SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS OF B.E.(CIVIL) LUKHDHIRJI ENGINEERING COLLEGE-MORBI SYLLABUS OF B.E. (CIVIL) SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME OF B.E. FIRST YEAR (ALL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Communication skills Mathematics Engineering Drawing Engineering Mechanics Fundamentals of Civil Engineering Fundamentals of Electrical engineering Elements of Mechanical Engineering Science Modern workshop practice TOTAL 2 - 2 Examination scheme Theory Pract Term work Hou- Marks rs 2 50 25 - 3 3 2 4 1 3 7 3 4 4 3 100 100 100 - 100 25 100 200 125 2 2 4 3 100 - 50 150 2 1 3 3 100 - 50 150 2 1 3 3 100 - 50 150 2 0 1 4 3 4 3 0 100 0 - 25 50 125 50 18 14 32 750 25 350 1125 Term work Total Marks 25 25 - 100 125 125 100 25 25 100 150 150 750 B.E. SEM III (CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-301 C-302 C-303 C-304 C-305 C-306 Mathematics-II Strength of material Theory of structures Engineering Materials Surveying-II Engineering Geology TOTAL B.E.(CIVIL) DEGREE COURSE 4 4 4 4 2 2 - 4 6 6 4 Examination scheme Theory Pract Hou- Marks rs 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 - 3 3 22 4 2 10 7 5 32 3 3 - 100 100 600 25 25 50 Total Marks 75 B.E. SEM IV (CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-401 C-402 C-403 C-404 C-405 C-406 Structural Analysis-I Soil Mechanics Building construction Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis Fluid mechanics_I Transportation Engineering-I TOTAL 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 6 6 5 5 Examination scheme Theory Pract Hou- Marks rs 3 100 3 100 25 3 100 3 100 - 4 4 2 - 6 4 3 3 100 100 - 25 - 125 100 22 10 32 - 600 25 125 750 B.E. SEM V (CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-501 C-502 C-503 C-504 C-505 Design Of Structures-I Advanced construction Fluid Mechanics-II Town Planning & Architecture Transportation Engineering-II TOTAL C-604 C-605 C-606 Structural Analysis-II Applied Geology Advanced Hydraulics and Water Resources Environmental Engineering –I Transportation Engineering-III Advanced Surveying TOTAL Total Marks 25 25 25 25 125 150 125 125 4 4 8 Examination scheme Theory Pract Term work Hou- Marks rs 4 100 25 25 4 2 6 3 100 - 25 125 3 4 2 4 5 8 3 3 100 100 25 25 25 50 150 175 3 2 5 3 100 25 25 150 18 14 32 - 500 100 150 750 Term work Total Marks 25 25 25 125 75 150 B.E. SEM VI(CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-601 C-602 C-603 Term work Total Marks 150 4 2 4 2 2 2 6 4 6 Examination scheme Theory Pract Hou- Marks rs 4 100 2 50 3 100 25 4 2 6 3 100 25 25 150 4 0 4 3 100 - - 100 4 22 2 10 6 32 3 - 100 550 25 75 25 125 150 750 B.E. SEM VII (CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-701 C-702 C-703 C-704 C-705 C-706 Concrete Technology Irrigation Engineering Prestressed Concrete Environmental Engineering-II Professional Practice and valuation Civil Engineering Project-I TOTAL 4 3 2 - 6 3 Examination scheme Theory Pract Hou- Marks rs 3 100 50 3 100 - 3 4 1 1 4 5 3 3 100 100 25 - 25 25 150 125 4 4 8 4 100 50 50 200 0 6 6 - - 50 100 150 18 14 32 - 500 175 225 900 B.E. SEM VIII (CIVIL) Subject Name Of The Teaching scheme code Subject Theor- Pract Total NO. y C-801 C-802 C-803 C-804 C-805 Design of structuresII Foundation Engineering Design of Hydraulic Structures Construction and works management Civil Engineering Project-II TOTAL Term work Total Marks 25 - 175 100 4 8 12 Examination scheme Theory Pract Term work Hou- Marks rs 6 100 50 50 3 2 5 3 100 25 25 150 4 2 6 3 100 25 50 175 4 0 4 3 100 - - 100 1 4 5 - - 75 100 175 16 16 32 - 400 175 225 800 Total Marks 200 B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :101 - COMMUNICATION SKILLS __________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 50 Marks Viva : 25 Marks ________________ Total : 75 Marks __________________________________________________________________________ (1)INTRODUCTION :- Importance of language and communication skills in the engineering profession. (2)SPOKEN AND CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH :- Main features, Agreements, Disagreements, Likes, Dislikes, and enquiries, debate and discussion. (3)BASIC SENTENCE PATTERN IN ENGLISH :- Agreement between subject and verbs, proper use of pronouns, adjectives and adverb, proper use of phrases and clauses, some basic rule of