Minute - Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board

Minutes of the Meeting held
on Friday 18 July 2014
in the Filby Room, Police Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase,
Wymondham, Norwich NR18 0WW
Joan Maughan – Independent Chair
Michelle Allott – Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust (rep Jane Sayer)
Nigel Andrews – Tenancy Support Manager, Norwich City Council
Lorraryne Barrett - Head of Service, Community Services, Adult Care (also
rep Debbie Olley)
Harold Bodmer – Director, Community Services, Adult Care
Dawn Collins – Assistant Director of Nursing, Norfolk & Norwich University
Steve Fuller – General Manager, Futures Day Care Centre Ltd
Donna Hewitt – Team Manger, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards,
Community Services, Adult Care (re Andrea Wright)
Terry Hicks – Assistant General Manager, West Norfolk, East of England
Ambulance Service NHS Trust (rep Anneliese Hillyer-Thake)
Pete Hornby – Detective Chief Inspector, Norfolk Constabulary (rep Nick
James Kearns – Chief Executive Officer, BUILD Norwich
Karina Kennell – Advocacy Manager, Alzheimer Society (rep Jo Cook)
Walter Lloyd-Smith – Safeguarding Adults Lead, East Coast Community
Health Care
Roger Morgan - Quality Assurance Manager, Community Services, Adult
Linda Naylor – Safeguarding Adults Co-ordinator, Community Services, Adult
Kate Rudkin – Head of Development and Operations, Age UK, Norfolk
Mavis Spencer – Deputy Director of Nursing, NHS England
Howard Stanley – Senior Nurse and Safeguarding Adults Lead – Norfolk
Clinical Commissioning Groups (also rep Jackie Schneider)
Ann Taylor – Head of Social Care – Southern, Adult Social Care (also
representing Debbie Olley)
Helen Thacker – Manager, Safeguarding Adults, Community Services, Adult
Anne Tansley-Thomas – Service User Engagement Officer, Norfolk
Jan Cant – Business Support Officer, Safeguarding Adults, Adult Social Care
Declarations of Interest
None reported
Apologies for Absence
Pip Coker – Chief Executive Julian Support
Jo Cook – Head of Social Care (Northern),
Community Services, Adult Care
Nick Dean – Acting Chief Constable, Norfolk
Anneliese Hillyer-Thake – Safeguarding Adults &
Children Lead, East of England Ambulance Service
NHS Trust
Peter McGuiness – Service Manager, Red Cross
Donna Monk – MAPPA Co-ordinator, Norfolk
Constabulary, Vulnerable Person Directorate
Anna Morgan – Director of Service Pathways,
Norfolk Commuity Health Care
Elizabeth Morgan – County Councillor, Deputy
Chair, Adult Social Care Committee
Debbie Olley – Assistant Director, Integrated
Services, Community Services, Adult Care
(representative Ann Taylor)
Jane Sayer – Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient
Safety, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
(representative Sarrana Burgess)
Jackie Schneider – Head of Patient Safety, North
Norfolk CCG
Mark Talbot – Vice Chair ARMC
Helen Thacker – Manger, Safeguarding Adults,
Community Services, Adult Care
Louise Trainor – Compliance Inspector, Care Quality
Commission (CQC)
Andrea Wright – Head of Service, Mental health
Partnership, Community Services, Adult Care
Welcome to New Independent Chair – Harold
A warm welcome was extended to the newly
appointed Independent Chair, Joan Maughan on
behalf of the Board by Harold Bodmer.
The recent Safeguarding Adults Peer Review has
identified key recommendations for ways forward
including Joan needing to steer the Board through the
challenges to statutory status in April 2015.
Joan thanked Harold for his welcome and was very
pleased to be given the opportunity to Chair the
Board in challenging times. She had noted that the
Safeguarding Adults Peer Review gave Safeguarding
in Norfolk a good press but there needs to be radical
thought to ensure that the work and membership of
the Board and sub-groups is fit and ready for April
2015 to ensure maximum influence by working
together, to take the Safeguarding Agenda forward.
