A. General Accelerated technological and industrial development contributes much to human well-being. However, at the same time, such development places a growing burden on the environment, which necessitates proper attention and treatment. Among the areas of negative influence on the environment are production of solid waste, production of wastewater, and air pollution. Solid waste Modern society recognizes the need for intelligent management of waste. Waste management includes establishing well-organized landfill sites to prevent harm to land and groundwater, as well as controlled operation of means of transport and landfilling of the waste. The increase in the amount of landfilled waste in Israel exacerbates the shortage of open spaces. Therefore, methods of treatment other than landfilling are being explored. A broad perspective must include all of the following: examining how effectively raw materials are being used, promoting education and information about conservation and the efficient usage of resources, operating recycling systems and promoting recycling industries, as well as exploring alternatives to landfilling the waste. These means enable a reduction in the amount of waste that is landfilled and an increase in the efficient use of resources. Israel, like other countries, is required to cope with waste originating in different sectors within its borders. Toward this purpose, reliable data about activity in these sectors must be collected. Until this survey was performed, data on quantities of waste in Israel were available only regarding household and commercial waste, and reliable data were lacking regarding quantities and methods of waste treatment in other sectors, such as Manufacturing. Air Pollution and Global Warming Global population growth and technological and industrial development entail activities that cause emission of gases, some of which strengthen the greenhouse effect. An increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations strengthens the greenhouse effect and thereby contributes to raising global temperatures. This temperature increase, known as "global warming", affects the weather and various climatic phenomena. A major source of greenhouse gas emissions is combustion of fuel for the purpose of energy production. All Manufacturing establishments require energy to run machinery and equipment, and they obtain it through electricity consumption or, alternatively, by direct fuel combustion. The Manufacturing and Electricity industries contribute considerably to business activity in the Israeli economy. However, they are also a significant source of waste, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Proven information regarding the extent of their influence is necessary in order to set policy and determine courses of action for environmental (9) protection. In addition, Israel is required to report waste and air pollution data by sector to various international entities, among them the OECD.1 In order to evaluate the quantity of waste, treatment methods, and the distribution of fuel consumption by industry,2 the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) undertook the survey "Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing 2010." The goals of the survey were to estimate the quantity of industrial waste in each industry, to ascertain the methods of waste treatment, to identify the recycled materials, and to examine energy consumption in the Manufacturing and Electricity industries. In the survey, data were also collected regarding quantities of sewage and sewage treatment methods. However, due to a limitation in the quality of the obtained data, the information obtained could not be included in this publication. To date, the CBS has published data regarding quantities of only household and commercial waste. This publication adds an important component of information on the topic of industrial waste. The publication presents quantities of waste by industry, as is the practice in the OECD, as well as by type of treatment (transfer to landfilling or recycling). Also presented in this publication are quantities of the following: consumption of selected fuels, and emissions of selected greenhouse gases and selected air pollutants. The quantities are detailed by industry. Note that, to date, information on greenhouse gas emissions was not available at the industry level. The relevant audience for the data in this publication are decision-makers in the public sector, such as the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, stakeholders in the business sector such as the Manufacturers Association of Israel and Manufacturing and Electricity establishments, international bodies such as the OECD and the UN, academic and research institutions, and the general public. 1 OECD – The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an international organization of which Israel is a full member. This organization serves, inter alia, as a source of statistical, economic, and social data in accordance with uniform standards that enable comparisons to be made. The organization's databases cover a wide variety of topics, including environmental issues. 2 The industries were classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, 1993. See: Central Bureau of Statistics (2003). Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, 1993. Technical Publication No. 63. Second Edition. Jerusalem: Author. A list of industries appears in Appendix. ( 10 ) B. Main Findings Waste Production Quantities by Type of Waste In 2010, the quantities of waste produced in the Manufacturing and Electricity industries totalled approximately 3.5 million tons. Dry waste, totalling 2.2 million tons, comprised the majority of the waste that was produced. Of the dry waste, approximately 1.2 million tons was "coal ash" (ash produced during the coal combustion process in power plants). Additionally, in Manufacturing, approximately 1.1 million tons of mixed waste and 0.2 million tons of hazardous waste were produced. Diagram 1 shows the quantities of waste produced in each industry. Most of the dry waste was concentrated in the Electricity industry. Other Manufacturing industries with large quantities of waste were: Mining and quarrying and Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products (Divisions 10–13 and Division 26, 27%), in which the vast majority of the waste was dry waste; and Manufacture of food products, Manufacture of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (Divisions 14–16, 8%), in which the vast majority of the waste was mixed waste. DIAGRAM 1.- WASTE QUANTITIES PRODUCED IN MANUFACTURING AND ELECTRICITY, BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 Thousand tons 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Computers, electricity & electronics Machinery and equipment Metal products Basic metal Plastic and rubber products Chemicals & chemical products Refined petroleum and its products Publishing and printing Paper and paper products Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel Food, beverages and tobacco products 0 Mining and quarrying * 200 Industry (Division) * Due to the limitations of statistical confidentiality, the data of “Mining and Quarrying” include the data of “Non-metallic mineral products” – Division 26, as well. ( 11 ) Examination of the types of waste produced by industry showed that mixed waste was produced in all of the Manufacturing industries and Electricity, but dry and hazardous waste were concentrated in certain industries. Diagram 2 presents the quantities of mixed waste in each industry. Although mixed waste was present in all of the industries, 53% of it was concentrated mostly in four industries: Manufacture of food products, Manufacture of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (Divisions 14–16, 42%), Manufacture of paper and paper products (Division 21, 18%), and Mining and quarrying and Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products (Divisions 10–13, 26, 11%). DIAGRAM 2.- MIXED WASTE QUANTITIES, BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 250 200 150 100 Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Computers, electricity & electronics Machinery and equipment Metal products Basic metal Plastic and rubber products Chemicals & chemical products Refined petroleum and its products Publishing and printing Paper and paper products Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel 0 Food, beverages and tobacco products 50 Mining and quarrying * Thousand tons 300 Industry (Division) * Due to the limitations of statistical confidentiality, the data of “Mining and Quarrying” include the data of “Non-metallic mineral products” – Division 26, as well. ( 12 ) Of the dry waste, 93% originated in the following three industries: Production and distribution of electricity (Division 40, 56%), Mining and quarrying, and Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products (Divisions 10–13, 46, 37%). Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Machinery, computers, electricity & electronics Metal products Basic metal Refined petroleum and its products, Chemicals & chemical products Paper and paper products, Publishing and printing Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel Food, beverages and tobacco products 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DIAGRAM 3.- HAZARDOUS WASTE QUANTITIES, BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 Mining and quarrying * Thousand tons Approximately 83% of all of the hazardous waste originated in the following industries: Refined petroleum and its products, Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products and Chemicals and chemical products (Divisions 23–25, 40%), Manufacture of machinery and equipment, and of computers, electrical and electronic equipment (Divisions 29–34, 33%), and Manufacture of basic metal (Division 27, 10%). Industry (Division) * Due to the limitations of statistical confidentiality, the data of “Mining and Quarrying” include the data of “Non-metallic mineral products” – Division 26, as well. ( 13 ) Waste Treatment Methods The survey distinguished between two types of waste treatment: landfilling and recycling. These are the major types of waste treatment used in Israel. The recycling data included waste that the Manufacturing and Electricity industries transferred for treatment by the recycling companies. The quantities of waste sent directly from the manufacturing to recycling in 2010 amounted to approximately 1.8 million ton, which comprise 53% of the total waste produced in manufacturing. Diagram 4 presents the percentage of recycling and quantities of waste that was transferred to recycling, by the type of waste. The highest percentage of recycling was in dry waste – 61% of the waste. The percentage of recycling in mixed waste was 45%, and in hazardous waste – 16%. DIAGRAM 4 – PERCENTAGE OF RECYCLING AND QUANTITIES OF WASTE (THOUSANDS OF TONS) TRANSFERRED TO RECYCLING, BY TYPE OF WASTE AND METHOD OF TREATMENT, 2010 100 Percentage of recycling 90 80 70 60 50 40 1,319 30 507 20 10 31 0 Dry weste Mixed waste ( 14 ) Hazardous waste Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Computers, electricity & electronics Machinery and equipment Metal products Basic metal Plastic and rubber products Chemicals & chemical products Refined petroleum and its products Publishing and printing Paper and paper products Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel Food, beverages and tobacco products 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DIAGRAM 5.