Stage 1-The situation in preservation of monuments and

ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training
LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327
Paide SRIK, Estonia
Research & Analysis
Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets
Organisational Structure
Stage 1
How is the protection and
preservation of historical
monuments and cultural assets
institutionally organized in your
The National Heritage Board (Muinsuskaitseamet) is the principal
government body in Estonia, which is charged with the direction of
conservation activity and state supervision, identification and
protection of properties and objects of cultural value and
maintaining records of state cultural monuments. Cultural,
historical, architectural and archaeological heritage and objects of
art are registered in the national register of monuments, the
keeping of which lies on the National Heritage Board
Who has the main responsibility The National Heritage Board and its local division (one inspector) in
for the protection of historical
Järva county
monuments and cultural assets
in your country/region?
Which authorities have the
The National Heritage Board, Estonian Ministry of Culture, Estonian
legislative competences/power National Commission of UNESCO, Local municipality (Paide
for protection of historical
monuments and cultural
Which guidelines / laws exist
Heritage Conservation Act, Implementing provisions of the
for protection, preservation and Heritage Conservation Act, Act on the Exportation and Importation
restoration of historical
of Cultural Monuments, Museums Act
monuments and cultural assets
in your country/region?
Is there a common definition of “A monument is a movable or immovable, a part thereof, a body of
historical monuments and
things or an integral group of structures under state protection
cultural assets?
which is of historical, archaeological, ethnographic, urban
developmental, architectural, artistic or scientific value or of value
in terms of religious history or of other cultural value and due to
which it is designated as a monument pursuant to the procedure
provided for in Heritage Conservation Act” (Heritage Conservation
A thing is designated as a monument by a directive of the Minister
of Culture based on the expert assessment of the National Heritage
Board and a proposal from the Heritage Conservation Advisory
Panel (Heritage Conservation Act)
ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training
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Paide SRIK, Estonia
Research & Analysis
The National Heritage Board:
Objects or phenomena meeting certain value criteria that are
therefore considered worth to be conserved for future generations
are considered to be cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is the
result and evidence of past traditions and intellectual
achievements. A cultural monument is an immovable or movable, a
part of it or a collection of objects or an entire group of buildings
protected by the state and having historical, archaeological,
ethnographic, urban construction related, architectural, artistic,
scientific, religious or other cultural value.
What is most important is the historical value of the object, not so
much its current artistic or aesthetic aspect. All monuments are
unique; an object created according to a typical project or form is
also special thanks to its origin and surrounding environment.
Depending on the type of monument, the number of criteria of
designation as a monument is different. For example, in the case of
a historical monument, the object must meet one of the listed
criteria, whereas all eight criteria are normally considered in the
case of an artistic monument. If an expertise proves that not much
has been preserved of the monument, it has been considerably
altered, reconstructed etc., the object might be marked with
information on its historical value and not designated as a
Protection and preservation of historical monuments and cultural assets
The Situation - General overview
Describe the current discussions/situation on
preservation of historical monuments and
cultural assets in your country/region (max. 500
Positive trends:
 Better understanding of the value of historical
monuments and cultural assets
 Higher qualification on preservation of
historical monuments and cultural assets
 New generation, who is more aware of the
value of cultural heritage
 Good political support (one of the biggest
parties in Estonia has grown up from heritage
ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training
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Paide SRIK, Estonia
Research & Analysis
Good legislative support
General economic depression rather supports
re-use of old materials and skills and restoration
of historical monuments
List five approaches for the need of ARCHE
project in your country (Macro level).
List five benefits of the ARCHE project related to 
your particular work in your region (Micro
Negative trends:
The use of modern artificial materials and “fast
building”, which does not support the
preservation of historical monuments
Most owners of historical monuments does not
have enough resources to preserve the
monuments and the amount of monuments in
danger is increasing
Propagation of the re-use of old and
valuable building materials
Implementation of the network of archives
of old building materials and details
Creation of contacts with similar archives in
Starting of practical restoration training,
which gives students the right to obtain
necessary licences on the area of restoration
and sustainable renovation
The need and value for the preservation of
historical monuments is more emphasised (it is
not a matter of “local freaks”)
We have already started collection of old
building materials in 2007 and selling the items,
but ARCHE project helps us to introduce the
interim-stage, when the items are restored
before sale or distribution
Our centre and our experiences and vision
will be better acquainted to local people,
nationwide and even internationally
Transfer of the experience and know-how
from Trebsen and from other partners to
ARCHE – constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training
LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327
Paide SRIK, Estonia
Research & Analysis
List all actors and stakeholders in the field of
preservation of historical monuments and
cultural assets.
Describe the already existing networks between
these different actors.
The National Heritage Board, Estonian Heritage
Society, SRIK-network, The Estonian Open Air
Museum , local municipality
Very close cooperation in many fields, but no
official (organisational) network – Estonia is so
small that most people active in the same area are
familiar to each other. There are occasionally
seminars, conferences. workshops etc arranged