Certified Sustainable Product Summary© for Milliken Patterned Carpet Tile with ESP Cushion – California Platinum (Equivalent to SMART© Platinum Certified) 800.241.4826 201 Lukken Industrial Drive West, La Grange, GA 30240 Contact: Bill.Gregory@Milliken.com www.sustainablecarpet.com __________________________________________________________________________ Milliken Environmental Mission Statement: Milliken Floor Covering is committed to sustainability in all products and processes. Commitment to longterm success is firmly rooted in the pursuit of sustainable development, stewardship of the environment, positive contributions to society, and the creation of real environmental value to consumers. Why is a Sustainable Marketing Summary Needed Credible marketing information based on third party product certification to an approved, transparent, consensus leadership sustainable product standard is the best information for customers, advertisers and the environment. It eliminates unlawful greenwash. That’s what this Summary contains. Who is this Marketing Sheet for? Product purchasers, specifiers, consumers, governments & ad & PR agencies. LEED Certified Sustainable Product Credit Certified sustainable products under California Gold Carpet and SMART Building Product Standard are approved for LEED credit. These Standards are almost identical and require ISO compliant life cycle assessments or actual data. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Milliken uses quantified, ISO compliant Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) or certification to a consensus sustainable product standard. LCA evaluates 12 environmental benefits of a product over its entire life from raw materials extraction to reuse. Sustainable Certifications Earned: Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina Highest Sustainable Certification: California Platinum (equivalent to SMART Platinum) Single Attribute or Niche Sustainable Certifications also earned contributing to California Platinum Certification: - ISO 14000 Series (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) - CRI Green Label Plus, Cleaner and Greener (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) - Green Guard (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) - SCS Environmentally Preferred Product Certification (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) This State of California Certification Qualifies for US Green Building Council LEED Credit. Total points earned – 90 out of a possible 114 Certification: California Platinum (equivalent to SMART Platinum) Safe for Public Health & Environment – Points Earned: 19 Credit given for manufacturing facility and suppliers including reduction of over 1000 pollutants covering 12 environmental impacts. Greatest credit given for 100% reduction from year 2000 baseline. Milliken points achieved in this section: o o o o o o o o o Feedstock Inventory Documentation No Input or Output Stockholm Chemicals Minimized Indoor Air VOCs Minimized Indoor Air Carcinogenic VOCs Minimized Indoor Formaldehyde Emissions Inventoried human and ecological health chemical emissions Inventoried Air, Water & Waste Pollutants Reduced Pollutants Beyond Compliance Reduced Toxic Chemicals and Media Pollutants Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – LEED Points Earned: 6 Performance criteria for renewable energy & energy reduction are identified for the manufacturing a facility and suppliers. Minimum performance specified & credit provided for superior performance. Greatest credit given for 100%. Green-e power use & 100% reduction of conventional energy. Milliken points achieved in this section: Manufacturer Facility only: o 10% renewable energy use Upstream Stages: o 8% renewable energy for suppliers Biobased or Recycled Materials – LEED Points Earned: 23 Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina Performance criteria for recycled and bio-based content are identified as well as sustainable agriculture through organic production and best management practices. Organic bio-based products following EPA Best Management Practices receive greatest credit since they have no endocrine disruptor. Greatest credit given for 100% recycled content or 100% bio-based. Milliken points achieved in this section: o 35%+ of materials are recycled Facility or Company Based Manufacturing – LEED Points Earned: 16 This Category encourages corporate wide environmental responsibility and achievements. Achievement levels range from adoption of an environment policy and targets and having an environmental management system, to supply chain activities like Life Cycle Assessment and disclosing the percentage of sustainable carpet purchased, made and sold. Milliken points achieved in this section: o o o o EMS Environmental Policy & Targets Social Indicator Reporting for Manufacturer Conduct ISO Compliant Life Cycle Assessment Adopted design for the environmental process Reclamation, Sustainable Reuse or End of Life Management – LEED Points Earned: 23 This Category encourages product reuse and reclamation, thereby reducing waste to landfill and incineration. It requires that product performance standards be met, and also requires extended life of the system including proper installation and maintenance. This category accounts for down cycling of goods, and materials from their highest to lowest use after production and prior to final disposition, encouraging reuse and avoiding disposal. Milliken points achieved in this section: o o o o Operational reclamation and/or Sustainable Reuse Program Performance durability standard compliance Extended product life? 35%+ reuse Innovation in Manufacturing – LEED Points Earned: 3 Credit is provided for dematerialization, substantial reuse, or activities not covered in the Standards that promote sustainable products. Milliken points achieved in this section: o o o Extra points Dematerialization (less material by % weight) Certified Sustainable Products Certified Carbon Neutral Products DISCLOSURE: All statements are true based on the California Platinum Certification which is almost identical to SMART Sustainable Product Standards. Additional Certifications include: Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina ISO 14000 Series (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) CRI Green Label Plus, Cleaner and Greener (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) Green Guard (Criteria covered in the California Platinum Certification) Sustainable Industry and Customer Organizational Involvement To increase awareness for quantified sustainability throughout our customer base and stay current with standards and laws regarding sustainability, Milliken is affiliating with: Alliance for Sustainable Built Environments (ASBE)—Founding Member ASBE is a group of industry leaders who practice and are recognized for leadership in sustainability. U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)—Founding Member USGBC is the nation’s foremost coalition of leaders from every sector of the building industry working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability (MTS)—Founding Member MTS brings together a powerful coalition of sustainable products manufacturers, environmental groups, and key state and local government leaders using market mechanisms increasing sales and market share of sustainable products. Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE)—Founding Member CARE is a joint industry-government effort to increase the amount of recycling and reuse of post-consumer carpet and reduce the amount of waste carpet going to landfills. International Facilities Management Association (IMFA)—Founding Member Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina IFMA certifies facility managers, conducts research, provides educational programs, recognizes facility management degree and certificate programs and produces World Workplace, the largest facility management-related conference and exposition. The Green Standard economic The Green Standard’s mission is to integrate life-cycle environmental stewardship, performance, and social equity into the design, construction and furnishing of buildings in corporations, on campuses, and in communities. International Interior Design Association (IIDA) IIDA is a professional networking and educational association committed to enhancing the quality of life through excellence in interior design and advancing interior design through knowledge. Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) SCS is a leading third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services, and standards. Their goal is to recognize the highest levels of performance in food safety and quality, environmental protection and social responsibility in the private and public sectors, and to stimulate continuous improvement in sustainable development. Leonardo Academy for Cleaner and Greener Energy and Emissions Leonardo Academy’s Cleaner & Greener / Health & ClimateCare Program helps companies and organizations quantify their emissions footprint, calculate emission reductions from energy efficiency and other emission reduction projects, offset emissions, and certify the level of emission reductions and offsets. Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) CRI is a nonprofit trade association representing the manufacturers of more than 95 percent of all carpet made in the United States, as well as their suppliers and service providers. CRI coordinates with other segments of the industry, such as distributors, retailers and installers, to help increase consumers’ satisfaction with carpet and to show them how carpet creates a better environment Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina The above adheres to The MTS Guidelines for a Sustainable Marketing Summary. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax 202-338-2800 Email MTS@sustainableproducts.com Web http://MTS.sustainableproducts.com _ Milliken’s Summary adheres to MTS Guidelines for Certified Sustainable Product Summaries ©. 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007 Telephone 202-338-3131 Fax: 202-338-2800 Email: MTS@SustainableProducts .com Web: http://MTS.SustainableProducts.com - Quantified Sustainable Product Standards - MTS@sustaina