly. Yelling and noisemaking are not permitted. No games, gadgets, etc., are to be brought to the cafeteria. 7. Cafeteria monitors will maintain orderly control of the students. Students creating problems will be reported to the classroom teachers. Repeated violators and violations of a more severe nature will be handled directly by the principal. 8. Students who are required to brush their teeth after lunch are to make arrangements with their classroom teachers to do so at the conclusion of the lunch period. Students are to be certain this practice does not detract from the appearance of the restroom facilities. 9. Students are to remain in the cafeteria for their scheduled lunch period unless engaged in a supervised activity with the classroom teacher. 10. All opened food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria. For additional information, please refer to the attached Elementary Discipline Handbook. Cafeteria Price List: New price Elementary Student Breakfast Reduced-Price Breakfast Elementary Student Lunches Reduced-Price Lunches Milk & other Beverages Snacks, ice cream, & bottled water Adult Lunches Adult Beverages $1.00 $ .30 $1.85 .40 .40 .50 $3.25 .40 If you pay ahead for your child’s lunches, please send in a brief note in with your payment to let the lunch staff know if you want the full amount credited, or if you expect part of it back as change. If you do not send in a note, the lunch staff will assume that you want the full amount of the payment credited to your child’s account. Cafeteria Policy On Charging Lunches 1. If a student forgets his lunch money, he will be given the opportunity to call home for a lunch or for money to buy the school lunch. 2. If the student cannot get through to his or her parents, he or she will be given a one day grace period and receive the school lunch for that day. The student still owes the cost of the lunch. 3. If the situation recurs, the same procedure as above will be followed, except that the student will receive an alternate lunch for that day and subsequent days until all back charges are paid in full. The alternate lunch is a bag lunch containing all of the required meal components. The student owes the cost of these lunches. Also, the name of the student will be forwarded to the Food Service Office and a letter will be sent to the families. Lunch for late arrivals: We will be happy to order a lunch for your child if you let us know before 9:30 of that day. If you forget to call us, you will need to send a packed lunch with your child. We cannot place orders for lunch after 9:30 am. Even if your child receives a free or reduced-price lunch, you still need to order a lunch for him if arriving late. DISMISSAL Dismissal time for all elementary schools is 3:30 PM. Authorization to Pick Up: Students will not be released to anyone other than the parents or persons designated on the student data sheet unless the school has a signed note from the parent authorizing this action. If there is a court order indicating custody, a copy must be provided to the school. For the safety of your child, anyone who comes to the school to pick up a student may be asked to show photo identification. If you send someone to pick your child up who is unfamiliar to the office staff, please let him/her know that he may be asked to verify his identity. We will not release a student if we are unsure that it is appropriate to do so. ELEMENTARY GUIDANCE PROGRAM Elementary guidance is an integral part of the total educational experience. Academic growth cannot be separated from the social-emotional growth of a child. All students, parents, and teachers have access to counseling services at school. The guidance counselor works with individual students and classroom groups. All students are invited to talk over school related problems with the counselor. Students may visit the counselor by appointment or upon request of a teacher. Parents should also feel free to consult with the counselor. Please call the school secretary to schedule an appointment. The program is a collaborative effort among students, parents, teachers, administration, and community. Except in emergency situations, no counseling is provided unless parental permission is obtained. EMERGENCY DRILLS The safety of your child is one of our greatest concerns. The school holds regular drills to help each child to respond calmly in the event of an emergency. Fire drills, weather drills, and other emergency situation drills are conducted once a month. Evacuation routes are posted inside the door of each classroom. EMERGENCY DATA SHEETS At the beginning of each school year, parent or guardians are to complete a Student Data Sheet for each child. These must be complete with local names and telephone numbers. It is necessary that the persons listed are persons available during the school day. Since the Student Data Sheet contains very important information which can be used for students’ illnesses and/or emergencies, it is important that all information be supplied in all three sections – Emergency Data, Persons to Contact in Case of Illness, and Student Pick-Up Authorization Data. It is necessary that the Data Sheets be returned to school immediately. It is very important that Data sheets be current. Updates should be provided as soon as changes occur throughout the year. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM In accordance with the Board’s philosophy to provide a quality educational program to all students, the District provides an appropriate planned instructional program for identified students whose dominant language is not English. The purpose of the program is to increase the English language proficiency of eligible students so that they can attain the acaedmic standards adopted by the Board and achieve academic success. Students who have limited English proficiency (LEP) will be identified, assessed, and provided appropriate services. Students participating in LEP programs shall be required, with accommodations, to meet established academic standards and graduation requirements adopted by the Board. FIELD TRIPS Field trips within our area and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community. Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the scheduled trip date and will be asked to sign field trip permission forms. Depending on the available seating on the bus, a small number of parent chaperones may be selected by the teacher. Sometimes a fee may be requested from each student to help defray admission of transportation costs. If the cost of a field trip poses a financial burden for your family, please contact your child’s teacher or principal. Any student who violates Butler Area School District discipline policies may be excluded from participating in any field trip. Please note that field trips are enjoyable educational experiences that are an extension of a regular school day. Since we want to be proud of our students as they represent the Butler Area School District on these trips, parents are asked to see that their children are dressed appropriately for the occasion according to the District’s dress code policy. GROUP TESTING Certain group tests will be administered to your child by grade level during the school year. Parents are urged to ensure that their child is in school when these tests are administered. The results constitute important data to the student’s education. When a group test is going to be administered, the parents will be given sufficient notice before the actual date of the test. HEALTH SERVICES The following health services are required for students by Pennsylvania Law. Any parent or guardian who for religious beliefs does not wish his or her child to receive the services and examinations in school by the school nurse, school physician, or school dentist must notify the school nurse in writing. Height, Weight, and Vision Screening – all students Hearing Screening – grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, special education Physical Examinations – grades K, 6, 11 Dental Examinations – grades K, 3, 7 Visual Scoliosis Screening – grades 6 and 7 If you elect not to have the school provide the above services, you must provide the school with the results of examinations by your own family physician or dentist, prior to the date of the school exams. Illness: If your child complains of headache, stomachache, sore throat, etc. before coming to school, please check his/her temperature. If your child has a fever or is vomiting, please do not send him/her to school. If your child becomes ill in school, the nurse will decide if he/she should be sent home. You will be contacted so that the proper arrangements can be made. If parents are unavailable, persons you have listed on the Student Data Sheet will be contacted. If your child has been absent from school with a more serious communicable disease, such as scarlet fever, strep throat, chickenpox, conjunctivitis, impetigo, ringworm, meningitis, scabies, head lice, or MRSA, please provide that information either in your written excuse or in a phone call to the school nurse. Immunization Requirements from the PA Department of Health for all students in Grades K – 12: 4 doses of Tetanus * (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday) 4 doses of Diphtheria * (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday) 3 doses of Polio 2 doses of Measles **+ 2 doses of Mumps **+ 1 dose of rubella (German measles) **+ 3 doses of Hepatitis B 2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or history of disease + * ** + usually given as DTP or DtaP or DT or Td usually given as MMR 1st dose given at 12 months or older Bold/underlined requirements are changes These requirements allow for exemptions for medical reasons & religious beliefs. If your child is exempt from immunizations, he may be removed from school during an outbreak. Pennsylvania’s school immunization requirements can be found in 28 PA Code Ch. 23 ( School Immunization). Contact the school nurse, your health care provider, or 1-877-PA HEALTH for more information. Medication: The Butler Area School District does not supply any prescription or non-prescription medication, but will cooperate with parents and their medical practitioners when medications must be given during school hours. Due to the demands made upon our health room personnel, requests for administration of medication during school hours should only be made when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student or the student’s participation in the educational program. It is the parent’s responsibility to supply all medications to be taken at school. The following procedures should be followed when making a request for administration of either prescribed or over-the-counter medications: Before any medicine is administered to a student, the parent or guardian must complete the Medication Form. This includes the doctor’s orders for all medicines. Under no circumstances will any medication be dispensed without permission from both the doctor and parent. Forms are available in the school office, and can be faxed to a doctor at a parent’s request. A parent should bring the completed form and medication to the school and give it to the school nurse, secretary, or principal. Please do not send medication with children. The container for the medication must be the container from the pharmacy and must have the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the student; Name of the physician; Name of the medication; Dosage amount; Time to be given. Parents should send only enough medication be taken at school for the duration of the need. Your pharmacist, upon request, will divide the prescription medication into two separately labeled containers: one for use at home, the second for use at school. Parents are responsible for informing the school of any change in the child’s health or change in medication. New completed Medication Authorization Form(s) will be required with each change in medication or at the beginning of each school year. The medication will be kept in a secure place and dispensed in the office by appropriate personnel. At the end of the school year, parents need to pick up any unused medication. Food Allergies - If your child has a severe food allergy such as peanuts, please inform the principal and nurse immediately. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION Students who experience extended illnesses or injuries that result in long term absences from school may apply for homebound instruction. Information concerning homebound instruction may be obtained from the school office. HOMEWORK Homework assignments are given at the discretion of classroom teachers to provide students with extra practice with new skills, to prepare for new topics, or to extend the learning in material already introduced. We offer the following guidelines for parents to help decrease the tension that sometimes arises around homework issues, and to increase your child’s learning. For your child to be successful with homework, he or she needs: A place to do homework: a quiet, uncluttered space to work in (no TV or music). A schedule for completing homework: Set a schedule that fits in with each week’s particular activities, or set aside a certain time of each day for homework. Encouragement, motivation & prompting – but not direct help or constant supervision! Your child needs to practice what he has learned in school independently. If he cannot do the homework independently, please contact your child’s teacher. Reasonable time expectations: If your child seems to be spending too much time each night on homework – more than ½ hour in grades 1 – 3, and more than an hour in grades 4 – 6, please contact your child’s teacher. A consistent bedtime: When it is time to go to bed, please stop your child, even if she has not finished her homework. Please send a note to your child’s teacher that he was unable to complete the assignment, but did attempt to do so. o from Classroom Instruction That Works All classroom teachers post their homework assignments, as well as grades for grades 2-6, on the District’s web site. Parents will receive their “Edline” access codes at the beginning of each school year. For more information about homework, please refer to the attached Elementary Discipline Handbook. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND TEXTBOOKS All textbooks and other instructional materials deemed necessary to carry the educational program approved by the District are loaned to students free of charge. Individual students are held responsible for the materials they receive and will be expected to pay for lost or damaged textbooks and/or other instructional materials. INTERNET USE POLICY The safe use of the internet requires close observance of several rules. Students are permitted to use the internet only with their parents’ written permission and their agreement to follow the District guidelines for its use. Permission forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year. The rules for internet use are described in detail on the form. A condensed list is as follows: Students may not use the internet for any reason other than to learn more about the subjects they are studying in school, unless they have permission from a teacher. Students may not represent words or pictures copied from the internet as their own work, and must give credit to the author or web site whose work they use. Students will not look for inappropriate web sites. If they come across inappropriate web sites accidentally, they must immediately cover the screen and tell their teacher. Students must never enter personal information about themselves or their families on internet web sites, including name, address, or phone number. Students may not share their passwords with others. Students will be polite to others when writing to them on the internet. Students may not install, download, copy or delete software, change computer settings, or copy or delete files created by another person. Students who violate these guidelines may have their computer usage restricted or terminated, and may be subject to disciplinary consequences. LOST AND FOUND A lost and found area is maintained at the school for lost items. Children and parents are encouraged to inquire at the school office if any articles are lost. Items are periodically discarded or donated to a local organization. MODIFIED KINDERGARTEN SCHEDULE When you hear a school delay for the Butler Area School District with “modified kindergarten schedule,” it means that the kindergarten program times are changed according to the following schedule. The bus times will automatically be adjusted for these changes. One-Hour Delay: Morning Kindergarten Afternoon Kindergarten Starts 10:15 A.M.