Prof Dr. said anwar

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Prof. Dr. Said Anwar Sayed.
Date of Birth
July, 4, 1955, Cairo.
2 El- Tahra St., Abo-Tawila, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Cairo
(202) 4907488 (home) 5552467-5552468 (FAX)
Dept. college
Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Science.
Major Field
Inorganic and analytical chemistry
- Professor degree (May. 28. 2006)
Assistant Professor degree (Dec. 26. 1996)
Ph. D. in science, inorganic chemistry (April, 28, 1991) Helwan
Topic: physicochemical studies on some complexes of uranium
preconcentrated from phosphate minerals.
M. Sc. Inorganic Chemistry ( April. 6. 1985) Ain Shams
Topic: physicochemical studies on complexes of some
Transition metals with azo imidazol derivatives
B. Sc. (HO). – June, 1977 ( Chemistry ) Ain Shams University.
- ( Oct. 1977-Sept. 1981) : Teaching Assistant, Dep. of
Chemistry, Suez Canal University, Egypt.
Chemistry labs and senior level inorganic and analytical labs. Assisted
students during general chemistry help sessions.
- ( Sep. 1981-June. 1985): Teaching Assistant, Dept. of
Chemistry, Sana’a University, Yemen
Chemistry, labs and senior level inorganic and analytical labs. Assisted
students during general chemistry help
- (July. 1986-1991) : Teaching Assistant and lecture of
Inorganic and analytical chemistry, Faculty of Science, Helwan
University .
- ( June, 10, 1991) Lecturer of inorganic and analytical chemistry.
- (Feb, 23, 1997) Assistant Professor of inorganic chemistry
- (May 28.2006) Professor of inorganic Chemistry
- Routinely operated different kinds of spectrophotometers, Conductivity,
potentiometers, and nuclear, radiation spectrometer.
- Sharing in the construction of an instrumental analysis lab. In the
faculty of science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
- Construction of an instrumental analysis lab. In the faculty of science,
Helwan University contains. spectroscopic instruments, Vis-UV, IR,
atomic, besides. Instruments for solvent extraction technique.
- Training and teaching courses for master degree. Imperial collage,
- Training and teaching course for under graduate and graduate major and
non-major chemistry analytical and industrial inorganic chemistry.
- Scientific mission to the chemistry Dept. ( Radio Chemistry ) the
Florida state University, Florida, Tallahassee, U. S. A.
- Radiation safty short-course (Florida, March, 1989)
- Training period in electronics for chemists, Cairo University (Nov.
Dissertations Supervision
- Ph. D. Thesis, spectroscopic studies on some Azo compounds and its
Lanthanide and actinide complexes.
- Ph. D. Thesis, physicochemical studies on determination and recycling
of some heavy elements from industrial solid and liquid wastes.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Treatment of the electroplating liquid waste.
- M. Sc. Thesis, physiochemical studies on the separation of some inner
transition elements from “Abu Tartur” phosphate.
- M. Sc. Thesis, purification of the phosphoric acid produced by the
hemihydrate method from iron.
- M. Sc. Thesis, studies on some inorganic ion exchangers for recovery of
some heavy metals from industrial water
- M. Sc. Thesis, the pollution effect of the reuse of sewage water on the
environment .
- M. Sc., Thesis, Evalution of pollution on mugil species in Damietta
branch between Faraskour barrage and Ras-El Bar utllet.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Spectrophotometric studies on complexes of some
transition metals with some rehumatic drugs.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Radiometric studies on Helwan industrial area.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Radiometric studies on some water resources in the
eastern desert in Egypt.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Studies on the glass corrosion used in some food
- Ph. D. Thesis, Studies on the removal of some toxic elements by
supercritical – fluid extraction.
- M. Sc. Thesis, Removal of some pollutants by new grafted polyurethane
- Ph. D. Thesis, Evaluating the sewage reuse: Diciplenes, pollution and
- M. Sc. Thesis; Synthesis and application of some new meso-crystalline
materials in water treatment.
- M. Sc. Thesis; catalytic decontamination of liquid and gaseous
- Ph. D. Physicochemical studies on the complexes of some transition
elements with some shif bases.