Joan was pleased that mentoring arrangements for
her new role will be given by Mike Gibbs, Lead of the
Peer Review Team.
Joan invited the Board to let her know of any
expectations they may have of her.
Confirmation of any part of the minutes that is
exempt under the Freedom of Information Act
State if Whole report or the Section number(s)
involved:- None
Exemption(s):- None
Approval of Minutes
The group agreed that the minutes of the 22 January
2014 represented an accurate record of that meeting
and they were to be finalised.
Signed as a definitive record of the meeting.
……………………………………. ……………..
(Chair of the meeting)
Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting
Item 4: Matters Arising- Letter to Norman Lamb MP
regarding non co-operation of information sharing
from service providers
It was confirmed that a reply had not yet been
received. Chair to write a follow-up letter to Norman
Lamb MP
Item 4: Matters Arising - Letter to Norman Lamb MP
regarding DBS Scheme
It was confirmed that a report from officials, as
requested b Mr Lamb, on the matter had not been
received. Chair to write to request status and details
of report.
Item 6: WLSAP Report – Payment for Safeguarding
Adults Courses
It was reported that discussions had been held and
confirmed that volunteer organisations are no longer
required to pay for training. It was recommended that
Joan Maughan
Joan Maughan
any organisations unable to pay be advised to contact
IMPACT directly to discuss.
It was reported that work continues to engage the
voluntary sector and training. A paper to be presented
at October Board.
Item 11: Whistleblowing Policy
It was confirmed that a request for a Board
Whistleblowing Policy template had not been drafted
as it was inappropriate, being the responsibility of all
organisations to identify their own. However, 10
organisations’ policies had been reviewed on be
behalf of the Board. The Norfolk & Suffolk
Foundation Trust were happy for their example to be
used by any organisations. Any amendments will be
shared. A copy available by request from Jan Cant
Item 15: AOB – 2. Major Provider
It was reported that following further investigations
CQC had re-visited the provider in July 2014, report
not yet published. It confirmed that Norfolk CCGs
have now lifted suspension of placements and are
working to develop stronger links with the service
Report to Board: Locality Safeguarding
(The Chair thanked all authors of the LSAP reports.
There was an expectation that all reports previously
circulated have been read. Representatives at the
meeting to highlight key matters only and to invite
questions from the Board on their full report)
Central Locality Safeguarding Adults Partnership
Quarterly report previously circulated to Board.
It was reported that the conference, focussing on
Female Genital Mutilation will be held on 16
September 2014 and open to all professionals. It was
recommended that the group consider using the new
website to also promote their conference.
The group continue to have a closed section of the
meeting, members finding it beneficial to discuss and
learn from any complex cases discussed.
Northern Locality Safeguarding Adults
Partnership (NLSAP):
Walter LloydSmith
Quarterly report previously circulated to Board.
It was confirmed that the group’s request to the Board
to consider how referrer’s can have a level of
feedback (as appropriate) will form part of the work of
the Peer Review Action Plan.
Southern Locality Safeguarding Adults
Partnership (SLSAP):
Quarterly report previously circulated to Board.
It was reported that the group looked closely at
significant data on care homes in their locality and
had added their concerns to the Risk Register.
The meeting had it’s first closed section, inviting all to
stay, using case details regarding people volunteering
and entering into personal relationships, case details
did not name individuals. Those who attended found
the discussions very useful.
A presentation to the group by Becky Booth,
Safeguarding Adults Practice Consultant, giving 4
scenarios of “was it” or “was it not” Safeguarding.
These were well received and generate lots of
Eastern Locality Safeguarding Adults Partnership
Quarterly report previously circulate to the Board.
It was reported that their has been key changes in
active partnership engagement believed to be due to
the increase of workload of partners as their
organisations are being reconfigured. The group are
keen to explore ways to engage with local
hairdressers and what key messages they might be
able to deliver.
