Board Meeting Minutes - May 14th, 2015

Date: May 14th 2015 7:00 pm
Location: Conference Call - 530-881-1000 ; pass code number 269736
Present: Kathy Demmer, Cathy Wiebers, Alanna Seppelt, Jeanne Stadler, Kathy Otten, Sandra Oehlke, Sonya Brickner, Sherry
Kloha, Tracey Hammel, Barb Provo
Excused: Emily Greenstein
Call to order
Attendance Roll Call
Previous Meeting
President Elect Report:
Cathy Wiebers
Treasurer Report:
Alanna Seppelt
Budget update
Available on NCR website:
No Additions or corrections
Group approved-no additions or
Kathy Demmer is planning to attend
the National WOCN Conference with
arrival on Sunday as family wedding
taking place on Saturday. Cathy
Wiebers will attend on Saturday and
Sunday. Cathy Wiebers will attend
the President’s meeting and
leadership conference on Saturday
with Alanna Seppelt.
Minutes Accepted as
A lengthy discussion about budget
planning took place as the budget
can have significant fluctuation
depending on the NCR Fall
Conference. The discussion was
about the number and amount of
money available from year to year
for scholarships. Previously the
Board agreed to keep an amount in
savings that would suffice for a year.
Board members planning
to attend the conference
agreed to share their cell
phone numbers with each
other for communication
at the conference.
The decision was made
to hold a NCR Board
meeting annually in the
first or second week of
January to establish a
budget for the following
By Whom & When
Kathy Demmer
Kathy Demmer
Members present
Email phone numbers:
Kathy Demmer
Cathy Wiebers
Emily Greenstein
Sandra Oehlke
Jeanne Stadler
Alanna Seppelt
Kathy Otten
President Kathy
Demmer to organize
the meeting for
January 2016.
April 7, 2015 NCR Officer Board
Budget Meeting with Kathy Demmer,
Alanna Seppelt, Cathy Wiebers and
Jeanne Stadler
Scholarship Discussion
Kathy Demmer to ask Tracy Hammel
to do a spreadsheet that will lists
when scholarships are
due to be paid-that way we will know
how many dollars we have
Committed at the time of deciding on
how much we can give to current
(new) applicants. The number of
applicants and dollar amount will be
determined by the caliber of the
applicant and the bottom line of the
budget including previous awards
yet to be paid to the awardees.
Conference Reimbursement
NCR income is basically from the
Fall Conference. The officers are
reimbursed for their expenses for
attending the national and fall
The Board members are reimbursed
for the Fall Conference.
Monetary support for the National
conference for the non officers is
decided by the officers based on the
Sharing/not sharing of rooms is open
to discussion/decision based on
Previous Decision to keep minimum
of one year's operating expenses in
CD's has not changed.
It was discussed and recommended
that we incorporate major decisions
made by the NCR Board into the
bylaws so that the decisions aren't
lost over time.
Secretary Report:
Jeanne Stadler
Fall Conference Tuition
award: Meg Collins!!
New Board member
orientation list in need of
updating: interested
State Rep Reports
MN: Sandra Oehlke
Kathy Demmer contacted Meg
Collins to let her know she is the
lucky winner for the Fall Conference
all expenses paid by the NCR.
Meg’s name was picked from a hat
containing the new member names
from 2014.
The orientation list is from 2012.
Cathy Weibers and Jeanne Stadler
developed the list. They will review
and update for board approval.
1. WOC staff Sandra Oehlke has
Sherry Kloha will contact
Meg for a picture and
short bio for the NCR
Jeanne Stadler to
document process for the
annual new member
lottery expense paid NCR
fall conference.
Cathy and Jeanne to
review/revise the list and
email to the NCR Board
for input. The
orientation list to be
completed for orientation
of new NCR Board
Members who will take
office at the Fall
Alanna Seppelt will
advise Meg on the
process prior to the
Fall Conference
January 1, 2016
July 1, 2015
Prior to the Fall
2015 Conference
WI: Sonya Brickner
ND: Emily Greenstein
SD: Kathy Otten
Tracey Hammel
accepted an invitation to volunteer
for the Youth Rally in Boulder,
Colorado this year. 2. Minnesota
Hospital Association has charged
WOCN’s and RT’s to work together
on respiratory device related
pressure ulcer incidence. 3. Sandra
is one of the experts now on MHA
adding pediatric expertise on the
updated MHA documents to prevent
pressure ulcers.
