Skin flashcards NU

Skin Test Review Sheet
1. Name the four organs of the INTEGUMENT 1. Organs
a. Skin
b. Hair
What is the largest organ of THE
c. Nails
d. Glands
2. SKIN is the largest organ of the integument
system. Also the largest organ in the body!
2. What are the five Functions of the
Integument System?
3. What are the 3 layers of the skin?
 What layer of the skin provides strength to
the skin?
 What layer provides protection to the
 Does the epidermis have its own blood
 How does the epidermis get its nutrients?
 What layer of the skin are nails made in?
4. How many layers does the epidermis have
and what are they?
What is the deepest layer?
What is the most superficial layer?
What layer is only present in thick
a. Protection
 Abrasion
 Infections
 UV light
 Dehydration
b. Thermal regulation (maintaining proper body
 Insulation = adipose layer
 Cooling = sweat glands
c. Sensory reception (touch, temp, pain, etc)
d. Vitamin D production (discussed in physiology)
e. Communication (Smile, frown, etc are forms of
It absorbs nutrients from the tissues deep
to it
5. epidermis
All epidermis has four layers (thick skin has a fifth
 Stratum basale (deepest layer of
 Stratum spinosum
 Stratum granulosum
 Stratum lucidum (only in thick skin)
 Stratum corneum (most superficial layer of
Skin Test Review Sheet
5. What are the three cell types found in the
What protein provides waterproofing
and strength to the skin?
What pigment is produced in this
6. What layer has cells attached to each
other by desmosomes?
What layer do cells stop dividing?
What layer of epidermis provides
strength to the epidermis?
STRATUM BASALE has 3 types of cells
1. Main cell type is KERATINOCYTES
 Keratin is a protein, provides
waterproofing and strength to skin
However, keratinocytes do not start
producing keratin until they get
closer to the surface.
2. MELANOCYTES produce MELANIN (dark
brown pigment)
3. MACROPHAGES (ingest and destroy cells)
7. In what layer of the epidermis do cells start
to die?
Why do they die?
 Startum granulosum
8. The main difference between thick skin
and thin skin relates to the thickness of
this layer.
 Stratum corneum
 because they are now too far from
nutrient source in connective tissue)
Stratum Lucidum
This layer is only on the palms and soles
10. Which layer has cells that provide
protection from uv light?
11. What two areas separate from each other
in a blister?
12. What are the 3 major types of Skin
 Which is most common, least common?
 Which is the most deadly, least deadly?
 What is the major risk factor for skin
Stratum Lucidum
The stratum basale tears away from the
basement membrane
BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (most common, least
Skin Test Review Sheet
3) MELANOMA (least common, most deadly)
Major risk factor is UV light
13. Which type of cancer is most easily cured
and almost never metastasizes?
Which skin cancer is the most likely to
 What is Eczema?
What causes it?
What is the most frequently occurring
form of eczema?
Itchy red skin that comes and goes.
Caused by an autoimmune reaction.
The most frequently occuring form of
eczema is atopic dermatitis.
15. Name three things that might trigger
Atopic dermatitis?
16. Touching poison ivy causes what type of
skin condition?
17. What is the name for Severe dandruff?
What causes it?
What is Psoriasis caused by?
Contact dermatitis
18. What are the two layers of the dermis?
Triggered by allergens like soaps,
cosmetics, clothing, detergents,
jewelry, or sweat.
Can be triggered by changes in
weather or stress.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Caused by an allergy to the fungus that we
all have around our hair roots.
An autoimmune disease of the skin.
1. PAPILLARY LAYER (Papillary = “Pimple” Has
19. What specific layer is responsible for
fingerprints, and what layer of the skin is it
20. What is the strongest layer of the
The PAPILLARY LAYER is in the DERMIS and is the
actual layer responsible for the fingerprints.
Stratum spinosum
Skin Test Review Sheet
Reticular layer
What is the strongest layer of the dermis?
What is the strongest layer of the skin?
What layer of the SKIN is responsible for
stretch marks?
21. Where are all the glands of the body
In what layer of skin are most of the
body’s collagen fibers found?
What layer of the skin is the area that a
transdermal patch must reach?
What layer of the skin generates the pink
color seem in Caucasian people?