- PERCENTAGE OF WASTE TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY TO RECYCLING, BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 Mining and quarrying * Percentages Diagram 5 presents the percentage of waste removed to recycling by industry. In the following industries, over 50% of total waste produced was removed to recycling: Production and distribution of electricity, Publishing and printing, Manufacture of basic metals, Food, beverages and tobacco products, Refined petroleum and its products, Metal products, and Plastic and rubber products. Industry (Division) * Due to the limitations of statistical confidentiality, the data of “Mining and Quarrying” include the data of “Non-metallic mineral products” – Division 26, as well. ( 15 ) Diagram 6 presents the quantities of waste that were removed to recycling among the Manufacturing and Electricity industries, by selected types of waste. The main types of waste that were removed to recycling were paper and cardboard (about 138,000 tons) and metal (about 115,000 tons). Additionally, the Electricity industry recycled approximately 1.2 million tons of "coal ash" (ash produced during the coal combustion process). DIAGRAM 6.- QUANTITIES OF WASTE TRANSFERRED TO RECYCLING, BY SELECTED TYPES OF WASTE 2010 200 180 Thousand tons 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Paper and cardboard Ferrous metals Plastic Hazardous waste Non-ferrous metals Used oils Type of waste Fuel Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Air Pollutants As part of the survey, fuel consumption was examined, and emissions of selected air pollutants in Manufacturing and Electricity were calculated, from the following fuels: residual fuel oil (heavy and light), diesel oil (for production), liquefied petroleum gas, and kerosene. It should be noted that other fuels also used in these industries were not included in this survey (such as coal, natural gas and transportation fuels). Diagram 7 shows emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from fuel combustion in Manufacturing and Electricity. ( 16 ) Selected Pollutants Emissions of sulfur dioxide were concentrated in the following industries: Chemicals and chemical products (Division 24, 24%), Refined petroleum and its products (Division 23, 20%), Food products, beverages and tobacco products (Divisions 14–16, 18%), Mining and quarrying (Divisions 10–13, 13%), Production and distribution of electricity (Division 40, 11%), and Non-metallic mineral products (Division 26, 7%). Emissions of nitrogen oxides were concentrated in the following industries: Production and distribution of electricity (Division 40, 27%), Refined petroleum and its products (Division 23, 23%), Chemicals and chemical products (Division 24, 15%), Food products, beverages and tobacco products (Divisions 14–16, 11%), Mining and quarrying (Divisions 10–13, 9%), and Non-metallic mineral products (Division 26, 6%). Industry (Division) Nitrogen oxides ( 17 ) Sulfur dioxide Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Computers, electricity & electronics Machinery and equipment Metal products Basic metal Non-metallic mineral products Plastic and rubber products Chemicals & chemical products Refined petroleum and its products Publishing and printing Paper and paper products Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel Food, beverages and tobacco products 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Mining and quarrying Tons DIAGRAM 7.- EMISSIONS OF NITROGEN OXIDES (NOX) AND SULFUR DIOXIDE (SO2), BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 Greenhouse gas Based on the quantities of fuel consumed, greenhouse gas emissions from industrial fuel combustion were also calculated. The emissions that were calculated included the following gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O).3 Diagram 8 presents the emissions from fuel combustion of greenhouse gases (listed above) in terms of carbon dioxide. Six of the industries accounted for 91% of the emissions: Production and distribution of electricity accounted for 27% of the emissions and Refined petroleum and its products accounted for 23% of the emissions. The following industries together accounted for 41% of the emissions: Chemicals and chemical products, Food, beverages and tobacco products, Mining and quarrying, and Non-metallic mineral products. DIAGRAM 8.- GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (IN TERMS OF GWP), BY INDUSTRY (1993 CLASSIFICATION) 2010 Thousand tons 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 Production and distribution of electricity Jewellery, manufacturing n.e.c. Furniture Transport equipment Computers, electricity & electronics Machinery and equipment Metal products Basic metal Non-metallic mineral products Plastic and rubber products Chemicals & chemical products Refined petroleum and its products Publishing and printing Paper and paper products Wood and wood products Footwear, leather and leather products Textiles and wearing apparel Food, beverages and tobacco products 0 Mining and quarrying 200 Industry (Division) 3 In order to enable comparison among the various gases and sources of emissions, the gases were converted to comparable values using the global warming potential (GWP) coefficient, which is calculated for 100 years. A GWP value is determined for each gas, with the basis of comparison being the value for carbon dioxide, which is defined as 1. The larger the GWP, the greater the influence of the gas on global warming. The GWP coefficients of methane and nitrous oxide are 21 and 310, respectively. ( 18 ) International Comparisons Diagram 9 presents a comparison with European countries of quantity of industrial waste per capita (Category B, excluding Mining and quarrying). In 2010 in Israel, the quantity was 231 kg per capita, similar to Hungary and Latvia. In contrast, in Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, and Ireland, the quantities were 3 and even 4 times higher than in Israel. The average value for the European Union, 535 kg per capita, was larger than that for Israel. Note that this comparison does not take into account the various characteristics of the industries in each country. DIAGRAM 9.- INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCED PER CAPITA (CATEGORY B, EXCLUDING MINING AND QUARRYING) (1993 CLASSIFICATION) IN ISRAEL AND EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES 2010 900 800 600 500 400 300 200 ( 19 ) Malta Croatia Serbia Latvia Cyprus Israel France Hungary United Kingdom Portugal Denmark Spain Austria Romania Greece Czech Republic Bulgaria Slovakia European Union Norway Italy Germany Ireland Poland Slovenia 0 Sweden 100 Netherlands Kg per capita 700 In order to reflect differing characteristics of industry among the countries, the quantities of waste produced per industry gross output unit were compared (Category B, excluding Mining and quarrying). Israel produced approximately 74 tons of waste per million euro of industry gross output (Category B, excluding Mining and quarrying). This was similar to the quantities in Austria and Germany. In contrast, in Poland, Finland and Luxembourg the quantities were 5 and even 6 times higher than in Israel. 500 400 300 200 ( 20 ) Denmark Austria Israel Germany Ireland France United Kingdom Norway Czech Republic Sweden Italy Portugal Hungary Iceland Netherlands Slovenia Belgium Greece Luxembourg 0 Finland 100 Poland Tons per million euro 600 DIAGRAM 10.- QUANTITY OF WASTE PRODUCED PER INDUSTRY GROSS OUTPUT UNIT (CATEGORY B, EXCLUDING MINING AND QUARRYING) (1993 CLASSIFICATION) IN ISRAEL AND IN SELECTED EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES 2010 C. Terms, Definitions, and Explanations Types of waste Hazardous waste – Wastes that, owing to their toxic, infectious, radioactive or flammable properties, pose a substantial actual or potential hazard to the health of humans and other living organisms and the environment. Dry waste – Waste generated by activities in the areas of construction, destruction, and installation of infrastructure. Contains dust and remains of construction material. Does not contain hazardous substances. Mixed waste – Waste generated by household, commercial, or industrial activities. Contains remains of food, packaging, waste from production processes, and yard waste. Does not contain hazardous substances. Sources of waste Household waste – Waste material usually generated in the residential environment. Includes food residue, packing materials, and products which have spoiled or worn out. Commercial waste – Waste emanating from business establishments such as stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, and movie theaters. Industrial waste – Waste emanating from production and packing of industrial products. Waste treatment methods In order to increase the efficiency of waste treatment, it is customary to rank the treatments according to their influence on the environment. The goal is to transform the waste into a resource and to minimize the quantity of waste that is landfilled. The treatments methods examined in the survey were recycling and landfill. Recycling – The processing and use of waste as raw materials in production and consumption processes, for example, the melting of scrap iron so that it can be converted into new iron products. Landfill – Uncontrolled or controlled burial of waste in the ground in accordance with sanitary, environmental, or security requirements. Waste is transfered to landfill either directly to landfill sites, or via transit stations from which it is transferred to landfill sites. Waste treatment sites Landfill site – A site designated for landfilling of waste. Landfill sites are distinguished according to the type of waste that is transferred to them: mixed, dry, or hazardous. Transit station – A site used for sorting, initial treatment, and routing of waste. In a first stage, most of the waste is transferred to the transit stations located throughout Israel, from which it is transferred to landfill sites or to recycling plants. Some of the transit stations include a system for sorting and separating the waste in preparation for recycling, including ( 21 ) the following operations: chopping of yard waste, separation of paper and plastic from the waste, and preparation of compost from the organic material in the waste. Recycling plant – A plant established in order to treat recyclable waste. Recyclable waste includes the following materials: plastic, paper, oil, construction waste, organic material, yard waste chips, metals, etc. Recycling plants receive the waste from the following sources: o Industrial establishments, via collection