The group’s closed section to facilitate discussion of
complex cases produced long and lively debate but
concerns shared that, whilst there is a high degree of
trust between present members of the group
regarding confidentiality, they would not adopt this
format for future meetings. Consideration will be
given to discussion of cases that do not share
individual details.
Western Locality Safeguarding Adults
Partnership ( WLSAP):
Quarterly report previously circulated to the Board.
It was reported that group continue to work on their
local event “Safeguarding Together” with an
emphasis on service user involvement to be held on
17 September 2014 at Kings Lynn Youth &
Community Centre.
The group formally proposed that volunteer
Safeguarding Champions are recruited in all localities
as detailed in paper. WLSAP would be happy to pilot
the scheme.
It was noted that this was a very positive proposal
and especially useful for getting feedback from
service users and promoting awareness. Concerns
were shared that individuals recruited to the role
would need to receive appropriate training and a clear
role/task description set. Clear terms of reference
would need to be adopted to fully support awareness
across all organisations and the wider community.
Parallels with Health Watch and Dementia Friendly
were identified.
TansleyIt was unanimously AGREED that a pilot recruitment
of Safeguarding Champions should be achieved. A
letter to be drafted to all potential volunteers.
Reports were received and approved by the
NB: ALL quarterly reports to the Board for
circulation to be received no later than 11 days
prior to each Board meeting.
Report to the Board – Sub Groups
(The Chair thanked all authors of the Sub-group
reports. There was an expectation that all reports
previously circulated have been read.
Representatives at the meeting to highlight key
matters only and to invite questions from the Board
on their full report)
Training and Policy:
Quarterly Report previously circulated to the Board.
It was reported that a Task & Finish group continue to
work on updating the Safeguarding Adults Review –
SAR (previously known as the Serious Case Review SCR) process including the Policy, Procedure and
SAR referral application route.
Momentum for training validation had faltered but it
was hoped that a re-launch using the new website
would generate more applicants. It was noted that
the momentum had reduced because of individual
panels needing to be cancelled due to pressure of
normal work load.
It was proposed that the TVP Panel of 5 members
was reduced to a minimum of 3 members for
practicality purposes. 1 member of the Training &
Policy Sub-Group; 1 member of the Board; 1 other.
Unanimously AGREED.
Discussed the potential resources needed for high
numbers of training validation applications following a
re-launch. Potential for Norfolk County Council
Learning & Development Team to support Training
Validation to be explored.
Discussed funding that may be required for future
TVPs. Chair of sub-group to look at realistic figures
for costs of panel in 2015 and forward to Chair of
Board to be included in Board funding forecasts.
Harold Bodmer
Walter LloydSmith/Joan
It was noted that Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Board
had requested details of Norfolk’s Training Validation
process with a view to developing their own.
Quarterly Report previously circulated to the Board.
It was reported that the group has achieved poor
attendance, potentially because of work demands.
The group would like guidance from the Board on
what it wants from the Health Sub-group.
It was noted that the Governance Model of the Board
and Terms of Reference etc of individual subgroups/LSAPs would be reviewed by the new
Independent Chair and debated at the Board’s
Development Day in November. An Action Plan from
the recent Norfolk County Council’s Peer Review,
including recommendations for the Safeguarding
Adults Board, has now been adopted and will be
circulated to all Board members to review. Members
of the Board were invited to join the Peer Review
Action Group, that will meet monthly over the next 12
months, at any time.
Mental Capacity Act/Deprivation of Liberty:
Quarterly Report tabled.
It was reported that there continue to be a high
increase in the rate of referrals for Deprivation of
Lorrayne Barrett
Liberty assessments with more training required for
staff. There appears to be no national guidance and
inconsistent guidance from neighbouring Counties,
including significant additional costs and potential
over spends by local authorities. The new burden of
making referrals had also impacted on NHS staff.
