Research Grant History - University of Sheffield

Patient Informed Consent Trial (PICT): Informed consent in joint replacement treatment.
£120,000, National Institute for Health Research, In Practice Training Fellowship. Over 24
months with Alastair Bradley (2010).
Development of a patient decision aid (PtDA), in paper and web formats, to improve renal
patients’ informed decisions about dialysis modality. [Co-Applicant]
£159,582, Kidney Research UK.
Over 24 months 2010-2012. With Hilary Becker (Leeds), Martin Wilkie (STH), Andrew
Mooney (Leeds TH), Anna Winterbottom (Bradford TH), Lorraine Edwards (STH) and
Simon Davies (Keele).
NIHR RfPB. Promoting self-care strategies in African-Caribbean people with type 2
diabetes in primary care [PI]
With Ken Brown (Nottingham), Angela Knight (Birmingham), Laura Serrant Green (Lincoln)
£250k 36 months 2010-13.
NIHR Research for Innovation, Speculation and Creativity (RISC) Programme. Risk
perception of breast cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors and their health care
providers. Application submitted £196,932. Principal Investigator.
Managing suffering at the end of life: a study of deep continuous sedation until death
£296, 500. Economic and Social Research Council.
Over 30 months with Jane Seymour (PI), Sheila Payne, Clive Seale, Julia Addington-Hall and
William Henry Smithson. (2009)
South Yorkshire Applied Research Consortium: Translating knowledge in to action Diabetes [Co-Investigator].
£1.7m. NIHR, Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC).
Over 60 months with K Gerrish (SHU) and S Heller (UoS) (2008).
Advanced Research Training for GPs. [Principal Investigator].
£115,000 European Commission, LEONARDO da Vinci Mobility Programme. Over 18 months
with Kinga Stanach-Pajerska Zdrowie i Zarzadzanie Poland (2008)
Do the ‘triggers for referral of patients from primary to secondary care differ between GPs
working in affluent and deprived areas?. [Principal Investigator]
£120,000, National Co-ordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development over 24 months
with Elizabeth Walton (2008).
Which factors inform the decision by a general practitioner to initiate insulin therapy in
people with type 2 diabetes? [Principal Investigator]
£118,000. National Co-ordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development over 24 months
with Hina Kanabar (2007)
A randomised cluster trial of a patient decision aid in the initiation of insulin in general
practice (PANDAs) [Principal Investigator]
£339,000. Department of Health Research for Patient Benefit programme over 36 months
with C J Ng, M J Campbell, S Heller, H Kanabar, S Beveridge. (2007-2010).
East Midlands and South Yorkshire Local Research Network (EMSYNET) [Co-Applicant]
£600,575 (Sheffield allocation = 33%) Department of Health over 36 months (2006).
Motivational skills training in health and social care. [Principal Investigator]
€355,000 (£234,300) European Commission, over 24 months with Robert Glendenning and 6
other European partners (LEONARDO Programme) (2006-2008).
Trent Research and Development Support Unit [Principal Investigator]
£940,157 (22.7% of Sheffield allocation) National Co-ordinating Centre for Research
Capacity Development over 5 years (2005).
RESPoND: How are you feeling? [Principal Investigator]
£14,950, Sheffield Health and Social Research Consortium, over 12 months with Susan
Nancarrow, Cheryll Adams, Fiona Moorhouse, Sue Gellhorn. (2005).
Are Cocaine and Benzodiazepine use risk factor for fatal opiate overdose? [Principal
£14,784, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, over 2 months with Phil Oliver.
The Health Related Quality of Life of Heroin users – a comprehensive review of the
literature. [Principal Investigator]
£14,147, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, over 3 months with Phil Oliver.
A psychological autopsy study of acute heroin-related overdose. [Principal Investigator]
£80,000, National Treatment Agency (NTA), over 24 months with Jenny Keen and Phil
Oliver. (2003-2005).
On-line continuing professional development in health and social care. (Healthfacil)
[Principal Investigator]
€ 564,818 European Commission. Over 36 months. With Robert Glendenning and 4 other
European Partners. (2002-2005).
