196 - Independent Scientific Audit of Marine Parks

Backgrounder on economics:
No primary scientific references.
Backgrounder on Biosecurity:
1. Glasby, T.M. & Creese, R.G. (2007). Invasive Marine Species Management
and Research. Chapter 22 in: Marine Ecology (S. Connell & B. Gillanders,
eds). Oxford University Press. pp 569-594.
Backgrounder on Marine tourism:
2. Broad A, Knott N, Turon X, Davis AR (2010) Effects of a shark repulsion
device on rocky reef fishes: no shocking outcomes. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 408: 295–298.
3. Davenport J, Davenport JL (2006) The impact of tourism and personal leisure
transport on coastal environments: a review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science 67: 280-292.
4. Hardiman N, Burgin S (2010) Recreational impacts on the fauna of Australian
coastal marine ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 20962108.
5. Keough MJ, Quinn GP (1998). Effects of periodic disturbances from trampling
on rocky intertidal algal beds. Ecological Applications 8:141-161.
6. Lemon M, Lynch TP, Harcourt RG, Cato DH (2005) Response of travelling
inshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) to experimental approaches
by a powerboat in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Biological
Conservation 127: 363-372.
7. Lynch TP, Melling L, Hamilton R, Macready, Wilkinson E, Feary S (2004)
Conflict and impacts of divers and anglers in a marine park. Environmental
Management 33: 196-211.
8. Read AD and West RJ (2010) Qualitative risk assessment of multiple-use
marine park effectiveness - a case study from NSW, Australia. Ocean &
Coastal Management 53: 636-644.
9. Ross P (2006) Macrofaunal loss and microhabitat destruction; the impact of
trampling in a temperate mangrove forest, NSW, Australia. Wetlands Ecology
and Management 14: 167-184.
10. Sheppard N, Pitt KA, Schlacher TA (2009) Sub-lethal effects of off-road
vehicles (ORVs) on surf clams on sandy beaches. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology 380: 113–118.
11. Stamation KA, Croft DB, Shaugnessy PD, Waples KA, Briggs SV (2010)
Behavioural responses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to
whale-watching vessels on the south-eastern coast of Australia. Marine
Mammal Science 26: 98-122.
12. Steckenreuter A, Harcourt R, Moller L (2011) Are speed restriction zones an
effective management tool for minimizing impacts of boats on dolphins in an
Australian marine park? Marine Policy doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2011.05.013
Response to R4, R5, R6
13. Andrew NL, O’Neill AL (2000) Large-scale patterns in habitat structure on
subtidal rocky reefs in New South Wales. Marine and Freshwater Research
51: 255–263.
14. Astles KL (2008) A systematic approach to estimating ecological risks in
marine fisheries. CABI Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary
Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 2008 3, No. 045: 1-16
15. Astles KL, Gibbs PJ, Steffe AS, Green M (2009) A qualitative risk-based
assessment on marine habitats and harvested species for a data deficient
wild capture fishery. Biological Conservation 142: 2759-2773.
16. Astles KL (2010) Qualitative Ecological Risk Assessment in Fisheries –
Challenges for Scientists and Managers. In: Advances in Environmental
Research, Volume 6, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York.
17. Barrett NS, Buxton CD, Edgar GJ (2009) Changes in invertebrate and
macroalgal populations in Tasmanian marine reserves in the decade following
protection. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 370: 104–
18. Coleman MA, Chambers J, Knott N, Malcolm H, Harasti D, Jordan A, Kelaher
B (2011) Connectivity within and among a network of temperate marine
reserves. PloS One. e20168. doi:10.1371.
19. Crain CM, Kroeker K, Halpern BS (2008) Interactive and cumulative effects of
multiple human stressors in marine systems. Ecology Letters 11: 1304–1315.
20. Currie DR, Sorokin SJ (2009) Evaluating the effects of reserve closure on
algae, invertebrate and fish assemblages at a temperate South Australian
marine reserve. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United
Kingdom 89: 651–661.
21. Dunlop M, Brown P (2008) Implications of climate change for Australia’s
National Reserve System: a preliminary assessment. Prepared for the
Federal Government by CSIRO scientists.
22. Edgar GJ, Barrett NS, Stuart-Smith RD (2009) Exploited reefs protected from
fishing transform over decades into conservation features otherwise absent
from seascapes. Ecological Applications 19:1967–1974.
23. Folke C, Carpenter S, Walker B, Scheffer M, Elmqvist T, Gunderson L,
Holling CS (2004) Regime shifts, resilience and biodiversity in ecosystem
management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 35:557–
24. Fuller RA, McDonald-Madden E, Wilson KA, Carwardine J, Grantham HS,
Watson JE, Klein CJ, Green DC, Possingham HP (2010) Replacing
underperforming protected areas achieves better conservation outcomes.
