Selected Bibliography of the Personal Essay Updated May 22, 2012 by Prof. Bruce Ballenger, Department of English, Boise State University Theory Adorno, T.W. "The Essay As Form." Trans. Bob Hullot-Kentor. New German Critique Spring-Summer (1984): 151-171. Atkins, G. Douglas. "In Other Words: Gardening for love--the work of the essayist." The Kenyon Review 13 (1991): 57-69. - - -. Estranging the Familiar: Toward a Revitalized Critical Writing. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1992 - - -. Tracing the Essay: Through Experience to Truth. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2005. Bensmaia, Reda. The Barthes Effect: The Essay as Reflective Text. Minneapolis: UM P, 1987. Chadbourne, Richard M. "A Puzzling Literary Genre: Comparative views of the essay." Comparative Literature Studies 20 (1983): 133-53. Claus, Karl and Robert Scholes. Elements of the Essay. New York: Oxford UP, 1969. DiYanni, Robert. “Fictitious Facts and the Question of Genre.” What Do I Know. Ed. Janis Forman. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1995. Faery, Rebecca B. "On the Possibilities of the Essay: A meditation." The Iowa Review 20 (1990): 19-27. Fort, Keith. "Form, Authority, and the Critical Essay." College English 32 (1971): 629-39. Good, Graham. The Observing Self: Rediscovering the essay. London: Routledge, 1988. Hesse, Douglas. "A Boundary Zone: First Person Short Stories and Narrative Essays." Short Story Theory at a Crossroads. Susan Lohafer and Jo Ellyn Clarey Eds. Baton Rouge: LSU P, 1989. - - - .”Saving a Place of Essayistic Literacy.” In Passion, Politics, and 21st Century Technologies. Ed. Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe. Logan: Utah State UP, 1999. - - -. “Essays and Experience, Time and Rhetoric.” Writing Theory and Critical Theory. Ed. John Clifford and John Schilb. New York: MLA, 1994. Heilker, Paul. The Essay: Theory and Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1996. - - -. “Twentieth Century Theories of the Essay. The Essay: Theory and Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1996: 37-64. Joeres, Ruth-Ellen Boetcher, Elizabeth Mittman. The Politics of the Essay: Feminist Perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana U P, 1993. Kauffmann, Lane R. "The Skewed Path: Essaying as Un-methodical Method." Diogenes 143 (1988): 66-92. Kazin, Alfred. "The Essay as Modern Form." The Open Forum: Essays for our Time. New York: Harcourt, 1961. vii-xi. Klaus, Carl H. The Made-Up Self. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2010. Lehman, Daniel W. “Nonfictional Narrative and the Problem of Truth.” Matters of Fact: Reading Nonfiction Over the Edge. Columbus, OH: Ohio State U P, 1997: 1-39. Podhoretz, Norman. "The Article as Art." Harper's July 1958: 74-81. Pollack, Eileen. “The Interplay of Form and Content in Creative Nonfiction.” The Writer’s Chronicle (March/April 2007): 51+ Shields, David. Reality Hunger: A Manifesto. New York: Knopf, 2010. Zeiger, William. "The Personal Essay and Egalitarian Rhetoric." In Literary Nonfiction. Ed. Chris Anderson. Carbondale: SIU P, 1989. History Montaigne Bakewell, Sarah. How to Live or a Life of Montaigne. New York: Other P, 2010. Frampton, Saul. When I Am Playing with my Cat, How do I Know She’s Not Playing with Me? Montaigne and Being in Touch with Life. New York: Pantheon, 2010. Frampton, Saul. When I am Playing with My Cat, How Do I know She Is Not Playing with Me? New York: Pantheon, 2011. Friedrich, Hugo. Montaigne. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 1991 Binkley, Harold C. "Essays and Letter Writing" PMLA, 41.2. (Jun., 1926): 342361. Heilker, Paul. . “Montaigne and the Early English Essay.” The Essay: Theory and Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1996: 13-35. Hartle, Ann. Michel de Montaigne: Accidental Philosopher. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2003. Lowenthal, Marvin. The Autobiography of Michel de Montaigne. Jaffrey, NH: Nonpareil, 1999. Melehy, Hassan. “Montaigne and Ethics: The Case of Animals.” L’espirit Creatuer 46.1 (2006): 96-107. Screech, M.A. Montaigne and Melancholy: The Wisdom of the Essays. Lanham, MD: 2000 Tetel, Marcel. Montaigne. 1974. Boston: Twayne, 1990. Other Fraser, Theodore P. The French Essay. Boston: Twayne, 1986. Granger, Bruce. American Essay Serials from Franklin to Irving. Knoxville: UT P, 1978. Hall, Micheal L. "The Emergence of the Essay and the Idea of Discovery." Essays on the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989. 73-91. Law, Marie H. The English Familiar Essay in the Early Nineteenth Century. Doctoral Dissertation. Ann Arbor: U Microfilms, 1964.\ Lopate, Phillip. “Introduction.” The Art of the Personal Essay. New York: Anchor, 1994: xxiii-liv. Newkirk, Thomas. "Montaigne's Revisions." Rhetoric Review 24.3: 298-315. Payne, William Morton. Leading American Essayists. 