Teenage Parenting experiences of young people of Bangladeshi, African Caribbean,
Pakistani and dual ethnic origin in England. [Co-Applicant]
£174,451 Department of Health over 24 months with Gina Higginbottom, Ruby Chau, Peter
Marsh, Maureen Kirkham, Jenny Owen and Peggy Newton. (2002-2004).
Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of health visitor
screening and intervention for postnatal depression. [Co-Applicant]
£737,250 HTA, over 36 months with Jane Morrell and colleagues. (2002-2005).
The impact of an educational intervention on GP selection of cases to colorectal surgeons –
the G-RAF trial. [Co-Applicant]
£203,355; F&A Legacy, over 36 months. With Moyez Jiwa, Mike Campbell, Gary Butler, A
Wailoo, P Skinner, A Hunn, R Dixon, S Sparks, J Mills, O Coker. (2002-2005).
‘Drug deaths in Sheffield and safe prescribing and dispensing of benzodiazepines and
dihydrocodeine’ [Principal Investigator]
£70,000 over 24 months – Sheffield Health, with Dr Jenny Keen and Phil Oliver. (2001).
‘Health needs assessment’ [Principal Investigator]
£60,000 from NHSE North West Education Consortium, over 2 years, with Stockport Health
Authority (Dr Cathy Carmichael). (2000).
‘Children of Addicts Study in Europe (CASE)’ [Principal Investigator]
FIFTH FRAMEWORK Programme of European Funding, 749,989 Euros (£500,000) over 4
years with Dr Jenny Keen, Professor Mike Campbell and 3 other European Partners. (1999).
‘Psychological treatment in the regulation of long-term hypnotic drug use’ [Co-Applicant]
£188,000 over 33 months- Health Technology Assessment Programme,
With Dr Kevin Morgan, Centre for Ageing and Rehabilitation Studies, Ms Maureen
Tomeney, Nottingham Health Care Trust and Mr Simon Dixon, Health Economics, ScHARR.
‘Illness burden of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Primary Care’ [Co-~applicant]
£25,000 from Health Novartis
with Professor Ron Akehurst, Professor Nick Read and Dr John Brazier, ScHARR. (1998).
‘Assessing the Training Needs of GP Tutors’ [Principal Investigator]
£30,000 – Department of Health
with Dr Paul Wilson, Institute of General Practice & Primary Care. (1998).
Measures to assist GPs whose performance gives cause for concern’ GMC Referrals [CoApplicant]
£55,000 over 8 months from Department of Health
With Dr David Martin, School of Health and Related Research. (1997).
LOTUS (Learning Organised through Teams) – Evaluation of interprofessional practice
based continuing education [Principal Investigator]
£53,000 over 2 years from NHS Trent/RCGP
With Dr Amanda Howe, Dr Peggy Newton, Ms Kate Billingham, Dr Pat Lane, Institute of
General Practice and Primary Care. (1997).
`Evaluation and costing of inter-professional practice based education’. (LOTUS Europe)
[Principal Investigator]
299,896 Euros over 3 years from LEONARDO DA VINCI 2nd Programme of European
With Dr Peggy Newton, Ms Kate Billingham and 3 other European partners. (1997).
Distance Learning for Research Methods. [Co-Applicant]
£8,998 over 1 year from Sheffield University.
With Dr N Fox and Ms Amanda Hunn, Institute of General Practice & Primary Care. (1996).
Trent Focus (Sheffield) for research and development in primary care. [Principal
Investigator]. £1,278,856 over 10 years from Trent Region (NHS). (1995).
Confidential Enquiry into Deaths from Suicide in Sheffield in 1993 [Co-Applicant]
£2,000 over 1 year from Sheffield Community Health Trust
With Dr Peggy Newton, Institute of General Practice & Primary Care. (1995).
Group counselling for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. [Co-Applicant]
£15,000 over 1 year from Trent Region.
With Professor Nick Read, Centre for Human Nutrition, Dr John Brazier, ScHARR. (1995).