Doctors make incisions on the body based
on the lines of cleavage of the skin. This is
based on the structure of which layer of
the skin?
22. What are stretch marks and what causes
23. What are three functions of the
What is cellulite?
What cosmetic surgical procedure is
performed in the hypodermis?
Caused by Sudden weight gain (often seen in
During expansion of skin, collagen fibers in the
DERMIS separate = stretch marks.
Functions of the hypodermis
1) Stores fat
2) Cushions
3) Insulation of heat from blood vessels in this
There is no such thing as cellulite.
Skin Test Review Sheet
Therefore, it is not a type of adipose or
connective tissue, and it does not exist as
a particular region of the skin.
24. What are the three types of burns?
Liposuction is performed in the
Three types:
Which is the most serious?
Which is a sunburn?
Which is a blister?
Which needs a skin graft?
25. What are 2 reasons why deep burns are so
FIRST DEGREE: Minor burn to the epidermis;
SECOND DEGREE: Dermis separates from
epidermis; blister
THIRD DEGREE: Hypodermis is burned. (most
severe type of burn; needs a skin graft)
2) Dehydration: nothing to keep fluid in body.
26. What are DECUBITUS ULCERS and how do
they form?
 Skin color is caused by what four things?
Skin color is caused by four things:
What pigment produces brown coloration
to the skin?
What pigment accumulates more in Asian
skin types?
How does skin thickness affect skin color?
Why do black-skinned people have lighter
Epidermis is destroyed, underlying tissue is
How decubitus ulcers form:
If you’re sitting down, weight of the body presses
against blood vessels, no blood flow to skin of
buttocks. In you, it’s ok, because you’ll be walking
around again in a half hour. But if it goes on
longer than a couple of hours because one can’t
move, tissues can’t get oxygen. Ulcer forms, can
get gangrene or go systemic and die of infection.
Whose fault is it? The nurse’s, for not moving the
patient every couple of hours.
1) MELANIN: (dark brown pigment). More
melanin, darker the skin.
2) CAROTENE: (a yellowish/orange pigment).
Accumulates more in Asian skin types.
3) SKIN THICKNESS: thinner skin see blood
vessels, looks pinker. In black-skinned people,
the thick stratum lucidum layer of the palms
Skin Test Review Sheet
palms and soles?
What causes the pink color of skin in
and soles blocks the appearance of the
melanin pigment in the dermis
4) HEMOGLOBIN in red blood cells is a red
pigment. Since the DERMIS is the skin layer that
contains the blood vessels, that is the layer that
causes the pink skin color of Caucasians.
28. What is a Contusion?
Why does a bruise look black and blue? The
vessels in the hypodermis are ruptured, red blood
cells leak out and break open. When seeing the
dark red hemoglobin through a layer of adipose, it
appears blue. The tissues push this debris upward
over the next few weeks. Within the first few days,
the hemoglobin from the damaged blood cells
degrades and changes color from blue to green to
The depth determines the color of the bruise.
What causes the color of a contusion to
29. What is Cyanosis?
CYANOSIS: Bluish color to skin.
Caused by superficial blood vessel constriction in
the dermis or lack of blood flow to skin
What 2 things causes it?
Occurs for two reasons:
1) Cold
2) Not enough oxygen in body to go around. The
oxygen is conserved for the vital organs, so oxygen
to skin and nails is shut down.
30. How do wrinkles form?
31. What is BOTOX?
Why do people use it?
Why do people need repeat injections?
Over time, collagen fibers align themselves more
and more as they are always being pulled in the
same direction: smile, frown.
Skin begins to sag because body makes less elastin.
This is a deadly poison (botulism) which paralyses
the muscles, making them sag.
Without muscle tension, wrinkles relax.
In 3 months, new muscle cells are made, so
wrinkles come back, and need new injection.
Skin Test Review Sheet
32. What is one example of how a COLLAGEN
INJECTION is used for cosmetic reasons?
Collagen is injected into hypodermis to fill out
deep wrinkle lines.
Can last a couple of years.
Collagen can also be injected into the lips to
make them appear fuller, but in this area, it
degrades faster, so new injections are needed
more often.
33. Into what layer of the skin is ink injected
Pigment is injected into the dermis.
Vitamin D is produced by the skin
What vitamin is produced by the skin?
