Collaborative Network Programme - Phase 1

Name of Network:
Lead Company:
Date Application Submitted:
Please note, networks must consist of a minimum of four Northern Ireland
1. Please give a brief overview of your project and context to the opportunity the
network will address:
2. Please indicate your project’s key aims and objectives:
3. With reference to the aims and objectives above, please briefly outline the
tasks/activities to be undertaken to address each objective, together with
estimated timescales:
4. Please indicate in the table below how you believe the project will benefit the
companies/stakeholders in the network, the sector and/or the economy.
Business Growth
Export Potential/Sales
Knowledge Transfer
Job Creation
Skills Growth
Research and
Developing new
5. Please explain why your project needs funding from Invest NI’s Collaborative
Network Programme and indicate why you believe collaboration will be beneficial
to you and the companies in the network.
6. Has the network identified someone to carry out the Scoping Study? If so, please
give details and indicate whether or not network members have collectively
agreed to the selection of this person:
7. When will the project start and how long will it last?
8. Please outline your project’s financial details, including your costs and the ‘inkind’ contributions you will use to offset these:
Facilitation/Project Management/Consultancy
Administration (if required)
Facilitator Travel & Subsistence (if required)
Other Costs
Total industry ‘in-kind’ contributions
Amount of funding sought from Invest NI*
*Please note that the maximum amount of funding requested from Invest NI can
be no more than 50% of the total value of the project up to a maximum value of
9. Are the above costs inclusive of VAT?:
10. Is the network/lead company registered for VAT? If yes, can you reclaim VAT on
all taxable purchases? If no, please provide further detail on your organisation’s
VAT status.
11. Has funding for this project been rejected by any other private sector/public
sector organisation? If so, please give details:
(De Minimis Aid Disclaimer: In those cases where one third of the NI-based
company applicants in the proposed collaborative network are deemed to be large
companies, under the EC definition, then the support provided under this programme
may be deemed as De Minimis aid.
12. Declaration by Network Members
We declare that the information in this application is correct and consent that Invest
NI reserves the right to discuss this application with other funding agencies/bodies,
relevant organisations and listed contacts. We acknowledge the right of Invest NI to
seek further information before making a decision on this application. We
acknowledge that we have read, understood and agreed to the content of this
application. We furthermore state our full support for the proposed project.
Network Organisation
Name of Representative
(If required you can add extra lines to this table by right clicking within a cell and
selecting ‘insert’, followed by ‘insert rows above’, or ‘insert rows below’.)
The application may be submitted by email to any member of the Collaborative
Networks Team at Invest NI:
An original signed copy of the application must be submitted to Invest NI in order
for the proposal to be validated. You can post this to us at: Collaborative Networks
Team, Invest NI, Bedford Square, Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7ES
Annex One
This annex must be completed by each network member and returned to Invest NI
as part of the application process. This information forms part of the baseline data
that will be reviewed at the post project evaluation stage.
Network Name
Company/Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Contact Name (including title)
Contact Job Title
Contact Email
Telephone/Mobile Number
Please provide a brief history of the
organisation, focusing on
capabilities; core competencies;
technical specialisation
Please outline your organisation’s
strategic objectives & how the
proposed collaborative network
project may support these objectives
Is your organisation currently in
receipt of other forms of public
assistance? If so, please give details
Number of employees
Annual Turnover
Operating Profit
Year used for turnover, profit &
number of staff calculations
Parent Company (if part of a Group)
Group employees & Annual