1910. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries P, 1968. Pollard, David. The Chinese Essay. New York: Columbia UP, 2000. Tanner, William M. Essays and Essay Writing. Boston: Atlantic Monthly, 1917. Walker, Hugh. The English Essay and Essayists. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1915. Watson, Melvin R. Magazine Serials and the Essay Tradition. 1746-1820. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1956. Criticism Atwan, Robert. "Esctasy & Eloquence: The method of Emerson's essays." Essays on the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989. 106-115. Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Interpretations: Michel de Montaigne’s Essays. New York: Chelsea, 1987. Corrigan, Timothy. The Essay Film. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Dawson, William J. and Coningsby W. Dawson. The Great English Essayists. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1932. Friedrich, Hugo. Montaigne. Berkeley: UC P, 1991. Howarth, William. "Itinerant Passages: Recent American essays." Sewannee Review 96 (1988): 633-643. I Am Aztlan: The Personal Essay in Chicano Studies. Ed. Chon A. Noriega and Wendly Belcher. Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2004. Klaus, Carl H. "On Virginia Woolf on the Essay." The Iowa Review 20 (1990): 28-34. Lopate, Phillip. “What Happened to the Personal Essay?” Against Joie de Vivre. New York: Poseidon, 1989 Natarajan, Uttara. "The Veil of Familiarity: Romantic Philosophy and the Familiar Essay." SiR 42 (Spring 2003): 24-44. Obaldia, Claire. The Essayistic Spirit: Literature, Modern Criticism, and the Essay. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 1995 Tetel, Marcel. Montaigne. 1974. Boston: Twayne, 1990. Pedagogy Anderson, Chris. "Introduction: Literary Nonfiction and Composition." Literary Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy. Chris Anderson Ed. Carbondale: SIU P, 1989. ixxxvi. Ballenger, Bruce. “An Amateur’s Raid in a World of Specialists: The Essayist as Researcher.” Beyond Note Cards. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999: 7295. - - - . Crafting Truth: Short Studies in Creative Nonfiction. New York: Pearson and Longman, 2010. Forman, Janis. What do I Know? Reading, Writing, and Teaching the Essay. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1995. Heilker, Paul. "Twenty Years In." CCC 58.2 (December 2006): 182-212. Henry, Patrick. Approaches to Teaching Montaigne’s Essays. New York: MLA, 1994. Langer, Ulrich. The Cambridge Companion to Montaigne. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2005. Lopate, Phillip. “Reflection and Retrospection: A Pedagogic Mystery Story.” The Fourth Genre (Spring, 2005) Newkirk, Thomas. The School Essay Manifesto. Shoreham, VT: Discover Writing P, 2005. Sanborn, Jean Donovan. “The Essay Dies in the Academy, circa 1900.” Pedagogy in the Age of Politics. Ed. Patrician Sullivan and Donna J. Qualley. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1994: 121-138. Spellmeyer, Kurt. "A Common Ground: The essay in the academy." Essays on the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989. 253-270. Zeiger, William. "The Exploratory Essay: Enfranchising the spirit of enquiry in college composition." College English 47 (1985): 454-66. Essaysists on the Essay Bloom, Lynn. “Living to Tell the Tale.” College English 65.3 (2003): 276-289. Faery, Rebecca Blevins. “On the Possibilities of the Essay: A Meditation.” Iowa Review 20.2 (1990): 19-27. Gornick, Vivian. The Situation and the Story: The Art of the Personal Narrative. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2001. Hazlitt, William. "On Familiar Style." Hazlitt's Selected Essays. New York: Random House, 1948. 474-482. Hoagland, Edward. "What I Think, What I Am." Tugman's Passage. New York: Random House, 1982. Kramer, Jane. “Me, Myself, and I.” The New Yorker (Sept. 7, 2009): 34-41. Lopate, Phillip. “Writing Personal Essays: On the Necessity of Turning Oneself Into a Character.” In Writing Creative Nonfiction. Ed. Phillip Gerard. Cincinnati: Story P, 2001. 38-44. Mairs, Nancy. “The Literature of Personal Disaster.” Voice Lessons. Boston: Beacon P, 1994. Monson, Ander. “The Guilty I.” Believer (September 2008): 15-26. Ozick, Cynthia. “She: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body.” Atlantic Monthly September (1998): 114-118. Sanders, Scott Russell. "First Person Singular." Secrets of the Universe. Boston: Beacon, 1991. 187-204. Smith, Alexander. "On the Writing of Essays." Essays British and American. Andrew T. Smithberger Ed. Boston: Houghton, 1953. White, E.B. "The Essayist." Essays of E.B.White. New York: Perennial, 1977: ix-xi. Woolf, Virginia. "The Modern Essay." The Common Reader. New York: Harcourt, 1925. 293-307.