systems (such as collection of cardboard and oil from production sites) o Collection equipment set up in localities (such as equipment for collection of plastic bottles and paper) o Transit stations (such as yard waste chips and plastic sorted at the transit stations) Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gas (GHG) – A gas occurring naturally or resulting from human activities. GHGs contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), ozone (O3), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and other gases. Greenhouse effect – A process in which greenhouse gases effectively absorb thermal infrared radiation, emitted by the Earth's surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds. The infrared radiation turns into heat, which causes the warming of the atmosphere. Global warming – An increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. In the distant past, changes in Earth temperature occurred as a result of natural processes. The term global warming depicts the warming predicted as a result of increased anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases that strengthen the greenhouse effect, which, in turn, causes global climate changes. ( 22 ) D. Methodology 1. Survey population The survey population included Manufacturing companies and companies engaged in the production and distribution of electricity, having 11 or more employee jobs. The companies included were those classified as Category B – Manufacturing and as Division 40 (Production and distribution of electricity) of Category C, as defined in the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, 1993 (see Appendix). 2. Period investigated The data collected on quantities of treated waste and fuel consumption refer to activities that took place in 2010. 3. Sampling method Sampling frame The sampling frame was based on the sampling frame used in the Indices of Manufacturing Survey carried out by the CBS. The sampling frame included all companies listed in the CBS's Business Register that operated in the Manufacturing (excluding diamonds) and Electricity industries in 2010. Companies that did not belong to the survey population were removed from the sampling frame. These included: companies that did not belong to Manufacturing, companies that did not have labour data for 2010, companies that ceased operations at the beginning of 2010, and companies with an average of 10 or fewer employee jobs in 2010. Planning and drawing of the sample The sampling frame was divided into 19 groupings of Manufacturing and Electricity industries (sampled industries), in order to meet the OECD's international reporting requirements. These industry groups were intended to reflect companies' homogeneity from the operational and technological perspective, as well as in the context of their environmental operations involving waste production and fuel consumption. For the purpose of planning the sample, size groups were defined for each sampled industry, based on the average number of employee jobs in 2010. The sample was drawn using sampling strata which were defined by combining the 19 Manufacturing and Electricity industry groups with the various size groups. In each sampled industry, the uppermost size stratum, made up of the largest companies, was the "take-all" stratum, in which all companies were drawn in the sample with certainty. The other size strata were referred to as the probability strata, in which a sample was drawn with a probability of less than 1. For a list of the industries, see Appendix. ( 23 ) The sample was allocated among the different size strata within each industry group using Laveallee and Hidrogulou's (1988) algorithm. The algorithm determines, for each sampled industry, the boundaries of the size strata and the number of companies to be sampled in each one, such that a minimum sample size is obtained at the desired level of precision. The sample that was drawn included approximately 630 sampling units, some of which were comprised of a number of companies. In total, 850 companies were approached. It must be emphasized that the level of precision is obtained for the size datum upon which the sample is planned. A similar level of precision should be obtained for other variables examined in the survey that correlate strongly with the size datum. The sampling error is expected to be higher for other variables examined in the survey that do not correlate with the size datum. Within each stratum, the companies were sampled with equal likelihood, in accordance with the sampling allocation and the number of companies in the stratum. In order to reduce the response burden, the drawing of the sample in the probability strata was planned such that there would be minimal overlap with the probability companies in the Indices of Manufacturing Survey sample. 