Concerns to be added to the Risk Register. Risk
Owner Harold Bodmer.
It was noted that blanket applications from service
providers were now being refused. Care providers
will be advised of the process and application to the
Deprivation of Liberty Team via the local authority
Quality Assurance Team. More information to be
detailed at next meeting.
Kate Rudkin
Roger Morgan
Andrea Wright
Discussed concerns that the significant rise of
referrals has delayed time from referral to
assessment because of lack of resources. It was
noted that Hospital and Learning Difficulties referrals
take priority with an average 2 to 3 days (up to 1
week) response.
Risk & Performance:
Quarterly Report previously circulated to the Board.
It was reported that the group had been looking at
further statistics to identify trends, in particular
regarding implications of implementation of the Care
Act, increase of Deprivation of Liberty referrals and
Section 75 transition period.
It was confirmed that Norfolk County Council are
working closely with Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation
Trust but happy for any concerns to be placed on
Risk Register. A full review of the master Risk
Register to be a major item for the January
Safeguarding Adults Board.
Kate Rudkin
Risk Register:
Risk Register previously circulated to the Board.
Discussed High level risks as identified on Risk
Risk 6: MCA knowledge gap for medical staff
including GPs.
It was reported that the Local Medical Council
Steering Group is working to sponsor and promote
training for GPs and front line practioners. It is
expected that 3,000 MCA training places will be
required by the end of the year. A project Manager
has now been appointed. Board to be updated at
next meeting.
Risk 7: Difficulty in accessing mental health referrals
within acute and community settings.
Chair of Risk & Performance Sub-group to discuss
ways forward with NHS Safeguarding leads.
Kate Rudkin
Risk 13: Safeguarding Adults Training Charging
It was confirmed that charging for Safeguarding
training by voluntary organisations had now been
withdrawn. Concerns were shared that this had not
been communicated to those that need to access the
training sufficiently.
It was noted the IMPACT, contracted Norfolk County
Council Safeguarding Adults trainers, meet with Linda
Naylor and Kate Brown (Learning and Development
Team) on a quarterly basis. Details of figures and
Linda Naylor
other relevant information from the meeting to be
reported to the Board.
Management Sub Group
It was confirmed that the Management Group had
met and had set the agenda for the Board meeting.
The Chair of the Board will Chair all future
Management Meetings.
Details of the Management Group Action
Plan/activities to be circulated with all future Board
papers sent out prior to Board meeting.
Reports were received and approved by the
NB: ALL quarterly reports to the Board for
circulation to be received no later than 11 days
prior to each Board meeting.
Ratification of SAR1 (previously circulated to the
It was confirmed that the SAR1 had been drafted
following recent consideration of 3 possible
Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) cases when it
was identified there was no robust protocol for raising
a SAR. The draft SAR1 was in line with the Norfolk
Children’s Board’s referral document as
recommended by Norfolk County Council’s senior
Solicitor (Pam Carey). It was expected that the SAR1
would be made available on the new website.
Discussed the importance of making it clear the
purpose and step by step process for making a SAR
referral. NB: it is not the route for making a
Safeguarding Adults referral.
The SAR1 form should detail the purpose and criteria
of an SAR – draft to be amended accordingly and
circulated to all Board members for comment by 6
August 2014.
Peer Review Key findings Feedback – Harold
A sincere thank you was extended to colleagues and
organisations of the Board who participated in the
recent Peer Review requested by Norfolk County
Council. It had been a very valuable exercise,
interviewing approximate 200 people over a 1 week
Key messages in the feedback report were
A swift response to safeguarding alerts
MASH adds value and has built a very good
working relationship between the Police and
Social Services
Adult safeguarding has a sound foundation in
Norfolk with no major issues
Adult safeguarding has been largely protected
from Council cuts but there remain issues
regarding overall resources
Adult safeguarding continues to be under the
shadow of Children’s services
Safeguarding Adults Board is ripe for a revamp
and to be made ready for the implementation
of the Care Act
Practice and culture too process driven
It was noted that the feed back report had been OK
but not Excellent.