- M. Sc. Impact of pollution on water treatment stations ( south cairo)
- M. Sc. Removal of some Nitro-compounds ( Red water) by some
- M. Sc. Study on using local materials in treatment of waste water in
thermal power stations.
Research Field
1. Studies on the reaction chemistry of Lanthanide’s and actinides in
phosphate media and finding a methodology to extract and
preconcentrate these elements.
2. Spectroscopic, conductometric and Potentiometric studies on the
complexation of some lanthanide’s and actinides with some organic
compounds as an analytical way for their determination.
3. Determination and recycling of some heavy elements from the
industrial waste.
4. Synthesis and application of some inorganic materials in pollution
decontamination .
Prof. A. B. Farag Chemistry Dept. Helwan Univ.
Prof. A. R. Ebid, Chemistry Dept. Helwan Univ.
Prof. G. R. CHOPPIN, Chemistry Dept. The Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Fla-U. S. A, Fl. 32306.
Prof. A. K. Barakat, Chemistry Dept. Helwan Univ.
Prof. M. F. El-Shahat, Chemistry Dept. Ain Shams Univ.
- Extraction of iron from “Abu-Tartur” phosphate aqueous leachate
solution; T. M., samy, A. A., Abd El-Tawab, and S. A., Sayed, 4th
Mining, petroleum and Metallurgy Conference, Assiut Univ. Egypt,
5-7 Feb (1994).
- Squarat complexes of uranyl ions in aqueous solution; S. A., Sayed,
A. T., Kandil, and G. R., Choppin, J. Radioanal and Nucl. Chem.,
188 (5) – 377 (1994).
- Recvery of Copper and Some Valuable salts from a solid
electrorefining waste; S. A., Sayed, Al-Azhar, Bull. Sci, 6 (2) , 1-4
- Exchange of Zn+2, V2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ using Zeolite A and
Dinonylnaph-thalene sulphonate, , S. A., Sayed, J. Zeolite, 17
(1/2), 1-5(1996).
- Removal of Sr2+, Ca+2 and Mg+2 from aqueous and aqueousalcoholic Saline media; J. Zeolite, 17 (3), 1-6 (1996).
- Synergistic Extraction of Some REE(III) from nitrate media by
Thenoyltrifluoracetone and Tri-n-octylamine, S. A.; Sayed, T. M.,
Sami, and A. A., Abd El-Tawab, J. Separatin Science and
Technology, 31 (18), 8 (1996).
- Extraction of Uranium (VI) by HDEHP from aqueous Diamine
Solution; S. A., Sayed, and A. T.; Kandil, J. Radiochemica Acta,
73, 207-209 (1996).
- Extraction of Uranium from “ Abu-Tartur” phosphate aqueous
leachate; S. A., Sayed, T. M., Sami, and Abd El-Tawab, A. A., J.
Sep. Sc. Tech., 32 (12) , 2071 (1997).
- Sepectrophotometric
Dioxuranium ions using 8- (Arylazo)-6,7 dihydroxy –4-methyl
coumarin derivatives’ Y. M. Issa, A. L. El Ansary, S. A. Sayed and
M. H. Soliman, Egypt. J. Chem. 42, No. 1 , pp. 37-47 (1999).
- A Comprehensive Radiological Investigation for the Industrial
Helwan City Environment; F. Wafaa, M. S. El Tahawy, S. A. El
and S. A. Sayed; 7th Conf. Of Nuclear sciences and
Applications, Vol (2) ( En-5), 928, 6-10 feb. Cairo, Egypt (2000).
- Extraction of Cu++ by supercritical CO2 with Cyanex 302 Ligand; S.
Abd El Fatah, M. Geto, A. Kodama, T. Hirose, A. Ebaid , S. A.
Sayed and T. Sami; 5th Kyushu / Pusan – Kyoungnam Chem. Eng.
Conf., p. 17, Miyazaki, Japan (2000).
- The Treatment of a Cr6+ - Ni2+ Electroplating Industrial waste; S.