4. Research method In order to accomplish the data collection efficiently, information was collected in two surveys and then combined: 1. The survey "Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing 2010" 2. The survey "Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing 2010" In the survey "Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing 2010," data were collected regarding expenditure on environmental protection in these industries. A section was added to this survey on the topic of industrial waste and sewage. The sample in this survey included 458 companies. The data were collected through questionnaires that were completed with the assistance and guidance of an interviewer who visited the company. In the first stage, the questionnaire was sent to the company's contact person (such as the person in charge of environmental protection, the company engineer, or the director of operations) for the purpose of collecting the required data and preparing the required material before the interviewer's visit. In the survey "Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing 2010," data were collected only regarding industrial waste and sewage. This survey was carried out through a paper questionnaire that was mailed and self-completed at the company with telephone assistance. The sample in this survey included 392 companies. Combining the surveys enabled the obtaining of data on industrial waste with high resolution and a smaller sampling error. The data were collected between September 2011 and June 2012. ( 24 ) 5. Response There was a high response rate, and most companies took the time to answer the survey questions. Nevertheless, because of the complexity of the subject and the difficulty involved in obtaining the relevant data within the companies, it is possible that some of the companies did not provide a full report of all quantities of waste produced in the establishment. In both surveys whose waste data were combined, response was high. In total, data were obtained from 88% of the sampled companies. In actuality, responses were obtained from approximately 91% of the relevant companies, because it was determined that 36 of companies did not belong to the sampling frame. Both surveys had low refusal rates of approximately 1%. Definitions: Non-eligible ("zero") cases – Units sampled for the survey but which did not belong to the survey population. These units included 2 types of cases: o Closed – A company found to be closed during the investigation year (2010) o Does not belong – A company found to not belong to the Manufacturing classification during the investigation year (2010). Non-response case – Units in the survey population that were sampled for the survey, but did not respond to it. These units included 3 types of instances: o Refusal – A company that refused to respond to the survey questionnaire o Closed (after 2010) – A company that closed after the investigation year (2010) and from which it was not possible to obtain data o Other – A company that did not respond due to difficulty in finding the information. Interview Results in Absolute Numbers Survey "Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing and Electricity, 2010" Survey "Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing and Electricity, 2010" Total 904 333 744 Non-eligible cases: 94 91 36 Does not belong 15 16 31 Closed (in 2010) 2 1 5 Non-response cases: 30 90 70 Refusals 11 1 11 Closed (after 2010) 13 15 28 Other Participated in survey – total 7 42 31 934 343 850 Responded ( 25 ) Interview Results in Percentages Survey "Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing and Electricity, 2010" Survey "Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing and Electricity, 2010" Total 4493 4393 4193 Non-eligible cases: 999 993 993 Does not belong 3.3 2.1 393 Closed (in 2010) 1.0 1.3 093 Non-response cases: 393 9093 493 Refusals 4.4 1.3 993 Closed (after 2010) 4.8 3.8 393 Other 1.5 6.1 397 Responded Note: Figures do not necessarily sum up to the total due to rounding. 6. Handling of data The review of the questionnaires and the data involved two stages. In the first stage, the questionnaires were examined after their receipt. This stage included checking completeness of the reporting of the companies' general information, contact person, and quantities of expenditures. The questionnaires were also checked in order to determine whether they included reporting of information that had been expected to be obtained from all of the companies (such as quantities of waste production). The second stage was the quality control and preparation stage. In this stage, additional checks were carried out that included the following: whether the questionnaire was filled out completely, the type of waste, classification of the waste into appropriate categories (mixed, dry, and hazardous), conversion of waste and fuel reported by volume to weights, orders of magnitude of the quantities, and whether the company's reported main activity matched the industry in which it was classified in the Business Register. If additional clarification was needed, a follow-up request was addressed to the contact person. After the information required to complete the questionnaires was received, the questionnaires were entered into an information system. 7. Estimation method Each of the companies covered in the survey was assigned a weight, also called a "weighting coefficient," that indicated the number of companies it represented in the survey year. ( 26 ) The weight was calculated in two stages: First stage: The company's preliminary weight was calculated as the inverse of its sampling probability. The greater a company's sampling probability, the smaller the number of companies that it represented. Second stage: The company's final weight was obtained by multiplying the preliminary weight by a factor that corrected for the non-response in each sampling stratum. The higher the non-response rate was in a stratum, the larger was the non-response correction coefficient. E. Reliability of the data Update of the publication This publication is an updated version that replaces the original publication published in 2013. The update was made due to insights that arose while conducting an additional cycle of the survey. This survey is the