Sonya and colleagues are
attempting to get funding for a
pressure ulcer study
No report
The VA in SD is looking at use of a
skin bundle for prevention of
pressure ulcers. OIG (office of the
inspector general) has requested
documentation for pressure ulcer
prevention which has not been
requested before. Jerri Brown,
CWOCN long time member died of
A lengthy discussion took place
regarding the number of
scholarships the NCR can award
during the fiscal year.
Sonya Brickner, Kathy
Otten and Tracey will
develop guidelines for
awarding scholarships as
the number of applicants
has increased over
previous years. Tracey
will organize the group.
The guidelines
developed by the
group will be sent to
the NCR board for
feedback prior to the
June membership
meeting. The
guidelines will be
presented for feedback
at the membership
meeting June 8, 2015
Nominations/Scholarship The region received 2 applications
for the WOCN scholarships for the 3
specialties of wound, ostomy and
NCR Excellence Award
The award recipient will be
announced at the June membership
meeting in San Antonia, Texas.
Public Policy
Barbara Provo
Barb announced she is running for
the NCR Treasurer position. There
are limited opportunities for the
Public Policy Position. A number of
states have achieved getting ostomy
supplies covered by insurances,
medicare and Medicaid through the
process of getting a Bill passed and
signed into the law.
Jeanne Stadler made the
motion and Sandra
Oehlke seconded, to
award Vickie Holder and
Heidi Mueller WOC
Kathy Demmer moved to
accept the nomination
and Cathy Wiebers
seconded the motion.
Barb asked Kathy
Demmer if she would
bring this issue to
national for a narrower
focus and determine the
specific areas of
insurance coverage
concern for each
individual state, ie
ostomy, fistula, wound
care, vs attempting to
address the issue of
insurance coverage more
Tracey will notify the
scholarship winners
and copy the state
reps- Sonya and
Sandra, president –
Kathy Demmer and
Sherry Kloha-media
The award will be
announced at the
general membership
meeting June 8th. It
will be presented at the
general membership
meeting during the
NCR Fall Conference
October 23, 2015
Kathy will bring forward
at national date to be
Media Communications
Sherry Kloha
Website Report: Board
election process?
Sherry has changed the voting site
for the NCR to Election Buddy which
costs $50-$100. The old site fee
was $500.00. The ballot is out for
the current election.
Kathy Demmer will look
at the bylaws in relation
to region elections.
It was determined from the
discussion the need for the voting
process to be documented. Sherry
offered to write the process which
will be kept on the website with the
orientation guidelines.
Sherry will document
the process prior to the
start of the call for
candidates for the
2016 election.
Kathy, Cathy, Sandra,
Jeanne ,Kathy Otten,
Emily, Alanna take and
send pictures with
identifying information
to Sherry during and
following the national
Sherry asked members attending
the national conference to take and
send her good pictures for posting
on the website.
Old Business
Board Election updates
Kathy Demmer, Jeanne
Stadler, Sherry Kloha
All positions will be filled. Two
current board members are returning
in their current role and one member
is changing roles.
Who processes the
paper ballots for those
without email/internet
The question of Paper ballots for
members without an email was
discussed. Sherry Kloha will assist
with the process.
The state reps are to
check their state
membership roster to
determine if there are
Paper ballots to go out
asap so that the return
ballot is returned and
counted before
members without an
email address. If there
are, then the state rep is
to send the member a
paper ballot using a
double envelope for
return. Member emails
that bounce back require
no contact as it is the
member’s responsibility
to keep their address
2015 National
Membership meeting
agenda discussion, time
and location
Kathy Demmer
2015 Fall Regional
Conference update
Agenda thoughts:
1. Charter agreement and bylaws document acceptance
update- who’s doing what
2. Fall conference updateSonya
3. Board election update
4. Fall conference tuition award
5. Scholarship winners and
opportunities for others to
apply and when
6. Tidbits from Saturday’s
leadership meetings (Alanna
and Cathy)
7. Fun activity
starter) of some sort….let’s put
our heads together!!
Conference Title: “Helping Spirits
Soar”-Nine presentations scheduled
Line dancing was
suggested. Kathy will
look into this.
Goal is to have a Board
member at each table
announcing the
election results June 8,
2015 at the general
membership meeting
Sonya Brickner
Visioning/goal setting
-Hope to award CEU’s for all
- Ostomy Support Group is going to
-Brochure is ready for distribution as
soon as the last CE is verified
-Numerous companies want to
-Ostomate panel
-Name badges of the Board will
signify home state
Sonya’s co worker will talk about
the conference at the June 10th
membership meeting
Deferred due to length of meeting
ADJOURNMENT – Adjourned at: 8:50 PM
Respectfully submitted: Jeanne Stadler, NCR Secretary
Kathy asked for agenda
items for the membership
meeting via email