CHM 3410 – Problem Set 3 Due date: Monday, September 20th (NOTE: Our first exam is on Friday, September 24th. It will cover material from Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Atkins, and handouts.) Do all of the following problems. Show your work. 1) A 10.00 g block of iron metal (sp,Fe = 0.449 J/g.K) at T = 400.0 K is placed in contact with a 20.00 g block of aluminum metal (sp,Al = 0.903 J/g.K) at T = 300.0 K. Heat flows between the two metal blocks until equilibrium is reached. Find Tf (the final temperature) and S (change in entropy) for the process. 2) Starting with the expression pV = constant (where = Cp/CV), which applies to an adiabatic reversible expansion or compression of an ideal gas with constant heat capacity, derive the following relationship (which you will need for problem 3). (pi/pf) = (Ti/Tf)/(-1) (2.1) 3) Consider the following three step cyclic process indicated below. The process is carried out on 1.000 mol of an ideal monatomic gas (CV,m = 3/2 R = constant). Th = 300.0 K, Tc = 250.0 K, and pA = 1.000 atm. The three steps in the process are as follows: step 1 – An isothermal reversible expansion from A to B. step 2 – A constant volume reversible cooling from B to C step 3 – An adiabatic reversible compression from C to A a) What are Ucycle, Hcycle, and Scycle, the change in internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy, for the entire cycle? (Hint – You should be able to answer this part of the problem without carrying out any calculations.) b) What are pB amd pC, the pressures at points B and C? c) What are wcycle and qcycle, the work and heat for the entire cycle? 4) For the process 2 Cu2O(s) + O2(g) 4 CuO(s) (4.1) find Hrxn, Srxn, and Grxn at a) T = 25.0 C b) T = 100.0 C The thermochemical data needed to do this problem is in Table 2.8 of the Appendix of Atkins. You may assume that the constant pressure molar heat capacities for the reactants and product are constant over the temperature range in the problem. 5) Starting from the relationship dG = V dp - S dT (5.1) show the following a) (G/p)T = V b) (G/T)p = - S c) (V/T)p = - (S/p)T Also do the following from Atkins: Exercises 3.2b Calculate the molar entropy of a constant volume sample of argon at T =250. K given that it is 154.84 J/mol.K at 298 K. (Hint: You may assume argon is an ideal monatomic gas). Problems 3.14 The compound 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4,6-trifluorobenzene is an intermediate in the conversion of hexachlorobenzene to hexafluorobenzene, and its thermodynamic properties have been examined by measuring its heat capacity over a wide temperature range (R. L. Andon and J. F. Martin, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. I, 871 (1973).) Some of the data are as follows T (K) Cp,m (J/mol.K) 14.14 9.492 16.33 12.70 20.03 18.18 31.15 32.54 44.08 46.86 64.81 66.36 T (K) Cp,m (J/mol.K) 100.90 140.86 183.59 225.10 262.99 298.06 95.05 121.3 144.4 163.7 180.2 196.4 Find the value for S, the absolute entropy, at T = 298.15 K. (Hint: The above compound is a solid over the temperature range of the problem. Below 14.14 K you may assume that the Nernst equation applies, that is, that C p,m = aT3, where a is a constant). Solutions. 1) It helps to think about what is happening in this problem. Two metal blocks at different initial temperatures are placed in contact with one another. Heat will flow from the hot block to the cold block. The temperature of the hot block will decrease, and the temperature of the cold block will increase, until an equal final temperature T f is reached. The first thing to do is to find T f. Since the heat leaving the hot block is equal in magnitude to the heat entering the cold block, we may say qh + qc = 0 = Ti,hTf mh sh dT + Ti,cTf mc sc dT where “h” and “c” are used to label quantities associated