Mrs. Hoffer 8th Grade Science 2014-2015 Classroom Policies 419-534-5376 x 3143 COURSE INTRODUCTION—What we’re going to learn Welcome to 8th grade Science! This year we will focus on 3 main areas of science: the Physical Sciences including forces, motion and the nature of energy; Life Sciences including heredity and life cycles; and the Earth and Space Sciences including earth’s atmosphere and outer space. We will work hard to learn science by doing, not just by memorizing it! This will help us to see science in action in the world around us. As we master our science concepts, we will apply them to everyday life to see the importance of science! PREPARING FOR SUCCESS—What you need to bring to class every day! A three ring binder Blank loose-leaf (not ripped out), college-ruled notebook paper Pencil or Pen Textbook Highlighter (any color) Calculator A positive attitude towards learning Respect for the rules of our class ORGANIZING FOR SUCCESS—What you’ll need to keep in your binder Your binder will contain all of the work that you do in this class (and ONLY this class) over the course of the year. It is EXTREMELY important that you keep an orderly binder for this class, as it will help you prepare for tests and succeed in class. Binder checks will occur once per quarter and you will receive 0 to 5 points, depending on its completeness and organization. GRADING POLICY—How you will be graded The class will follow a weighted scale for all assignments: Tests and Projects/Labs-45% Homework-15% Quizzes-30% Classwork (including warm-ups)-10% Letter grades will be assigned using the school’s grade scale: 100-92 = A 81-72 = C 91-82 = B 71-64 = D Below 64 = F Please check PowerSchool frequently in order to remain aware of your academic progress. TESTS AND QUIZZES—What to expect Tests will be given at the end of each unit. They will each be worth 100 points. We will hold a review session the day before the test to help us prepare. If you miss the review day, you are still required to take the test. Quizzes will be given throughout each chapter. Quizzes will be worth approximately 25 points each but can vary in point total. Students can expect 1-2 quizzes per chapter. The purpose of the quizzes is to encourage students to remain current with the information and to provide a quick assessment of student learning. Special accommodations will be made for students as needed. Students who are absent on quiz day will need to make up the quiz on the day of their return. HOMEWORK POLICY—How to get full credit for all assignments Everything we do inside and outside of class will help you succeed in this class. Each assignment is designed to expand your knowledge and help you meet the daily learning objective. Therefore, students must carefully complete ALL assignments. Homework assignments will be given regularly. Projects and homework assignments are expected to be handed in on time at the beginning of the class period. If extra time is needed for a project, students must provide a parent note with an explanation prior 1 to the due date. Internet access will be required for some activities. If Internet access is unavailable at home, please plan to use the school or public library facilities. Late homework assignments WILL NOT be accepted. Late projects or labs will be accepted for partial credit. Students must identify their work before handing it in by writing their first and last name and class period at the top of the page. You will not get credit if your work has no name. ABSENCES—What to do when you return We will follow the handbook rules for making up work. When you return, make sure you see me and check the absent folder for the day you were gone for any assignments you have missed. It will be your responsibility for getting all absent work. If you miss the day of an exam, it is your responsibility to make up the exam with me on the day you return, either at lunch or after school. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY—Knowledge is too precious to be stolen! Students caught copying from other students on assessments or homework, plagiarizing other’s work or ideas, or submitting work that is not of their own creation will receive a zero on that assignment and will face disciplinary action. WHAT TO EXPECT IN MRS. HOFFER’S CLASSROOM WAYS TO SUCCEED—Follow every day! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Respect everyone in all words and actions. Listen when someone is talking. Class time is only for class activities. Follow all of the teacher’s directions the first time. Come to class prepared with all of the required materials. Acceptable Behavior 1. Raising your hand to answer questions 2. Listening to and respect other students and your teacher 3. Using technology when appropriate 4. Not using cell phones 5. Not eating or drinking Unacceptable Behavior 1. Talking and disrupting others 2. Not following instructions 3. Using technology in an inappropriate manner or at a time when it is not being used 4. Using cell phones or other devices not approved by school policies 5. Eating and drinking in the classroom *Follow all Lab Safety and School Rules and Policies! Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior: 1. Warning 2. Warning + Parent Contact 3. Disciplinary Referral 4. Conference with parent and administrator CLASSROOM PROCEDURES—What is expected during class! Entering the Classroom- Students are expected to enter the room in a quiet manner. When you enter the room, you should move your “number magnet” from the absent section to the present section of the attendance board and pick up any handouts from the front of the room. If you fail to move your magnet, or are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be marked “tardy”. Tardies will be addressed according to school policies. You will also be counted tardy if your computer is not closed when the bell rings, unless otherwise told. Passes During Class Time – Every minute of class time is important but if it is necessary to leave the classroom, the following procedures will be used. Only 3 passes will be issued during each class period. If you are given permission to leave, you must sign out and move the magnet on the chart to the appropriate number of passes left for your class. 2 Participation- Students are expected to be working throughout the entire class period. During class, it is expected that all students will actively participate by answering questions, taking notes and adding to class discussions. If a student finishes his/her work early, I expect the student to complete enrichment exercises available in the classroom or to read a book silently so they do not disrupt others. Exiting the Classroom-Our last activity of the day will be an Exit Ticket based on the day’s lesson. You must complete it before you leave. When you hear the bell ring, remain in your seat until dismissed by the teacher. I may have important reminders to tell you at the end of the class. We DO NOT line up at the door in this classroom. REMIND-- A way to stay on top of important due dates! Remind is a service that allows teachers to either text or email students reminders. You are not required to sign up for Remind, but I highly recommend using it. I will explain how parents/guardians may also sign up for this service at open house. EXTRA CREDIT—A reward for those that go above and beyond in using their brains! There will be 1-2 extra credit assignments available for every student each quarter. The extra credit assignments will be counted as a homework assignment and will be worth 5-10 points. The extra credit assignments will have specific due dates and will not be accepted after the due date has passed. The extra credit assignments will not be required. EXPECTATIONS FROM MRS. HOFFER—High expectations for students and teachers You can expect the following from Mrs. Hoffer: Fairness and consistency Excellent, engaging classes that take place in a safe learning atmosphere An open line of communication. If ever you need to reach me, I can be contacted before 10:00PM via email and you will receive a prompt response! Email: Phone: 419-534-5376 x3143 I have HIGH EXPECTATIONS for all of you and am looking forward to an excellent year!!! Please Sign and Detach the Bottom Portion After Reviewing The Syllabus. I ___________________(student name) understand and agree to the terms outlined in the course syllabus. I agree to be an active participant in the classroom by asking questions when I do not understand, answering questions that the teacher asks and asking for additional help when I need it. I also agree to follow all of the “Ways to Succeed” and all classroom procedures so that the classroom is a safe learning environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed. STUDENT: SIGNATURE _______________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: SIGNATURE_________________________________ DATE________________ DATE_________________ 3