Outcomes included
Swift response to referrals
Increase in individual transition plans
Appointment of more effective IMCA service
Good process for handling residential home
Inconsistent feedback to referrers
More rigorous and systematic auditing required
More wider links and engagement with
communities, including Community
Safeguarding Partnerships
Better user involvement
Better use of advocacy service
Inconsistent application of threshold
Not using the rich experience of Health
professionals and voluntary sector
Discussed links within Safeguarding Adults by NHS
partners and the complex arrangements and
representations they have within their structure.
Concerns were shared that the outcome of the report
highlighted limited engagement with Health. It was
felt that this miss represented Health’s involvement in
Safeguarding in Norfolk. The Peer Review report did
not capture Health’s significant past and present
activity. It was noted that NHS England (Mavis
Spencer) or CCG Safeguarding Lead (Howard
Stanley) representatives on the Board were not
interviewed. Did the Peer Review team interview the
right people? Individual Board members were
uncomfortable for not being part of the Peer Review
A lack of involvement by Housing providers and
District Councils were also identified in the report.
This to be added to the Peer Review Action Group’s
Action Plan at next meeting.
Peer Review Action Group – Action Plan to be
circulated to all Board members. It was
recommended that Board members wishing to share
any comments should send them to Jan Cant
(jan.cant@norfolk.gov.uk) in time for the next meeting
(18 August 2014). Board members were invited to
join the Action Group at any time. An expectation was
shared that all Board members read the document
and give comments to be fed into the Action Group.
A summary of commentary to be included in any
update in order for the Board to respond.
It was noted that the Adult Social Care Committee
have over arching ownership of the Peer Review
Action Plan.
Lorrayne Barrett
It was confirmed that, although there is a new
advocacy service referrals to the service are not
being made.
Care Act Update (previously known as Care Bill)
It was reported that the Board’s Policy and
Procedures, including Safeguarding Adults Review,
had recently been reviewed in line with the new Care
Act. Further review will be required when a final
guidance document is issued. It was recommended
that all organisations review their own policies and
procedures accordingly.
It was noted that the advocacy element of the Act will
need to be promoted within Norfolk as well as being a
countrywide issue.
Communications Strategy
It was confirmed that under the new Care Act, and
identified in the Peer Review, that the Board has a
responsibility to have good communications with its
partners and the public. Presently the Board does
not have a strategic approach to communications.
It was recommended that the Board appoint a Task &
Finish Group to look at how the Board needs to
communicate Safeguarding Adults in Norfolk, in
particular to the general public, and the most
vulnerable and hard to reach communities. It was
important that each LSAP was represented in the
Group. A specific task for the group will be to
produce a costed communications strategy.
Informative costing for a Communication
Strategy/Sub-group would need to be achieved.
It was noted that the Chair (supported by Linda
Naylor) will be attending the next Norfolk Chairs
Meeting on 30 July 2014 when their will be
opportunity to consider collaborate strategies that
may include communications. Following the meeting,
Chair to provide the Task & Finish Group with a Draft
Terms of Reference.
Task and Finish Group nominations
Roger Morgan
Howard Stanley
Joan Maughan
Steve Fuller (Western LSAP)
Walter Lloyd-Smith (Eastern LSAP)
Michelle Allott
Mavis Spencer
Ann Taylor (Southern LSAP)
Anne Tansley-Thomas
Lorrayne Barrett
Jo Cook (or nominated representative NLSAP)
Mark Talbot (or nominated representative CLSAP)
Meeting to be convened as soon as possible.
Naylor/Jan Cant
Housing Sub-Group
It was confirmed that the inaugural meeting of the
new Housing Sub-Group will be held on 4 August
2014 from 10am to 12 noon at the Henderson
Business Centre, Norwich.