with the hot and cold block, m is mass, s is specific heat, and Ti is the initial block temperature. Since we assume the specific heat is constant over the temperature range in the problem, we can pull m and s outside the integrals, to get 0 = mh sh Ti,hTf dT + mc sc Ti,cTf dT = mh sh (Tf – Ti,h) + mc sc (Tf – Ti,c) = mhshTf – mhshTi,h + mcscTf – mcscTi,c Putting all of the terms containing Tf on one side of the equation and all of the other terms on the other side gives mhshTf + mcscTf = mhshTi,h + mcscTi,c (mhsh + mcsc) Tf = mhshTi,h + mcscTi,c Tf = mhshTi,h + mcscTi,c = [ (10.00)(0.449)(400.0) + (20.00)(0.903)(300.0) ] = 319.9 K (mhsh + mcsc) [ (10.00)(0.449) + (20.00)(0.903) ] Now, we may find S by saying S = Sh + Sc where the terms on the right are the change in entropy for the hot and cold block. Since the process is spontaneous we expect S > 0. Since dS = (dq)rev/T = (mspdT)/T Sh = Ti,hTf mhsh dT/T = mhsh Ti,hTf dT/T = mhsh ln(Tf/Ti,h) Sc = Ti,cTf mcsc dT/T = mcsc Ti,cTf dT/T = mcsc ln(Tf/Ti,c) So Sh = (10.00 g) (0.449 J/g.K) ln (319.9/400.0) = - 1.003 J/K Sc = (20.00 g) (0.903 J/g.K) ln (319.9/300.0) = + 1.160 J/K S = ( - 1.003 J/K) + 1.160 J/K = + 0.157 J/K 2) piVi = pfVf But V = nRT/p. If we substitute for Vi and Vf, we get pi (nRTi/pi) = pf (nRTf/pf) pi1- Ti = pf1- Tf If we now collect pressure terms on one side and temperature terms on the other side, we get (pi/pf)(1-) = (Tf/Ti) If we take both sides to the 1/(1-) power, we get (pi/pf) = (Tf/Ti)/(1-) Flipping Ti and Tf introduces a negative sign in the exponent, giving the final result (pi/pf) = (Ti/Tf)/(-1) 3) a) Since U, H, and S are all state functions, and the process is cyclic, it follows immediately that Ucycle = Hcycle = Scycle = 0 b) It is easiest to first find pC, and then find pB. The process C A is adiabatic and reversible, and the molar heat capacity is constant. CV,m = 3/2 R so Cp,m = 5/2 R and so = (Cp,m)/(CV,m) = 5/3 /(-1) = (5/3)/(2/3) = 5/2 Using equn 2.1 pC/pA = (Tc/Th)/(-1) pC = pA (Tc/Th)/(-1) = (1.000 atm) (250.0/300.0) 5/2 = 0.6339 atm. To find pB we note that process B C is a constant volume reversible cooling. Since for an ideal gas at constant volume p ~ T, it follows pB/pC = (Th/Tc) pB = pC (Th/Tc) = (0.6339 atm) (300.0/250.0) = 0.7607 atm c) We now have sufficient information to find wcycle. Once we do this, we know from the first law Ucycle = wcycle + qcycle = 0 , qcycle = - wcycle Since we have previously discussed the individual steps in the cycle we will not rederive the expressions for work but will simply use the previous results For A B (isothermal reversible expansion) wAB = nRT ln(pB/pA) = (1.000 mol) (8.314 J/mol.K) (300.0 K) ln(0.7607/1.000) = - 682. J For B C (constant volume reversible cooling) wBC = 0 For C A (adiabatic reversible compression) qCA = 0 wCA = UCA = nCV,m(Th – Tc) = (1.000 mol)(12.472 J/mol.K)(300.0 K – 250.0 K) = 624. J So wcycle = - 682. J + 0. J + 624. J = - 58. J qcycle = - wcycle = + 58. J Note, by the way, that the magnitude of wcycle is just equal to the area inside of the ABC curve in the plot of p vs V. 4) a) Hrxn = [4 Hf(CuO(s))] – [2 Hf(Cu2O(s)) + Hf(O2(g))] = [4(- 157.3)] – [2(- 168.6) + 0] = - 292.0 kJ/mol Srxn = [4 S(CuO(s))] – [2 S(Cu2O(s)) + S(O2(g))] = [4(42.63)] – [2(93.14) + 205.138)] = - 220.90 J/mol.K Grxn = [4 Gf(CuO(s))] – [2 Gf(Cu2O(s)) + Gf(O2(g))] = [4(- 129.7)] – [2(- 146.0) + 0] = - 226.8 kJ/mol Cp = [4 Cp,m(CuO(s))] – [2 Cp,m(Cu2O(s)) + Cp,m(O2(g))] = [4(42.30)] – [2(63.64) + 29.355] = 12.56 J/mol .K Note that we can check the above results by remembering that Grxn = Hrxn - TSrxn. If we substitute for Hrxn and Srxn, we get Grxn = - 292.0 kJ/mol – (298. K) (-0.22090 kJ/mol.K) = - 226.2 kJ/mol, rwasonably close to the value found directly using the thermochemical tables. b) Since the constant pressure molar heat capacities