- 11:53 A.M. No Changes Two Hour Delay: Morning Kindergarten Afternoon Kindergarten 11:15 A.M. to 12:55 P.M. 1:50 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. There is no extended day kindergarten on days with a modified kindergarten schedule. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Butler Area School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap/disability in its activities or programs as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Michael Strutt, Title IX Coordinator, or Mr. Aaron Royhab, Section 504 Coordinator, at 110 Campus Lane, Butler, PA 16001, (724) 287-8721. For more information regarding services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mr. Aaron Royhab, Supervisor of Special Education, at (724) 2878721. PARENT ORGANIZATION Each elementary school has a parent-teacher organization that is highly involved in improving our school. Each year this organization sponsors fund-raising projects. With the proceeds from these projects, the organization sponsors and funds school parties, assembly programs, field trips, and many other important activities. All parents are urged to become a member of their school’s parent organization and actively participate. PARENT’S RIGHT TO REVIEW TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS As a parent of a student in the Butler Area School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers: Whether the Pennsylvania Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he/she teachers; Whether the Pennsylvania Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances; The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advanced degrees; and, if so, the subject of the degrees; Whether any teacher’s aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services and, if they do, their qualifications; If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the Administration Office at (724) 287-8721. PARTIES Parties in elementary grades are limited to three per year. Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day have been selected as the holidays for which parties may occur. As a general practice, the Parent-Teacher Organization, through room parents, plan the parties. Treats may be brought to school for student birthdays after the date and time are cleared with the classroom teacher. Invitations to private parties cannot be distributed at school, unless the entire class is being invited. PERSONAL BELONGINGS OF STUDENTS Certain personal items should not come to school. These items are: Character cards (Yugioh, Pokemon, baseball, etc.); Sports equipment (balls, hockey sticks, etc.); Personal tape or CD players; iPods or other electronic gear; Laser pointers; Toys, unless permitted by the teacher for a special activity. It is recommended that students leave all valuable items at home. The school administration and staff are not responsible for valuables which students bring to school. Students are permitted to have cell phones in school. However, the phones must be turned off and stored out of sight in cubbies or bookbags during the day. Students who violate the cell phone policy may be required to store their phones in the office during the day. PETS No pets are allowed at school without permission. Teachers, through arrangements with the principal, may give special permission for parents to bring pets to school as part of a special activity or display. Students are not permitted to touch visiting pets. Of course, under no circumstances should a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to school. PLAYGROUND Weather permitting, classes may go outdoors for a brief playground period. Children should be dressed for outdoor activities during cold weather. Parents desiring their children to be excused from this recreation should send a written note to the teacher involved stating the reasons for the request and the length of time likely to be involved. Students are expected to avoid muddy areas of the playground at all times. Tackle football is not permitted. Other dangerous activities such as skate boarding, piggyback riding, rock throwing, and snowball throwing are not permitted. Misuse or destruction of playground equipment will not be tolerated. Indoor Recess: Students may have indoor recess on days when weather prevents outside recess. Quiet games, talking with friends, playing music, etc. are some typical activities provided by the teachers. REPORT CARDS The Butler Area School District has a strong commitment to keeping parents well informed about their child’s progress in school. Report cards for students in grades 1-6 are issued four (4) times each year. Grades for students in grades 2 - 6 are posted online on the “Edline” site. The reporting of pupil progress is supplemented by parent-teacher conferences. Two early dismissal days are established each year for this purpose. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 noon to allow for parent conferences on the days as listed on the school calendar (typically in November and in March). Parents of kindergarten students will receive a Progress Report at the end of each nine-week grading period, which will keep parents informed of their child’s progress. Parents may request a conference at any time during the school year for students not making desirable progress. It is important that open communication occur. This will help the achievement and welfare of our students. Butler Area School District Grading Scale: A B C D E 90– 100 % 80 – 89 % 70 – 79 % 60 – 69 % Below 60% The subjects to be graded are: Grade One Reading, English Mathematics Spelling- 3rd and 4th nine weeks only Grade Two Reading, English, Mathematics, and Spelling Grade Three - Six Reading, English, Mathematics, Spelling, Social Studies, and Science/Health SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION If conditions arise that cause school to be closed, announcements will be made over local radio or TV stations. Local stations airing such announcements are: KDKA (1020 AM), WBUT (1050 AM), WISR (680 AM), WLER (97.7 FM). We respectfully request that you do not call the school office so that phone lines can be kept clear for emergency information from our central office. Planning For Bad Weather: Meeting the needs of children is especially difficult and frustrating for all of us during times of inclement weather, school delays, cancellations, or early dismissals. Listed below are some strategies that parents have found effective when dealing with bad weather and schedule changes: When inclement weather is in the forecast, stay tuned to the local weather conditions. If weather appears to be getting worse as the day progresses, listen to local radio stations for early dismissal announcements. If you have provided the school with an up-to-date phone number, you will receive an automated phone call notifying you of an early dismissal. Arrange contingency plans with babysitters or day care providers ahead of time. Review all plans for weather emergencies with your children ahead of time and often. Review probable emergency weather plans for that day with each of your children as they leave for school. Dress the children according to the predicted weather. Notify your child’s teacher in writing of any changes in the normal routine of the child. SCHOOL HOURS Students (Grades 1- 6) Kindergarten - Morning Session Kindergarten - Afternoon Session Office Teachers * Best time to call teachers: 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM 9:15 AM to 11:53 PM 12:53 PM to 3:30 PM 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 8:15 AM to 3:30 PM * 8:15 – 8:45 AM SCHOOL DELAY SCHEDULE One-Hour Delay: Grades 1 – 6 Morning Kindergarten Afternoon Kindergarten School starts 10:15 A.M.-3:30 P.M. School starts 10:15 A.M.-11:53 A.M. No Changes Two-Hour Delay: Grades 1 – 6 Morning Kindergarten Afternoon Kindergarten School starts 11:15- 3:30 PM. 11:15 A.M. to 12:55 PM. 1:50 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. SCHOOL SECURITY Visitors to the schools are always welcome. In an effort to provide for the safety of our students, we will be adhering to the following security regulations. 1. To gain entry into the building during school hours: Use the buzzer near the front door to obtain the attention of the secretary. You may be asked to show photo ID and state your purpose for being in the building. You will be required to pass through a metal detector Once the inside door is opened with the buzzer system, individuals must proceed directly into the office. Parents are asked not to go directly to the classrooms or other areas within the building. 2. All parents who must pick up children for doctor/dental appointments, etc., during the school day must report to the school office, identify themselves, & sign their children out. All students must be picked up in the office. Students are not permitted to meet adults in parked vehicles. 3. If, for whatever the reason, it is necessary for a student to arrive at school after 9:15 A.M., a parent should check in the student at the office. Often, a student enters alone assuming a lunch can be purchased. Depending upon the time, it might be too late to order one. If the parent drives off without knowledge of this, the student might not receive a lunch. We want to prevent this from happening. If you know your child will be late, you should phone the office before 9:30 or notify the classroom teacher the previous day to order a lunch. 4. Children may not be dismissed early without a signed note from the parent, and this includes medical appointments, etc. The child must be picked up at the office, and adults picking up students must complete the “Student Pick-Up Log Book.” 5. Unusual circumstances that may affect the safety of the child should be reported to the school by parents. For example, pending divorce and/or custody conflicts that indicate that there may be a question about who has authority to pickup the child should be reported to the principal and/or teacher so that we are aware of the problem. This information will be kept in the strictest of confidence. 6. Authorization to Pick Up: Students will not be released to anyone other than the parents or persons designated on the student data sheet unless the school has a signed note from the parent authorizing this action. If there is a court order indicating custody, a copy must be provided to the school. If you send someone to pick your child up who is unfamiliar to the office staff, please let him/her know that he may be asked to verify his identity. We will not release a student if we are unsure that it is appropriate to do so. 7. Students have been, and will continue to be, encouraged to report unusual behavior on the way to and from school. 8. Students will be encouraged to, if possible, walk to school with a friend or a group of other students. Parents are also encouraged to, when possible, walk with their children to the bus stop. 9. Walkers and bus students are to go directly home after school. Playing or visiting with friends, playing ball, etc., should occur after they have reported home. 10. Students assigned to buses are not permitted to walk home or walk to a friend’s home without written parent permission. 11. Students will not be kept after school unless parents are notified and in agreement. 12. Students must ride their regularly assigned buses and get on and off the buses at regularly assigned stops. STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHS School pictures will be taken early in the school year. Information regarding packets and prices will be sent home with each child. If parents are dissatisfied with the pictures, they may be returned for a full refund or retaken during the picture make-up. Use of Student Photos or Videos: As part of the educational process, there is occasion to film students involved in a vast array of classroom and building projects and activities and to put the photographs on display. Parents who do not want their child’s image used in a District publication, display, or broadcast must provide written request to that effect to the building principal at the beginning of each school year. STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM (S.S.T.) Students who experience academic difficulties and/or social and emotional concerns may be referred to our Student Support Team. The team consists of several school staff members, including the student’s teacher, and parents. The team members discuss and plan intervention strategies that will assist in providing an effective educational program, as well as other school services that may be needed to meet the student’s learning needs. Parents, teachers, administration, or students may initiate requests for assistance. Please contact the principal if you feel that your child may need extra help in order to be successful in the classroom. PARENT HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT “JUST FOR CENTER AVENUE” BREAKFAST Center Avenue students are offered a breakfast daily, starting at 8:45. Breakfast cost $1 for students paying the regular rate, and $.30 for the reduced rate. Breakfast ends at 9:10, so that students can be in their homerooms by 9:15. LUNCH SCHEDULE First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:25 12:30 12:35 – – – – – – 12:20 12:25 12:30 12:55 1:00 1:05 GETTING STUDENTS TO & FROM SCHOOL SAFELY Crossing Guards Crossing guards are located at two intersections: Zeigler Avenue and Center Avenue Center Avenue & Lincoln/Monroe Street Students who need to cross Center Avenue must do so at the traffic light at the intersection of Center Avenue & Monroe St. There are no crossing guards on duty during the mid-day kindergarten dismissal and arrival times. Arrival Of Students Students should arrive no earlier than 8:45 AM. There is no staff supervision of students before 8:45 AM, other than scheduled activities and practices. All students (bus students and walkers) must enter the building through one of the main entrances (the Lincoln Avenue door or the door by the office) and pass through the metal detector every day before going to their classrooms. After entering the building, students should proceed directly to their homerooms, cafeteria, or the location of a scheduled activity. Staff members will supervise the arrival of students between 8:45 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. (the time at which school starts). Kindergarten: Morning kindergarten students may enter through either main entrance (Lincoln Avenue or the door by the office). They will be dismissed from the Lincoln Avenue door. Afternoon kindergarten students will enter by the Lincoln Avenue door, and will be dismissed with the rest of the school from the Short Street door. For Parents Who Bring Students To School: Parents who are driving should not park