AWA Model LC16G78 Main & Power Boards 401256 547308 401268 547310 MAIN BOARD ASSY SUIT PANEL M156B1-L01 LC-16G78 MAIN BOARD ASSEMBLY SUIT PANEL HT156WX1-100 LC-16G78 POWER SUPPLY PCB LC-16G78 POWER PCB TYPE AYL150213 LC16G78 LC-16G78 LC-16G78 LC-16G78 LC-16G78 Problem is caused by using panel type to choose which board and several cases have occurred where set has old type board and HT156WX1-100 type panel. I suggest descriptions are changed to the following to stop wrong one’s being ordered by service centre’s :401256 547308 401268 547310 MAIN BOARD ASSY OLD TYPE MAIN BOARD ASSY NEW TYPE POWER SUPPLY PCB OLD TYPE POWER SUPPLY PCB NEW TYPE LC-16G78 LC-16G78 LC-16G78 LC-16G78 At this stage we have no serial number information to differentiate, To help identify for service centre’s :Old type main board has an “S Video” input port, New type does not. [this can be seen without even taking cabinet off] . Old type has a shielding can covering approx. 30% of board, New type does not. Power supply type has to match main board type old or new. Bill Whitehouse A/V Technical AWA Limited Phone No. 02 9764 7753 email