MVTA INFORMATION HANDOUT For Staff Meeting Visits in 2013-14

For Staff Meeting Visits in 2013-14 (as of April 11, 2014)
(Please read this on your own as I only touch on highlights – it is also
available on our website under the second tab
Annual General Meeting – Thursday May 15 7 pm DRCSS – mark this on your
Fill out your collective bargaining survey by April 25.
One big theme this year – taking care of yourself. Many strategies for this are given
below, starting with these two:
a. Stand up for yourself – decide how you are going to handle difficult
situations you face in your professional life (I can’t do that for you).
b. Follow #6 in the Code of Professional Practice FAITHFULLY.
Remember to review the Code of Professional Practice periodically. Pay special
attention to the protocol to follow when you have a concern about the actions
of a colleague. You protect yourself professionally, plus you contribute to
the growth of your colleagues and good school morale. There are serious
consequences (both financial and professional) when the Code is not
followed. Also, what some people think passes for humour in this area may
not be interpreted the same way by others. Be careful!
YOUR INVITATION - This handout has been divided into the various areas in
which we work. If you are interested in becoming involved in any of these areas
in any capacity please contact me. We have 2 spots open on our executive this
year– wellness and WSH.
1. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- We have many great benefits!!!!
c. STD update – We have met with Bart and this item will be dealt with in the
upcoming round of Collective Bargaining.
d. Blue Cross Extended Health – New in the fall of 2013 – this now comes off
of our pay grid in pre-tax dollars and is no longer a post-tax dollar
deduction. This means less money coming out of your pocket to pay for
this benefit.
a. Ready to start again! – We have had two meetings with a staff officer to
begin planning for the next round. We are doing a survey this month –
due Friday, April 25 - to determine our bargaining priorities. I have sent a
letter to Mr. Sullivan requesting to open bargaining for the next round.
b. Collective agreement – NB points –
i. Our agreement now gives high school teachers preparation time
year round. If this is not happening, please contact me.
ii. A reminder that your lunch hours are to be 55 minutes duty free
plus 5 minutes (outlined by Department of Education) = 60 minutes
iii. A reminder that noon hours are to be duty free. Please don’t
pressure or ridicule your colleagues to have a meeting or
participate in a noon hour event. That is disrespecting the collective
agreement and a grievance can be filed. At the very least, it creates
ill will amongst your colleagues. For those being pressured - SEE
iv. A reminder that a collective agreement is just that - an agreement
that a collection of people - all of us teachers in Mountain View
- have agreed to by signing our contract with the division (plus our
Code of Professional Practice says we must follow it). Thus, we
need to read our agreement and ensure that we follow it
consistently. We need to be aware of precedents that we set
by doing something that is different from before, so it is wise
to seek advice from MTS to understand the ramifications of
doing so.
a. You remember the coiled calendars that you receive each fall from MTS?
This year’s theme is Workplace, Safety and Health. Take the time to
review the contents as it contains a wide variety of helpful information.
This area is gaining in importance each year.
b. Remember to report incidents when a student has been physically
aggressive towards you – spitting, biting, pinching, kicking, etc. The
Division has a WSH form for this purpose. These reports need to be filled
out so this information can be tracked and addressed.
a. The government of Manitoba passed this bill this year which affects our
work in a couple of ways. It includes a new definition of bullying and a
provision for students to set up Gay Straight Alliance groups in schools.
Training materials are currently being developed and we will be hearing
more about this.
b. Tuesday Jan. 28 was a first for MVTA. We sponsored an evening event
where a speaker from SERC (Sexual Education Resource Centre) spoke
to teachers and support staff about sexual health. While some people feel
awkward attending such sessions, the presenter did a great job of putting
us at ease and helping us to start navigating the waters. We hope to do
more work in this area in the future.
5 WELLNESS – We had a Wellness Wine and Cheese in early February. Watch for
more ideas that will be implemented in the future. There are great wellness
resources listed on our website for you as well.
POLITICAL STUFF – you need to read this section for sure!!
Do you like your current pension plan? Your current sick leave plan? Your current
middle class job with all the trimmings? Please keep your ear to the ground about
happenings that have ramifications for your teaching job. Teachers hired in the last
10 years are being referred to as peace time teachers as they have not
experienced some of the labour issues that other teachers have. The climate is
changing and anti-union action is increasing. There was big news in Ontario in
January 2013. When the government took away the right to bargain
collectively, imposed a contract on teachers that eliminated sick day payouts
and a salary increase, and the rescinded the special legislation they used to
impose that contract. Yes – Ontario in 2013.
I could give you many more examples. Conditions may/will change during your
career or during the careers of your children.
Please keep yourself informed and ensure that your voice is heard.
By the way, the Canadian government passed C-525 on April 9 which attacks
collective bargain rights - it makes it more difficult to form unions and easier to
decertify one. I see unions as paying a vital role in ensuring Canadians have
secure, well-paying employment and makes this country more equal for all.