in the bus lane on Lincoln Avenue between 8:45 – 9:15 A.M, and 3:15 – 3:45 PM. If a student arrives after 9:15 A.M., the parent should escort the child to the office, explain why the child is late for school, and make the necessary arrangements for the child to receive a lunch for that day. Dismissal of Students All walkers are dismissed from the Short Street side of the building at 3:30 PM. Bus students are dismissed from the Lincoln Avenue door at 3:30 PM. If your child is getting picked up instead of riding the bus, please send a note with your child in the morning or call the office by 1:00 P.M. This will ensure that we will not have to keep interrupting classrooms to inform the teachers of dismissal changes. We must have a note or call from a parent to change a child’s usual transportation; we cannot take a child’s word, as they often are incorrect! Parents who pick up need to sign their children out in the office. Students will not be sent outside of the building to meet parents, other than at the 3:30 dismissal time. Students should be picked up by 3:30 P.M. Since proper supervision of the students is not available beyond this time, it is necessary that parents be punctual. Due to the degree of bus and car traffic at dismissal time, caution should be used when driving & walking near the school. Short Street between Lincoln Avenue and the school’s driveway is closed to traffic at dismissal time (3:20 – 3:35). The parking lot at the Arbors is private property. Parents who drive should not use the Arbors parking lot as a place to meet their children. Parking for parents is available in the Center Avenue School parking lot on Short Street, just above the Arbors lot. TITLE I PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT “Title I” refers to a federal initiative to support student achievement in reading and math. Different schools across the district qualify for Title I services depending on the needs of the school. Working closely with classroom teachers, the Title I teachers identify students who need extra help in reading and/or math in order to remain on grade level. They work with the students daily, either individually or in small groups. Center Avenue School has a school-wide Title I program, staffed by three reading specialists. The reading specialists are responsible for diagnosing & remediating reading problems with individual or small groups of students, as well as for collecting & disseminating progress-monitoring data. A block schedule with staggered times for reading & math instruction ensures that each of the primary grades can receive assistance from a reading specialist & learning support teacher or paraprofessional for small group instruction. Parent volunteers are welcomed into classrooms to listen to individual students practice their oral reading. At Center Avenue School, there is a Parent Involvement Coordinator who is responsible for organizing activities and events to bring parents into the school, and to help keep parents informed of school activities. The Parent Involvement Coordinator is a member of the ParentTeacher Organization, and serves as a liaison among PTO, staff & parents. The Coordinator writes a monthly newsletter for parents, which often includes tips for helping students become more successful in school. She also maintains a Parent Information Center, located in the hallway by the office, which includes a rotating collection of brochures about various parenting topics. Activities aimed at involving parents have included: Monthly PTO meetings; Open House; “Coffee klatches”; “Lunch with a Loved One” week; Classroom parties; Santa’s Workshop; Book Fairs; Dr. Seuss Celebration; Kindergarten Registration & Orientation Activities; PTO Fun Day. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES All schools in the Butler Area School District have safety and security plans to respond to critical incidents. The ability to be flexible and follow directions from public safety officials are key components of these plans. Actions taken will depend a great deal on the magnitude and proximity of each incident in relation to school locations. School personnel will receive detailed instructions on the implementation of such plans and will be provided the necessary materials to carry them out. It is important that parents understand the procedures that the schools will follow and cooperate fully with the components of each school’s emergency response plans. These plans and procedures have been developed in cooperation with Butler County Emergency Management Services, Butler Township Fire Marshall, Pennsylvania State Police, and the Butler County Radio Network. CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL INCIDENTS In the event of a chemical or biological incident, the District’s In-Sheltering Plan will be implemented. Generally, incidents that require in-sheltering procedures have a probable duration of hours, not days. In-sheltering procedures involve: Bringing all students and adults into the building and reporting to homerooms; Shutting off the ventilation systems; Closing and locking all doors and windows; Utilizing materials from classroom in-sheltering kits to seal doors and uni-vents, and providing students with dampened disposable washcloths to assist with breathing if necessary; Sealing exterior doors with plastic and duct tape; Awaiting instructions from Butler County Emergency management Service. Opening and closing of doors would allow the entry or airborne substances into the building. Therefore, it is unlikely that parents will be permitted to come to the school to pick up students during in-sheltering procedures. During an in-sheltering situation, Emergency Management Service Personnel, law enforcement officials, and School District personnel will determine when students and staff members are safe to exit the building. PARENTAL ASSISTANCE Parents are asked to cooperate in the following ways during school emergencies: Listen to the local radio stations for information regarding school emergencies. Do not attempt to come to the school to pick up your child if in-sheltering or evacuation procedures are in place, unless instructed to do so. This may create a dangerous traffic situation that could prevent the schools from enacting emergency evacuation plans (if the situation warrants an evacuation), compromise the safety of students and staff members, or interfere with the District’s ability to accurately account for all students in an emergency response situation. In addition, you may jeopardize your own personal welfare by attempting to gain access to the school if a dangerous substance or situation is present. Cooperate with school, law enforcement and emergency management personnel who are dealing with the situation. The individual school (s) will not be able to handle all incoming calls from concerned parents. Information will be provided through the local radio stations, television channels, and the District Administrative Offices. Call 724-287-8721 if you need additional information during a school emergency. Please be patient; your call will be answered as soon as possible. Know the evacuation relocation sites for your child’s school. They are included in this information sheet. If your child’s school is evacuated, report to the relocation site to pick up your child. Do not attempt to pick up your child at the school prior to students and staff being evacuated. At the direction of Butler County Emergency Management Services, law enforcement, and/or School District officials, evacuation relocation sites may be changed based on the nature and magnitude of the incident. Any changes from the designated evacuation sites would immediately be announced via the emergency communications. EVACUATION RELOCATION SITES In the event of an emergency that requires the evacuation and relocation of any school (s), the following are the relocation sites where parents would be directed to pick up their children: Evacuation Plan A: Evacuation Plan B: Evacuation Plan C: This involves the evacuation of Butler City Elementary Schools, McQuistion, plus secondary schools within the District. This involves the evacuation of individual of all Elementary schools to District Secondary schools. This involves the evacuation of Butler Area School District students to neighboring school districts. The evacuation plan for Center Avenue is: Plan A: Students will be transported to and sheltered at the Clearfield Elementary School; Plan B: Students will be transported to and sheltered at the Butler Senior High School; Plan C: Students will be transported to and sheltered at Knoch High School. If Center Avenue School needs to be evacuated during inclement weather, and circumstances prevent the staff and students from staying inside of the school, the students and staff will use the Arbors Apartments common area on the first floor as a temporary site. The Arbors Apartments are located on Lincoln Avenue, across Short Street from the school. This site will only be used until transportation to one of the sites above arrives. All staff present in the building at the time of the evacuation will accompany the children on the buses to the evacuation site. Parents will be kept informed of the location of the children through local radio and television announcements. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS In the event of a school emergency, all information will be released to the Butler County Radio network. Parents are asked to tune in to one of the following stations for information and updates: Local Stations WBUT – 1050 AM WISR – 680 AM WLER – 97.7 FM Local and Regional Stations In the event of a power outage affecting the local radio stations, tune into the following local and regional media: KDKA radio (1020 AM) KDKA TV (Channel 2) WTAE TV (Channel 4) WPXI TN (Channel 11) Armstrong Cable Services It is unlikely that your child’s school will be able to handle a large volume of incoming calls. Parents are asked to call 724-287-8721 for essential communications with the School District related to an emergency situation. Please be patient; your call will be answered as soon as possible. In the event that the School District’s internal telephone system becomes inoperative due to a power outage, each school has an outside line that will be used until the system is restored. The emergency phone number is the school’s fax line: 724-287-0263. This number is only functional during an emergency situation. Please do not call this number unless the call is extremely urgent. LOCKDOWNS The school periodically conducts lockdown drills to prepare the students and staff to react properly to an intruder in the building. Teachers discuss the procedures with the students before and after the drill. WEATHER EMERGENCIES The Butler Area School District is subject to a variety of natural hazards (winter storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Once the office receives word of an imminent danger (for example, a tornado warning), an announcement is made over the public address system for the teachers to take appropriate action. A school-wide tornado drill is practiced once a year. Teachers discuss the procedures with the students before and after the drill. Butler Area School District ELEMENTARY DISCIPLINE HANDBOOK August 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 Guidelines for Student Behavior ........................................................................... --Detention --Suspension --Expulsion --Student Hearings 2 Attendance ........................................................................................................... 5 Bullying and Harassment .................................................................................... 8 Bus – Progressive Disciplinary Action .................................................................. 9 Bus -- Regulations ................................................................................................ 10 Cafeteria Behavior................................................................................................ 12 Cheating ............................................................................................................... 12 Disobedience ....................................................................................................... 12 Disrespect ............................................................................................................ 12 Dress Code ......................................................................................................... 12 Drugs and Alcohol ................................................................................................ 15 Electronic Devices ................................................................................................ 21 Field Trips ............................................................................................................ 22 Fighting ................................................................................................................ 22 Gum ..................................................................................................................... 23 Homework/ Make-up Work .................................................................................. 23 Inappropriate Language/Swearing ....................................................................... 24 Leaving School Without Permission .................................................................... 24 Off-Campus Activities .......................................................................................... 25 Racial and Ethnic Intimidation .............................................................................. 25 Sexual Harassment .............................................................................................. 25 Student Expression .............................................................................................. 26 Student Searches / Metal Detection Systems ...................................................... 26 Terroristic Threats/Acts ........................................................................................ 29 Theft ..................................................................................................................... 30 Tobacco ............................................................................................................... 30 Vandalism ............................................................................................................ 30 Weapons and Assault .......................................................................................... 30 Websites/Internet ................................................................................................. 31 (Sample) Elementary Discipline Referral ............................................................. 32 NON-DISCRIMINATION Butler Area School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Michael Strutt, Title IX Coordinator, or Mr. Aaron Royhab, Section 504 Coordinator, at 110 Campus Lane, Butler, PA 16001, (724) 287-8721. For more information regarding services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mr. Aaron Royhab at (724) 287-8721. INTRODUCTION Excellent behavior of students is essential in creating a positive learning environment within our schools. Therefore, the following discipline handbook has been created as a guide for elementary students, parents, teachers, and administrators to help create and foster such an environment for all students. This booklet is intended to give those concerned an overview of some of the District’s policies and a reference for discipline questions that may arise. Communication between home and school is crucial in developing an understanding of situations. Involving a parent/guardian at the beginning of the problem is the goal of Butler Area School District. Working together, we can help the student develop into a responsible citizen and learner. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 30. Elementary GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR Proper student behavior is represented by each student developing the desire and ability to live as a responsible citizen in a free society. It is the by-product of teaching and growth which results in an individual’s feeling that s/he does right because it is his/her habit to do right. The most effective procedure to develop positive behavior is through the development of self-discipline in each student. Therefore, discipline will always seek to foster self-discipline. When a consequence is necessary for a student’s misbehavior it shall: 1) Relate in kind and degree to the misbehavior. 2) Help the student learn to accept responsibility for his/her actions. 3) Be directed, where possible, to make better any harm which may have been caused by the student’s misconduct. 4) Hold parents or guardians accountable for the actions of their sons, daughters, or wards. Each student must adhere to the Board policies and the Code of Student Conduct governing student discipline. Definitions Detention: Detention is assigned by the principal. Detention is held in an assigned area on designated days. Every student who is assigned detention should report to the assigned area on the day determined by the administrator. The requirements for detention are promptness, silence, constructive writing, studying, or reading. Transportation home from detention is the responsibility of the student and parent. (Policy No. 218) Suspension: In-school Suspension shall mean a student will be removed from the classroom and assigned to a special study area under the direct supervision of a staff member. (Policy No. 233) Out-of-School Suspension: a) Temporary Suspension shall mean exclusion from school for an offense for a period of up to three days by the administrator, without a hearing. (Policy No. 233) b) Full Suspension shall mean exclusion from school for an offense for a period of up to ten school days, after an informal hearing before the principal is offered to the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 31. Elementary Suspension Procedures (In-school Suspension): No student will receive an in-school suspension without notice of the reasons for which s/he is suspended and an opportunity to be heard prior to the time the suspension becomes effective. The parent(s)/ guardian(s) shall be informed of the suspension. Suspension Procedures (Out-of-School Suspension): The principal or teacher in charge of a public school may suspend any student for disobedience or misconduct for a period of one (1) to ten (10) consecutive school days. No student may be suspended without notice of the reasons for which s/he is suspended and an opportunity to be heard in his/her behalf before the building principal. When the suspension exceeds three (3) days, the student and parent(s)/ guardian(s) will be given the opportunity for an informal hearing with the building principal. The hearing will take place as soon as possible after the suspension. The suspension, in most cases, will officially start the next school day after issuing the suspension. An informal hearing is the contact of the school administrator with the parent/ guardian to discuss the student’s infraction and the appropriateness of the discipline rendered to change this behavior. The student will assume the responsibility of making up work missed because of time lost due to the suspension. Suspension is considered a planned absence; therefore, the suspended student shall have only that number of make-up days equal to the number of days missed up to a maximum of five (5) days total. Definition Expulsion: Expulsion shall mean exclusion from school for an offense for a period exceeding ten (10) school days and may be a permanent expulsion from the school rolls, by action of the Board of School Directors. (Policy 233) Expulsion Procedures: No student will be expelled without an opportunity for a formal hearing before the Board of School Directors, or a qualified hearing examiner appointed by the Board. The adjudication or decision of the committee or hearing examiner must be approved by the Board of School Directors. Students who are less than seventeen (17) years of age are still subject to the compulsory school attendance law even though expelled and must attend school. The responsibility for placing the student in school rests initially with the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). If, however, the expelled student is unable to attend another public or private school, or if the expelled student is not eligible to do so, the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall immediately notify in writing the Assistant Superintendent’s Office of said fact. Options and guidance will be provided by the Assistant Superintendent at that time. Hearings: The formal hearing shall be preceded by an informal hearing. If an informal hearing indicates that a student’s presence in school would constitute a threat to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 32. Elementary himself/herself or of others, and it is not possible to hold a formal hearing within the period of a full suspension, the student may be excluded from school for more than ten (10) school days by the principal and with the concurrence of the superintendent, provided the hearing is not unreasonably delayed. Any student so excluded shall be provided with alternative instruction in accordance with administrative regulations. At the formal hearing for expulsion, due process shall be assured the student through the following provisions: 1) The student’s parent(s)/guardian(s), unless the student is emancipated, must be notified of the charges and of the time and place of the hearing by certified mail. 2) The hearing shall be private, unless the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) or the student himself/herself in the event that he or she is emancipated requests it be held in public. 3) The student shall have the right to an impartial tribunal, to be represented by counsel, and to testify and produce witnesses on his/her behalf. 4) The student has a right to the names of witnesses against him/her, to copies of affidavits of those witnesses, and to demand that any such witnesses appear in person and answer questions or be cross-examined. 5) If the student and/or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) are dissatisfied with the findings of the hearing, recourse can be had to the appropriate court. 6) A record shall be kept of the hearing, either by a stenographer or by tape recorder. The student is entitled, at the student’s expense, to a copy of the transcript. 7) Expelled students who are eligible to return to school must attend a readmission hearing with a parent/guardian and must sign a Behavior Stipulation Agreement as a condition of readmission. Failure to comply with any of the requirements in the Behavior Stipulation Agreement may result in future and immediate disciplinary action. Re-admission to School: Expelled students who are eligible to return to school must attend a readmission hearing with a parent/guardian and must sign a Behavior Stipulation Agreement as a condition of readmission. Failure to comply with any of the requirements in the Behavior Stipulation Agreement may result in future and immediate disciplinary action. While suspended from school, students lose the privilege to practice or compete on athletic teams or participate in any after-school activity, rehearsal, practice or meeting. Students are not permitted on any school district property during a suspension without prior approval from a building administrator. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 33. Elementary ATTENDANCE POLICY (Policy No. 204) School Attendance is Important Regular and punctual attendance to all school sessions is important to each student for the following reasons: 1. The student who attends school regularly derives the maximum benefit from the instructional program. 2. Students with good attendance records generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and are more employable after leaving high school. Regulations: Compulsory School Attendance The Board of Education requires that school-age pupils enrolled in the schools of the District attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the state. The educational program offered by this District is predicated upon the presence of the pupil and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress. Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the schools during the days and hours that school is in session, except that a principal or teacher may excuse a student for temporary absence when s/he receives satisfactory evidence of such mental, physical, or other urgent reasons which may reasonably cause the student’s absence. Urgent reasons shall be strictly construed and do not permit irregular attendance. Excused, Unexcused, and Unlawful Absences Absences from school will be classified as excused, unexcused, and unlawful. The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Child Accounting categorized excused, unexcused, and unlawful absences as follows: Excused Absence Excused absence includes the absence of a pupil for any one of the following reasons: …Illness or recovery from an accident …Quarantine …Required court attendance …Death in family …Family emergency (Unavoidable) …Inclement weather/impassable roads …Other urgent reasons approved by the building principal Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 34. Unexcused and Unlawful Absence Unlawful absence is the unexcused absence of a pupil of compulsory school age (all pupils under seventeen years of age). Unlawful absence is always an unexcused absence. An unlawful absence may include but is not limited to the following: …Absence through parental neglect …Illegally employed …Truancy An unexcused absence may occur when a parent does not provide a written excuse for an absence within five (5) school days. At the end of the fifth school day, all absences for which excuses have not been recorded will be marked as an unexcused absence. Chronic unexcused absences warrant parent notification and possible disciplinary and/or legal consequences if the problem is not resolved. These unexcused absences may be used to serve First Notice. If the First Notice is issued, a fine will result. All unexcused absences will become unlawful if they are chronic and/or unresolved. If a student misses a test or an important lesson because of an unlawful absence, the loss is his/her own. Teachers are under no obligation to permit the student to complete assignments or make up tests missed during the unlawful absence. TRUANCY Truancy is the act of a student who stays away from school without permission. 1. First Offense: Seven (7) hours of detention for the first day and progressive disciplinary action for each successive day of truancy. TARDINESS Every student should be in his/her classroom before the beginning of the school day. The school day begins at 9:15 a.m. Failure to do so is considered tardy. When a student has accumulated a total of five (5) tardies to school, a parent conference will be held. School time missed due to chronic tardiness to school without an excused absence may be accumulated and converted to an equivalent number of days of unexcused absence. A citation may be issued to those parents/ guardians who fail to comply with the statutory requirements of compulsory attendance through their children’s chronic, unexcused tardiness to school. Parental Responsibility: Written Excuses The parent/guardian of a school-age child is responsible to provide an explanation in writing for the pupil’s absence from school. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 35. The mere fact that a parent/guardian has sent a written explanation to the teacher does not necessarily mean that the absence is “excused.” An unexcused/ unlawful absence is one for which such reasons as these are given: away from home, visiting, had to go to the store, working, hunting, or oversleeping, or other reasons clearly attributable to parental neglect. If a student is excessively absent from school (fifteen (15) days per semester or twenty (20) days per year), the parent/guardian may be required to verify each additional illness/injury with a written excuse from a doctor. In the event this is necessary, the parent or guardian will be notified by mail. Days excused by a certified doctor will not count toward the 15-day/20-day limit. The administration has the right to excuse other absences as urgent conditions arise. Every parent/guardian of any child of compulsory school age is subject to penalties if compulsory school-age attendance requirements are not met. The District will give three (3) days’ written notice of violation of compulsory attendance prior to filing a citation with the District Justice’s Office and will attempt to develop a Truancy Elimination Plan (TEP) in cooperation with the parent/guardian. Nonattendance: First Offense and Second Offense If compulsory attendance violations continue, the District will proceed with the filing of a citation with the local magisterial district judge. Possible sentences for parents /guardians found to be in violation of compulsory attendance law include the following: 1) paying a fine of up to $300.00 for each offense and court costs, 2) completing a parenting education program, 3) in cases where the party convicted fails to pay the fine or complete the parenting education program, a subsequent sentencing to the county jail for no more than five (5) days, 4) completing in lieu of, or in addition to the previous penalties, community service within the School District for a period of no more than six (6) months. Student Responsibility: Attendance Procedures What to Do: 1. When returning to school after being absent, a written excuse must be provided, signed by a parent or guardian, stating the exact reason why the student was absent, and the dates of the absence. (“Illness” is not an exact reason, so state specifically what kind of “Illness.”) 2. The student must give the excuse to his/her teacher. 3. When the student reports to school after an absence without a written excuse, he/she will be asked to bring one the next time he/she comes to school. 4. Absences will be recorded as unexcused if the absence note is not received within five (5) school days from the day the child returns to school. All unexcused absences will become unlawful if they are chronic and/or unresolved. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 36. Student Responsibility: Early Dismissals What to do if you wish to get out of school early for some important reason: 1. Present an excuse written by the student’s parent or guardian to the teacher before the time the student wishes to be excused. 