A. Sayed , A. T. Kandil and G. H. Mahmoud; International Conf.
On Material Science and Technology, Vol (2) pp. 48-500/2-4 April,
Beni-Suef, Cairo University , Egypt (2001).
- Corrosion Behaviour of some Industrial Glasses by the action of
various aqueous solutions; H. A. El Batal, S. A. sayed , M. A.
Azooz, and M. S. Amin, International Conf. On Material Science
and Technology, Vo (1) pp. 181-194, 2-4 April, Beni-sufe, Cairo
University , Egypt (2001).
- Chemical Enrichement and Separation of some F Elements In
Aqueous Media Using Reagent Loaded foam; A. B. Farag, S. A.
Sayed and A. H. Ismail; 6th International Conf. on chemistry and Its
role in Development; ICCRD 6th, 18 Anal. Chem 03 (1-11), April
17-20, Mansoura, Egypt (2001).
- Synergistic Extraction of Th (IV), UO2(II), and Er (III) by Reagents
Immobilized on polyurethane foam; S. A. Sayed, A. B. Rarag and
A. H. Ismail; 6th International Conf. on chemistry and Its role in
Development; ICCRD 6th, 18 Anal. Chem 04 (1-12), April 17-20,
Mansoura, Egypt (2001).
- Reduction Kinetics of El-Baharia Iron ore in a static Bed, S. A.
Sayed, G. M. Kalifa, E. S. R. El. Faramawy and M. E. H. Shalabi;
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi, Tom 17,pp. 241-253, Poland
- Extractin and Recovery of Au, Sb and Sn from electrorefined Solid
Waste, S. M. Saleh, S. A. Sayed, and M. S. El Shahawi; Analytical
Chemica Acta, 436, 69-77 (2001).
- Treatment of Liquid Oil Spill by Untreated and treated Aswanly
clay caly from Egypt, S. A. Sayed, A. S. El Sayed, S. M. El Kareish
and A. M. Zayed, Transaction of the Egyptian Society of Chemical
Engineers, Vol. 27, N. 2. Pp. 383-391 Oct (2001); J. Appl. Sic.
Environ, Mgt. (2003).
- Synergestic Extraction of Thorium (IV) from Nitrate Media by diketone- solvating Agents Mixtures; S. A. Sayed , S. S. Abd El
Fatah and A. T. Kandil, Transaction of the Egyptian Society of
Chemical Engineers, Vol. 27, No.2 Pp. 112-122 Oct (2001).
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Hzardous Metals from Wood
Samples; S. Abd El Fatah, M. Goto, A. Kodama, T. Hirose, A.
Ebaid, S. A. Sayed and T. Sami; 66th Annual Metting of the Society
of Chem Engineering of Japan, Q 319 Hiroshima, Japan (2001).
- “Reductions Kinetics of Wadi Kareem Iron Ores by Hydrogen in
static Bed”; Khalifa G. M., Sayed S. A., El-Faramawy E. S. R. and
Shalabi M. E. H; International Symposium on Direct Reduction
Technology, the Arab Iron and Steel Union, Cairo, Egypt, 21-23
Oct (2001).
- Selective Substiochiometric Precipitation of Some Rare Earths (III)
and Thorium (IV) Oxalate from Phosphate leachate Aqueous
Solution, S. A. Sayed; J. Ore dressing / Cevher Hazirlama, Issue
(8), pp 23-26 (2002).
- Evaluation
of inexpensive Alternative materials as Potential
Adsorbents for Dyes Using Activated Carbon as A Reference; S. A.
Sayed, Al-Azhar, Bull. Sci, Vol. 13, (2) pp. 71-85, Dec. (2002).
- A Study on Using a Local Clay in Treatment oof Liquid Oil Spill;
S. A. Sayed and A. M. Zayed; 1st International conf. On New
Trends in Chemistry and their Applications (NTCA 1) , 2-4 Feb,
Beni-Suef, Cairo University , Egypt (2002). Egypt. J. Chem. Vol.
48(1)1-6 (2005)
- Kinetic of Reduction of Low Manganese Iron Ore by Hydrogen ; S.
A. Sayed , G. M. Kalifa, E. s. R. El Faramawy and M. E. H.
Shalabi; Egypt. J. Chem. , 45. No. 1, pp. 47-66 (2002).
