Selected Bibliography of the Personal Essay

Selected Bibliography of the Personal Essay
Updated May 22, 2012 by Prof. Bruce Ballenger, Department of English, Boise
State University
Adorno, T.W. "The Essay As Form." Trans. Bob Hullot-Kentor. New German
Critique Spring-Summer (1984): 151-171.
Atkins, G. Douglas. "In Other Words: Gardening for love--the work of the
essayist." The Kenyon Review 13 (1991): 57-69.
- - -. Estranging the Familiar: Toward a Revitalized Critical Writing. Athens, GA:
U of Georgia P, 1992
- - -. Tracing the Essay: Through Experience to Truth. Athens, GA: U of Georgia
P, 2005.
Bensmaia, Reda. The Barthes Effect: The Essay as Reflective Text.
Minneapolis: UM P, 1987.
Chadbourne, Richard M. "A Puzzling Literary Genre: Comparative views of the
essay." Comparative Literature Studies 20 (1983): 133-53.
Claus, Karl and Robert Scholes. Elements of the Essay. New York:
UP, 1969.
DiYanni, Robert. “Fictitious Facts and the Question of Genre.” What Do I Know.
Ed. Janis Forman. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1995.
Faery, Rebecca B. "On the Possibilities of the Essay: A meditation." The Iowa
Review 20 (1990): 19-27.
Fort, Keith. "Form, Authority, and the Critical Essay." College English 32
(1971): 629-39.
Good, Graham. The Observing Self: Rediscovering the essay. London:
Routledge, 1988.
Hesse, Douglas. "A Boundary Zone: First Person Short Stories and Narrative
Essays." Short Story Theory at a Crossroads. Susan Lohafer and Jo Ellyn
Clarey Eds. Baton Rouge: LSU P, 1989.
- - - .”Saving a Place of Essayistic Literacy.” In Passion, Politics, and 21st
Century Technologies. Ed. Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Selfe. Logan: Utah State
UP, 1999.
- - -. “Essays and Experience, Time and Rhetoric.” Writing Theory and Critical
Theory. Ed. John Clifford and John Schilb. New York: MLA, 1994.
Heilker, Paul. The Essay: Theory and Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana,
IL: NCTE, 1996.
- - -. “Twentieth Century Theories of the Essay. The Essay: Theory and
Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1996: 37-64.
Joeres, Ruth-Ellen Boetcher, Elizabeth Mittman. The Politics of the Essay:
Feminist Perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana U P, 1993.
Kauffmann, Lane R. "The Skewed Path: Essaying as Un-methodical Method."
Diogenes 143 (1988): 66-92.
Kazin, Alfred. "The Essay as Modern Form." The Open Forum: Essays for our
Time. New York: Harcourt, 1961. vii-xi.
Klaus, Carl H. The Made-Up Self. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2010.
Lehman, Daniel W. “Nonfictional Narrative and the Problem of Truth.” Matters of
Fact: Reading Nonfiction Over the Edge. Columbus, OH: Ohio State U P, 1997:
Podhoretz, Norman. "The Article as Art." Harper's July 1958: 74-81.
Pollack, Eileen. “The Interplay of Form and Content in Creative Nonfiction.” The
Writer’s Chronicle (March/April 2007): 51+
Shields, David. Reality Hunger: A Manifesto. New York: Knopf, 2010.
Zeiger, William. "The Personal Essay and Egalitarian Rhetoric." In Literary
Nonfiction. Ed. Chris Anderson. Carbondale: SIU
P, 1989.
Bakewell, Sarah. How to Live or a Life of Montaigne. New York: Other P, 2010.
Frampton, Saul. When I Am Playing with my Cat, How do I Know She’s Not
Playing with Me? Montaigne and Being in Touch with Life. New York: Pantheon,
Frampton, Saul. When I am Playing with My Cat, How Do I know She Is Not
Playing with Me? New York: Pantheon, 2011.
Friedrich, Hugo. Montaigne. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 1991
Binkley, Harold C. "Essays and Letter Writing" PMLA, 41.2. (Jun., 1926): 342361.
Heilker, Paul. . “Montaigne and the Early English Essay.” The Essay: Theory
and Pedagogy for an Active Form. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1996: 13-35.
Hartle, Ann. Michel de Montaigne: Accidental Philosopher. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge UP, 2003.
Lowenthal, Marvin. The Autobiography of Michel de Montaigne. Jaffrey, NH:
Nonpareil, 1999.
Melehy, Hassan. “Montaigne and Ethics: The Case of Animals.” L’espirit
Creatuer 46.1 (2006): 96-107.
Screech, M.A. Montaigne and Melancholy: The Wisdom of the Essays.
Lanham, MD: 2000
Tetel, Marcel. Montaigne. 1974. Boston: Twayne, 1990.
Fraser, Theodore P. The French Essay. Boston: Twayne, 1986.
Granger, Bruce. American Essay Serials from Franklin to Irving. Knoxville: UT
P, 1978.
Hall, Micheal L. "The Emergence of the Essay and the Idea of Discovery."
Essays on the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989.
Law, Marie H. The English Familiar Essay in the Early Nineteenth Century.
Doctoral Dissertation. Ann Arbor: U Microfilms, 1964.\
Lopate, Phillip. “Introduction.” The Art of the Personal Essay. New York:
Anchor, 1994: xxiii-liv.