34. What is the function of Arrector Pilli?
They are tiny muscles that make the hair stick up
when you are cold, as in “goosebumps”.
35. What are destroyed by electrolysis?
The dermal papillae are what are destroyed by
electrolysis, so hair won’t grow back.
What is hair made of?
36. What part of the hair follicle is the site of
hair growth and the location of the
melanocytes that determine hair color?
37. What glands that are found all over the
38. What do sebaceous glands secrete?
What glands secrete sweat?
How do pimples begin?
What is the black part of a blackhead caused
Hair is just dead skin cells.
the hair matrix
Produce sebum (oil that coats the hair and
Eccrine glands
Pimples begin when oil gland ducts
(sebaceous glands) become blocked by
viscous (thick) sebum.
The black part of a blackhead is oxidized
Boils are caused by bacteria that enter a
gland and invade into the hypodermis.
What causes boils?
Skin Test Review Sheet
39. What layer of skin gives rise to the NAILS?
What are nails made of?
What is the proximal nail fold called?
What is the white half-moon visible under
the proximal part of a fingernail?
40. What 4 types of SKIN GLANDS are there?
41. Where are Apocrine Glands found?
What special protein do they secrete?
The EPIDERMIS gives rise to the nails.
Nails are made of keratin (not calcium or
APOCRINE GLANDS (produce a secretion to
coat pubic and axillary haris, and also
produce pheromones)
o MAMMARY GLANDS (special type of
apocrine gland, but produces milk)
APOCRINE GLANDS are only in the axilla and pubic
region, where they produce a secretion to coat the
hairs. The hairs function as a wick to draw the
secretions to the surface.
42. What are Mammary Glands?
These glands also produce a type of protein
called a hormone known as PHEROMONES.
 Modified apocrine glands are also found in
breast milk ducts.
Modified apocrine glands.
What do they secrete?
43. What do Ceruminus Glands secrete, and
where are they found?
44. What are Exocrine Glands?
Only found in the ear, and they produce wax.
Exocrine glands secrete substances into the
cell itself, or onto the epidermis by way of a
Endocrine glands do not have ducts. They
secrete hormones directly into the blood.
What are Endocrine Glands?
45. What do Plasma Cells secrete?
46. What do Goblet Cells secrete?Are they
unicellular or multicellular?
They secrete milk.
A type of blood cell that secretes antibodies.
Goblet cells secrete mucus.
Skin Test Review Sheet
47. What is Leukemia?
What is Lymphoma?
48. What is Carcinoma?
What is Melanoma?
What is Sarcoma?
They are unicellular
A cancer in blood-forming cells.
A tumor developing in lymphatic
A tumor developing in any part of the
A tumor developing in the pigmentforming cells (melanocytes) of the skin.
A tumor developing in muscles and
connective tissues.
1. LACK DIFFERENTIATION-Normal cells have
specialized functions, but cancer cells do not
differentiate and do not contribute to the function
of the body.
2. ABNORMAL NUCLEI-They have large or multiple
nuclei with mutated chromosomes.
3. FORM TUMORS-Cancer cells grow and divide
rapidly until they accumulate and form a lump of
cancer cells called a tumor. A BENIGN tumor is an
accumulation of non-cancerous cells because they
stay in their own capsule (encapsulated) and do
not invade.
50. What are MALIGNANT tumors?
What does METASTASIZE means?
MALIGNANT tumors are cancerous cells that
51. What is a carcinogen? What are some
Metastasize means to spread and invade
What is a mutagen?
CARCINOGEN is an environmental agent that
contributes to cancer
Examples of a carcinogen: radiation, toxic
chemicals, and viruses.
MUTAGEN - an agent that increases chances
of DNA change or mutation.
Skin Test Review Sheet
52. What Diagnostic Procedure test for
cervical cancer?
Which one tests for breast cancer?
Which one tests for colon cancer?
PAP SMEARS detect cervical cancers. They
just swab the cervix and look at the cells
under a microscope.
MAMMOGRAMS are diagnostic procedures
to detect breast cancer. The breast is just
placed on a special type of machine like an xray.
COLONOSCOPY is a diagnostic procedure to
detect colon cancer. A scope is inserted into
the rectum so the doctor can look for polyps.