Really political stuff - As unions and public services are increasingly under attack (did
you know that they changed the pension benefits for retired civil servants in
New Brunswick? – another protest on Nov. 6, 2013), there is clearly a growing
need for collective action and resolve.
i. Check out Union Watch – a new feature on This site
is not for the faint of heart as some really troubling events/changes
are occurring out there than will impact on our lives and the lives of
our children. The middle class as we know it is changing! Job losses
in Parks Canda, CBC, Canada Post, Kelloggs, etc. etc.
ii. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and the
Manitoba Teachers' Society (MTS) arranged for Nora Loreta to
launch her new book in Winnipeg, From Demonized to
Organized: Building the New Union Movement. Nora has written
this book mainly for the unorganized young worker, explaining what
unions are, why they're important, and what they do. It is also a
reminder to us that many of things we take for granted and how we
need to engage all members in order to keep the good working
conditions that we currently enjoy. I have a copy that you can
borrow or they are available for $20 from
While our plan is currently 95% funded, it is wise to consult a financial consultant
NOW to ensure you are saving appropriately for your future. There are LOTS of
changes occurring to pension plans all around us. In the latest edition of RTAM
(Retired Teachers Association of Manitoba), retirees mentioned their concern about
the province’s ability to fund their pension into the future due to their current financial
situation. Just like for all things, it is your job to keep yourself informed and plan
a. Our local website is
Please check it out on a regular basis as I keep updating it. If you want to
know what I am doing to assist you, check out the presidents’ reports that
I post monthly. You are paying my wages so you need to know what I am
doing on your behalf.
b. MVTA HAS A TWITTER ACCOUNT!! @presidentmvta. Please check it
out to see what I am doing for you as your president. I am learning to post
things that are on our website. I am following sites that you would likely
find helpful: MTS, Paul Olson (our president), Norm Gould (our vice
president), Canadian Teachers Federation, Dan Rosin (amazing
counsellor), teacher associations from other provinces, wellness sites. 
c. The Manitoba Teacher magazine– the app is being developed so you can
receive it electronically. As this work is completed, you will eventually be
able to go into My Profile on line and indicate that you do not want to
receive a hard copy.
a. Learn how to handle difficult situations – read about or take courses on
conflict management and dealing with difficult people through Resolution
Skills Centre, Mediation Services or other groups. This is a great way to
take care of yourself and your career.
b. Document – a reminder to all members, regardless of how long you have
taught, to write notes and keep personal documentation of significant
events involving parents/students/teachers/ administration. Remember to
use factual, not opinionated, statements. This is a great way to take care
of yourself and your career.
c. Ask you administrator to do a written evaluation of you from time to time,
to have evidence of your teaching strengths. If the administrator wins big
in the lottery, they may be unavailable to provide this down the road 
d. Keep a professional portfolio of your teaching career. Include all those
items that show positives about the work you have done. Also include PD
request forms and conference reports.
e. The comment boxes on the provincial report cards have been limited in
size due to the work of your provincial MTS president Paul Olsen who sits
on the committee that developed them. He was concerned about the
amount of work involved in completing them and spoke on your behalf. As
with any committee, the final result is based on the give and take that
occurs during their meetings. From your feedback he is very much aware
of the amount of work involved in completing these reports.
CONTACTING MTS OR MVTA– this includes if you are ill, pregnant, or
dealing with other matters. Take care of your career by talking to them
FIRST before making ANY decision.
g. Check the seniority list that comes out every January to ensure that
your info is correct. If there are layoffs (rare but it has happened here), this
list becomes very important.
h. MTS Member cards – If there are problems, contact MTS directly at Use them for the following:
i. for member discounts - huge on-line list of businesses
ii. to register for MTS PD sessions
iii. to access a Staff Officer (1 800 262 8803)
Need help with something? Call me (see below) - I am available to assist
you with all sorts of things. Or contact MTS in Winnipeg (1 800 262 8803).
You will need your member number from your MTS card to talk with a staff
officer. For the Employee Assistance Program (Brandon office) call 1 800
555 9336. The counsellor comes to Dauphin plus she takes appointments
in Brandon, does phone consultations and uses Skype. EAP is also
available out of the Winnipeg office 1 800 262 8803 and ask for EAP.
j. Last - but not least – A reminder to take care of yourself and your
career. Remember to consider the optics anywhere that Joe Q. Public
may be (this includes trustees and administration); remember that a
cell phone could be recording you at any time and you could be the
star featured on Youtube.
Be very cautious about ALL ASPECTS of social media, including what
you post on Facebook and what you tweet.
What would the parents of your children or the superintendent think
about what you have posted? Ensure that you make career enhancing
decisions before you post!! 
Be careful what you say on line and in real life as well.
204 638 3619 (not new) (almost always up to date)
@presidentmvta (new)