Debate Rating Sheet

Debate rating sheet
Name of the debater/chairperson:
Subject of debate:
Ratings from 5 to 1
5 = excellent
4 = good
3 = sufficient
2 = could be improved
1 = needs working on
Use of language
 Uses the right words for the subject.
 Does not use difficult words without reason.
 Explains difficult words when necessary.
 Makes sentences that are easy to understand.
 Does not make any grammatical errors.
 Pronounces clearly.
 Has no Dutch accent.
 Uses gestures to make points.
 Speaks in a clear voice.
 Does not mumble.
 Talks at a good speed.
 Clearly indicates wish to speak.
 Does not interrupt another speaker.
 Takes notes during the debate.
Knowledge of the subject
 Understands the motion clearly.
 Knows a lot about the subject.
 Presents interesting facts.
 Gives good and clear examples.
 Presents points clearly.
 Anticipates points from opposite group.
Divides speaking turns evenly.
Makes sure not more than one person speaks at a time.
Interrupts speakers when necessary.
Is clear on the meaning of the motion.
Does a poll at beginning and end of the debate.
Also rate the chairperson on the points listed for the debater.