compositions. (4)CONCEPTS OF REGISTER :- Development of vocabulary, reference skills, dictionary treasure, indexing, contents, glossary, reading of selected texts and discussion, vocabulary building tasks. (5)NOTE TAKING :- Note making linkage, development of paragraphs, coherence and style. (6)COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE : technical reports writing precis writing and public speech writing. (A)Letter of Inquiry. (B)Letter of Offer. (C)Letter of Order. (D)Letter of Complaint. (E)Letter of Adjustment. (F)Technical Report writing. (G)Sales Letters. (H)Public Speech Writing. (I)Precis Writing. (J)Circular Letters. Reference Books : (1) English Conversion Practice _ By Grant Taylor (2) Good English – By G.H. Valiance (3) A Text book of Report writing and Business English -By P.P. Mehta B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :102 MATHEMATICS – 1 _______________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 3 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks ________________ Total : 100 Marks ________________________________________________________________________ (A) REDUCTION FORMULAE: Sin0X, Cos0 X, and Sin0X.Cos0X. tan0 X and definite integrals based on above results, problems based on above results. (B) APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATIONS:- Area volume of revolution, length of are, surface area of revolution and C.R. of the area in Cartesian, polar and parametric Co-ordinates. (C)MATRICS:- Fundamental concepts operations associated matrics, Elementary, Transformation. Rank of a matrix. Normal from of a matrix, Linear equations, Consistency of system of Linear equations and its solution. Characteristic. Equations and its solution. Characteristic equation and characteristic roots. Cavley-Hamilton theorem. (D)COMPLEX NOS:- Real and imaginary part Demoivre’s Theorem and its uses, Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions real and imaginary parts loc of complex nos. (E)APPLICATION OF DIFFERENTIATION. (1) Successive differentiation:- Leibmts’s rule and formation of differential equation and their nth derivatives. (2)Expansions of functions using Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem and problems of approximations. (3)Limits of Indeterminate forms including uses of expansions. (F) (1) Tangents and Normals in parametric curtesial and polar co-ordinates including pedal Eq. In polar form. (2)Sub tangents and subnormals of standard curves. (3)Maxima and minima of one variable. (G) (1) Radius of curvature in Cartesian, polar and parametric co-ordinates Radius of curvature at origin using Newton’s and expansion method. (2) Convergence of infinite series:Comparison Test, Rate Test, Root Test for convergence and convergence of alternating series using above Tests. Reference Books : (1) Engg. Mathematics By Dr. K.R.Kachot (2) Elementary Engg. Mathematics By B.S. Grewal (3) Engg. Mathematics By G.V.Kumbhojkar B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :103-ENGINEERING DRAWING ___________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 3 Hours/Week Theory : 50 Marks Practical : 4 Hours/Week Termworkm : 100 Marks ________________ Part I & II : 3 Hours/Week Total :150 Marks Part : III 1 Hours/week ___________________________________________________________________________ PART – I MACHINE DRAWING ( Part I and II 60 Marks) (1)PRINCIPLE OF PROJECTION, Orthographic Projection, type of sections (Full, Half, Offset, Broken Removed, and Revolved, Sectional view, (First and third angle projection method). (2)INTERPRETATION OF ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS (Missing Views). (3)ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONS AND DRAWINGS. (4)FASTENING:- Freehand Sketches of screw threads, different types of bolts and nuts, Locking of nuts, Keys, Couplings, Riveted and Welded joints, foundation bolts, cotter and knuckle joint. PART – II PLANE & SOLID GEOMETRY (1)PLANE GEOMETRY:Introduction of Engg. Drg, BIS Code of Practice, Type of lines and Dimensioning.. Representative fraction, Plain Scale, Diagonal scale, Vernier scale and chords, Loci of points in Simple Moving Mechanisms. Curves used in Engineering Practice Such as Ellipse Parabola and Hyperbola, Involute, Cycloidal Curves, and Sprial (2)SOLID GEOMETRY:(A)Projection of points, Lines and Planes. (B) Projection of Solids and Section of Solids. (C)Development of Surfaces. TERM WORK PART – I & IISHEET SIZE A2 1.One Sheet on Engineering curves. 