15 housing providers have been invited to join the
group and the first meeting will endeavour to gauge
what issues they may have and their understanding
of Safeguarding in Norfolk.
An update report will be given at the October Board
Nigel Andrews
Known costs of Board (paper tabled)
It was confirmed that the Board need to be clear on
realistic figures for funding the Norfolk Safeguarding
Board and its activities. The tabled paper set out
known costs for 2014 and an estimated cost for 2015.
It also included a “Shopping List” of funding
expectations moving forward.
Board members were invited to consider items that
should be added to the shopping list and send details
to either Linda Naylor (linda.naylor@norfolk.gov.uk)
or Jan Cant (jan.cant@norfolk.gov.uk) by 15 August
It was reported that CCGs, with the implementation of
the Care Act, would consider looking to support the
activities of the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board
and be likely to increase their financial contribution.
The CCGs will require a break down of what funds
would be requested and the purpose for which funds
would be used. They will be setting next years
budgets shortly and will need information as soon as
possible. It is believed that Police budgets will also
be set soon.
It was confirmed that Norfolk county Council will not
reduce their financial commitment to Safeguarding
Adults but will be supporting a greater contribution
form partners for additional funding.
East Anglia Quality Surveillance Group (QS
Group) update – Howard Stanley
It was confirmed that the QS Group has met and a
paper will be presented at October Board meeting.
Howard Stanley
Strategic Work Plan from July 2014
It was reported that the Chair and Linda Naylor had
been working on the Board’s Strategic Work Plan, fed
by LSAP and Sub-Group Work Plans. This will form
a dynamic exercise at the Board’s Development Day
in November.
The Strategic Work Plan will cover the next 3 years
and will need to be owned by all Board members. A
preparation document for the Development Day will
be sent out will be sent out shortly.
Any Other Business
Linda Naylor
1. Website
It was confirmed that the Board’s website is now live
with each LSAP and Sub-group having a dedicated
page. Any information that Board members wish to
have included on the Website to forward details to
Linda Naylor (linda.naylor@norfolk.gov.uk) for
2. Telephone Call to 0344 8008020
It was reported that when calling Adult Social Care to
raise a Safeguarding Referral you do not speak to a
person at the first stage and it is quite unclear what
buttons you need to press to speak to a member of
staff to make a referral.
It was recommended that a change to the first stage
message is made to ensure that the telephone route
Linda Naylor
for making a referral is clear. Linda Naylor to explore.
3. Retirement – Linda Naylor
The Board were informed of the retirement in
November 2014 of Linda Naylor, Safeguarding Adults
It was confirmed that following recommendations
from the Peer Review that the Co-ordinator’s post
would be reviewed to reflect future changes, in
particular statutory status, before applicants were
invited to apply for the vacancy.
3. Frequency and Future Meetings
Discussed the potential to increase Board meetings
to 6 per year with additional topic focussed days. It
was noted that dates and venues for quarterly
meetings would be identified as quickly as possible
with additional meetings agreed during the year.
It was confirmed that there was an expectation that
Management Group would need to meet more
frequently, with the potential for “virtual meetings”
where necessary. It was AGREED that the
Management Group’s Action Plan/details of activities
should be regularly circulated to inform all Board
Discussed the potential to increase LSAP meetings
which would be problematical for present
membership. Consideration could be given to an
additional 2 meetings to be used for subject specific
Date of Next Meetings
16 October 2014
Wednesday 21 January 2015
Thursday 16 April 2015
Wednesday 15 July 2015
Thursday 15 October 2015
NB: All meetings will be held from 10am to 1pm.
All meetings will be held in Filby Room, Police
Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase,
Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0WW
Parking is available at Waitrose (across the road from
Police Headquarters). Please park in the numbered
bays closest to the footpath leading to the Police
Headquarters. No identification/parking permit is
required on your car.
All LSAP Chairs’ meetings will be held from 9am to
10am on the morning of each Board in the Barton
Lorrayne Barrett