ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Program PittCon 2009 in Chicago, March 2-7, 2009 The ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry is pleased to announce that we are again programming at PittCon in 2009. You are invited to submit abstracts until August 15, 2008 for the five contributed oral sessions and general poster session. Please indicate which session you are submitting your abstract for by including the two to four letter code for the session in front of your ACS membership number (Example: “VOB1234567”) and submit the abstract to PittCon ( In addition, information is included on the seven invited symposia organized by the Subdivision on Chromatography and Separation Chemistry to recognize its 25th Anniversary. Contributed Oral Sessions 1. Quality Assurance of Measurements and Proficiency Testing (code QA), chair Curtis Wood, ERA This session will focus on the different aspects of proficiency testing and measurements that help analytical laboratories maintain high quality measurements. 2. Multi-residue Pesticide Analysis for Food Testing (code MPA), chair Alex Krynitsky, FDA This session will target analytical methodology from sample preparation to high performance LC, LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS for analysis of multiple pesticide residues in food and related substances. 3. New Concepts and Instruments for Electrochemical Sensors ( code NCAI), Chair TBD The focus of this session is the advancements in technology for electrochemical sensors. 4. Understanding Chromatography with Sub-2 µm Particles(code UC), chair Michael Swartz, Synomics Pharma Papers in this session will present investigations using sub 2 µm particles that show and discuss how these columns have raised the bar for chromatographic analyses and the challenges to achieving the expected performance. 5. Validation of Bioanalytical Methods (code VOB), chair Erin Chambers, Waters Corporation Papers are invited for this session that address matrix effects, ion suppression and ISR (incurred samples reanalysis) as new demands on bioanalytical methods are realized from the impact of the Crystal City meetings. Poster Session: ACS Poster Session on Monday, March 9, 2009. Any member wishing to be in the ACS Poster Session should select ACS Poster from the PittCon abstract submission page. Program Chair: Dorothy J. Phillips, Waters Associates Invited Symposia and Organizers 1. HPLC Method Robustness: Studies of evaluation of chromatographic selectivity in the life science industries The session will review the current situation with software in support of chromatography. Organizer: Imre Molnar, Molnar Institute, Berlin, Germany 2. Pressurized Fluids in Analytical Separations Technology For over 25 years, pressurized fluids (supercritical, near critical, enhanced fluidity media, etc.) have been an integral part of research and development in analytical chemistry. The application of these fluids has been applied to chromatography, extraction, in sample preparation, and the development of “green” analytical methodologies. The envisioned symposium will feature five keynote speakers describing the contributions and seminal developments in the field, as well as the current state of the art and applications of the above techniques in analytical separations. Organizers: Jerry King, University of Arkansas and David Pinkston, Proctor & Gamble Company 3: New Dimensions in Multidimensional Separations The session will take a look at the current state-of-the-art of multidimensional separations and analysis techniques. Organizer: Mathew Klee, Agilent Technologies, Inc. . 4: Biological Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis The intent of this invited session is to describe applications of capillary electrophoresis or electrokinetic chromatography for the analysis of biological samples such as tissue or cells as well as follow biochemical processes such as DNA mutations or enzyme assays. Organizer: Neil Danielson, Miami University 5. Young Investigator Award from Subdivision on Chromatography and Separation Chemistry of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the ACS Organizer: Brian Bidlingmeyer, Agilent Technologies, inc., Past Chair of the Subdivision 6. Evolution of Modern Chromatography: Celebration of 25 years of the Subdivision on Chromatography and Separation Chemistry of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the ACS. Chromatography has evolved significantly over the last 25 years when the subdivision was formed. This session will overview the Subdivision early days and brief history and concentrate its focus on how chromatography has evolved in the several specific areas. Organizer: Sut Ahuja, Ahuja Consulting