2. If the excuse is approved by the building principal, the student will be permitted to leave school early. The early dismissal request may be verified by phone. The practice of the school is to cooperate with the medical and dental professions as much as possible. However, the student may not be excused from school to keep routine medical and dental appointments which can be made for out-of-school hours, Saturdays, or other school holidays. Early dismissals will be granted in cases of emergency if the student brings a request from his/her doctor or dentist and is signed by the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Dismissal from school to attend church activities on religious holidays which do not coincide with vacation days on the school calendar may be permited. Waiver of Compulsory Attendance Parents may apply for a waiver of the compulsory attendance regulations when they want their children to accompany them on a family trip, which the Superintendent or his/her designee deems to have educational value. The approval must follow Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations. Parents are required to notify the building principal in advance by submitting an application requesting the waiver. Application forms are available in each principal’s office. Approval by the principal is required. Final approval rests with the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. Homebound Instruction (Policy No. 117) Pupils unable to attend school and who anticipate confinement to their homes because of an extended illness or injury may apply for homebound instruction through the office of their respective building principal. BULLYING AND HARASSMENT (Policy 218) The Board prohibits all forms of bullying and harassment of students by all District students. Bullying or Harassment is defined as conduct where a student strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another student to physical contact or attempts or threatens to do the same, or when a student commits acts or engages in a course of conduct which demonstrates: A) an attempt to place the person in reasonable fear of bodily injury Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 37. B) C) D) E) an intent to cause substantial emotional distress to the person hostile, offensive or derogatory remarks physical interference with another student’s movements offensive or abusive behavior having the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s academic pursuits or going to and from school The term “harassment” or “bullying” includes but is not limited to slurs, jokes, hazing, or other verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, genre, national origin, age, handicap/disability, or sexual preference. The Board directs that complaints of bullying or harassment be investigated promptly, and corrective action be taken when allegations are verified. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the District’s legal and investigative obligations. Neither reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith charges of harassment or bullying. Consequences for bullying or harassment may range from a warning or loss of privilege(s) to out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Board of School Directors for an expulsion hearing. BUS -- PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY ACTION (Policy No. 810) Poor conduct and discipline on a school bus can endanger the safety of every student riding it. Misbehavior of any type, therefore, cannot be permitted. Any violation of the bus regulations approved by the School Board will result in the following: Infraction Type A Pushing, tripping, hitting, scratching, standing, grabbing, spitting, shouting, yelling, screaming, profane language, littering, eating or drinking, opening windows against drivers orders, disobeying driver, rude annoying conduct, obscene gestures/material/remarks, failure to remain seated, failure to sit in assigned seat, jumping over seats, moving from seat to seat, improper boarding/departing procedures, refusing to identify himself to the bus driver, or other similar offenses deemed by the principal and transportation supervisor to merit the following penalties. 1. First Offense: A verbal reprimand or seat assignment change and parents will be notified. 2. Second Offense: A warning and parents will be notified. 3. Third Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for one day. 4. Fourth Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for three days. 5. Fifth Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for five days. 6. Sixth Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for fifteen days. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 38. 7. Seventh Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for thirty days. 8. Eighth Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for remainder of year. Infraction Type B Insulting the driver, fighting, verbal/abusive language, obscene material, intimidation or bullying of others, tampering with bus equipment or damaging the bus (restitution required), destroying property of others, arms or head out of the windows, throwing potentially dangerous items in or out of the bus, opening exit doors, or other similar offenses deemed by the principal and transportation supervisor to merit the following penalties. 1. First Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for three days. 2. Second Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for fifteen days. 3. Third Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for thirty days. 4. Fourth Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for remainder of year. Infraction Type C Lighting of any ignitable items, smoking, chewing tobacco, visible possession of tobacco products, possession of weapons or mace, hitting or pushing the bus driver, throwing objects at the bus driver when he/she is on or off the bus, or other similar offenses deemed by the principal and transportation supervisor to merit the following penalty. 1. First Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for fifteen days. 2. Second Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for thirty days. 3. Third Offense: Suspension of riding privileges for remainder of year. DISCIPLINE MAY BE CHANGED AND ASSIGNED AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE BUILDING PRINCIPAL AND TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISOR A disciplinary letter will be used to notify individuals concerned with the action taken as a result of information furnished by the building principal, contractor or the school bus driver. The Transportation Office will mail the original letter to the parent, the second copy to the bus company and the driver, and the third copy to the building principal. A fourth copy will remain on file in the Transportation Office. BUS REGULATIONS Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 39. Copies of these regulations are mailed to every parent at the beginning of each school year: 1. Students will occupy assigned seats when instructed. 2. If another stop, other than the one assigned, is closer to your home, notify the Transportation Office. Any requests for bus schedule changes must be made through this office. Tampering with or destroying bus equipment is a very serious infraction and must be treated as such. This infraction will mean the revocation of the student’s bus privileges. 3. 4. Windows should be opened only with the permission of the driver. With windows open, the students must refrain from placing arm or head or any part of the body out of the window. 5. The use of tobacco in any form is forbidden and will be considered a major infraction. Revocation of bus privileges will result if a student smokes on the bus. 6. Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion. 7. Eating or drinking is prohibited while the bus is in motion. 8. Boisterous or profane language will not be tolerated on the bus or at the bus stop. 9. Rowdiness, shoving, tripping, fighting, etc., while waiting for the bus, or while a passenger on the bus are strictly prohibited and will be considered a major infraction. 10. The throwing or shooting of any object (rubber bands, pea shooter, straws, water guns, etc.) means immediate suspension of bus privileges. 11. The emergency door at the rear of the bus is to be opened only on the orders of the bus driver. 12. Students must be at the bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the scheduled time. Waiting for one tardy student could mean that a bus load of students will be late for school. Drivers are not to wait for students who make a habit of arriving late at the stop. 13. Students are not permitted to leave any trash on the bus. The bus is to be as clean at the end of the run as the beginning of the run. 14. Bus students are required to ride the bus when such transportation is assigned unless transportation is provided by the parents. 15. The school bus driver shall not allow any live animals, firearms, explosives, or anything of a dangerous or objectionable nature on his/her bus while transporting pupils. 16. Gym bags, band instruments, or any school project shall not be placed in the aisles or areas near the entrance door. Items of this nature must not be allowed on the bus unless they can be held on the pupil’s lap without endangering the safety of other pupils. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 40. Video Monitors On School Buses (Policy No. 810.1) The Board of School Directors and school officials recognize that serious misconduct on a school bus may jeopardize the safety of all passengers. Therefore, video monitoring cameras shall be used to discourage student misconduct. The use of video cameras on school buses as an aide to monitor student behavior does not replace the discipline policy as enumerated in Policy 810, or the authority of the bus driver, or the responsibility of school officials to act on bus misconduct. The Bus Conduct Report shall remain the primary tool for use by the driver in reporting misconduct that cannot be corrected by less formal means. Video cameras will be assigned to buses on a rotating or an “as needed” basis. Additional guidelines are listed in policy 810.1. CAFETERIA BEHAVIOR (Policy No. 218) The 30-minute lunch period is that part of the school day during which time students have an opportunity to eat their lunch in the school lunchroom. During this period, students will be supervised by cafeteria monitors. Students are expected to cooperate with the monitors, to demonstrate etiquette and socially acceptable behaviors, and to adhere to established lunchroom rules and regulations specific to the setting. Depending upon the infraction, disciplinary action can range from a simple verbal warning to a suspension from school. CHEATING (Policy No. 218) Cheating is a very serious offense. Students who are caught cheating on tests or other assignments may receive a zero or have points deducted for that particular work. The teacher should inform the parent or guardian of the offense. The second offense will result in the student receiving a zero for the assignment. A phone conference between teacher and parent, or a conference between teacher, parent, and student will occur. The teacher will inform the principal of the second offense. DISOBEDIENCE (Policy No. 218) Disobedience is defined as the refusal or failure to obey any professional and support staff. The consequence for this violation could range from a parental conference, to loss of a privilege, to detention, to suspension, depending upon the severity of the case. DISRESPECT (Policy No. 218) Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 41. Disrespect is defined as the lack of respect, rudeness, or offensive behavior in word or action to any professional and support staff. The consequence for this violation could range from a warning or loss of a privilege to detention or suspension, depending upon the severity of the case. DRESS CODE -- STUDENTS (Policy No. 221) 1. An individual’s dress, personal appearance, and cleanliness, like his/her behavior, should reflect a sensitivity to and a respect for others. The fact that the school will permit a wide variety in school clothes does not mean that all styles are equally appropriate. This is a decision that the student must make in conjunction with his/her parents or guardian, always keeping in mind that his/her appearance must not present a clear and present danger to the student’s health and safety, cause an interference with work, or create classroom or school disorder. Students may be required to wear certain types of clothing while participating in physical education classes, shops, extracurricular activities, or other situations where special attire may be required to ensure the health or safety of the student. a. Guidelines for Acceptable Dress: Although this is no attempt to include all items, the following types of clothing will be excluded from what is considered acceptable dress by District students: 1) Articles which are soiled with grease, oil, paint and dirt. 2) Articles that could cause damage to other students or property. 3) Torn or ragged clothing. 4) Apparel that reveals or exposes the midriff, lower back, chest, sides of the upper body, and/or undergarments. 5) Gang-related attire, articles of clothing which are inappropriately designed, contain offensive and/or inappropriate logos, iron-ons, emblems, decorations, and words. 6) Clothing, pins, patches, tattoos, or any other items that encourage violence. b. Footwear: Shoes must be worn throughout the building at all times, except in the locker room and pool areas. Students are expected to follow all school rules related to safety that may require proper foot protection; for example, in science labs, shops, physical education classes, etc. Steel-toed shoes are not permitted. c. Clothing: Clothing should be worn in the manner for which it has been designed. For example: 1) Shirts and blouses must be properly buttoned. 2) Outerwear (coats) must be placed in lockers or on coat hooks during the school day. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 42. 3) Camouflage clothing, unless required for a class activity, and tear-away pants are not permitted. 4) Loose-fitting clothing such as baggy pants must be secured with a belt and must be worn above the hips. The midriff, lower back, chest, sides of the upper body, and/or undergarments may not be exposed. 5) To avoid accidental tripping or falls, pant legs are not permitted to be worn below the student’s footwear. Students representing the school at extracurricular activities should wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. d. Shorts: Shorts are permitted to be worn by students provided that they meet the following guidelines. Shorts must: 1) Reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one’s sides. If a student wears a combination of layers of clothing, the length of the outer garment must reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one’s sides. 2) Be designed and sold as walking shorts such as Bermuda shorts, or culottes; swim suits, cutoff, gym shorts, and shorts with frayed or slit bottoms are not acceptable. e. Skirt/Dress Length Guidelines: Skirts and dresses should be long enough to reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one’s sides. If a student wears a combination of layers of clothing, the length of the outer garment must reach below the fingertips when the arms are fully extended at one’s sides. f. Hats/Caps: Students are expected to remove caps or other “headgear” while in the building. g. Body Piercing: Body piercing shall be restricted as follows: 1) Ears, eyebrows, nose, and tongue piercing items shall be removed for safety reasons in the following curricular and extracurricular activities: a) Physical education classes b) Science lab classes in which protective eye glasses must fit securely around the eyes c) Industrial arts classes where equipment is used and protective eye glasses must be worn d) Extracurricular activities involving physical contact Body piercing that has become infected and presents a health hazard to the student and/or others is prohibited and must be removed. h. Accessories: Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 43. 1) Chains that are attached to wallets or other items are not permitted. 2) Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn during the school day unless medically prescribed. 