first survey on the topic of industrial waste. Data were obtained from the companies during the data collection and various tests were performed on the information received. In many cases, information was not available for comparison with the data received. Following the additional cycle of the survey (in 2012) and a comparison of the information between the two surveys, new tests of the data were made possible and it became clear that a portion of the data should be revised. The updates were due to various reasons, such as: reporting errors of measuring units (for example, reporting on a cubic meter instead of a liter), an incorrect estimation process for waste in the establishment, and reporting errors of contact persons in the establishments. The data presented in the tables were estimates based on a sample survey and were subject to various possible errors: Sampling errors Sampling errors result from the fact that the companies that were investigated were only a sample, and not the total survey population. The sample upon which the current survey was based was only one of a number of possible samples that could have been included through the same sampling method and of the same size. Obviously, estimates based on different samples will differ from each other, and almost all of them will be different than the value that would be obtained if information was collected from the entire population and not only from a sample. In the survey, no sampling errors were calculated for the estimates obtained. Non-sampling errors Non-sampling errors in a survey can result from many factors at all stages of data collection and processing. They can be found in a process in which information is collected from the entire population, and not only from a sample of units. ( 27 ) The main non-sampling errors in a survey are the following: 1. Errors in coverage of the survey population: The sampling frame is subject to undercoverage of companies that belong to the population. This under-coverage can result from a variety of causes, such as new companies not yet included in the Business Register at the time the sample was produced, errors in the industry classifications, erroneous assessment of a company (for example, a company with 11 or more employee jobs being assessed as a company that is below this threshold). 2. Errors resulting from non-response: errors resulting from the fact that companies did not respond, either because they refused to respond, or for other reasons. This can cause a certain bias in the estimates, because the characteristics of companies that responded to the survey might be different from the characteristics of companies that did not respond. The estimation method used was intended to reduce this bias. 3. Response errors: errors resulting from misunderstanding of the questions, from disinterest in responding, or from an inability to respond. 4. Data-entry errors: The responses to the questionnaires are entered into a database and are subject to errors during the data-entry process, some of which are identified and corrected through later checks of all the entered data. 5. Errors arising during the various stages of processing: errors that occur during the processing of the data, such as the fact that converting volume to weight produces an approximate estimate of the weight. Some of these errors are identified and corrected through later checks of all the obtained data. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to assess non-sampling errors. It is important to note that efforts were made during the planning and execution of the survey to limit the number of such errors as much as possible. ( 28 ) Appendix – Classification of Industries (according to the Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, 1993)4 Code Category B (10-39) Manufacturing 10–13 Mining and agglomeration of hard coal; Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; Mining of ores and diamonds; Other mining and quarrying 14–16 Manufacture of food products; Manufacture of soft and alcoholic beverages and tobacco products 17–18 Manufacture of textiles; Manufacture of wearing apparel (except knitted) 19 Manufacture of footwear, leather and leather products 20 Manufacture of wood and wood products (excl. furniture) 21 Manufacture of paper and paper products 22 Publishing and printing 23 Manufacture of refined petroleum and its products and nuclear fuel 24 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 25 Manufacture of plastic and rubber products 26 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 27 Manufacture of basic metal 28 Manufacture of metal products (excl. machinery and equipment) 29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment 30–34 Manufacture of office and accounting machinery and computers; Manufacture of electric motors and electric distribution apparatus; Manufacture of electronic components; Manufacture of electronic communication equipment; Manufacture of industrial equipment for control and supervision, medical and scientific equipment 35 Manufacture of transport equipment 36 Manufacture of furniture 38–39 Category C (40-41) 40 4 Industries in the survey of Waste and Sewage in Manufacturing and Electricity, 2010 Manufacture of jewellery and gift items, goldsmiths' and silversmiths' articles; Manufacturing n.e.c. Electricity and water supply Thereof: Production and distribution of electricity Central Bureau of Statistics (2003). Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, 1993. Technical Publication No. 63. Second Edition. Jerusalem: Author. ( 29 )