are assumed constant over the temperature range of the problem we may say Hrxn(373 K) = Hrxn(298 K) + Cp (75. K) = - 292.0 kJ/mol + (0.01256 kJ/mol.K)(75. K) = - 291.1 kJ/mol Srxn(373 K) = Srxn(298 K) + Cp ln(373/298) = - 220.90 J/mol.K + (12.56 J/mol.K) ln(373./298.) = - 218.1 J/mol.K Grxn = Hrxn - TSrxn = (- 291.1 kJ/mol) – (373. K) (- 0.2181 kJ/mol.K) = - 209.7 kJ/mol Note that because Hrxn and Srxn are relatively insensitive to changes in temperature, we often find values for Grxn at some temperature other than 298. K by using the values for Hrxn and Srxn found at T = 298. K, and assuming they are approximately constant. if we had done this in part b, we would have gotten Grxn = Hrxn - TSrxn (- 292.0 kJ/mol) – (373. K) (- 0.2209 kJ/mol.K) = - 209.6 kJ/mol the same, within roundoff error, to the value found by the more rigorous method! That they are this close is a coincidence, but the error introduced for a 75. K temperature change would typically be only a few kJ/mol. 5) a) dG = V dp - S dT divide by dp dG/dp = V dp/dp - S dT/dp = V - S dT/dp Make T constant (G/p)T = V - S (T/p)T = V The last term drops out when T = constant b) dG = V dp - S dT divide by dT dG/dT = V dp/dT - S dT/dT = V dp/dT - S Make p constant (G/T)p = V (p/T)p - S = - S The last term drops out when T = constant c) Take /T)p of the first expression above and /p)T of the second expression above /T)p [ (G/p)T = V ] = (2G/Tp) = (V/T)p /p)T [ (G/T)p = - S ] = (2G/pT) = - (S/p)T For "well behaved" functions the order of taking the derivatives doesn't matter, and so the left sides of the above expressions are equal. Therefore the right sides must also be equal, and so (V/T)p = - (S/p)T Exercise 3.2 b Since we know the value for entropy at 298. K, we need to find the change in entropy when we change the temperature of the gas from 298. K to 250. K by a constant volume reversible cooling. Then S(250. K) = S(298. K) + S But for a constant volume reversible cooling of a gas with a constant value for the molar heat capacity, we may say (note we use CV,m instead of Cp,m because volume is constant. Also note CV,m = 3/2 R). S = CV,m ln(Tf/Ti) = (12.471 J/mol.K) ln(250./298.) = - 2.19 J/mol.K So S(250. K) = (154.84 J/mol.K) + (- 2.19 J/mol.K) = 152.63 J/mol.K Problem 3.14 S(298.15 K) = 0298.15 (Cp,m/T) dT = 014.14 (Cp,m/T) dT + 14.14298.15 (Cp,m/T) dT For temperatures below 14.14 K assume that Cp,m = aT3. The value for a is found using the heat capacity at 14.14 K (9.492 J/mol.K) = a (14.14 K)3 a = (9.492 J/mol.K) / (14.14 K)3 = 3.36 x 10-3 J/mol.K4 So 014.14 (Cp,m/T) dT = 014.14 (a T3/T) dT = 014.14 (a T2) dT = (a T3)/3 = (3.36 x 10-3 J/mol.K4) (14.14 K)3 / 3 = 3.166 J/mol.K For the second integral, 14.14298.15 (Cp,m/T) dT, we will find the value for the integral numerically using the trapezoid rule. For adjacent temperatures we say T1T2 (T2 - T1) { [ Cp,m(T2)/T2 ] + [ Cp,m(T1)/T1 ] }/2 Cp,m (J/mol.K) 9.492 12.70 18.18 32.54 46.86 66.36 95.05 121.3 144.4 163.7 180.2 196.4 T (K) 14.14 16.33 20.03 31.15 44.08 64.81 100.90 140.86 183.59 225.10 262.99 298.06 298.15 Cp,m/T (J/mol.K2) 0.6713 0.7777 0.9076 1.0446 1.0631 1.0239 0.9420 0.8611 0.7865 0.7272 0.6852 0.6589 0.658 T (K) 2.19 3.70 11.12 12.93 20.73 36.09 39.96 42.73 41.51 37.89 35.07 0.09 S (J/mol.K) 1.587 3.118 10.854 13.626 21.632 35.475 36.026 35.201 31.417 26.758 23.569 0.0593 The data are plotted below. Note that the area under the curve up to any temperature T represents the value for S at that temperature (though the value calculated here for T = 298.15 K was found as described above). 14.14298.15 (Cp,m/T) dT S = 239.322 J/mol.K And so S(298.15 K) = 014.14 (Cp,m/T) dT + 14.14298.15 (Cp,m/T) dT = (3.166 + 239.322) J/mol.K = 242.49 J/mol.K (Cp,m)/T (J/mol.K2) Plot of (Cp,m)/T vs T 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 T (K) 250 300 350