2. Penalties: First Offense: Penalties for violation of the student dress code are as follows: Student will be sent home or retained in the office or the in-school suspension room until a parent or guardian provides a proper change of clothing. Second Offense: Student will be assigned to detention. Third Offense: Student will be assigned in-school suspension. Fourth Offense: Principal will determine appropriate consequence, ranging suspension to a hearing before the Board of School Directors. from 5. In view of the fact that fashions are continually changing, the building principals have the discretion to be the final authority in all issues regarding the dress code. DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY (Policy No. 227) The Board recognizes that the misuse of drugs and alcohol is a serious problem with legal, physical, and social implications for the whole school community. As an educational institution the District strives to prevent such abuse. For the purpose of this policy, controlled substance shall include all but are not limited to the following: 1) controlled substances prohibited by federal and state law, 2) look-alike drugs, 3) alcoholic beverages, 4) anabolic steroids, 5) drug paraphernalia, 6) any volatile solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited to glue and aerosol products, 7) prescription or patent drugs, except those for which permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Board policy. Any student attending any District school is not permitted to possess controlled substances while on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function , or event. Alcohol: 1. A student involved in the possession or use of an alcoholic beverage on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event will receive a ten day out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to law enforcement officials, and will be assigned either Option One or Option Two as indicated below. 2. A student, while on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or in a school bus to or from school, or a school-sponsored activity, Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 44. function or event who is or appears to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or who has or appears to have consumed alcoholic beverages will receive a ten-day, out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to law enforcement officials, and will be assigned either Option One or Option Two as indicated below. Option One: Parent and student will sign a form at the time of the suspension stipulating that they will adhere to the following terms and conditions: a. The student, within the ten-day suspension, will voluntarily participate in a drug and/or alcohol assessment at the expense of the family. The family has the right to select the agency of their choice to conduct the assessment from a list provided by the building principal at the time of the suspension. b. Upon receipt of written notification that the results of the assessment were negative, the student, at the conclusion of the ten-day out-of-school suspension, will be permitted to return to the regular education program. c. If the written notification of the assessment is not received prior to the end of the tenth day of the suspension, the student will temporarily be permitted to continue his or her education program. d. In order to continue temporarily in the regular education program, the student must continue to successfully complete each phase of the prescribed treatment program. e. Upon receipt of written verification of successful completion of the recommended treatment program, the student will return to the regular education program and participate in the appropriate student assistance program. Option Two: Should the parent and student not agree to the terms and conditions of Option One, one of the following will occur: a. Withdrawal from school in accordance with the Pennsylvania School Code. b. Fulfill an At-Home Instruction Program. c. Hearing before the Board of School Directors for possible expulsion from school. Any and all expenses associated with any of the provisions of Option Two are the responsibility of the family. Further, no student involved in an alcohol-related incident will be considered for readmission to school until written documentation of a drug/alcohol evaluation is provided, and that the student has successfully completed a rehabilitation program if the need for such a program is recommended through the evaluation. 3. Chemical Testing for use of alcoholic beverages (Alcotest). Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 45. a. Any time an employee of the Butler Area School District has reasonable grounds to believe that a student, while on school property or off school property during a schoolsponsored activity, function, or event, or on a school bus to or from school or a schoolsponsored activity, function, or event is under the influence of alcoholic beverages or has consumed alcoholic beverages, that employee shall, during regular school, accompany that student to the office of the principal of the building to which the student is assigned. b. Upon arriving at the office of the principal, the principal or his/her designee may request (except under the conditions listed in item 4) the student to submit to one or more chemical tests of the student’s breath which have been approved by the Board of School Directors of the Butler Area School District for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of the student’s blood. The student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified of the incident and will be encouraged to be present at the time the chemical test is administered. c. If the student agrees to one or more approved chemical tests of his/her breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of his/her blood, then one or more approved chemical tests of the student’s breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of the student’s blood shall be conducted by the building principal or his/her designee in the presence of a witness. d. During regular school hours, any student accused of, and denying being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or having consumed alcoholic beverages while on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on a bus to or from school or a school-sponsored activity, function, or event shall, upon request, have a right to one or more approved chemical tests of his/her breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of his/her blood. Said test(s) shall be conducted by the building principal or his/her designee in the presence of a witness. e. The result of any approved chemical tests of a student’s breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of the student’s blood shall be considered along with other competent evidence in determining whether the student was or was not under the influence of alcoholic beverages or had not consumed alcoholic beverages. f. The refusal of a student to submit to one or more approved chemical tests of his/her breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of his/her blood may be introduced into evidence, along with any other testimony concerning the circumstances of the refusal at the time of a hearing before the Board of School Directors. No presumption shall, however, arise from the refusal of a student to submit to one or more approved chemical tests of his/her breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of his/her blood, but may be considered along with other factors. g. The Alcotest may be waived for students who are obviously under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, i.e., breath smell, speech context, walk mannerisms, and the inability to control normal body functions. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 46. 4. Second offense situations will automatically be recommended to the Board of School Directors for an expulsion hearing. Drugs: 1. A student involved in the purchase, sale, or distribution of controlled substances and/or alternatives on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on a school bus, or during the time spent traveling independently to or from school or a school-sponsored activity, function, or event will receive a ten (10) day, outof-school suspension and be recommended to the Board for expulsion from school and be reported to law enforcement officials. A proven peddler of controlled substances and/or alternatives within the school premises will receive a ten-day, out-of-school suspension from school and be recommended to the Board of School Directors for expulsion from school. 2. A student possessing or using a controlled substance and/or its alternative on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on a school bus to or from school or a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, will receive a ten-day, out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to law enforcement officials, and will select either Option One or Option Two as indicated on pages 11, 12, and 13. 3. A student while on school property or off school property during a school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on a school bus to or from school or a school-sponsored activity, function, or event who is or appears to be under the influence of a controlled substance and/or its alternatives or has or appears to have used a controlled substance and/or its alternatives will receive a ten-day out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to the law enforcement officials, and will select Option One or Option Two as indicated below. 4. “Possession with intent to sell” -- Possession of controlled substance and/or its alternative ... (relative to minimum quantity that would lead to an expulsion hearing). 5. A student possessing drug-related paraphernalia will receive a ten-day, out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to law enforcement officials, and will select either Option One or Option Two as indicated on pages 11, 12, and 13. 6. Drug paraphernalia is defined as: All equipment, products, and materials of any kind which are used, intended for use or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance. Counterfeit Drugs: 1. A student possessing drug-related paraphernalia will receive a ten(10) day out-of-school suspension, be reported to law enforcement officials, and following consultation with the Superintendent or his/her designee will be informed that either Option One or Option Two is applicable. No student(s) shall distribute or sell a non-controlled substance that has a stimulant or depressant effect on humans which, or the label or the container of which, substantially resembles a specific controlled substance. In determining whether there has been a violation of this subsection, the following factors shall be considered: Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 47. a) Whether the non-controlled substance in its overall finished dosage appearance is substantially similar in size, shape, color, and markings or lack thereof to a specific controlled substance. b) Whether the non-controlled substance in its finished dosage form is packaged in a container which, or the labeling of which bears markings or printed material substantially similar to that accompanying or containing a specific controlled substance. 2. No student shall distribute or sell a non-controlled substance upon the expressed or implied representation that the substance is a controlled substance. In determining whether there has been a violation of this subsection, the following factors shall be considered: a) Whether the non-controlled substance in its overall finished dosage appearance is substantially similar in size, shape, color and markings or lack thereof to a specific controlled substance. b) Whether the non-controlled substance in its finished dosage form is packed in a container which, or the labeling of which, bears markings or printed materials substantially similar to that accompanying or containing a specific controlled substance. c) Whether the non-controlled substance is packaged in a manner ordinarily used for the illegal delivery of a controlled substance. d) Whether the consideration tendered in exchange for the non-controlled substance substantially exceeds the reasonable value of the substance and, where applicable, the price at which the over-the-counter substances of like chemical composition sell. e) Whether the consideration tendered in exchange for the non-controlled substance approximates or exceeds the price at which the substance would sell upon illegal delivery were it actually the specified controlled substance it physically resembles. 3. No student shall distribute or sell a non-controlled substance upon the expressed representation that the recipient, in turn, will be able to distribute or sell the substance as a controlled substance. 4. Any student violating any of the provisions of this “counterfeit drug” policy shall be subject to a ten-day, out-of-school suspension from school, be reported to law enforcement officials , and will select either Option One or Option Two as indicated below. Explanation: Counterfeit Drug Policies: The following is an attempt to explain the above “Counterfeit Drug Policies” of the Butler Area School District. This explanation shall, however, not be construed as limiting or expanding upon the above mentioned “Counterfeit Drug Policies.” No student shall distribute or sell any substances that are labeled or packaged in such a manner as to resemble a controlled substance. Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 48. No student shall distribute any substance upon the representation as to resemble a controlled substance. Penalties for Infraction of Drug/Counterfeit Drug Policies: 1. First offense situations may be reviewed, within five days of the incident, by the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee, prior to being recommended to the Board of School Directors for an expulsion hearing. Option One: Parent(s)/guardian(s) and student will sign a form at the time of the suspension stipulating that they will adhere to the following terms and conditions: a) Student, within the ten-day suspension will voluntarily participate in a drug and/or alcohol assessment at the expense of the family. The family has the right to select the agency of their choice to conduct the assessment from a list provided by the building principal at the time of the suspension. b) Upon receipt of written notification that results of the assessment were negative, the student, at the conclusion of the ten-day out-of-school suspension, will be permitted to return to the regular education program. c) If the written notification of the results of the assessment is not received prior to the end of the tenth day of suspension, the student will be temporarily assigned to the regular education program. d) In order to continue temporarily in the regular education program, the student must continue to successfully complete each phase of the prescribed program. e) Upon receipt of written verification of successful completion of the recommended treatment program, the student will return to the regular education program and participate in the appropriate student assistance program. Option Two: Should the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student not agree to the terms and conditions of Option One, one of the following will occur: a) Withdraw from school in accordance with Pennsylvania School Code b) Fulfill an At-Home Instruction Program c) Hearing before the Board of School Directors for possible expulsion from school Any and all expenses associated with any of the provisions of Option Two are the responsibility of the family. Further, no student involved in a drug-related incident will be considered for readmission to school until written documentation of a drug-alcohol Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 49. evaluation is provided and that the student has successfully completed a rehabilitation program if the need for such a program is recommended through the evaluation. 