Carylon Armstrong at(281)477-3354 - Cy

Please read each
page in the
first section of
this binder.
If you have any questions please
Carol McMillan at (281)793-5753
Carylon Armstrong at(281)477-3354
Thank you for the donation of
your valuable time.
The Cy-Fair band boosters
appreciate it, the band
directors appreciate it, but
most importantly, the students
appreciate it!
Please log your hours on
the Virtual Volunteer
Website at
This helps with school
funding. Instructions are
attached on the last page.
If you or your spouse work
for Exxonmobil, please let
me know. The band can earn
$$$ for your volunteer
hours. I will be happy to
supply you with the
necessary information.
Carol McMillan
Opening Inventory
When you arrive at the
Marching practice support
tent please make sure that
the squad leaders have
supplied the following
1. EZ-Up Tent should be set
up by the students
2. 1 - folding table
3. 2 - lawn chairs
4. 2 - large Tupperware
5. 2 - 5 gallon drink
coolers filled with ice
6. 1 – grey first aid kit
Small ice chest filled
w/just ice to use for
compresses, sprains
Bag of clean towels and
a bag for dirty towels
1. Make sure that the tent has been
set up and attached to the fence
with bungee cords
2. Locate the student sign-in/out
binder. This binder will be
located in one of the large
Tupperware bins. Open the notebook
and lay it flat on the table. Get
a pen out of the pencil bag and
make sure to start each day with a
new sign-in/out sheet. Write
today’s date at the top of the
3. Locate the clock in the large
Tupperware bin and set it next to
the binder for the students to use
as they sign in and out.
4. Locate the medical forms binder
and the medicine dispensation log
and keep it handy, you’ll need it!
In-tent Duties
While working the marching practice support
tent, your role is to monitor and safeguard
the health and safety of the students who
are temporarily unable to participate. You
are also in charge of keeping records on
students who leave rehearsal for bathroom
breaks, private lessons or early dismissal.
You are not in charge of discipline.
Students are to view the tent as a place to
go to recover from temporary fatigue from
heat or injury. This is not a place for
socializing or long-term use. Your
responsibilities are as follows:
Make sure that all students entering
or leaving the field sign in and out.
(The only exception is the pit crew. They
normally come out as a group after
practice has started and make several
trips in and out with their instruments)
Administer first aid as necessary.
Please read the first aid pages for
treatment instructions and advice.
Dispense medication as needed.
Before you give any student oral
medication, you must find their medical
authorization form in the “Medical Forms”
book. Please make sure that their parent
has given permission for them to take the
medication that they are requesting. Log
in all oral medication given in the
Medical Forms book. Date the entry, add
student’s name and what meds were
Volunteers should observe the
student’s behavior during the first 15
minutes in the tent area. If their
energy level seems to be returning, they
are sitting up and visiting, then they
should return to rehearsal. If they are
still exhibiting continued signs of heat
related problems or injury, they can
remain another 15 minutes for further
evaluation. At the end of 30 minutes,
they either return to rehearsal, or a
parent must be called if they are unable
to return to rehearsal. It must be noted
in the sign in/out book that the student
went home. When in doubt, take a
reasonable approach and err on the side
of the student’s safety. Consult a band
director if needed. The parent must come
to the tent to pick up a student who is
leaving early.
Volunteers are asked to help the
students remain quiet while in the tent
area, but should seek the help of a band
director when there are serious behavior
If a student becomes seriously ill, a
director must be notified.
Restroom use – students are not
allowed to use the restroom for the first
or final 60 minutes of a 2½-hour or
longer rehearsal. They may use the
restroom during the middle portion of the
rehearsal. During a 2-hour rehearsal,
students are not allowed to use the
restroom during the first or final 45
minutes. Students are to use the
bathrooms next to the football practice
area. These bathrooms are accessible by
key and should be unlocked by a band
director prior to rehearsal. If they are
not open, consult a band director.
Private lessons – students who spend
more than 40 minutes gone due to private
lessons should be questioned. If a
student has been gone longer than 40
minutes to a lesson, the section leader
needs to be notified.
NOTE: All students must sign out of the practice
field for any reason and sign back in to the
practice field when they return.
1st AID, overheated, sick, etc….
Bathroom Break
Private Lessons
Instrument Problems (needs a new reed
etc…this should not happen very often)
5. Other School Commitments (Student Council,
Choir, etc.) They must have prior approval
from a band director.
6. Appointments – They must have asked
permission prior to the date. Otherwise, they
must get permission from a band director.
1. Serious Injury Situation
2. Student is disrespectful to adult volunteers.
3. If student does not have permission to leave
the field early.
Shutting down
1. Repack the sign in/out book, clock and medical
forms binder in to the bins
2. Put all the towels used away in the dirty
laundry bag.
3. Pack up the chairs & table.
4. Make sure that students empty all coolers.
5. The following supplies are stored in the
storage building located on the practice field:
Tent, lawn chairs, table, Tupperware bins
and laundry bags.
6. The following items are stored in the band hall
in the first room on the left:
First aid kit, coolers, small ice chest
The first aid kit is to be locked in a
cabinet by a designated band member at the
end of practice
To Log in Your Band Volunteer Hours:
Go to and click on the arrow next to “Quick Links” on
the right side above the calendar section of the web site. Scroll down to
“Volunteer in CFISD” and select. On the next page, select “Volunteer
Participation Form”.
* Complete the information on the “Volunteer Participation Form”. After
submitting your form, you should receive a confirmation email from CFISD
with your password. If you have any difficulties with your registration,
contact the v-volunteer technical team by emailing or by
calling (281) 897-HELP.
After registration, simply log in each time you volunteer and record your
activities. There are selections for activities that were volunteered for,
location of volunteer activity, date, time and number of hours. Be sure to
select band!
Why Log Your Volunteer Hours?
It is important to log all of your volunteer hours for on and off campus
volunteer efforts (including booster clubs, etc.) because this information is
used to:
1. Help the district obtain the best bond ratings when needed
2. Determine which campuses can support educational pilot programs
3. Help the district obtain grants to be used district wide for equipment,
programs and more