2.One Sheet on Loci of points. 3.One Sheet on Lines & Planes. 4.One Sheet on Solids & Section of solids. 5.One Sheet on development of Surface. 6.One Sheet on Isometric Projection & Drawing. 7.One Sheet on Orthographic Projection. 8.One Sheet on Section Views. 9.One Sheet on Missing Views. 10.One Sheet on Freehand sketches of fastenings. TERM WORK The laboratory work will be based on the above syllabus. Each students shall submit the term work in the from of Drg, Sheet in the laboratory. Assessment of term work shall be carried out by asking questions on each experiment / term work complete by the students and the total marks of the term work shall be the cumulative total of the marks given for each experiment / term work on the continuous assessment basis. PART III BUILDING DRAWING ( 40 Marks) BASIC CONCEPTS:- Drawing building plans, Elevations and section (IS-Code)Type of Drawing Line Plan. Working Drawing and detailing standard method of drawing Doors, Ventilators, Chhajja, Beams, Columns, etc. Note :- Drawing Sheet No.1 on detailed in the term-work(Part-III) (1)FUNCTIONAL PLANNING:- (a) Planning of small Residential Buildings (b) Area and site of Different Compartments of Residential Building Ref:- Minimum standard as per I.S. Code (c) Climatic consideration for planning of residential buildings. (2)PREPARING SKETCHES FOR BUILDING COMPONENTS:- Types of Doors, Windows, Upper Floors and simple Foundations. TERM – WORK – PART-III (DRAWING SHEET SIZE A2) Separate Binding One drawing sheet of a simple Building Size of Sheet-A2 Sketch book having sketches, one for each type of Building components with reference to above Term-work Shall be prepared by Each Students strictly within four wall of college drawing hall. Assessment of term work Shall be carry Part-III out by asking Question on each Experiment / Term-work completed by the student and the total mark of the term-work shall be cumulative total of the mark given for each experiment/Term – work on continuous assessment basis. Reference Books : (1) Elementary Engineering Drawing – By N.D. Bhatt (2) Machine Drawing – By N.D.Bhatt (3) Engg. Drawing Vol-I and II - By P.J.Shah (4) Building Drawing – By Shah Kale and Patki (5) Civil Engineering Drawing and House Planning – By B.P.Varrma B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :104: ENGINEERING MECHANICS __________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks Practical : 1 Hours/Week Term Work : 25 Marks _______________________ Total : 125 Marks __________________________________________________________________________ STATICS (1)INTRODUCTION : Mechanics, Basic concepts, scalars and vectors. Newton’s Laws, Unit, Law of gravitation, accuracy Limited and approximations. (2)STATICS OF PARTICLES : Introduction, Force, Resultant of forces, Resolution of Forces, Rectangular components, Equilibrium of particle. (3)STATICS OF RIGID BODY : Introduction, Force Action on a rigid body, Principles of system of forces acting on a body. Equilibrium of rigid body. (4)BEAMS: Types of beams, Loading and Supports, Reaction of Statically determinate beam including compound beams. (5)DISTRIBUTED FORCES : Introduction, Centre of mass, Centroids of line area and volumes, Composite bodies and figures. Theorems of Pappus. (6)STRUCTURES : Introduction, Plane trusses. Method of Joints, Method of section, Graphical: method, Frames. (7)FRICTION : Introduction, Frictional phenomena types of friction. Dry friction, Mechanism of friction, Application of friction in machine. Vedges, Screws, Flexible belts. Rolling resistance, ladder friction. (8)MOMENT OF INTERTIA: Introduction, Rectangular and polar moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia. Radius of gyration, Transfer of axis, composite and masses. DYNAMICS (9)SIMPLE LIFTING MACHINES : Load, Effect, Mechanical advantage, Velocity ration, Efficiency, frictional loss in load and effort, law of machine, Maximum efficiency, Self locking and reversible machine , Screw jack, Wheel and differential axle, Grade machines, Pulley block (10)KINEMATICS OF PARTICLES: Introduction, type of motion and expressions, Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, Cartesian co-ordinate systems and radial