- Physicochemical Studies on the Purification of phosphoric Acid
from Iron Impurities; S. A. Sayed , R. F. Hassan and A. T. Kandil;
Egypt. J. Chem., 45, No. 1 , pp. 81-104 (2002).
- Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in the Ground Water of some
Wells in the Central Eastern desert, Egypt; A. H. Hashad, N. M.
Rasheed, S. A. Sayed and M. A. El-Sayed; J. of Nuclear Science
and applications, 35 (3) pp 111-124 (2002).
- Risk assessment of sewage Water Reuse on the Sandy Soil of AbuRawash Desert, Egypt; H. L. Abdel-Shafy, S. A. Sayed and T. M.
Yahaya; J. environmental Engineering Vol. 29, No. 1,pp. 5-19
- Oil spill pollution treatment by sorption on natural Cynanchum
acutum L. Plant, Sayed, S. A., El Sayed, A. S., Zayed, A. M., J.
Appl. Sci. Environ, Mgt. Vol. 7 (2) 63-73 (2003).
- Removal of oil spills from salt water by magnesium, calcium
carbonates and oxides, Sayed, S. A., El Sayed, A. S., Zayed, A. M.,
J. Appl. Sci. Environ, Mgt. Vol 8 (1) 71-79 (2004)
- Treatment of red water from TNT manfucture using a new
technique: combination of adsorption with advanced oxidation
process (AOP,s), S. A. Shokry, Sayed, S. A., Daifullah, A. A. M.,
and Ismail, A. A., 35th Annual International Conference of ICT-on
Energetic Materials, Structure and Properties held at Karlsruhe, p85-(1-14), June 29-July 2, Federal Republic of germany, (2004).
- Removal of chromium (III) and chromium (VI) from aqueous
solutions and tannery wasrewater using distillery sludge, Mohamed,
O. A., Sayed, S. A., Mohamed, H. S., and El Sayed, N. H., Egypt. J.
Chem. Vol 48 (5) 613-624 (2005).
- M. A. Abdel Hamide, K. A. Rabie, S. A. Sayed and I. S. El-Sayed,
Modified spectrophotometric procedures for europium analysis in
presence of samarium and Gadolinium; Al-Azhar Bull. of Sci, Vol.
15(1) June (2004).
- S. A. Sayed, S. M. Saleh, E. E. Hasan; Removal of some polluting
metals from Industrial water using Chicken feathers; Desalination,
181 (2005) 243-255.
- O. A. Mohamed, S. A. Sayed, H. S. Mohamady and N. H. ElSayed; Aswanly clay as sorbent for removal of Cr(III) and Cr(VI)
from syntehstic solutions and Tannary wastewater; J. of the Society
of Leather Technologists and Chemists, Vol. 89 (5) Oct. (2005).
- S. A. Sayed, K. A. Rabie, I. E. Salama; studies on Europium
Sepavation from a middle rare earth concentrate by in situ zinc
reduction technique; J. Separation and purification Technology;
Vol. 46 (2005) 145-154.
- S. A. Sayed, K. M. Elbadry, M. Abd El-Fattah, Raman and Infrared
spectra of ternary P2O5 – PbO- Bi2O3 glasses, Egypt. J. Chem.
Accepted for pubilication 25. Sept. (2005).
- S. A. Sayed, S. A. Ibrahim and A. K. Attia, Indirect atomic
absorption spectrophotometric determination of cyproheptadine,
cetrizine and terbinafine hydrochlorides based on the formation of
ion-associates with manganese and zinc thiocyanate complexes; Al-
Azhar BullSci, accepted for publication 14 March (2005).
- S. A. Sayed and A. M. Zayed; Investigation of the effectiveness of
some adsorbent materials in oil spill clean-Ups; J. Desalination;
Vol. 194 (2006) 90-100.
- Sorption of some Oil Spil-Associated Heavy Metals on Aswanly
Clay; S. A. Sayed, A. A. Khamis and A. M. Zayed, J. of Applied
Sciences and Environmental Management , (Slated for publication )