2. Second offense situations will automatically be recommended to the Board of School Directors for an expulsion hearing. Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine: The consumption or possession of products labeled and sold as non-alcoholic beer or wine, which have a similar packaged appearance as an alcoholic beverage, and which contain a percentage of alcohol is prohibited while on school property, off school property, or during a school-sponsored activity, function or event. Policy Justification: 1. Non-alcoholic beverages have a similar appearance to alcoholic beverages and may create the perception that a student is engaged in the consumption or possession of a controlled substance. 2. A non-alcoholic beverage container could be tampered with. The non-alcoholic beverage could be replaced with an alternative, unknown, controlled substance. 3. Glass bottles could create a danger if thrown, or if discarded improperly. Violation of this policy will result in the following: 1. First Offense: Warning (Option of Suspension) 2. Second Offense: One (1) day of in-school suspension 3. Third Offense: Three (3) days of in-school suspension 4. Fourth and any other Offenses: Three (3) days out-of-school suspension ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Policy No. 237) The Butler Area Board of School Directors has determined that the possession of most electronic devices by students is not a vital part of the educational process. Such items under most circumstances serve as a distraction to the educational process and some can be used in the furtherance of inappropriate and unsafe activities. Prohibited Items: Laser pens and other laser devices are particularly capable of causing harm and disruption and are therefore prohibited from being in a student’s possession in school, during a school-sponsored activity or on a District vehicle. Conditional Items: Students are discouraged from possessing certain types of electronic devices during school hours; however, their possession does not constitute a violation of this policy unless the student fails to comply with the following provisions: Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 50. Students are not to use audio listening devices (CD players, MP3 players, etc.), handheld electronic games, digital cameras, audio or video recording devices, or other such devices during the instructional school day unless they have permission from a staff member to do so as part of a classroom activity. In addition, the distribution, e-mailing, or posting on an Internet site of any unauthorized photograph, audio recording, or video recording taken in school buildings or on school grounds, or on any school bus or commercial vehicle providing transportation to and from school or any school-related activities is prohibited. Consequences for violation of this policy may include warning, detention, suspension, or a hearing before the Board of School Directors. Students may possess cell phones for use before and after school, but their use during the school day is strictly prohibited. “Use” is interpreted as using any cell phone function or feature, not just sending or receiving telephone calls. Cell phones must be turned off upon entering the school building and may not be turned on again until the student leaves the building at the end of the school day. Cell phones must be kept out of sight, and the student bears total responsibility for safeguarding this and any other device in his or her possession. The Butler Area School District assumes no responsibility for the loss, theft, damage, or misuse of any electronic device that is brought onto school grounds, to a school-sponsored activity or any District vehicle. Discipline: Violation of any part of this policy may result in consequences ranging from confiscation and loss of privileges, to detention, suspension, and referral to the Board of School Directors for possible expulsion. FIELD TRIPS (Policy No. 121) Field trips should be conducted for the purpose of extending, supplementing, and enriching the educational activities of the classroom. Field trips should be viewed as an extension of the school day and are, therefore, governed by established rules and regulations. Since students are representing both their school and the District as a whole, their conduct and appearance should be of exemplary nature and should depict an appropriate image of which everyone would be proud. It is hoped that every student would have an opportunity to participate in a field trip experience with his/her class. However, due to inappropriate student conduct and lack of cooperation which could jeopardize the safety and welfare of the student and/or the group while on the field trip, individual students may be excluded from participation in the field trip. FIGHTING (Policy No. 218) Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 51. Students are not permitted to fight in school, on school property, on the bus, or during schoolsponsored activities. Fighting will be dealt with by the classroom teacher and/or the Principal. Parents will be notified about the incident and actions taken. Depending on the severity of the incident and/or the frequency, the student(s) will receive the following punishment: 1. Loss of privilege or time-out with appropriate conflict resolution interventions 2. After-school detention 3. One to ten days of in-school or out-of-school suspension If proof can be obtained concerning the blame or cause of the fight, the student who provoked the fight may receive a time-out, detention, or suspension of longer duration. Students who instigate fights between others but do not actually participate may also receive a time-out, detention, or suspension. This includes students who push one student into another or who verbally incite other students into fighting. The local police may be involved in certain types of fights and disorderly conduct charges may be filed against all students involved in fighting. The local magistrate may levy a fine if disorderly conduct charges are filed. The student may also be referred to the Board of School Directors for a hearing and possible expulsion from school. GUM (Policy No. 218) Gum chewing is not permitted. The student will be asked to deposit the gum in the trash can. Repeat offenders will be assigned detention. HOMEWORK (Policy No. 130) and Make-up Work (Policy No. 204.1) Homework can be viewed as a student work task as directed by the teacher, to be completed by the student for a set period of time as specified by the teacher. The Butler Area School District recognizes the need for, and importance of, assigning and doing homework as an integral part of an extension of the instructional school day. Completion of assigned homework should aid in the development of knowledge, proper work habits, selfreliance and independence, and the responsibility in carrying through a work task to completion. This, in turn, will directly aid classroom instruction and indirectly prepare students for socially acceptable behaviors in an adult world. Homework should involve the combined efforts of the teacher, student, and parents. Teacher’s Role: Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 52. 1) Homework shall be used for positive purposes only. No homework shall be assigned as disciplinary measures. 2) Homework assignments shall be evaluated and shared with students, providing feedback and reinforcement of developed concepts. 3) Homework shall be incorporated in the compilation of students’ report card grades. 4) When a student habitually fails to do homework, the following steps shall be taken: a) a conference with the student, b) conference with parents, c) referral to a counselor. 5) Incomplete assignments may result in a range of consequences, as agreed upon by teacher and building administrator and reviewed with the student and parent. Student’s Role: 1) Students are encouraged and expected to complete all homework assignments to the best of their ability. Parent’s Role: 1) The support by parents is of paramount importance for a homework policy to operate effectively within our schools. 2) Parents should encourage their children to complete assignments, provide a home study area conducive for learning, and offer assistance and guidance as need be with the completion of tasks. Administrator’s Role: 1) Monitor homework practices to insure proper implementation of the provisions of the homework policy. Make-up Work (Policy No. 204.1): Unplanned Absence: Students who are legally absent from school and who provided a written excuse within five (5) days of return to school shall have up to five (5) days to make up work missed. The five (5) days begin the day that the student returns to school and is able to meet with each of his or her teachers. Should the student be absent again within the five (5) days designated to make up work, the student is entitled to an extension of the number of make-up days remaining from the initial absence. Example: Absence occurs on Friday (five allotted make-up days): Monday, first make up day (arrange make up work with teacher), Tuesday, second make up day, Wednesday, third make up day, Thursday, second absence, Friday, fourth make up day for initial absence and first make up day for second absence, Monday, fifth make up day for initial absence and second make up day for second absence, Tuesday, make up days for the initial absence have expired but make up days for second absence continue. If a student misses a class within the five (5) make up days as a result of participation in a schoolapproved activity, the student is entitled to an extension of make-up days for that class only. If the teacher is absent the day the student returns, the five (5) school days the student has to make up work will begin the day the teacher returns. Should the regular classroom teacher provide the Butler Area School District Elementary Discipline Policy Page 53. work to be made up to the substitute teacher, the time allotted for making up the work will begin on that day. Planned Absence: Students who are legally absent from school because of a planned absence shall determine what work was missed on the day they return and shall have only those number of additional make up days equal to the number of days missed up to a maximum of five (5) days total. Prior to leaving, students should attempt to make arrangements to obtain assignments and test/quiz schedules for the period of absence. Example: Initial planned absence occur on Thursday and Friday (three allotted make up days), i.e., Monday, first make up day (arrange make up work with teacher), Tuesday, second make up day, Wednesday, third make up day. At the elementary level additional time may be granted by the classroom teacher if circumstances warrant such consideration. INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE/SWEARING (Policy No. 218) The use of profanity and inappropriate language, along with vulgar drawings or gestures will not be permitted during the school day or during any school-sponsored activity, function, or event. Depending upon the severity of the case, the penalty for this violation could range from a parent conference or loss of a privilege, to one hour of detention, to a recommendation to the Board of School Directors for expulsion from school. LEAVING SCHOOL WITHOUT PERMISSION (Policy No. 218) The student may receive loss of privileges, temporary suspension, or detention. OFF-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES (Policy 218 and Policy 227) Activities that occur off-campus may be in violation of Policy 218, Student Discipline and/or Policy 227, Alcohol and Drugs if the following applies: 1. There is a nexus between the proximity or timing of the conduct in relation to the student’s attendance at school or school-sponsored activities. 2. The student is a member of an extracurricular activity and has been notified that particular offcampus conduct could result in exclusion from such activities. 3. Student expression or conduct materially and substantially disrupts the operations of the school, or the administration reasonably anticipates that the expression or conduct is likely to materially and substantially disrupt the operations of the school. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 54. Elementary 4. The conduct has a direct nexus to attendance at school or a school-sponsored activity, such as an agreement to complete a transaction outside of school that would violate the Student Discipline Policy. 5. The conduct involves the theft or vandalism of school property. RACIAL AND ETHNIC INTIMIDATION (Policy No. 249) Butler Area School District promotes an appreciation and acceptance of racial and ethnic diversity. District policy prohibits all forms of racial and ethnic intimidation in any areas under the permanent or temporary control of the District. Any person who engages in racial or ethnic intimidation while acting as a member of the school community will be in violation of this policy. Racial or ethnic intimidation is defined as: — comments or conduct which interfere with personal or academic performance — create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive academic environment — demeaning remarks — demeaning display or depiction of any racial or ethnic group Any student who feels that s/he has been a victim or racial or ethnic intimidation shall bring the matter to the immediate attention of any teacher, principal, or counselor. If it is determined that any student has engaged in racial or ethnic intimidation while under the control of Butler Area School District, he/she shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion. SEXUAL HARASSMENT (Policy No. 248) The District is committed to maintaining an educational environment for all of its students that is free from any type of sexual harassment. Any behavior which constitutes sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Such conduct shall include, but is not limited to, verbal comments or conduct of a sexual nature, threats or other acts that may intimidate others, verbal or physical sexual advances and sexual innuendoes during the school day or during school-sponsored activities, functions, or events. Harassment occurs when such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s academic environment, including any and all school-related activities, by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Any person who believes he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment by another student or adult shall report the incident to the Building Principal. The Building Principal will then follow the procedures outlined in Section 248 of the District’s Policy Manual. If it is determined that a student has engaged in sexual harassment, she/he shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action ranging from a loss of privilege to suspension or expulsion. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 55. Elementary STUDENT EXPRESSION (Policy No. 220) While respecting the right of students to express themselves in words or symbols and distribute materials as a part of that expression, the Board of School Directors recognize that the exercise of that right must be limited by the need to maintain an orderly school environment and to protect the rights of all members of the school community. The Board reserves the right to designate and prohibit manifestations of student expression that violates the rights of others. Students who wish to distribute materials must submit them for prior approval to the principal. Any violation of the Student Expression policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action. STUDENT SEARCHES (Policy No. 226.1) and Metal/Weapon Detection System/Devices (Policy No. 218.3) The primary purpose and justification for a student search is the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the students, faculty, school property and the educational process. 