tangential system, Relative motion, Dependent motion. (11)KINEMATICS OF RIGID BODIES: Introduction, type of motion, plane motion, Rotating Rotation axis, Instantaneous centre of rotation. (12)KINETICS OF PARTICLES AND SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES: Introduction, Mass force, Equation of motion, Work Energy, Impulse, Momentum, Conservation of energy, Collision of elastic bodies, Laws of motion, D’Alembert’s principle. (13)KINETICS OF RIGID BODIES: Introduction, Inertial properties and D’Alembert’s principle, Work Energy, Impulse, Momentum, Angular momentum, Momentum and energy, General plane motion, Rotation about a point. Note:- Laboratory Course shall be based on above course, A journal of the report of the laboratory work shall be submitted as term work. In including graphic solutions, should be in the term work. Assessment of term work shall be carried out by asking questions on each experiment work completed by the student and the total marks of the term work shall be cumulative total of marks given for each experiment term work on the coetaneous assessment basis. Refrence Books : (1)Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics – By Beer and Jhonston (2) Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics – By Meriam and Jhon Wiley (3) Engineering Mechanics – By S. Ramamurtham B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :105, FUNDAMENTAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING __________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks Practical : 2 Hours/Week Term Work : 50 Marks _______________________ Total : 150 Marks ___________________________________________________________________________ (1)INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL ENGINEERING Introduction, Various branches and their scope, Role of Civil Engineering in society and in industry Future scenario. (2)ELEMENTARY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Introduction requirements of urban and rural residential, commercial and public building buildings. Use of local materials Types of loads on structures. Load bearing and framed structures. (3)BUILDING MATERIALS Types of construction materials, properties of materials, selection of materials. Aesthetic materials. POP, Rubber, Plastic, PVC, Varnishes and miscellaneous materials. (4)CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING COMPONENTS Introduction to building components Foundation of wall and RCC columns, need of machine foundations, supper structure, brickwork for walls, RCC floors, types of flooring, types of roofs and roof trusses. (5)ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Ecology and biosphere, ecosystem components and interplay; Eltonian pyramid; Ecological balance; human life style and various human actives interfering with ecological balance; long term human welfare and ecological balance. (6)RENEWABLE AND NON RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY : Importance and limitation of resource use; future projections; global environmental problems, acid rain, green house effect, depletion of ozone layer, human population and predicament. (7)SURVEYING Introduction to surveying and leveling; plane and geodetic surveys; fundamental principles of surveying; control points. Plan and diagonal scales; different methods for measurement of area and volume. Planimeter. (8) CLASSIFICATION OF SURVEYS AND SURVEYING METHODS : Common surveying instruments and their components; introduction to errors and error propagation, introduction to vernier theodolite. (9)LINEAR MEASURMENTS Chains, tapes; Conventional symbols; Chain surveying; Instruments used in Chaining ; methods; Ranging; Obstacles; Accuracy, introduction to errors, correction. (10)DIRECTIONS AND BEARINGS: Type and uses of compass. Meridians, bearings, angles – WCB, RB; Declination and dip of needle; Local attraction; Computation of angles; Introduction to errors; Angular (horizontal) measurements (11)ELEVATION MEASURMENTS : Leveling instruments Various types and uses, temporary adjustment; Principals of permanent adjustment, methods of leveling; Recording of level book and methods of reducing contours, characteristics and applications, areas and volumes; practical application of reducing contours, application of plannimeters. (12)INTRODUCTION TO MODERN DEVELOPMENT IN SURVEYING