Nature 466, 365–367.
25. Grantham HS, Bode M, McDonald-Madden E, Game ETA, Knight T,
Possingham HP (2009) Effective conservation planning requires learning and
adaption. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi:10.1890/080151.
(Available upon specific request)
26. Guidetti P, Milazzo M, Bussotti S, Molinari A, Murenu M, Pais A, Spano N,
Balzano R, Agardy T, Boero F, Carrada G, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Cau A,
Chemello R, Greco S, Manganaro A, di Sciara GN, Russo GF, Tunesi L
(2008) Italian marine reserve effectiveness: does enforcement matter?
Biological Conservation 141: 699–709.
27. Jackson JBC, Kirby MX, Berger W, Bjorndal KA, Botsford LW, Bourque BJ,
Bradbury RH, Cooke R, Erlandson J, Estes JA, HughesTP, Kidwell S, Lange
CB, Lenihan HS, Pandolfi JM, Peterson CH, Steneck RS, Tegner MJ, Warner
RR (2001). Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal
ecosystems. Science 27: 629-637.
28. Jordan A, Davies P, Ingleton T, Mesley E, Neilson J and Pritchard T (2010)
Seabed habitat mapping of continental shelf waters of NSW. NSW
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Occasional Paper
Series, 209 pp.
29. Keough MJ, Quinn GP (1998) Effects of periodic disturbances from trampling
on rocky intertidal algal beds. Ecological Applications 8: 141-161
30. Levin SA, Lubchenco JA (2008) Resilience, robustness, and marine
ecosystem-based management: BioScience, 58:27-32.
31. Ling SD, Johnson CR, Frusher SD, Ridgway KR (2009) Overfishing reduces
resilience of kelp beds to climate-driven catastrophic phase shift. Proceeding
of the National Academy of the United States of America PNAS 106: 22341–
32. McCook LJ, Ayling T, Cappo M, Choat JH, Evans RD, De Freitas DM, Heupel
M, Hughes TP, Jones GP, Mapstone B, Marsh H, Mills M, Molloy FJ, Pitcher
CR, Pressey RL, Russ GR, Sutton SG, Sweatman H, Tobin R, Wachenfeld
DR, Williamson DH (2010) Adaptive management of the Great Barrier Reef: A
globally significant demonstration of the benefits of networks of marine
reserves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107, 43: 1827818285.
33. Malcolm HA, Gladstone W, Lindfield S, Wraith J, Lynch TP (2007) Spatial and
temporal variation in reef fish assemblages of marine parks in New South
Wales, Australia - baited video observations. Marine Ecology Progress Series
350: 277-290.
34. McKinley A, Ryan L, Coleman MA, Knott N, Clark G, Taylor M, Johnston EL
(2011) Putting marine sanctuaries into context: A comparison of estuary fish
assemblages over multiple levels of protection and modification. Aquatic
Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1223.
35. Pritchard T, Lee R, Ajani P, Rendell P, Black K (2001) How do ocean outfalls
affect nutrient patterns in coastal waters of New South Wales, Australia?
Journal of Coastal Research, 34: 96-109.
36. Pritchard TR, Lee RS, Ajani PA, Rendell PS, Black K, and Koop K (2003)
Phytoplankton responses to nutrient sources in coastal waters off
southeastern Australia. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 6(2):105–
37. Read AD and West RJ (2010) Qualitative risk assessment of multiple-use
marine park effectiveness - a case study from NSW, Australia. Ocean &
Coastal Management 53: 636-644.
38. Roberts DE, Scanes PR (1999) Spatial patterns in the macrobenthic
assemblages inhabiting kelp (Ecklonia radiata) forests exposed to sewage
effluent. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 5: 89-102.
39. Stewart J (2011) Evidence of age-class truncation in some exploited marine
fish populations in New South Wales, Australia. Fisheries Research 108:
40. Russ GR, Cheal AJ, Emslie MJ, Evans RD, Miller I, Sweatman H, Williamson
DH (2008) Rapid increase in fish numbers follows creation of world’s largest
marine reserve network. Current Biology 514-515.
41. Webb C (2007) What is the role of ecology in understanding ecosystem
resilience? BioScience, 57(6): 470-471.
Response to R7:
No primary scientific references.
Response to R8:
42. Andrew NL, O’Neill AL (2000) Large-scale patterns in habitat structure on
subtidal rocky reefs in New South Wales, Marine and Freshwater Research,
51: 255–263.
