科目 97 分子生物春季班-樂揚老師編授 03/16,04/27,05/04×2 教材清單 05/26,06/01,06/15×2 11/16 課本 分子生物春(A) Chapter 1 Cell Chapter 2 Nucleic Acids Chapter 3 Gene and Chromosome Chapter 4 DNA replication Chapter 5 Transcription Chapter 6 RNA processing Chapter 7 Translation Chapter 8 Regulation of Gene Expression Chapter 9 Mutation and repair Chapter 10 Movable Gene 目錄 Chapter 1 Cell 1-1 Introduction 1-2 Nucleus 1-3 Chromosome 1-4 Mitochondria 1-5 Cholroplast 1-6 Endoplasmic reticulum 1-7 Golgi apparatus 1-8 Cell membrane 1-9 Cytoskeleton 1-10 Virus Chapter 2 Nucleic Acids 2-1 Introduction 2-2 DNA is the genetic meterial 2-3 Nucleotide 2-4 Deoxyribuncleic acid/Ribonucleic acid 2-5 Hydrolysis of RNA under alkaline conditions 2-6 DNA is a double helix 2-7 Comparison of A, B, and Z forms of DNA 2-8 Double-Helical DNA and RNA Can Be Denatured 2-9 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Undergo Nonenzymatic Transformations 2-10 Bases of DNA Are Methylated 分子生物春(B) Chapter 4 DNA replication 4-1 DNA Replication Is Semiconservative 4-2 Replication Begins at an Origin and Usually Proceeds Bidirectionally 4-3 DNA Synthesis Proceeds in a 5’ to 3’ Direction and Is Semidiscontiunous 4-4 DNA Is Synthesized by DNA Polymerases 4-5 Proofreading 4-6 E. coli Has at Least Five DNA Polymerases 4-7 Nick translation 4-8 Replication of the E. coli Chromosome Proceeds in Stages 4-9 Mechanism of the DNA ligase reaction 4-10 Only methylated origins are functional 4-11 Replication in Eukaryotic Cells Is More Complex 4-12 Eukaryotic cells have many DNA polymerases Chapter 5 Transcription 5-1 RNA Is Synthesized by RNA Polymerases 5-2 RNA Synthesis Begins at Promoters 5-3 Transcription initiation and elongation by E. coli RNA polymerase 5-4 Specific Sequences Signal Terminatin of RNA Polymerases 5-5 Eukaryotic Cells Have Three Kinds of Nuclear RNA Polymerases 5-6 RNA Polymerase II Requires Many Other Protein Factors for Its Activity 5-7 RNA Strand Initiation and Promoter Clearance 5-8 DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Undergoes Selective Inhibition Chapter 6 RNA processing 6-1 Eukaryotic mRNAs Are Capped at the 5’ End 6-2 Both Introns and Exons Are Transcribed from DNA into RNA 2-11 Messenger RNAs Code for Polypeptide Chains 2-12 Secondary structure of RNAs Chapter 3 Gene and Chromosome 3-1 Genes and Chromosomes 3-2 Eukaryotic Genes and Chromosomes Are Very Complex 3-3 DNA Supercoil 3-4 DNA Underwinding Is Defined by Topological Linking Number 3-5 Topoisomerases 3-6 The Structure of Chromosomes 3-7 Human Genome Project 課本 分子生物(春季 C) Chapter 7 Translation Chapter 8 Regulation of gene Chapter 9 DNA repair 目錄 課本 目錄 分生觀念手冊 Part I Gene and chromosome Part II AND Metabolism Part III RNA metabolism Part IV Protein synthesis Part V Signal Transduction Part VI Gene regulation 6-3 RNA Catalyzes the Splicing of Introns 6-4 Eukaryotic mRNAs Have a Distinctive 3’ End Structure 6-5 A Gene Can Give Rise to Multiple Products by Differential RNA Processing 6-6 Ribosomal RNAs and tRNAs Also Undergo Processing 6-7 Processing of tRNAs in bacteria and eukaryotes 6-8 RNA Enzymes Are the Catalysts of Some Events in RNA Metabolism 6-9 RNA-Dependent Synthesis of RNA and DNA 6-10 Fighting AIDS with Inhibitors of HIV Reverse Transcriptase 6-11 Many Transposons, Retroviruses, and Introns May Have a Common Evolutionary Origin 6-12 Telomerase Is a Specialized Reverse Transcriptase 6-13 Some Viral RNAs Are Replicated by RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase 6-14 The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA 6-15 Bacterial mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes 6-16 mRNA degradation in yeast 6-17 mRNA stability depends on its structure and sequence 6-18 Eukaryotic RNAs are transported 分子生物(題庫) Nucleotided and Nucleic Acids Genes and Chromosomes structure DNA replication’repair’recombinatiion Transcription and RNA synthesis Translation and Protein synthesis DNA-Based Technologies Regulation of Gene Expression