Introduction to electronics measuring devices, Remote Sensing Principles and applications. Practical and Term Work shall be based on the above syllabus Reference Books : (1) Surveying Vol-I By Dr. B.C.Punamia (2) Building Construction By Dr. B. C. Punamia (3) Environmental Engineering By Baljeet Kapoor (4) Elements of Civil Engineering By Dr. M.B. Gohel and Dr. J.N.Patel B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT 106 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ___________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks Practical : 1 Hours/Week Term Work : 50 Marks _______________________ Total : 150 Marks ___________________________________________________________________________ (1)D.C. CIRCUITS & NETWORK ANALYSIS : Basic concept of Resistance including temperature effect. Solution of resistive network using Series. Parallel, Kirchhoffs laws, Mesh current analysis. Superposition. Norton and Thevenin’s theorem, star-delta transformation. (2)WORK, POWER AND ENERGY : Heating effect of electrical current, joule’s law of electrical heating Thermal efficiency, general formula, electric power, electric energy, Practical applications and Problems. (3)ELECTROSTATICS AND CAPACITORS : Review of coulomb’s law, permittivity, electric flux density, electric field intensity. Concept of dielectric strength & potential gradient. Capacitor capacitance, type of capacitors, charging and discharging of capacitors and energy stored in capacitor. (4)ELECTROMAGNETICS : Definitions, Magnetic circuits and its analysis. Analogy between electrical and magnetic circuits. Force on current carrying conductor in magnetic field. Force between two current carrying conductors. Electromagnetic induction faraday’s laws. Induced emf. Concept of inductance. Coupled circuits. Energy stored in magnetic field. Rise and decay of current in inductive circuit. B-H curve. Magnetic hysteresis. Hysteresis loss. (5)A.C. FUNDAMENTAL : Definitions, Generation of alternating emf. RMS and average value peak factor, From factor Phase and phase difference. Vector representation of alternating quantity. Mathematical representation of phases. (6)A. C. CIRCUITS : Purely resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits, R-L, R-C, R-L-C series circuit, Resonance in series circuit. Parallel A.C. circuits solution. Resonance in parallel circuits Q-factor. (7)THREE PHASE CICUITS : Generation of three-phase emf. Phase sequence. 3-phase star & data connected circuits Voltage & current relations. Advantages of 3-phase supply system. Power & power factor measurement in 3-phase circuit. (8)BASIC ELECTRONICS : Review of semiconductor and P-N junction diode. Rectifier and Filter circuits. Calculation of riple factor. Regulation and efficiency of rectifier some special purpose diodes such as photodiode. LED, Varactor diode, tunnel diode. Review of Transistor. Biasing of Transistor CE, CB, CC configurations. Transistor as an amplifier. Emitter follower circuits. (9)INTEGRATED CICUITS : Logic gates, Linear and digital IC introduction. (10)ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT : Introduction and applications Measuring instruments : Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Energy meter, Multi meter, Megger, Frequency, meter, CRO. Reference Books : (1) Basic Electrical Engineering Vol. I By B.L.Theraja (2) Elements of Electronics and Electrical Engineering By U.A.Patel & R. P. Ajawalia (3)Electronics Principles - By S.K. Sahdev (4)Basic Electrical Engineering – By V.N. Mittal B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT 107 – ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING __________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks Practical : 1 Hours/Week Term Work : 50 Marks _______________________ Total : 150 Marks _________________________________________________________________________ (1)Units of mechanical quantities used Thermodynamics. (2)First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics. (3)Different Forms of energy, general energy equation – Edition for flow & nonflow process Laws of perfect gas (4)Thermodynamic processes, heat exchange, work done and change in internal energy during isothermal isochoric, isobaric, & isentropic processes, as applied to open and closed systems. (5)Properties of steam, Change in properties during constant volume, constant