43. Bax NJ, Williams A (2001) Seabed habitat on the south-eastern Australian
continental shelf: context, vulnerability and monitoring. Marine and
Freshwater Research 52:491–512
44. Beaman RJ, Daniell JJ, Harris PT (2005) Geology–benthos relationships on
a temperate rocky bank, eastern Bass Strait, Australia. Marine and
Freshwater Research 56:943–958
45. Bell JD, Ferrell DJ, McNeill SE, Worthington DG (1992) Variation in
assemblages of fish associated with deep and shallow margins of the
seagrass Posidonia australis’, Marine Biology 114, pp 667–676.
46. Coleman N, Gason ASH, Poore GCB (1997) High species richness in the
shallow marine waters of south-east Australia. Marine Ecology Progress
Series, 154: 17–26.
47. Gladstone W (2007) Requirements for marine protected areas to conserve
the biodiversity of rocky reef fishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and
Freshwater Ecosystems, 15:
48. Gray JS (1997) Marine biodiversity: patterns, threats and conservation needs.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 6: 153-175.
49. Harriott VJ, Smith SDA, Harrison PL (1994) Patterns of coral community
structure of subtropical reef in the Solitary Islands Marine Reserve, eastern
Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 109: 67-76.
50. Kennelly SJ (1995) Kelp beds. In Underwood AJ and Chapman MG (eds),
Coastal marine ecology of temperate Australia, pp 106–120.
51. McArthur MA, Brooke BP, Przeslawski R, Ryan DA, Lucieer VL, Nichol S,
McCallum AW, Mellin C, Cresswell ID, Radke LC (2010) On the use of abiotic
surrogates to describe marine benthic biodiversity. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science, 88: 21-32.
52. Malcolm H, Jordan A and Smith SDA (2010a) Biogeographical and crossshelf patterns of reef fish assemblages in a transition zone. Marine
Biodiversity, 40: 181-193
53. Malcolm H, Smith SDA, Jordan A (2010b). Using patterns of reef fish
assemblages to refine a Habitat Classification System for marine parks in
NSW, Australia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,
20: 83–92.
54. Roberts DE, AR Davis (1996) Patterns in Sponge (Porifera) Assemblages in
temperate coastal reefs off Sydney, Australian Journal of Marine and
Freshwater Research, 47: 897-906.
55. Roff JC, Taylor ME, Laughren J (2003) Geophysical approaches to the
classification, delineation and monitoring of marine habitats and their
communities. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 13:
56. Roy PS, Williams RJ, Jones AR, Yassini I, Gibbs PJ, Coates B, West RJ,
Scanes PR, Hudson JP, Nichol S (2001) Structure and function of South-east
Australian estuaries. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 53: 351-384.
57. Underwood AJ, Kingsford MJ, Andrew NL (1991) Patterns in shallow subtidal
marine assemblages along the coast of New South Wales. Australian Journal
of Ecology, 6: 231-49.
58. Ward TJ, Vanderklift MA, Nichols AO, Kenchington RA (1999) Selecting
marine reserves using habitats and species assemblages as surrogates for
biological diversity. Ecological Applications, 9: 691-698.
59. Williams A, Bax NJ (2001) Delineating fish-habitat associations for spatially
based management: an example from the south-eastern Australian
continental shelf. Marine and Freshwater Research 52:513-536.
60. Williams A, Bax NJ, Kloser R, Althaus F, Barker B, Keith G (2009) Australia’s
deep-water reserve network: implications of flase hjomogeneity for classifying
abiotic surrogates of biodiversity. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 214224.
61. Winberg PC, Lynch TP, Murray A, Davis AR, Jones AR (2007) The
importance of spatial scale for the conservation of tidal flat macrobenthos: An
example from New South Wales, Australia. Biological Conservation, 134:
Response to 9:
62. Astles KA, Gibbs PJ, Steffe AS, Green M (2009) A qualitative risk-based
assessment of impacts on marine habitats and harvested species for a data
deficient wild capture fishery. Biological Conservation 142: 2759–2773.
63. Banks SA, Skilleter GA (2010) Implimenting marine reserve networks: a
comparison of approaches in New South Wales (Australia) and New Zealand.
Marine Policy 34: 197-207.
64. Bishop MJ (2008) Displacement of epifauna from seagrass blades by boat
wake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 354: 111-118.
65. Fairweather P (2009) How South Australia is embedding CAR - and the
science behind marine parks - across a whole network. Australian Marine
Science Bulletin 180 32-33.
66. Fuller RA, McDonald-Madden E, Wilson KA, Carwardine J, Grantham HS,
Watson JE, Klein CJ, Green DC, Possingham HP (2010) Replacing
underperforming protected areas achieves better conservation outcomes.
Nature 466, 365–367.