Newkirk, Thomas. "Montaigne's Revisions." Rhetoric Review 24.3: 298-315.
Payne, William Morton. Leading American Essayists. 1910. Freeport, NY:
Books for Libraries P, 1968.
Pollard, David. The Chinese Essay. New York: Columbia UP, 2000.
Tanner, William M. Essays and Essay Writing. Boston: Atlantic Monthly, 1917.
Walker, Hugh. The English Essay and Essayists. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1915.
Watson, Melvin R. Magazine Serials and the Essay Tradition. 1746-1820.
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1956.
Atwan, Robert. "Esctasy & Eloquence: The method of Emerson's essays."
Essays on the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989.
Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Interpretations: Michel de Montaigne’s Essays.
New York: Chelsea, 1987.
Corrigan, Timothy. The Essay Film. New York: Oxford UP, 2011.
Dawson, William J. and Coningsby W. Dawson. The Great English Essayists.
New York: H.W. Wilson, 1932.
Friedrich, Hugo. Montaigne. Berkeley: UC P, 1991.
Howarth, William. "Itinerant Passages: Recent American essays." Sewannee
Review 96 (1988): 633-643.
I Am Aztlan: The Personal Essay in Chicano Studies. Ed. Chon A. Noriega and
Wendly Belcher. Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2004.
Klaus, Carl H. "On Virginia Woolf on the Essay." The Iowa Review 20 (1990):
Lopate, Phillip. “What Happened to the Personal Essay?” Against Joie de
Vivre. New York: Poseidon, 1989
Natarajan, Uttara. "The Veil of Familiarity: Romantic Philosophy and the
Familiar Essay." SiR 42 (Spring 2003): 24-44.
Obaldia, Claire. The Essayistic Spirit: Literature, Modern Criticism, and the
Essay. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 1995
Tetel, Marcel. Montaigne. 1974. Boston: Twayne, 1990.
Anderson, Chris. "Introduction: Literary Nonfiction and Composition." Literary
Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy. Chris Anderson Ed. Carbondale: SIU
P, 1989. ixxxvi.
Ballenger, Bruce. “An Amateur’s Raid in a World of Specialists: The Essayist as
Researcher.” Beyond Note Cards. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999: 7295.
- - - . Crafting Truth: Short Studies in Creative Nonfiction. New York: Pearson
and Longman, 2010.
Forman, Janis. What do I Know? Reading, Writing, and Teaching the
Essay. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1995.
Heilker, Paul. "Twenty Years In." CCC 58.2 (December 2006): 182-212.
Henry, Patrick. Approaches to Teaching Montaigne’s Essays. New York: MLA,
Langer, Ulrich. The Cambridge Companion to Montaigne. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge UP, 2005.
Lopate, Phillip. “Reflection and Retrospection: A Pedagogic Mystery Story.” The
Fourth Genre (Spring, 2005)
Newkirk, Thomas. The School Essay Manifesto. Shoreham, VT: Discover
Writing P, 2005.
Sanborn, Jean Donovan. “The Essay Dies in the Academy, circa 1900.”
Pedagogy in the Age of Politics. Ed. Patrician Sullivan and Donna J. Qualley.
Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1994: 121-138.
Spellmeyer, Kurt. "A Common Ground: The essay in the academy." Essays on
the Essay. Alexander Butrym Ed. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989. 253-270.
Zeiger, William. "The Exploratory Essay: Enfranchising the spirit of enquiry in
college composition." College English 47 (1985): 454-66.
Essaysists on the Essay
Bloom, Lynn. “Living to Tell the Tale.” College English 65.3 (2003): 276-289.
Faery, Rebecca Blevins. “On the Possibilities of the Essay: A Meditation.” Iowa
Review 20.2 (1990): 19-27.
Gornick, Vivian. The Situation and the Story: The Art of the Personal Narrative.
New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2001.
Hazlitt, William. "On Familiar Style." Hazlitt's Selected Essays. New York:
Random House, 1948. 474-482.
Hoagland, Edward. "What I Think, What I Am." Tugman's Passage. New York:
Random House, 1982.
Kramer, Jane. “Me, Myself, and I.” The New Yorker (Sept. 7, 2009): 34-41.
Lopate, Phillip. “Writing Personal Essays: On the Necessity of Turning Oneself
Into a Character.” In Writing Creative Nonfiction. Ed. Phillip Gerard. Cincinnati:
Story P, 2001. 38-44.
Mairs, Nancy. “The Literature of Personal Disaster.” Voice Lessons. Boston:
Beacon P, 1994.
Monson, Ander. “The Guilty I.” Believer (September 2008): 15-26.
Ozick, Cynthia. “She: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body.” Atlantic Monthly
September (1998): 114-118.
Sanders, Scott Russell. "First Person Singular." Secrets of the Universe.
Boston: Beacon, 1991. 187-204.
Smith, Alexander. "On the Writing of Essays." Essays British and American.
Andrew T. Smithberger Ed. Boston: Houghton, 1953.
White, E.B. "The Essayist." Essays of E.B.White. New York: Perennial, 1977:
Woolf, Virginia. "The Modern Essay." The Common Reader. New York:
Harcourt, 1925. 293-307.