pressure, adiabatic & throttling processes, entropy of steam. (6)Study of steam boilers, fire tube water tube boilers, its accessories and mountings, Boiler performance actual evaporation equivalent evaporation efficiency power of boiler (7) HEATING ENGINES:-Thermal prime movers and source of energy. Heat engines and their classifications, working substances, Converting Machines, Essential elements of heat engines, working of steam engines. The carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle. (8)INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES : Two stroke and four stroke cycles, working of two stroke and four stroke petrol and diesel engines and their main components. Performance of I.C. Engines brake power indicated power mechanical efficiency brake and indicated thermal efficiency. (9)SPEED CONTROL Introduction, Governors, Steam engines governing, I.C. engine governing, Flywheel. (10)PUMPS introduction - Reciprocating Pumps - Type of Reciprocating Pumps, work done by Reciprocating Pumps - Bucket pumps, Centrifugal Pump, Types of Centrifugal pump Printing Rotary pumps. Air Compressors. (11)COUPLING CLUTCHES AND BRAKES Introduction, Coupling, Clutches, Brakes, Difference between brake and clutches. (12)TRANSMISSION OF MOTION AND POWER Introduction methods of drivers, Rope Drives - Chain drives, Friction Drives Gear drives and Bearings. TERM WORK: The laboratory work will be based on the above syllabus. Each student shall submit the term work in the form of journal in the laboratory. Assessment of term work shall be carried out by asking questions on each experiment / term work completed by the students and the total marks of the term work shall be the cumulative total of the marks given for each experiment / term work on the continuous assessment basis. Refrence Books : (1) Thermal Engineering By P.L.Ballaney (2) Heat Engines – By N.C.Pandya and C.S. Shah (3) Elements of Thermal Science – By Gupta Prakash (4) Thermal Engineering – By R.K.Rajput B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :108 SCIENCE ___________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Theory : 2 Hours/Week Theory : 100 Marks Practical : 1 Hours/Week Term Work : 25 Marks _______________________ Total : 125 Marks ___________________________________________________________________________ Section A. PHYSICS. (1)GENERAL:- S.I. Units for all Physical quantities. (2) WAVE PROPAGATION & SOUND:- Wave motion, transverse and longitudinal waves , wave speed, wave equation of one dimensional traveling wave intensity and amplitude. Speed of transverse wave in stretched string , vibrating string, harmonics, standing wave in vibrating strings. Sonometer. Speed of longitudinal waves in (i) Compressible medium (ii) rod. Production of beats. Doplar effect resonance (i) resonance tube (ii) Kundt’s tube. Characteristics of sound, Loudness, Intensity, Intensity level, Decibel scale , Limits of audibility , Reverberation of sound, Sabine’s Law, Optimal time of Reverberation , Generation of ultra sonic, Technical and industrial uses of ultra sonic (3) HEAT:- Heat conduction, Temperature gradient , Thermal Conductivity , measurement of thermal conductivity:- (i) Searle’s method (ii) Lee’s method (iii) Forbe’s method . Radiation black body radiator.Radiation laws and radiation pyrometer. (4). LIGHT AND OPTICS:- Cardinal points. Co-axial lens system (i) cemented (ii) Separated , achromatic doublets, Method to reduce spherical aberration , coma, astigmation, Ramsden and Huygen eye-pieces Newton’s rings. Double refraction, Nicol prism. Selective absorption of polarimeter and optimal activity. Circularly and elliptically polarised light quarter wave plate and half wave plate. (5) ATOMIC PHYSICS:- Structure of atoms orbits of energy , energy released by fission and fusion , control emission of neutrons Section B. Chemistry , (1) metallurgy and alloys of chromium , manganese , Zink, Nickel , cobalt , Magnesium – steel. (2) Extraction of iron, Reaction in the blast furnace , cast iron and steels , physical – chemical principles involved in Heat Treatments. (3) General chemistry of fits, saponification, soaps and detergents. (4)Organic compounds with triple bonds , Acetylene, its properties and importance in industries. Adhesive, factors affecting , Binding , classification and selection. (5) Adsorption , Freundlich equation , catalysis as related to adsorption. Colloidal state, properties , stability and coagulations of colloidal , processes (Physical and chemical) standard free energies , standard free energy changes as related to chemical equilibria (6) Corrosion , types of corrosion , Theories of corrosion, factor affecting corrosion , prevention of corrosion by metallic coating , non metallic coating , inhibitors , design , alloying and cathodic protection. (7)Polymerization , High polymers , thermoplastic , thermosetting , resins , cast resins , natural and synthetic rubber , typical plastic materials , properties of high polymers materials as related to structure and composition , elasticity , flexibility , strength. Dielectric properties , fire resistance , method of processing of polymer materials , protective coating , paints , their constituents and their functions , varnishes licquars, enamels, distempers ,. Refrence Book : (1) Engineering Physics By Gaur and Gupta (2)Modern College Physics By Hearvey and E. White (3) Engineering Chemistry By M. M. Uppal (4) Engineering Chemistry By Jain and Jain (5) Engineering Chemistry By O.P.Aggrawal B.E. FIRST YEAR SUBJECT :109 MODERN WORK SHOP PRACTICE ____________________________________________________________________________ Teaching Scheme : Examination Scheme : Practical : 4 Hours/Week Term Work : 50 Marks Part A : 3 Hours/Week _______________________ Part B : 1 Hours/Week Total : 50 Marks ____________________________________________________________________________ MECHANICAL WORKSHOP (1)CARPENTRY :- Introduction, Structure of wood, classification of wood, seasoning of wood, Varieties of India timbers, Carpentry tools such as marking and measuring tools, cutting tools, planning tools, Striking tools and holding tools, construction of joints such as cross lap joint, mortise tennon joints, Mitre joints. Demonstration required for skills, technique and equipments necessary for preparation of the job. To prepare job. (2)FITTING :- Introduction, Deferent types of Vices, Hammers, Chisels, Files, Scrapers, Hacksaw, Marking tools such as Surface plate, V-belt, Angle Plate, center punch try square, combination sets, vernier Caliper, Micrometer Screw, Twist drillbits, reamers Type of drills, and reamers taps and dies. Demonstration for necessary skills, technique and equipments required for preparation of job. To prepare job. (3)SMITHY:- Introduction, Heating furnaces, open fire and stock fire forging temperature, Hand tools and applications, forging processes, press forging working of power press. Demonstration for necessary skills, techniques and tools used for the preparation of job. (4)TIN SMITHY:- Introduction, type of soldering, Hard and soft soldering Iron, scissors (cutter), divider, Soldering procedure, different compositions of solder. Demonstration for necessary skills, techniques and tools used for the preparation of job. To preparation of job. (5)PLUMBING :- Demonstration and use of plumbing tools and various types of pipe fittings. (6)JOINTING :- Study and demonstration of equipments of Gas and Electric are- welding, brazing, Soldering. Each student will prepare the above jobs and journals for the tools processes strictly within four walls of college workshop to cover above syllabus. ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP (1)Study of symbols, Notation used in Electrical / Electronic Circuit & Electrical installation as per IS. (2)Types of wires, cables, wiring material, Electrical accessories. Different house wiring scheme and their comparison. Internal wring scheme e.g. Stair wiring, Godown etc. (3)Study and demonstration of Domestic Appliances. Electric Iron, Immersion heater, Electrical Geyser, Electric Fan, Mixer, Washing Machine. (4)Earthing, Electric Shock & its effect, Preliminary cure & respiration method, Fire Fighting Equipments. (5)Illumination and Energy billing; Lamps, discharge lamps, and fluorescent lamp, CFL etc. Designing of lighting scheme. Energy calculation Problem. (6)Identification of component and fabrication of electronics circuit. Refrence Books : (1) Elements of Workshop Technology volume I : By S.K.Hajara, Chaudhari and Bose (2) Workshop Technology Vol.I By W.A.J. Chapman (3) Electric wiring Estimating and Costing By S.L.Uppal (4)Study of Electric Appliances and Devices By K.B. Bhatia