67. Grantham HS, Bode M, McDonald-Madden E, Game ET, Knight AT,
Possingham HP (2009) Effective conservation planning requires learning and
adaption. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 431–437. (Available
upon specific request)
68. Hansen GJA., Ban NC, Jones ML, Kaufman L, Panes HM, Yasué M, Vincent,
ACJ (2011) Hindsight in marine protected area selection: A comparison of
ecological representation arising from opportunistic and systematic
approaches. Biological Conservation 144:1866-1875.
69. Hutchings PA and Lunney D (2003) Conserving Marine Environments: out of
sight out of mind. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
70. Malcolm H, Smith SDA and Jordan A (2010) Using patterns of reef fish
assemblages to refine a Habitat Classification System for marine parks in
NSW, Australia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
20: 83–92.
71. Malcolm H, Jordan A and Smith SDA (2011) Testing a depth-based habitat
classification system against reef fish assemblage patterns in a subtropical
marine park. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:
72. Read AD and West RJ (2010) Qualitative risk assessment of multiple-use
marine park effectiveness - a case study from NSW, Australia. Ocean &
Coastal Management 53: 636-644.
73. Watts ME, Ball IR, Stewart RR, Klein CK, Wilson K, Steinback C, Lourival R,
Kircher L, Possingham HP (2009) Marxan with zones: Software for optimal
conservation based land- and sea-use zoning. Environmental Modelling &
Software 24: 1513-1521.
Response to 10:
74. Christie P, McCay BJ, Miller ML, Lowe C, White AT, Stoffle R, Fluharty DL,
Talaue-McManus L, Chuenpagdee R, Pomeroy C, Suman DO, Blount BG,
Huppert D, Villahermosa Eisma RL, Oracion E, Lowry K and Pollnac RB
(2003) Toward developing a complete understanding: A social science
research agenda for marine protected areas. Fisheries 28(12): 22-26.
75. Diedrich A, Huguet PB, Subirana JT (2011) Methodology for applying the
Limits of Acceptable Change process to the management of recreational
boating in the Balearic Islands, Spain (Western Mediterranean) Ocean &
Coastal Management 54: 341-351.
76. Grafton RQ, Akter S and Kompas T (2011) A Policy-enabling framework for
the ex-ante evaluation of marine protected areas. Ocean & Coastal
Management 54: 478-487.
77. Hunt L (2005) Recreational Fishing Site Choice Models: Insights and Future
Opportunities. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 10: 153-172.
78. Jentoft S, Chuenpagdee R, Pascual-Fernandez JJ (2011) What are MPAs for:
On goal formation and displacement. Ocean & Coastal Management 54: 7583.
79. Jentoft, S, van Son TC, Bjorkan, M (2007) Marine protected areas: A
governance system analysis. Human Ecology 35:5, 611-622.
80. LeĢdee EJI, Sutton SG, Tobin RC, De Freitas DM (2011) Responses and
adaptation strategies of commercial and charter fishers to zoning changes in
the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Marine Policy (in press)
81. Macintosh A, Bonyhady T and Wilkinson D (2010) Dealing with interests
displaced by marine protected areas: A case study on the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park Structural Adjustment Package. Ocean and Coastal
Management, 53: 581-588.
82. Momtaz S and Gladstone W (2008) Ban on commercial fishing in the
estuarine waters of New South Wales, Australia: Community consultation and
social impacts. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 28: 214-225.
83. Northcote J and Macbeth J (2008) Threshold of tolerability: The impact of
management changes to recreational fishing in Ningaloo Marine Park.
Tourism Review (Revue de Tourisme), 63: 28-35.
84. Richardson, EA, Kaiser, MJ, Edwards-Jones, G, Possingham, HP (2006)
Sensitivity of marine-reserve design to the spatial resolution of socioeconomic
data. Conservation Biology 20: 1191-1202.
85. Ruiz-Frau A, Edwards-Jones G and Kaiser MJ (2011) Mapping stakeholder
values for coastal zone management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 434:
86. Smallwood CB, Beckley LE, Moore SA and Kobryn HT (2011) Assessing
patterns of recreational use in large marine parks: A case study from
Ningaloo Marine Park, Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 54: 330-341.
87. Sutton SG and Tobin RC (2009) Recreational fishers’ attitudes towards the
2004 rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Environmental
Conservation, 36: 245-252.
88. Sutton SG, Dew K and Higgs J (2009) Why do people drop out of recreational
fishing? A study of lapsed fishers from Queensland, Australia. Fisheries 34:
89. Tonge J and Moore SA (2007) Importance-satisfaction analysis for marinepark hinterlands: A Western Australian case study. Tourism Management 28:
90. Voyer M, Gladstone W and Goodall H (2012) Methods of social assessment
in Marine Protected Area planning: Is public participation enough? Marine
Policy 36: 432-439.