1. School officials shall be permitted to conduct a search of a student and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control if the school official has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the laws of the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the rules and regulations of the School District or the school official has reasonable cause to believe that the search is necessary to maintain school discipline or to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the students, faculty, and staff and to protect school property or the educational process. 2. All searches of a student and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control shall be conducted in the presence of the building principal and/or his/her designee(s) and a witness. Based on the nature and severity of the incident, the student's parents/guardian(s) are permitted to be present during the search of a student and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control if it is possible to locate the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) and they report to the building principal's office within a reasonable period of time. 3. Prior to conducting a search of a student and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control, the school official conducting the search may provide the student with an opportunity to voluntarily produce any suspected evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the laws of the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the rules, policies, and regulations of the School District. 4. Illegal or prohibited material(s) seized during a student search may be used as evidence against the student in a school disciplinary proceeding. 5. If the student refuses to voluntarily produce any suspected evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the laws of the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the rules, policies, and regulations of the School District, the school official may ask the student to consent to a search prior to conducting an involuntary search of the student and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 56. Elementary 6. If the student refuses to voluntarily produce any suspected evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the laws of the United States of America or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the rules, policies, and regulations of the School District and refuses to consent to a search, the building principal and /or his/her designee(s) in the presence of a witness and, if present, the student’s parent(s) / guardian(s), shall order the student to empty his/her pockets, remove his/her outer jacket, coat and/or vest, remove his/her shoes and socks, roll up his/her pant legs to the knee, and/or shirt sleeves to the elbows, remove his/her belt, and turn over to the person conducting the search any and all items in the student's possession or within the student's control. 7. The refusal of a student to submit to a search of himself/herself and/or of items in the student's possession or within the student's control shall be immediately reported to the appropriate law enforcement officers and/or juvenile probation officers for further investigation. The student shall be detained by the principal until such time as a law enforcement officer or juvenile probation officer arrives to interview the student. 8. If the search produces weapons, drugs, or any other dangerous or illegal items or contraband, such items shall be turned over to the police as soon as possible. Such items shall be secured by the building principal and/or his/her designee until they are able to be turned over to the police. Desk and Storage Space Inspections: All desks and student storage spaces are and shall remain the property of the Butler Area School District. As such, students shall have no expectation of privacy in them. Desks and storage areas are provided to students for storing school-related items and clothing. The school has an obligation to insure that desks and storage areas are properly used and that no item or substance that is placed in the desk or storage area jeopardizes the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of student, faculty, school property, and the educational process. To fulfill this obligation, school officials have the right to conduct desk and/or storage space inspections at any time. Metal/Weapon Detection System/Devices (Policy No. 218.3) Butler Area School District is committed to maintain safe, orderly schools; to promote health and safety within the school setting; and to provide a school environment conducive to education. Butler Area School District has the authority to create reasonable rules and regulations to maintain a safe climate. Therefore, the Board of School Directors may authorize the use of scanning devices when appropriate for the purpose of reducing and discouraging the presence of weapons in our schools. For this reason walk-through metal detectors are used on a daily basis at all of the schools within the District. Students and adults entering the elementary schools may be asked to submit to a metal detector search procedure to ensure that weapons, controlled substances, and other prohibited articles are Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 57. Elementary not brought into the building. Metal detector searches will be conducted on a daily basis at each of the District’s school buildings. Metal detector searches may be conducted at the District’s discretion during after-school events. Metal Detector Search Procedure: During a metal detector search, students will be directed to walk through the metal detector upon entering school: Should the metal detector alarm sound: 1) The student will be directed to move to one of the adjacent tables. 2) Butler Area School District personnel will then search the individual’s book bag, backpack, gym bag or other parcel that the individual has in his or her possession. 3) The student will be directed to remove any metal objects from his/ her possession and will walk through the metal detector for a second time. Should the metal detector alarm sound a second time: 1) The student will be directed to move to an area as directed by District personnel. 2) The student will be scanned with a hand-held metal detector. 3) The student will be directed to remove any objects detected by the hand-held metal detector. 4) Following the removal of any items detected by the hand-held metal detector, the student will be directed to walk through the metal detector for a third time. Should the metal detector alarm sound a third time: 1) The student will be directed to move to an area as directed by District personnel. 2) Again the student will be asked to check for any metal objects and to remove such objects. 3) If no objects are produced, the student will be escorted to the principal’s office. At this point the STUDENT SEARCHES (Policy No. 226.1) policy procedures will be followed, which are listed above. In all cases, the search process will cease when the metal detector scan is completed without activating the alarm. The Butler Area School District will not be responsible for any items damaged in the metal detecting or bag-checking process. It is the students’ responsibility to remove any valuable items (cell phones, i-Pods, etc.) and place them in the container provided. Butler Area School District Discipline Policy Page 58. Elementary Discovery of Contraband: If the search produces weapons, drugs, or any other dangerous or illegal items or contraband, such items shall be turned over to the police as soon as possible. Such items shall be secured by the building principal and/or his/her designee until they are able to be turned over to the police. TERRORISTIC THREATS/ACTS (Policy No. 218.2) The Butler Area School District prohibits District students from communicating Terroristic threats or committing Terroristic acts directed at any student, employee, Board member, community member, or school building. Terroristic Threat: A threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize another, to cause evacuation of a building, or to cause serious public inconvenience. Terroristic Act: An offense against property or involving danger to another person. When an administrator has evidence that a student has made a terroristic threat or committed a terroristic act, the following guidelines shall be applied: a. Suspension of the student b. Reporting of the incident to the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent c. Possible reporting to law enforcement officials d. Consultation with the Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent to determine if there is cause for recommendation for an expulsion hearing e. If expelled, the student will not be readmitted without documentation that the student does not pose a risk of harm to others f. Following the period of expulsion, the readmitted student shall be subject to possible searches under the provisions of Policy 226.1 THEFT (Policy No. 225) Student or parent will be required to return, replace or pay for the missing item(s). The penalty for this violation could range from a parental conference, to loss of a privilege, to detention, to suspension, depending upon the severity of the case. The theft may be reported to the police for further investigation. TOBACCO (Policy No. 222) Smoking or visible possession of tobacco products including smokeless tobacco, commonly called chewing tobacco, or a look-alike product, by students on school property or during a schoolsponsored activity, function, or event or on a school bus to or from school or a school-sponsored activity, function, or event is strictly prohibited. Violation of this regulation may result in a parent conference or the loss of a privilege, detention, or in-school or out-of-school suspension. In accordance with Act 145 of 1996, students will also be referred to the district magistrate for tobacco violations. VANDALISM (Policy No. 218) Vandalism is the malicious destruction of school district or private property. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, vandalism will be punishable by the loss of a privilege, and/or the assignment to detention, and/or suspension. In some cases, the child will be expected to clean or remove the vandalism from the damaged surfaces. If the property is destroyed, the student(s) or parent(s) will be required to pay for the damage. The incident will be forwarded to the school solicitor’s office should payment not be received. WEAPONS (Act 26) (Policy No. 218.1) and Assault (Policy No. 218.4) Act 26 of PA School Code provides for a one (1) year expulsion for possession of a weapon on school property. No student is to possess any form of a weapon on school property, including “look-a-like” or “toy” weapons. Special circumstances require administrative approval. Definition: “Weapon,” for purpose of this section, shall include, but not be limited to, any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, martial arts implement, firearm, explosive, fireworks, and any other tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. Policy: Any student possessing a weapon in the building or on the grounds, or at any school-sponsored activity, function, or event, or on any school bus providing transportation to and from any school within Butler Area School District or any schoolsponsored activity, function, or event, depending on the facts of the case, may be subject to one or more of the following penalties. Consequences may range from: • Loss of a privilege • Detention • Parental conference • One to ten days out-of-school suspension • Referral to the Board of School Directors for possible expulsion from school • Reported to the appropriate law enforcement officials Additionally, prior to readmission, at the elementary level the student may be asked to provide competent and credible evidence that s/he does not pose a risk of harm to others. Assault: The Board acknowledges the need to protect its teaching staff members, staff members, other employees, students, and visitors from assault by others. The definitions of both simple and 60 aggravated assault are the same as the Pa. Statutes and are listed in the District’s Assault Policy. The state provides for criminal penalties for assault. In general assault is when a person attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another. If a student is found guilty of either simple or aggravated assault he or she shall receive up to a ten (10) day outof-school suspension and may be recommended to the Board for expulsion from school. In addition, said student may be reported to appropriate law enforcement officials. WEBSITES/INTERNET - ACCEPTABLE USE (Policy No. 815) The use of the computer network must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of the Butler Area School District. The determination as to whether a use is appropriate lies solely with the discretion of the School District. The use of the computer network for illegal, inappropriate, or unethical purposes by students is prohibited. Consequences for Inappropriate Use 1. The network user shall be responsible for damages to the equipment, systems and software resulting from deliberate or willful acts. 2. Failure to follow procedures and prohibited uses previously mentioned may result in loss of network access. Other appropriate disciplinary actions ranging from loss of privilege to suspension or expulsion may also follow.Illegal use of the network, intentional deletion or damage to files of data belonging to others, copyright violations or theft of services will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities for possible prosecution. Regardless of anything to the contrary contained in this document or any school policy, the school administration and school board retain their inherent power to discipline, suspend, or expel students for disobedience or misconduct and to institute proceedings in juvenile court against students for incorrigibility, truancy, insubordination, or other bad conduct or if the presence of any student attending school is detrimental to the welfare of the school on account of the foregoing, as contained in Article XII; Section 1318 and L338 of the Public School Code. 61 BUTLER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY DISCIPLINE REFERRAL Student Name: School: Referred by: Describe Incident: Date: Period: Grade: Has this or similar behavior occurred before? Yes No If yes, how many times? Previous incidents should be recorded on the back of this form No Knowledge INDICATE CORRECTIVE STEPS TAKEN TO DATE: ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Warnings and Lectures (Approximate No.) Parent Contact Referred to Counselor Other None Dates: Dates: Dates: Dates: Dates: Student statement (if different from above) Student’s Signature: Action Taken: (For Office Use) ( ) Conference with student ( ) Detention hours ( ) Apology required to: ( ) Parent phone contact ( ) Letter sent home ( ) Parent conference ( ) Referred to counselor ( ) In-school suspension: ( ) Out-of-school suspension: ( ) Isolation of days ( ) Other Remarks: days days Principal’s Signature: cc: ( ( ) ) Referral Teacher File ( ) ( ) Counselor Other (The back of this form should be used for Cumulative Record) 62